Photoshop Elements :: Shape Text Into Shapes Of Certain Images
Jul 31, 2013
I am wanting to do some images prints but using text. I want to shape the text into the shapes of certain images eg waves, Christmas tress, castle, babies pram etc is this something i could do with elements?
When I select a color for text and shapes, the software defaults to shades of gray, although black and white are available. I use the eyedropper to select red on the pallette, for example, and the red box is framed. But the color sample on both the menu bar and the tool bar sets to gray. Is there a swicth somewhere that inhibits red, green, blue, etc.?
I even reinstalled the program, thinking I had a glitch--no change. The color selection had always worked in the past.
I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
I've just watched the video based on Elements 10 showing how to create text that follows a shape etc. However, I don't get the submenu for the Type tool to enable me to do this.
I am making an 8x10 poster with a very large number "8" in the middle. I want smaller text above and below the number. When I try to click the text tool below the number, it won't permit me to because of the space required below the number.
Can I turn the text number into a shape so that it doesn't have any space requirements around it?
I want to shape a banner i did into a curved rectangle, how would i do that without the edges of the image showing? I've tried it before but i had to erase the image part that overlapped the custom shape.
I designed a logo, that contains of several shapes and letterings on different layers. Now I'd like to export this logo as a vector based file, and I also want to create a stamp shape (or how is it called?) of it inside photoshop, so I can easily paint the logo with a single click and resize/transform it wherever I am.
How do I do that best? I guess I'll have to merge the different layers somehow, but how do I do that without rasterizing them?
I can't seem to figure out how to change a custom shape. Shape: 35px H x 700px W rectangle with vertical gradient. What I want to do: I am wanting to reshape the left 100 or so pixels so that the left side curls up and comes to a point approx 50px above. Best way to describe would be the shape would look like a candy cane laid on its side.
NOTE: I don't have a problem creating the shape. I have a problem with getting the gradient to follow through with the shape - the gradient wants to change according to the heigth of the curl. So far the only "attempted" way was using the liquify feature but I can never draw a good circular shape by hand.
i can't figure out how to subtract the front shape from two already drawn shapes. I can draw a shape, choose "Subtract Front Shape" from the menu and then draw the second shape. But what if the two shapes are already there and i wanna subtract the front shape from the other.
Im created a shape and on the first shape I put a stroke and now every shape I do has a stroke even if I dont want one. I keep having to delete it and also something is weird as when I create a shape and then click another the one I just created disappears. It says its a vector mask and so its not a shape and but I click the mask it appears but clicking or creating another shape it dissappears.
Okay so played around and it seems every new shape took on the fill of the previous shape which was 0. How do I stop new shapes from not having 0 fill?
It might just be my coppy of Photoshop (7), but whenever I use the shape tool (round, rectangle etc) I always get a small fixed shape, and can't seem to draw the shape to the size I want. I can't do a free-transform after creating the shape, but I don't wanna do that as it alters the overall look.
Does anyone know what may be doing something wrong? Do I have to change a setting somewhere? Unlike the marquee tool, I m not able to select from a dropdown box for its constraints.
I'm on a Mac running Snow Leopard: Using either Illustrator CS5 or CC: when creating a shape with a stroke, using the variable line width tool (which I love!), saving the file. When I re-open the file the stroke has become a shape itself, with many points, and the fill has become a shape with no stroke!?
I have created the outline of a snake using the pen tool. The shape is closed. I want to add scales that do not overlap and are snug against the outline wall. Im sure I am missing something incredibly simple. I tried to create anchor points along the outline and use the pen tool to connection the anchor points but doing so would delete the anchor points. Each scale will be different colors and shape and they need to all be snug together.
I'm trying to find the best way to fill a shape with other shapes( a with a specific size), without overlaping, like the example below.
My main concerns are the spacing between the circles, the positioning should be as paralel to the the outside shapes as possible, and the size of the circles ( or any other necessary shape).
I'm doing this by hand sometimes with 900 circles. is there a fast way to this? do you know any macro/plugin to make the task easier?
I want to make the A shape as if it was composed from the grouped hexagons from B. the hexagons from B are grouped and the shape from A was made from two elipses and function Minus Front prom pathfinder.
I've tried all the functions from pathfinder in all ways but some don't give a result(I don't need explanation for this) and some do not work as I wish.
I have this object (shape path) that is like a continous loop or ribbon. see below:
I would like to break it into two seperate shapes: a top half, and bottom half. I need to remove some between them though.
Unfortunately, I cannot make the scissor tool, knife tool or cut path tool work correctly. It just doesn't seem to work, no matter whether I have anchor points selected or not.
I have also tried duplicating the object and trying to delete anchor points until I'm left with one of the shapes. However, because of the ordering of anchor points, I end up with a blue line connecting one end of the object to the other.
Is there a way to make a kidney bean shape in illustrator? There must be an easier way then the way i'm trying to do it. can you not just create a hot dog shape and some how move a point in the middle to make it go kidney?
I'm trying to create a star icon with lines through it. I used the star shape builder tool and then the line segment tool, but the lines are not being recognised as part of the star shape. For example, when I try to turn the star, the lines remain in the same place. This is pretty much exactly what I am trying to make, but I can't form the segments into one cohesive, editable shape.
I am creating a simple logo for the top banner of my site, now the banner is simple although i am having issues with putting an image inside a shape.
I have created a circle on its own layer and i want to grab all of the image inside of the circle itself and move that over to my main project. can anyone help out?
Basically i used to pen tool to draw a shape, i rasterised it and put an inner shadow on it using the layer styles, now how i could erase a corner of that shape without the inner shadow moving around the part i've just erased because i'm trying to blend it into the background
I hope you know what i mean, im sure if you opened photoshop, drew a shape, put inner shadow on it and then tried to erase a corner of it you'd see what i mean by the inner shadow moving into the part i just erased.
I'm creating a logo that consists of the word DIFFERENT in text and a shape, a dot (an ellipse) that I want to appear above the I and be vertically aligned with I.
How can I do this?The problem is that I can't see how to identify the point in the text - the centre of the I - to act as the target. I can't seem to get any of the Snap to Object tools to work.
I feel that I should be able to mark a specific point anywhere on a shape or an object and use those points to align.
I suspect that I could achieve the effect that I want by splitting the text characters up into individual objects, than I can align them more obviously but then I set up some other issues with kerning.
I'm working with CorelDraw X3 and want to fill text into a round shape, while keeping it's exact outline. Hence, cutting of parts of words and letters is fine with me as long as the shape is well-defined. Unfortunately when filling paragraph text into a shape, the automatic line breaks lead to a quite irregular shape regardless of font size.
As workaround I arranged a mask in front of background and text but this requires a square paragraph text which is larger than the background. Since paragraph text obviously cannot be cropped with other objects I made the mask size bigger and filled it white. When exporting my document as image everything looks neat, but there must be a better way to do this in CorelDraw itself?
I tried converting the paragraph text into artistic text and cropping this, which works fine for a few words and a small object. But I'm talking around 1000 words here, and trying to crop this artistic text leads to very random cropping results. I guess such a large number of objects and knots is too much for CorelDraw to handle!?
I want to engrave the text 'TEST' all the way around this clonal object. When I use the emboss tool, selecting the option 'wrap to face,' it gives me an error message that the "face selected is not tangent to the profile plane."
I am using a work plane that is offset from the XY plane. I included a screen shot and the file that I am using (Inv. 2014)
Text is allowed only on the outside of a rectangle shape. The text cursor disappears when I try to enter it into the rectangle and when I place it on the edge of the rectangle, it rurns into a slanted "A" and allows texting on the border of the rectangle. Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 (build date Sept 7, 2010). This software came with my new HP Pavilion dv7.
Is there a way to get text to take the form of a shape... fitting inside the shape. Like inside a diamond so both ends are narrow. Without upsetting the perspective. Or like the harley davidson logo?