Lightroom :: 3 - Replacing Photos In Catalog Leaving Original Metadata Intact
Feb 11, 2012
I have about 50 images in a LR3 catalog. I modified all the metadata for each. They are all jpegs and were pre-processed by a specialized image editing program before import. I now find I have to replace all 50 with new versions. I really don't want to re-do all the metadata. Is there any way to have LR overwrite the originals leaving the original metadata intact? The file names are the same.
I have two maps of same area (different years) and I want to match them up as one map. I can load them both as layers and make the older map transparent so that I can see through to newer map, but older map is larger than the newer map (in the background). I can move the transparent map but I cannot make just the transparent map smaller to fit over the other map. I will also need to rotate the map slightly. When I try to resize it changes both maps. I have tried the transform and the move tool. So how can I make one layer smaller and rotate it it leaving the other layer intact?
I immediately "imported " my pictures to my Catalog. As I began to read and view the tutorials, I realized that this was probably premature and so I "removed" the pictures. Somehow, in this process, I also removed the menu bar "catalog" from the left side of the screen (now it just shows "folders"). How do I reinstate the Menu bar "Catalog"?
When I eventually imported my pictures again, there were now duplicates of every picture and many pictures have several duplicates. What is the best way to remove duplicates rom Lightroom? Also, I checked "My Pictures" on my PC and all these duplicates are there, as well.
When I take say a TIFF file that has been imported into Lightroom and edit in PS by choosing "Edit Original" and than save the edit in PS, when I get back to Lightroom the image has a metadata error icon on it. When I click on the icon it asks if it should apply the disk or Lightroom metadata. I click on disk and all seems well. But why is it doing this and is there a way to get it not to do so? Is it correct to use the disk metadata?
Isn't writing metadata to the XMP space of a file (jpeg or dng) altering the file? I assumed that non-destructive meant not changing the original file in any way, and this rewrites the file and thus changes the modification date. And if the Develop settings are included, then doesn't that confuse things as to which version will be displayed by an application that opens it? Do I need to store the original somewhere else? Or am I misunderstanding how this all works?
LR seems to remember what I have done previously to a file, i.e. if I have edited the metadata of that file, and then it shows this added or changed information after importing the same files all over again, even if I create a completely new catalog. Is this normal? It's as if the new catalog inherits my previous changes to that file. But how? Isn't it so that Lightroom saves any edits and changes to the file inside the catalog? So if I am starting off with a new catalog but I import the same files again, it should not be aware of any previous changes? In theory?... right?
Right now I have a catalog named Experimental 5 with 8 CR2 files in it. Now if I change capture time for these files from say 08:00 to 07:00, create a new catalog named Experimental 6 and import the same 8 files in it, it would say "07:00" as capture time?... how? When I view these files in Windows Explorer it would still say "08:00". If I used the Save Metadata to file option from the Metadata menu I might just have sidecar XMP files. Is this where it's getting its information from when creating a new catalog?
Could this have anything to do with the option "Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files" found in Catalog Settings?
Is there any way to force Snapshots and Virtual Copies to read metadata from the original raw file after an update of the same?
I had to change the lens name on some Leica M9 files to correct an operator (me) error, and I did it by editing the exif data with an exif editor and then forcing LR4 to read the metadata from the file. This worked well for everithing but the snapshots and the virtual copies on which the metadata remain as originally registered, unchanged.
Upgraded to 3.6 today. Published services Publish to Photoshelter (URL...) doesn't work. First I get: Your catalog must be updated before it can be used with the following plug-in:
and then: Could not upgrade your catalog for plug-in metadata.The plugin-specific metadata in this catalog is newer than the what the installed version of this plugin supports. That's a deal-breaker for me, unless there's a way around it.
I had to reinstall an OS in my computer due to a virus. As a result LR 3 in no longer installed. I still have the catalog on a backup disk and have just installed and updated to LR 4.4. What is the best way to merge the V3 catalog with V4 and are there any things I should expect or look out for?
i moved my original files to a external hard disc. now i can't export files from the catalog. how can i connect the katalog to the original files again?
After upgrading to Lightroom 4.3 in Windows 7 64Bit I often get random problems during DNG developing. The first problem: LR during developing shows on image thumbnail the exclamation mark icon of "metadata conflict" warning (see attached screen snapshot). This problem occurs when an external program (i.e. PS) has modified the DNG file and LR Catalog is not synchronized. Of course no modification at all has been done externally by any software but LR itself! It seems a problem of DNG/catalog sync that in some cases fails (very disappointing). The second problem is the black exclamation mark (see again attached screen snapshot) that means problems during reading DNG!! This problem is absolutely random too. Developing is still possible on this files and usually the problem disappear ...
This problems don't affect proprietary RAW files (NEF from my Nikon D300s) and I've never seen them in Lightroom 4.2.
I had the hard drive replaced on my mac. I did a restore from back up drive to my new hard drive. First LR4 couldn't find the catalog so I pointed to it. Then I opened lightroom 4 and it cannot see ANY of my photos. I don't want to link each folder full of photos it will take hours. Isn't there another way to do this so it finds them all at once? Photos are still located in the same location on the new hard drive after restore. Nothing changed except the hard drive.
I'm using Corel Draw 12 and on some of my computers, if I resize or flip an image the original image remains on screen as well as the resized or flipped version. On other computers it doesn't happen.
Is there a way to subtract and object but it doesn't erase the original object?
I have a way of doing this by copying an object and placing it in the original position. Than subtract a single object leaving the copy of the object behind.
I wondered if there is a way to accomplish this with less steps.
How do I export photos and keep their original size. I do not have the Image Sizing checked but it seems to be resizing my photos anyway. It seems to have started this evening. I exported files fine at file sizes of ex: 5387 kb the original size. Not they are exporting at ex: 478 kb.
Exporting files to hard disk with the original item set for file type. dng file shows up on the exported directory as the cropped / edited photo and there is no sidecar file.
When I click on the history panel for this export panel, it brings the photo up in the non cropped version just as I would wish.
I did do an unclick on "embed fast load data" in preferences and then an update dng preview as the fix for the banding problems when viewing dng files in irfanview and picassa and that worked, but hope it did not create my problem described above.
How do I export all the photos I imported back to their original folder just as they were, they haven't been modified, adjusted etc. I imported them by mistake.
I am travelling to the UK and wish to export my photograph collection as a catalogue to my laptop (without the original photos) and work on organising them, deleting unwanted photos, etc and then reimport the catalogue on my return. My question is this - if I delete a photo whilst on my laptop, on reimport into my main computer will lightroom then go and delete this photograph from my original collection as I hope it will do?
Is there any way to export LR photosdirectly from LR if the original file has been deleted from Hardrive. If not, can the image from LR somehow still be printed as photos and if so how?
the power went off in my home. computer was on at the time. after starting it i had to restart in order for it to recognize the ext drive where all my photos are. catalog was gone as well. catalog and pics are back.
all folders in catalog now have ?s.
when i right click on 'all photgraphs' i get a prompt to import photos. when i right click on 'My Pictures" i get the following prompts: find missing folder
I am using an iMac with the latest version of Maverick OS. I am trying to import photos into a new catalog with LR4 (also have tried with the trial version of LR5).I have photos in 226 folders in my pictures folder on my hard drive and am trying to import pictures in some of the folders. When I got to import i get a listing of about 8000 photos showing. When I expand to the picture folder to show all 226 subfolders each subfolder will show the photos inside. However 35 of these folders give a notice "no photos found". (the photos are there when looked at from the finder).
why those 35 folders will not show any photos to import.
Initially I had no problem doing this or in creating smart catalogs but recently I find that after importing and editing a set of new photos..I can not add them (or a picked subset) to a Catalog ?
I must have something dumb set now, because as I try to drag them from a folder or a single or set of photos from the selected grid view to the named Gatalog.. I get a black circle with a line thru it over the catalog name and the images can't be added to thevcatalog..
P.S,. I have the. Lr5 beta installed and its behaving the same way as Lr4.4 is now too
I have a folder of images that I was editing that was lost without being backed up. I had the images backed up, but all of the changes I made in LR were not backed up yet. I have restored the folder from backup to a new hard drive and I'd like to work on them without losing my previous changes. Is that possible? When I open LR it shows the thumbs of the images with a question mark. Can I reimport the photos somehow that will apply those previous edits?