Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Locate Saved Slideshow?
May 2, 2013
I created an album, and then a slide show containing almost 200 slides. I was sure to save and name it; now I can't find it. When I open Photoshop Elements 9 there are no menu items,( i,e, File, View, Edit) across the top, so I see no way to "Open Saved Project". I can see the album listed on the right, and can access the original photos from there, but I can't find the slide show.
1) I created a slide show project in Photoshop elements 9 which was not completed. I saved the project but now I can not find it on my computer. I see that I've used up all my storage space (2gb). Will I find my project if I purchace more storage space?
I created a slide show in Elements 9. the show worked normally when viewed as a slide show, but when saved it as a wmv file, some of the pictures were completely black. How can I correct this ?
Spent 9 hrs creating a slideshow that I saved. Closed PSE 11 and reopened and can no longer find the slideshow. When I select Find, Media type, Project, nothing appears, but there is a gray box in my grid that says "File size too large". Is this my slideshow and if so how can I recover it?
I am unable to locate the artistic filter called "poster edges". According to the online info on PSE 10, I should be able to find "poster edges" by going to editor, effects, filters, artistic and under artistic the POSTER EDGES should be there. All are there EXCEPT poster edges.
I made a large slideshow with audio in PSE 9, and was able to export and make several DVDs. I need to make a few more, but now when I go to the create tab and select slideshow nothing happens now (although I can click on any of the other options, those still work fine).
Everytime I start CS5 Photoshop I receive an error that states - "The procedure entry point sqlite3_trace could not be located in the dynamic link library sqlite.dll".
I then get a message that Suitcase Fusion 4 is unable to start and auto font activation is turned off.I am using XP Pro SP3. how to reslove this issue.
I get the following message almost, but not every, time that I start Photoshop.
b This application has failed to start because vfzcore.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
I have tried reinstalling Photoshop. But this does not help. I often also get a windows error after photoshop is closed saying that it did not shut down properly.
I suspect that the vfzcore.dll error is due to some 3rd party plug-in. But does anyone have any ideas? These error do not appear to affect the performance of photoshop that I can tell. Everything that I use works fine and it never bombs off (except after closing the program out). But having to hit "OK" at the error dialog every time the program starts up is annoying.
When I open Photoshop 7.0 this error pops up. "Photoshop.exe-Unable To Locate Component. This application has failed to start because M2000Twn.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." I have tried re-installing but get the same error.
Lightroom occasionally displays a dialog indicating it can't find the default catalog when starting, yet when I choose the default catalog in the dialog it opens as expected.
I have to make a couple of changes to a piece I edited 2 months ago on Premiere CC. When I open the file premiere lists out several clips that it says are missing. I've hit "locate" but nothing comes up.
I have been getting an error message when trying to start Gimp. It says that libgmodule -2.0-0.dll is missing and that reinstalling Gimp might solve this problem. I have uninstalled then reinstalled Gimp two times and still keep getting this error and I'm not sure what is causing it to occur.
I downloaded the newest version of and can't locate the color wheel. On the previous edition it was located on the bottom left corner of the page. Where do I find it?
During importing specifically "Moving" a selection of pictures from one location on internal drive to another location on internal drive, after I tagged the pictures with keywords, Lightroom crashed.
Now when I go to Previous import the pictures are not found. Neither are the files in the location I move them to. When I do a search for the images with the keywords I tagged those images with, I can't locate them. I don't see them in the Trash either.
Now, I have no idea where those images are. This is very bad. I guess I'll have to use Finder to move the images first then "Add" them to Lightroom afterwards. It's a good thing I was paying attention when I did the import.
I need to modify a curtain wall mullion profile and a plumbing fixture for a model created by another firm. I see the family (e.g Rectangular Mullion) on the project browser window, but I cannot locate the actual rfa file.
For the the Plumbing fixture, I can click on the fixture, and select "edit family", but it saves a new family instead of telling me where the orginal rfa is located.
Obviously, since the model is from another firm, the rfa file is not located on the server where our firm typically stores family files. It's not on the C:// Program Data/ Autodesk/ RAC2011/ Imperial Library...
I have Lightroom 3 and just this morning noticed that all of the preloaded lens profiles are missing. I've been using the program for 3 years now and they've always been there previously. The only one available is SIGMA. I have a Canon, so all of those are gone. At the bottom of the box in "Develop" it says "Unable to locate a matching profile automatically."
I am running on Windows and tried repairing, but it seems to be missing the installation file that it needs.Is there a way to download and install the profiles for just the lenses I have? Or, do I need to completely re-install? If that's the case, will all of my libraries stay in tact?
Upgraded from Photoshop Elements v6 to PS Elements v12. v12 does not display captions, tags or albums created in v6. Where did they go? I did back up via v6 and loaded .tly in v12.
I am upgrading to PSE 12 from V9. Version 12 does not locate/recognize my catalog from version 9. In version 9, it states that it is using catalog 3 (current). How to I get V12 to locate and import my version 9 catalog.
I opened and modified several JPEG images with Photoshop CS2. Now none of these files can be opened by Photoshop or any other program. All of the files seem to have a non-zero size, but when I try to open them in Photoshop, it does not generate an error, it merely offers to create a new file with the same image properties (size, etc) as the saved image on disk.
I've also tried several other programs to open these files, and none of them can open them. FYI, one thing that all of the files have in common is that they are all saved with the absolute minimum compression settings.
I was in the process of moving a folder inside or LR. I might have clicked and moved it twice since it was very slow. LR wasn't able to complete the move and gave me an error message. After I clicked "OK" on the error message, I wasn't able to find my folder/images from the old or new location. I did a spotlight search on my mac, but I wasn't able to find them anywhere. Where has my folder/images gone? I tried to locate them without any success.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 on a mac. The photos saved in jpeg is only recognised by photo editing software. E.g. photos are unable to upload to facebook, nor view on a PC unless using paint.
There seems always to be an uncompressed compatibility image in 32-bit PSD and PSB, and in 32-bit layered TIFF. That's regardless of Maximum Compatibility being disabled when saving. If Maximum Compatibility is enabled, there correctly is an uncompressed composite in the file.
If Maximum Compatibility is disabled, there's an overhead equivalent to an uncompressed image with the document's size. I reckon the all-white compatibility image is uncompressed! If any image should be compressed, that surely is it. What a ridiculous waste of storage space. An unnecessary consumption of hundreds of MB per document in many cases.
This uncompressed compatibility image would explain why an embedded 32-bit PSB which stores the IBL of a 3D Layer consumes the enormous storage of a large uncompressed 32-bit image despite it being compressible to a few hundred KB.