I just want to have the necessary scales, so don’t want to add to the template.
The command function is basically to allow me type the value of the scale and based on that, adjust the properties of the scale. (Name appearing in scale list - Paper Milimeters - Drawing Meters)
we created a heavy file (1.14GB) with many masks. and now they seemingly developed a life of their own: they look like big cubes or pixels. and this transforms/destroys the whole picture. what can we do to save the file.
I installed the PSD plugin so I could go to Photoshop edit a color/BW photo in Photoshop. In paint.net the file was saved as a psd file although photoshop can not open it?
I've been a long time PaintShop Pro user, but rarely use plugins. I believe I've used some Photoshop plugins on an earlier version, but I can't get onOne's Perfect Resize to work. Here's the instructions for their PS plugin:
What's the analogy to those instructions in PSP? "Batch Process" seems the most likely candidate for "Automate", but there's no Perfect Resize options there.
I understand that X6 will load 8LI plugins, is that correct? How about Panels? I've both pointed PSP to the Perfect Resize directory, as well as copied the plugins into PSP's default plugin directory. No joy in either case. Both programs are x86 & x64 and neither makes a difference.
Are there any logs that may indicate whether the plugin is being loaded, or errors if it's not?
Let say I create a sphere and under Channel / Layer Editor tab, I right click on the pSphere1 and it gives me the option to Freeze my object reseting everything to 0,0,0.
I would like to have this function in my own Custom tab. But since I can't find it under anywhere in Maya menu.
I notice that Nulls have a collapse transform switch. Just trying to imagine when this would be useful. Something related to the nifty "Scale Z" precomp trick, maybe?
I have downloaded and extracted dpy's pack in order to use the perspective tool to correct converging verticals. When I click on Effects > Distort there is a 20+ list but none for perspective. I am a Newbie and have successfully downloaded and used Madjic's pack to create a grid. What have I done or not done?
I want to get similar transforms with rotate and translate as I get it with the Transfommation Effect on multiple copies. But somehow the rotation of the Filter puts a different transform than doing it with rotation in js. With js the copies get rotated around a center, that is on the same level for all objects. With the filter the translations seem to have an different origin/direction. I dont get the logic how to get the same output with js.
Is there a plugin that can take an image and kind of break it down if you will? Like when you see a "Dirty" font, it's like a regular font that has cracks and holes in it that gives it a broken down, grungy type of feel, is there a plugin or an effect for that, or even just a simple way of doing it?
I am currently texturing for a game called Morrowind, for my own personal use, but i noticed some of the texture which i need to acess are saved in a file called .DDS and I saw one plugin for it but I couldnt figure out how to install it.
OK, my friend has an iPhone and he has a photo program that let's you select a color (such as red) and take a photo. When it comes out, everything that is normally red will be red, but anything else will be gray (b&w)
Is there a plugin that will allow you to do a post-processing to a photo like this?
I am trying to throw a screen shot up onto a TV model to make my rendering more fun and I can't get it to work right!!!
I duplicated one of the standard plastic materials in Revit's lib and replaced the color with a cutom image (first tried jpg then png). I had to tweak the transforms to get it to fit the screen. Looks great in the camera view but when I render the transforms are off.
I try to install my NeatImage v6.1 Pro+ Plugin (32 bits version, the only available) on my Corel PSP X6 ultimate (64 bits), as I previously used an old Photoshop version.
So I have placed the "Neatimage.8BF" file into the C:program Files(x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X6PlugInsFRNeatimage directory, but when I start X6 64 bits, the Neatimage plugin does not appear in the "plugins / external Modules" menu list.
Of course the "Perfectly Clear" plugin, provided with X6, that is located in the "C:program Files(x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X6PlugInsFRPerfectlyClearforPSP" directory appears and is operationnel.
BUT I see the Neatimage plugins in the 32 bits version of PSP X6, so maybe the plugin is not installed in the apropriate directory ?
How I could get Neatimage working with X6-64 ? (I run W7 Pro-64bits).
I use a couple plugins fairly frequently in the Edit window and it's tiresome to have to navigate 4-levels deep into a menu each time I want to access them. Can a link/button to plugins be added to a toolbar? Is there another quick way to access plugins?
I'm looking for a plugin that allows me to DRAW tiles. Not to generate tiles from an existing picture. This rules out plugins like those : [URL]
Such plugins usually work this way: When you draw, what you're drawing is automatically repeated X pixels away and Y pixels away from your cursor (you're drawing in several places at the same time, like you had several mice moving exactly the same way).
is there a good plugin/way to cartoonize pictures and nope I dont wanna use the oil painting effect because I don't wanna make it look like a oil painting with thousands of little paint dots.I'm rather aiming for a smooth surface.
I want to finetune tolerances so I can in example change from 68% (not enough coverage) to 69% (about perfect), but instead it jumps to 70% or 71% (waaaay too much selected).
Is it possible to write a plugin to
* Mousewheel it (pointer over tolerance bar, scroll wheel, tolerance changes) or even * press context button (mouse button 2) and spawn a dedicated input box to "hand it in"?
I cant find the drop shadow plugin download link. I also need downloading it. What is the download link for the drop shadow plugin, I need it for a project.
I have watched a tutorial video about creating "Text Chrome" on youtube. I need to create a 128 x 128 flat surface chrome, high gloss texture.
I want to put this texture in my CAD program as a bmp. Is there a particular plug in I need to do this? Using version 3.5.10 and XP.In the said video, some commands were shown that I do not currently have.
I'm looking for a plug in which will reduce the brightness (to a level which I can select) of an image away from a central point on the image. Does such a plug in exist.
I'm looking for a plug-in that applies common effects to Text objects? For example, filled letters outlined with a solid color, as in those lolcat images?
(I did look at the plug-in list, but didn't see anything that looked promising.)