Photoshop Elements :: Line Spacing Not Changed Even After Changing Number In Leading Pane
Nov 19, 2013why won't my line spacing change even after I change the # in the leading pane
View 3 Replieswhy won't my line spacing change even after I change the # in the leading pane
View 3 RepliesIn the older versions adjusting the settings to negative numbers was as easy as highliting the text, clicking on the lead button and entering -0.075 Now, I can't adjust to negative line spacing.
View 7 Replies View Relatedthrough some difficulty I'm having in getting the leading (ie, line spacing) I want with artistic text, in CorelDraw 12? I have three lines of text, the first line of which has a font size of 20 pt, and the second and third lines having a font size of 13 pt. The default leading is greater between the first and second lines than between the second and third -- probably due to the font size difference. I would like to make the leading equal for all lines, regardless of font size, but can't figure out how to do that. "Format Text - Spacing - Lines" seems to offer leading only in relation to character height -- which automatically makes the leading between the first and second line larger (due to the larger font size used in the first line) than it is between the subsequent lines.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen applying Text when I hit enter to add a new line the spacing between lines is WAY too much where do I find how to set the line spacing. otherwise I have been creating new layers for each line which gets messy.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I write text in a free style I'm unable to adjust the line spacing anymore - it turns out much to big and whatever value I choose it's every time the same !?!When trying text in a box it's all OK, but I seldom use text in a box..I'm using PSE since 11/2012 and the problem occured just now.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSystem variable to keep a stacked fraction with the leading number?
We open the same drawing on different computers at work and on one computer the number will be 21/2 but on the next computer that opens the same dwg the 1/2 will have been bumped down to the the following line. I don't know if this is a problem with the autostack properties, although I can't find anything about that, or if its a problem with the tabs.
I'm completely at a loss and its becoming a problem because if one person opens a project to plot it and it looks fine but the next person opens it and every mtext in the dwg is wrong it becomes very time consuming to fix.
I'm trying to format a number with leading and trailing zeros. If I only needed trailing zeros I'd set the number as a parameter and force the formating there. I tried using the Format function but it fails and I found one other instance of someone trying it and it failing also.
For example I want to change 2.125 into 02.13
P.S.Just for fun I went to the VBA editor and tried this.
debug.Print format(2.125,"00.00") 02.13
Works perfectly in the VBA but not in iLogic
Is it me or is leading only affecting the bottom line/sentence of the line HIGHLIGHTED in CC?
Before, if I wanted to set the leading, I would highlight the line I want to affect and set it...that selected sentence would be the one to shift up or down. Now, the leading affects the sentence BELOW the sentence I highlighted.
Is there some setting to switch it back?
I downloaded and installed the patch for PS Windows but the about box still shows version 13.0.1. Did something go wrong or is this normal?
Moreover, contrary to what is announced in the forum header message, using the Help | Updates menu doesn't trigger any update. The update is only available from the Security certificates updates page.
I im new to photoshop, im trying to do some uni work on it and i want to add txt, but i need it to be double line spaced, and i have no idea how to do this on here, or even if its possible. If you know please help!! im not very good at technical things so if u try to explain please be clear and basic.
View 2 Replies View Relatedusing lightroom 4.3 when I edit a group of photos in lightroom, most of the files will only be edited in lightroom but a few will also be opend into PS6 (by right clicking > edit in>) Once the PS edits are complete the image is saved & I return to Lightroom. When I export the entire group of images - I set the file name to 'custom name - original file number'. The images I edited in lightroom only - all are renamed as expected (ie wedding photo-1234, wedding photo-1235). The images I edited in both lightroom & photoshop receive the custom name but lose their file name (ie wedding photo-, wedding photo-1, wedding photo-2, etc.) When viewing these PS edited images in lightroom - they do show the file #, it is only after export that the file # is lost..
I wish to maintain the file names for all of the images.
I am trying to configure PE 8 to show two panes in the editor so that I can view the original file AND the file with the effects I have applied.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am on SUSE 12.2 kde, gimp-2.8.0
The icon spacing in the toolbox randomly changes its inter iconspacing, see [URL] .........
The only way I can get it back to normal seems to be to close gimp downand restart it
Maybe it has been corrected in 2.8.4 but SUSE haven't offered this intheir repositories.
Is there another setting that I can tweak to restore the inter iconspacing.
When someone has pasted text in from microsoft office (word 2010) to a coreldraw x3 text block, I find the line spacing is in points (pt). I seem to be unable to change this to percentage. I'd like to change it to % so that text block matches my others created in coreldraw where linespacing is in %. Is there a way to change it to % once line spacing has become pt?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am new to Corel Draw, and I'm using a shiny new copy of X5. It seems like this should be ultra simple, and I don't know what I could possibly be doing wrong, but I have text in a Paragraph box and want to simply adjust the line spacing (leading), but no matter what mode I'm in the control does nothing.
I made sure that I wasn't missing a space or a return or something by using select all, I have used all three modes, which will change the spacing as I select a new mode, but changing the value in the spacing box does nothing. I can make it 2 points 100 points, 50%, everything I have tried does nothing at all.
... left same 2squares line 2px and 2squares line 15px
... same line stile !!!! upper two have style spacing 0,2x and bottom 0,4x
... you can adlust the dot/line/ ... spacing !!!!!!!
... tried to do that in corel !!!! ??? no easy way :( ...
... in layout I set 0,21 0,3 0,4 1 1,2 ..... and immediately see the change not affecting
it's possible to manipulate the vertical line spacing of multiline attributes within a block?
View 0 Replies View RelatedThe text that we're using for the majority of our notations doesn't look very good at 1.0x scale so I try and adjust the paragraph line spacing to 0.8x as I go. I also know that if I create MTEXT and adjust the paragraph line spacing at the prompt it will "stick". However it doesn't stick for leaders and there's no real way of creating a permanent setting, is there?
Slight inconvenience of adjusting that setting each time I create a leader.
I normally use AutoCAD Electrical 2012 but my problem is AutoCAD so I thought I would log it here.In ACE there are default profiles for ACE and Vanilla AC. I use the Vanilla AC for basic CAD drawings.
I like the feature "Base Line Spacing" for dimensions, to state the obvious,BUT it I do some vertical dims then try to do some horizontal dims (both in base line spacing) the software wants to stay in vertical BSL.
I can find is to create a standard DIM, delete it, then i can do a selection of horizontal BSL.Is this how it works in AC2012? Or is it a function of ACE? There are some other functions in ACE that do not work in standard CAD under the CAD profile.
How to change the line spacing for fonts in IV2010?
Reason I ask is b/c I had to change fonts from RomanS to RomanD, b/c the former font wouldn't print clearly enough for the shop and customer to read it (both in pdf and dwg/dxf).
The problem is, RomanD has DOUBLE SPACING as default, instead of the usual single spacing. I can't get the "Styles" editor to change the spacing in the VIEW LABELS and WELD SYMBOLS.
Is there any way to control the line spacing when you have text within a cell of a table? Specifically I want to change the spacing to act similar to 'EXACTLY 1.0' like in the MTEXT editor. Please see the included dwg.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to reduce the extra space in the table rows. We finally ran into a situation on a job where the tables have to be smaller. So we ended up exploding the line & curve tables and manually adjusting the spacing.... Exporting the table data to excell would be useful, but cant find a way to do that. Reporting the line calls to html and copy clip to excell would work, but cant seem to do that either.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am having an odd problem with Gimp all of a sudden, I NEVER play with line spacing and according to the input box, it is still set to 0. but Gimp still is double spacing my lines when I type using the text tool!!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am constructing a photo book with some text boxes. On a couple of the pages the line spacing seems to go haywire and hence the second line partially types over the first line. How do I adjust the line spacing ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased Graphics Suite X5 and find I'm having difficulty in getting an accurate sizing to my text height. When I set the text height to be 3" and then start typing, the letter height comes back to me around 2 1/8". I did find another place to set the height but that is only after I finish my lettering. How to resolve this so I don't re-invent the wheel each time I set the lettering to my designs?
I am also having some difficulty with line spacing. I need line space in inches and the software seems to be set on a pt setting with no way to change it to inches.
CorelDraw Graphics Suite X5; Version
Mainframe is Lenovo ThinkCentre; M Series
Windows 7 64 bit/32bit
The vertical spacing in curve and line tables (the space between the text and the horizontal line) is too big. This makes the table too long and hard to fit on maps. For regualr tables, you can modify this. However, for curve and line tables this is not available. Is there a .NET file that creates/formats the tables that I could modify to reduce the spacing??
C3D 2012, but the same is true for 2014.
adding a page baseline grid! I love it, but I have one problem with it. For example I set the baseline grid to 13 pt, i have text with line spacing specified to 13 pt. I right-click the paragraph text box and select "Align to baseline grid". Then the text surely is aligned to the grid, BUT the lines are spaced to every other line, instead of every line.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have questions in 2012 pipe network labels.
We are having problems with running out of space and would like to squeeze the line spacing between lines to get more room. We know how to do that in standard MTEXT but can't find the equivalent in the label settings.
I have also noticed problems getting dragged pipe labels to stack. I check the box to stack on drag, but it doesn't seem to do it. We created a separate stacked label style.
If I place a dimension and have text above and below the dimension line (using X), and then grip edit the dimension text to move it for space/clarity on plans, the text above and below the line will mysteriously move closer to the line. If I have backgrounds applied to the text, which I normally do, the backgrounds will cover the line. Even without the background, it looks odd next to other dimensions that were not grip edited.
Civil 3D 2011
Windows 7 x64
The above image shows my problem. All have the same zig zag effect setting, but due to inconsistent anchor point spacing there is inconsistent waviness. Is there a way to make a wavy line that is not a distortion based on anchor point distances? I'd like all my wavy lines to look nice and consistent like this:
The only reason they're so consistent is the absolute setting has been used but these lines are all straight and have only 2 anchor points, start and finish, hence the wave is consistent. It's harder when the lines are curvy and have a different number and spacing of anchor points.
I understand there is no built-in way to adjust spacing between letters in Elements, but I would like to do that just for two words, so I am looking for a workaround. I thought it would be possible to copy out a letter, select the arrow tool and then paste it back in as a separate element but that does not seem to work. Is there a way to do this in Elements?
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