Photoshop Elements :: App Didn't Connect With Disc
Feb 26, 2014
what is the mac os disc for, i have installed photoshop elements 12 & premier 12 from one disc , when mac os is inserted i get autoplay, selected organize & edit in element12, gives me the organiser,here i clicked on shop elemets got install app but did not connect with the disc . is the disc part of elements 12 setup
i bought adobe photoshop elements 10 editor early this year by apple store (mac) before adobe photoshop elements 11 editor came out. i recovered my mac , i installed i adobe photoshop elements 10 again , but unfortunatly it is not working always showing me a windows telling me to report an erre to Apple is that means my money has gone on nothing?! i have OSX 10.8.4
I am trying to load CR2 files from a Conon 600D to elements 7. Each time I try I get the message 'Nothing was imported, files did not contain any supported file types'. I imagine this is something to do with ACR. I have looked at some discussions here and as a result downloaded ACR 5.4, but I still get the same error message.
I have an early 2008 Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard. It's been awhile since I've tried installing Photoshop Elements 6, but I am trying currently. Disc is good, no scratches, used for install plenty of times in the past. Every time I insert it into the laptop, it takes the disc and thinks on it, like it's going to load. But then just ends up spitting the cd back out.
I have been using Elements 9 and Premiere 9 on Windows 7 machines, and retain the Windows and the Mac discs, with serial numbers. I am now changing to an iMac on Mavericks, which does not have a disc drive. How do I download the full Elements 9 and Premiere 9?
I use LR and have also been able to toggle between PSE and LR without issues. I installed PSE11 and went to the preferences in LR and choose PSE 11app to edit in. In that preference box the pre-set: shows Custom and below that is application: PSE 11 app. I closed out LR and PSE and then reopened both. When I go to Photo..Edit in PSE 11 is appears to be exporting via the export line at the right top side of LR and PSE 11 opens but my photo is not there. If the just drag the photo into PSE in the dock it does open.
Why won't my photo album copy to a disc or another folder on the hard drive. It shows that it copied but when you try to open it it says no files found. For some reason adobe element 11 is blocking my album from going anywhere but to shutter-fly or to stay in the create of 11. I have worked 2 day on my album and not i can't get it published into a book.
I've restored from a backup on external disc..... but it seems that all of my categories, filing, faces named..... all of the hard work I put into organizing the catalogue was NOT restored?.....
I'm not sure if there was something I didn't tick on the restore?.... but I would have thought, the catalogue would restore to the exact place it was backed up???
I've used Elements in the past, last one being Elements 8. now with E12, i'm unable to print directly to a disc. ive looked under the 'printer setting' ' paper size' ' type of printer' and nothing says CD/DVD or 80mm or 120mm.
I wonder, is it possible to connect Lightroom 3 (due to superior RAW/DNG processing and photo handling) and Photoshop Elements 10 (for retouching, when needed)? Martin Evening'a book only speaks about opening a photo in CS and retouching there.
I have just upgraded my Swedish PSE7 to an English PSE11. Of course the people keyword tags did not get converted into people tags because People is called Folk in Swedish. I was not aware of this mechanism prior to upgrading. How can I convert those keyword tags now?
I have made a slide show with narration and music. Using Photorshop 10 Organizer.
1. The sound slider has no effect. The music does not dip when there is narration on a slide. Can this be solved?
2. I cannot burn the slideshow. Trying in Photoshop (trying a CD as well as DVD) it will not burn. The CD seemed to burn, but there was nothing on the disc when it said it was completed. Trying on the DVD it put me into Premiere Elements 10. It showed the soundtrack but not the pictures. During the burn the disc came out before burning had finished. Another time it completed the burn but there was nothing on the disc. sometimes the unknown error 2131042560 was quoted.
Usually when I bring up Elements 10, it says welcome back Kenny,now when I type in my password it is showing Error 400. I have tried several times to create a new luck. It just started doind this last night. What do I need to do?
I am trying to connect with Adobe Elements 10 on line. Normally when I bring up Elements, it says "Welcome Back Kenny" this is what it says now! services are currently unavailable. try again, or check your network connections. Error 400. I have never had this happen before. I am for sure on line.
I had an additional hard drive installed but have not used it yet, but now when I go to Adobe Photoshop 10 organize section and click on a photo, it cannot find the file. I have tried the reconnect segment but it still doesn't work. Each photo has a box with a question mark in it.
I have a new laptop which has had all data transferred to it from the old laptop.The old laptop had Elements 10. I have downloaded elements 10 onto my new laptop and wish to restore my catalogue, albums and photo book into the software. How do I do this?
My iMac hard drive recently failed and I lost everything. I just bought one of the new iMacs with no disc drive. I had purchased Photoshop CS5 in 2011 but it came with CD's for install. I stil have them but it doesn't do me any good since there is no disc drive to put them in on the new computer.
How can I install Photoshop using my serial number from my original purchase? I downloaded the CS6 trial version and when I try to activate it with my old serial number it says it is invalid.
I've just purchased Elements 12 but can't save photos on my hdd that I edit. I use a macbook pro which I also recently purchased. Before the mac I was using a laptop with windows and ACDSee with no issues.
I can access and edit the photos from the hdd but cannot save them. I am using jpeg and tif files.
The message I get is that I can't save the file "because write access is not granted".