Photoshop Elements :: How To Synchronize Catalog After Modifying Metadata With Another Program
Sep 26, 2012
I'm using Geosetter to add GPS coordinates to my photos, it also happens that I add keywords to photos directly from Windows Explorer (it's the fastest way in some cases).
The problem with doing that is : PSE8 does not "see" the update. Any other way than removing the containing directory from catalog's scope and readdint it ?
I get the following error message"The catalog could not be opened because it is currently in use by another program" This happened to me before and your online chat person wlked me throught the sets of suttin down a few component of Photoshop that were running in the background. I need that again
When ever I try to modify a hatch from a previous version I get a fatal error message and the program shuts down. I have opened the same files in 2012 and have no problem changing the hatch patterns.
LR seems to remember what I have done previously to a file, i.e. if I have edited the metadata of that file, and then it shows this added or changed information after importing the same files all over again, even if I create a completely new catalog. Is this normal? It's as if the new catalog inherits my previous changes to that file. But how? Isn't it so that Lightroom saves any edits and changes to the file inside the catalog? So if I am starting off with a new catalog but I import the same files again, it should not be aware of any previous changes? In theory?... right?
Right now I have a catalog named Experimental 5 with 8 CR2 files in it. Now if I change capture time for these files from say 08:00 to 07:00, create a new catalog named Experimental 6 and import the same 8 files in it, it would say "07:00" as capture time?... how? When I view these files in Windows Explorer it would still say "08:00". If I used the Save Metadata to file option from the Metadata menu I might just have sidecar XMP files. Is this where it's getting its information from when creating a new catalog?
Could this have anything to do with the option "Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files" found in Catalog Settings?
Upgraded to 3.6 today. Published services Publish to Photoshelter (URL...) doesn't work. First I get: Your catalog must be updated before it can be used with the following plug-in:
and then: Could not upgrade your catalog for plug-in metadata.The plugin-specific metadata in this catalog is newer than the what the installed version of this plugin supports. That's a deal-breaker for me, unless there's a way around it.
I cannot share photos from my Elements 8.0 Organizer via email. The program does not recognize that I have an email program loaded. The computer is a new HP desktop with Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 operating system. My Elements 8 does everything I need except for the photo sharing so I don't really want to purchase a new version.
After upgrading to Lightroom 4.3 in Windows 7 64Bit I often get random problems during DNG developing. The first problem: LR during developing shows on image thumbnail the exclamation mark icon of "metadata conflict" warning (see attached screen snapshot). This problem occurs when an external program (i.e. PS) has modified the DNG file and LR Catalog is not synchronized. Of course no modification at all has been done externally by any software but LR itself! It seems a problem of DNG/catalog sync that in some cases fails (very disappointing). The second problem is the black exclamation mark (see again attached screen snapshot) that means problems during reading DNG!! This problem is absolutely random too. Developing is still possible on this files and usually the problem disappear ...
This problems don't affect proprietary RAW files (NEF from my Nikon D300s) and I've never seen them in Lightroom 4.2.
I have about 50 images in a LR3 catalog. I modified all the metadata for each. They are all jpegs and were pre-processed by a specialized image editing program before import. I now find I have to replace all 50 with new versions. I really don't want to re-do all the metadata. Is there any way to have LR overwrite the originals leaving the original metadata intact? The file names are the same.
We have 11000+ plus photos all carefully cataloged in Photoshop Album 1.0 on my old Windows XP PC. Our new PC is Windows 7 Home Premium with Photoshop Elements 9. How do I import our existing catalog and continue sorting our new photos into our old catalog?
My latest battle with PSE11 is trying to access my catalog in PSE11 via the Catalog Manager but it doesn't show up in the list.
The catalog is named My Catalog 2 is located at C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsMy Catalog 2. It is the only catalog I use and is the one that opens up when I launch Organizer. But, for the life of me, I can't get it to show up in the Catalog Manager. The only catalog that shows up is the original catalog which is at a different location and was created when I installed PSE11 on my new computer (Thinkpad W530, Windows 8). I've tried the Custom Location option and browsing to the location, but still no dice. This catalog has thousands of pictures and was converted from my previous PSE6 catalog. How do I get the Catalog Manager to find my current active catalog?
I am finding that going to File>Save Metadata to File is not really needed. I changed some metadata like the caption and notes and I don't choose that option in the menu. I then examine the file in Photoshop, and the metadata has already been updated. The metadata gets updated by itself for JPG files, and the XMP file in RAW files gets updated too without me doing anything extra.
What is Save Metadata to File good for then? Am I missing something?
I have a Canon Rebel T3. I switch the camera's white balance depending on the lighting. But when i go to review the files, nothing in the metadata shows what white balance I shot it in. This applies to both jpeg and raw pictures.
It would be nice to see this info so I can compare which settings looked better.
I have a fairly large number of photos with face tag metadata. Since Adobe is part of the working group that developed the XMP metadata standard, imagine my surprise to find out that Photoshop Elements 11 doesn't use it!
Is there any external program to import face tag metadata into the organizer? I used Windows Photo Gallery to do the face tagging and it properly writes the metadata to the XMP fields. Problem is the photoshop organizer doesn't read the XMP fields! It's using it's own standard(?)
We are talking thousands of photos here so re-tagging is just not an option. Is there a way to get photoshop to import the tags and regions?
I recently had to reload PSE9 on my Vista 64-bit machine after a motherboard/hard drive failure (yes, supposedly both components failed). I edited a few images tonight and noticed that the time-stamp metadata on the imported images does not match the metadata on the originals--everything is an hour off. I made the original purchase of the product a few years ago and it was fixed by a later update. If it matters, the images are RAW format images and I was using the full edit functions of the software.
Trying to use Photoshop Elements 10 Organizer to update date taken and add tags to picture files. Organizer is supposed to write/update the original file properties with this updated/new metadata, however, it seems to be pretty haphazard. I've tried selecting pictures and using the menu option to "Write keyword tag and properties info to photo" (CRTL + W). It processes and states it is updating the files, however, after it completes, you can access the source file in Windows Explorer and view properties but none of the changes (date info or tags) has been updated in the file.
I have just transferred all my photos from an PC (microsoft) to an iMac. At the same time I upgraded from elements 5 to version 11. Before doing the transfer I saved all the tags to the metadata. On the iMac both the tags and the keywords in the metadata are all in place but when I do a search on a particular tag, only a small number of the relevant photos (the most recent) are found.
In PSE9, how do I set up the Downloader to apply my metadata templates on importing images from a card reader? Previously the Downloader dialog box included this option but my PSE9 Downloader dialog box does not.
I found out while doing HDR panoramas that WB is not synchronizing on all images opened in ACR 6.7 (mac). I never set WB to AWB on my Pentax K5 for that work (and use a whibal card, custom WB or even "daylight") but have found out that ACR reads a "custom" (?) value that is not correct (?) and so I have to select the "as shot" value and synchronize (or set a °K/tint value). It only works if you change the value of each image individually - like 32 for a Pano HDR - clicking "done" every time!
My Elements 9 program keeps crashing. This occurs often -- after I have edited, saved, and closed a photo image file. I then cannot get back into the Organizer. I have to shut down and restart Photoshop Elements in order to work on the next image. My operating system is Windows 7, 64 bit processor.