Photoshop Elements :: Changing The Path Of Photos?
Jan 14, 2013
I have all of my photos on an external hard drive that I am currently accessing through a router. I would now like to access the external hard drive directly from my laptop (thereby changing the path). How do I do this while still retaining all of the tags and places I have stored?
Having problem in PSE9 & 10. When importing the batch of images and organizer, it changes the dates of the images automatically, some images are showing in correct date sequence and some photos timings are getting change and taking the current time and date. How to resolve this problem so all the images should show in the correct date taken sequence.
Every time I download new photos, I have to change the download location from pictures to my work folder. How do I change the download location permanently?
Quite often I will copy and paste some files out of an older project and move it to a new folder. Any file being x-ref'd is still pointing to the old location as it have saved the full path.
Is there a way to not let it save full path? When I copy and paste the files to the new folder I would like the x-ref's to default to the new location. If I cannot I need to detach several x-ref files and reattach them and rearrange it all again.
I use LR3 to apply adjustments, occasionally a preset from say VSCO. While in LR I use, PHOTO > EDIT This photo in - PHOTOSHOP
I do my edits, ADD NOISE, SHARPEN....
Then PHOTO > SAVE AS.....
I save the photo to my external...
Here is the issue, when I re-open LR the photo is then present in my Catalog and there in LR to be viewed.... from here I export the final size for web etc and I am done
QUESTION IS: The photo that is now within my LR catalog is missing the NOISE I am added completely, and the SHARPENING is gone, or much less sharp then the photo I have saved in PS.
If I wanted to change an objects stroke (outline) color for just part of the object, what would be the best way to go about that. Pro tip: Paint bucket tool in photoshop != the best way... it gets all pixel.
When opening my jpeg photos in Photoshop elements 9, once saved elements seems put the image in a format that my Apple Mac isn't compatible with. So when I then try and upload the images to Facebook or other software in a bulk upload the images are highlighted and I therefore can't select them and upload.
I run an action to prepare my photos for FB, 500px,, etc., which reduces image size 960 x ?, 8-bit, sRGB, and 72 dpi. I then sharpen and add copyright info. However, when I use "Save to Web" it reduces the size of the photo and strips metadata for faster loading but reverts back to a 300 dpi resolution.
I'm building a test track to use on a driving simulator.I'm trying to apply banking to the corners. The track's path is a loft with it's path defined as a line, and the loft shape is a rectangle to represent the cross section of the track. I'm trying to apply banking to the corner by using a different shape part way along the loft... however, the result is that the track twists the wrong way so that the top of the track becomes the side and vice versa.
Since autodesk developers didn't think of the fact that somebody might want to change the material of the bolt or hollow sections when it get's saved in the library, is there any way of changing the default saving path of the content center generated parts? These parts are getting saved in the library folder at the moment so Inventor doesn't allow me to change their material.
I've been having this problem changing the Paint Tool in the Stroke Path Dialog .
I'm using GIMP v2.6.11
First I stroke a path using the Paintbrush as the paint tool. Then I change the Paintbrush to Airbrush and try to stroke the same path and it seems like it's still using the Paintbrush (or even worse, it does nothing at all). Sometimes I reopen the stroke path dialog and it seems to have reverted back to the last paint tool I used (Paintbrush) and my Airbrush selection seems to have been completely ignored.
Currently if I want to stroke with different paint tools I have to do the following. Stroke with Paintbrush, stoke with Pencil and then undo (for some reason changing from the pencil tool doesn't have the problem), then stroke with Airbrush. I always have to do this intermediary step of stroking and undoing with a pencil to get the new paint tool to register.
I realized many people need code in a txt file so I have attached two from my previous posts.
Both are having the same problem where the code runs to completion but does not update the xrefs. I am still guessing there is some xref edit that I am missing other than database.xrefeditenabled
I am trying to create text along a spiral path, and I need the text to get smaller as the spiral gets smaller towards the center. Something like this...
I have read that there has been a script called "ChangeSizesOfTextSelection.js" but it's for a much older version of Illustrator.
I got this error many different times and the problem still continues.
When I change the stroke weight from the Strokes menu arrows or by scroll, this action changes my path's shape and distorts it. You can see the problem below:
I got similar errors when scaling a couple of times. But this one looks just impossible to me.
New user to PSE11. Is it recommended that ALL photos be in albums or is the idea that photos in albums are a subset of the photos in folders? With all the sort and search functionality, I don't understand the benefit of albums.I name my image folders using a standard naming convention with the date embedded so it makes them rather easy to manage.
The instructions in Adobe Photo Elements 11 Classroom In a Book are the classic Windows "Drag and Drop" Method. However, when I try to do it, the cursor/icon I am dragging turns into a gray circle with a gray diagonal when it reaches the Media Browser pane in the Organizer and the folder/photo is not imported into the Organizer when I "drop." Do I need to change setting in Windows (Vista, SP2) or Photoshop Elements 11?
My photos are OK in the Organizer, but the portrait photos are cut off at the top or bottom when used in a slide show. I have checked the "Crop to Fit" portrait selection but it makes no difference. I have Version 9 of Elements.
I just upgraded to photoshop elements 11. When I attempt to sync photos in iTunes (to synch with my iPhone), Photoshop Elements appears in the drop down and when I select it, it finds all the "albums" in the catalog. However, when I select an album to sync, iTunes indicates 0 photos are available in the album.
I'm running photoshop elements 11, iTunes, Windows 8 Pro.
if I try to sync "all photos and albums" it still reports that there are "0 photos" available to sync.
I've tried to make new albums, which iTunes "sees" the names, but there are "0 photos" available to sync.
I've also tried to sync with a folder (file system) which works just fine.
changing the background colors of multiple photos. I have tryed all the erase options, but colored boex are always left after I finish erasing. While erasing there is also a black square around the circle shape erase tool.
I did select the foreground and background colors to be white. White is the only colors selected.
I can not paste photos from my photos file. If I start a blank file I can paste anything photos want from the web in as many layers as I want. If I try to paste a photo from my own photos file it becomes the back ground by itself. I don't know how to stop this. Using photoshop elements 11.
I'm shooting with a Nikon D3s and always had the problem that the imported photos went a few stops darker when they were imported in Lightroom. I figured out that I get better results when I change the camera profile from Adobe Standard to Camera Neutral (which probably equals my setting on my camera)
So how can change this setting for the rest of my already imported stock and how can make this the default setting for my future photo imports?
Having tried to install PSE12 for several times without success ( problem to establish connection with other tools), I got now an error message "specified path empty" generated by the deinstallation process. It's strange that the deinstallation process is launched because the installation always failed so far (I can't find any trace of the installation in Windows 7). Please note that I've also launched the Adobe Support tool which confirmed that everything is ok concerning the PSE12 installation prerequisits.
Is there a way or an option I am missing to convert my regular paths to a path stroked with a brush profile,while maintining the proper stroke width?
For instance, I have a regular line with a stroke of 5 and then add a brush profile, which then converts the original stroke to whatever the brush was made at.
Elements 10 and am trying to trace the outline of an existing image. The tutorial I'm watching refers to the Path Panel, but it does not appear as an option under Window. Nor do I have an "Other" option under Window. Did I miss installing something?
I upgraded my computer, which now has all of my photos on drive G. How do I tell my photoshop 8.0 slideshow to now look on drive G: as the path name not C: The slideshow contains 250 pictures. If I edit them manually, the best I could figure out is very labor intensive: Add the photo from the new location, update the panning, fading, timing etc and then delete the existing (now blank slide), repeatl 250 times... The photos are not contained in the elements catalog/organizer. Even if they were, I would still have to relink them through the All Missing files, one at a time, and then it seems still manually add to the slideshow.