Photoshop Elements :: Why Does 12 Not Connect To Shutterfly
Feb 8, 2014Checked location as North America. Just keep getting error message that "page not available at this time." Have Shutterfly account.
View 3 RepliesChecked location as North America. Just keep getting error message that "page not available at this time." Have Shutterfly account.
View 3 RepliesHow do i get photos that I edited in a slide show exported to shutterfly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMade a photobook and want to 'seamlessly' upload it to shutterfly. It gets to 80% complete, then fails every time. Shutterfly customer service made it sound like I am the only one to actaully try this from photoshop and couldn't work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm having problems getting a photobook uploaded to Shutterfly from PSE 11. I've done this many times, but never had this issue (not that I can remember). I created the book in PSE 11, have it loaded into the editor, hit the Order button, the file is processed, but when it gets to the upload part, I get an error stating that Elements cannot communicate with the internect either due to lack of connection or a firewall. I did a test and was able to upload a file directly from Elements 11 organizer to SmugMug with no issues. I was monitoring the internet connention through the control panel during the photobook upload and it appeared to be fine. The firewall settings also seem to allow the proper access.
Update: Still not working. Went as far as to disable the firewall since that is one of the items mentioned in the error message, but apparently that did not work.
Why is Shutterfly connection from Organizer not working?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI see how to establish a new shutterfly account, but how do I link to an existing account?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn PSE 11 in organizer I select a photo and hit order prints....then hit order shutterfly prints (I have acct) It shows preparing files but the Shutterfly order page does not open....just goes back to the selected photo.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI earned a free 8 by 8 photobook with shutterfly. I tried making one on their website but I could not find any that I liked. I would like to professionally print my photobook I already made with adobe photoshop 7. I need step by step instructions how to put my photobook made with adobe onto shutterfly. I would also like to know some websites that will print pre-made adobe photoshop books for cheap in case shutterfly does not work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have built an album of photos in Organizer and can follow the Share path to a photo book using the Shutterfly option as these photos appear in the photo bin and can be dropped in the book's pages. My question is - I would like to use Shutterfly's more extensive selections for this book (found on their website) and the first activity required is to "get" the photos. They are not easily found even though I look in my "My Pictures" library. and Shutterfly's website does not show Elements Organizer as a source for getting photos to add. (even though they appear as an option under the "Share" portion of Organizer.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have trial version of Elements 11; Also have full version, but have not installed yet, as I wanted to wait until I completed current project. I created/edited an album of wedding photos in the Organizer. I tried to upload album to Shutterfly to make an archival DVD and also make a photo book in Shutterfly. The photos uploaded individually to the Shutterfly print page to print individually, but the album will not upload to My Pictures, it shows the album name, but it is empty. How do I get the photos to upload?? Shutterfly was not sure how.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use LR and have also been able to toggle between PSE and LR without issues. I installed PSE11 and went to the preferences in LR and choose PSE 11app to edit in. In that preference box the pre-set: shows Custom and below that is application: PSE 11 app. I closed out LR and PSE and then reopened both. When I go to Photo..Edit in PSE 11 is appears to be exporting via the export line at the right top side of LR and PSE 11 opens but my photo is not there. If the just drag the photo into PSE in the dock it does open.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wonder, is it possible to connect Lightroom 3 (due to superior RAW/DNG processing and photo handling) and Photoshop Elements 10 (for retouching, when needed)? Martin Evening'a book only speaks about opening a photo in CS and retouching there.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsually when I bring up Elements 10, it says welcome back Kenny,now when I type in my password it is showing Error 400. I have tried several times to create a new luck. It just started doind this last night. What do I need to do?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to connect with Adobe Elements 10 on line. Normally when I bring up Elements, it says "Welcome Back Kenny" this is what it says now! services are currently unavailable. try again, or check your network connections. Error 400. I have never had this happen before. I am for sure on line.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI had an additional hard drive installed but have not used it yet, but now when I go to Adobe Photoshop 10 organize section and click on a photo, it cannot find the file. I have tried the reconnect segment but it still doesn't work. Each photo has a box with a question mark in it.
View 1 Replies View Relatedpictures are in Adobe but not in the file folder under date. How do I connect the pictures to their folder?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhat is the mac os disc for, i have installed photoshop elements 12 & premier 12 from one disc , when mac os is inserted i get autoplay, selected organize & edit in element12, gives me the organiser,here i clicked on shop elemets got install app but did not connect with the disc . is the disc part of elements 12 setup
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a new laptop which has had all data transferred to it from the old laptop.The old laptop had Elements 10. I have downloaded elements 10 onto my new laptop and wish to restore my catalogue, albums and photo book into the software. How do I do this?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I get Elements 10 to connect properly to my Epson DX8450? It prints fine but gives only WIA support for scan.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI cannot connect with Flickr for photo sharing, message says I may have a firewall blocking connection to internet, I have disables firewalls but still cannot connect.
View 6 Replies View RelatedReceived the message " unable to connect to editor application". What do I do ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I connect to photos that are on a external disk?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have been a long user of romcat... but would like to use the new corel connect. i use the folders selected to my HD folder that has all my cdr files (20yrs worth from ver 1). when i type in a search word that is in 100's of my cdr files keywords... connect doesnt display them. In romcat it does display them, even older files, with the same key word. connect only shows cdr files that have in its file name part of the search word, but seems to ignore the key words in the files.
I have all my job files with important key words within them, but the actual file names are simple job numbered names. i noticed on searches from X5 content on dvd, the files also are just numbers, but the search finds key words.
I am trying to load new pictures on my hp with my cannon camara, but now it states "wait, locating device", what has happend within the last several days to prevent from loading new photos.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow do I upload photos to a commercial printer like Shutterfly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy pictures on Photoshop are disconnected? How do I get them back?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been using CS3 for a few years (on a Mac platform). I just got a new computer (OS 10.7.5), but can't get scans imported successfully. I downloaded the latest driver from the Epson website (my scanner is an Epson Perfecion 3200 Photo), but instead of going into Photoshop as directed, the data wound up in an otherwise blank window.
Normally, accessing the scanner involved Photoshop --> file --> import, but right now my scanner doesn't show up on the sub-menu, nor do I know how to get it there!
I'm creating a smiley face and wondering if the pen tool is the best job for this. The path looks fine and I've been filling the lines with the layer style stroke.
The problem is the path always connects the ends of the half circle. Is there to prevent the path from auto connecting so I'm just left with the anchor points I've created?
how can i conect my camera to the photoshop
to c the shot on photoshop before...
I am attempting to take two different pictures and connect them together to make one.
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