Photoshop Elements :: Backup Fails At 70% Error In Writing Files

Oct 28, 2012

This problem has existed since I purchased a replacement laptop and reinstalled PSE 8..I have a little less than 8,000 photos and I back up to an External HD..I have read the earlier extensive discussion on this topic which seemed inconclusive as to whether it could be resolved.The problem seems to exist in PSE 8

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Photoshop Elements :: Error Writing To File During Backup

Mar 8, 2014

I have Photoshop Elements 12. I can backup a catalog to my Mac, but not to an external drive. I have tried two different externals. Both work with my PC, but not the Mac. I created a new 1 photo catalog as a test. It will back up to the Mac, but not the external.

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Photoshop Elements :: Catalog Backup Error Encountered While Writing File

Sep 18, 2012

I am trying to move my catalog from a Windows xp computer to a new Windows 7 computer.In attempting to do so I an trying to make a backup of my catalog.When I attempt to make a full catalog backup I get an error message at the end of the writing of the backup file. The message is: "Error encountered while writing file."
The images are written to the backup file (> 20,000 images) and the Catalog.buc is written as well, but the Backup.tly is missing in the backup folder.I have gone thru my catalog and have found no unconnected files and no file that are in need of repair. Everything seems to be in order with the catalog.

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Photoshop Elements :: 12 Backup To DVD Fails

Feb 25, 2014

Photoshop Elements 12 on Windows 7 64bit.
When I try to backup my catalog to DVD it appears like it is working then a box opens with "Elements Organizer" at the top.  At the bottom it says, "Disk Creation by Sonic Solutions" and in the middle there it says "Writing Disc" with a progress bar under it.  This displays for a while but the progress bar never goes above 0%. 
After a while (like 5 minutes) a Windows Error message appears that says "Elements 12 Organizer has stopped working.  A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.  Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available"
There is no other error information displayed that indicates what the error is however I went to the Windows Event Viewer and found the following Event:
Faulting application name: PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x524214b6
Faulting module name: PXSFS.DLL, version:, time stamp: 0x51cad181
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000ccba0
Faulting process id: 0xd74
Faulting application start time: 0x01cf3243f6538b77
Faulting application path: C:Program Files (x86)AdobeElements 12 OrganizerPhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe
Faulting module path: C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesPX Storage EnginePXSFS.DLL
Report Id: 34b9de37-9e45-11e3-9f25-f8b1569a4035

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Photoshop Elements :: Getting Message - Error Encountered While Writing File

Feb 25, 2013

While trying to do a full backup to an external hard drive, I am getting a message "error encountered while writing file" after about 75% of the 14,000 photos.  I believe I have traced the problem to a missing slide show presentation program that was on an external hard drive (F) I no longer have. The program still works (from the C drive), however if I click on the program thumbnail in the Organize screen (which points to the F drive), and try to delete it, I get a message "An error occurred while reading files or writing files to disc. The disc may be full or there may be a problem with the source media."  I believe that is because it is looking for the program on the non-existent F drive.  What can I do to enable a backup?

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Photoshop Elements :: 12 Installation Fails With Error DF 037?

Dec 15, 2013

During installation of Elements 12under Windows 7, while installing Shared Technologies installation stops with error DF 037, and then reverses the entire process. I found the corresponding errors in the installation log: Unable to delete a number of directories under: c:Program DataAdobeCamera RawLens profiles1.0Tokina I deleted these directories manually, but the problem persists and the deleted directories are back.

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Photoshop Elements :: Not Writing Tags To Photo Files

Jan 25, 2013

Process of tagging my many thousands of family photographs within PSE5, I am dismayed to find that having taken the manual step of writing the tags to the files, that only some of them have indeed done so. Quite a few of my photo files are showing up in Windows Explorer with the tags I have given them safely in place - great. However, twice as many appear to not be tagged at all. What has happened and how I can rectify it? The prospect of having to tag them all again leaves me wanting to go and stick my head in a blender.
A second problem is that, inexplicably, PSE5 recently started creating duplicate photo files with a "edTMP" suffix - they recreate the exact same file with the exact same file size. The only difference is that, where tags have been saved to a photo, the "edTMP" version does not include the tags. So, I just delete these files, but with the number that PSE is creating, it is a very time consuming job.

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 Organizer Not Writing Metadata To Files?

Aug 20, 2012

Trying to use Photoshop Elements 10 Organizer to update date taken and add tags to picture files.   Organizer is supposed to write/update the original file properties with this updated/new metadata, however, it seems to be pretty haphazard.   I've tried selecting pictures and using the menu option to "Write keyword tag and properties info to photo" (CRTL + W).   It processes and states it is updating the files, however, after it completes, you can access the source file in Windows Explorer and view properties but none of the changes (date info or tags) has been updated in the file.

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 Not Writing Dates To Files Consistently?

Jul 17, 2013

I asked essentially this question on Elements Village a few days ago.  No responses as yet, so I thought I'd try here...In PSE10, I have many photos scanned to TIFFs. In the Organizer, I set the dates for these photos to match when the original photo was taken (which of course is not present in the automatic metadata for the scanned image). However, when I look at the actual photo files (either with exiftool, or looking at the metadata available in Windows Explorer on my Windows 7 machine), usually my added date is not present. If it is there, I see a "Date taken" in Explorer. In exiftool, it appears in a few places, including IPTC Date Created and XMP-xmp:Create Date. However, it only appears in about 5-10% of the files. The ones where it does appear seem random to me.I have this problem after doing Write Keyword Tags and Properties Info to Photos, although I'm thinking this isn't a factor with this problem. How to get these added dates to be written reliably to the files?  And why is it intermittent with PSE10?

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Lightroom :: 4 Catalog Backup To NAS Fails?

Jun 10, 2013

The LR 4.4 catalog backup fails when exiting the application. I have set my catalog  backup location on a NAS hard-drive (connected via Gigabit ethernet), which has sufficient empty space and correct network permissions. An empty backup folder is created, however no catalog file is copied into it. After the backup starts and checks integrity and starts the backup, a second dialog box pops up that says do you want to back up. The first dialog box is open with the progress bar about halfway complete, but can't be made active. If I start another backup, it runs part way and says can't complete as the same as the others report. 
This is strange, since in earlier versions of LR 4 (and even in LR3) I had none of these problems.
I am running Mac OSX 10.8.4 with 2GB of RAM.

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Photoshop Elements :: Backup / Restore - Disappearing TLY Files

Sep 8, 2013

I have PSE11 on my old Windows XP computer.  I have installed it also on my new Windows7 computer and hoped it would be easy to transfer the photos by backup/restore via an external hard drive.
When I try to restore a backup on to the new computer, no tly file is found.  When I then look at that backup  folder in Windows explorer the .tly file is absent.  I tried again with an older backup, checking first that a tly file had was present, by looking on the old computer with Windows explorer.  Looking with explorer on the new computer - no .tly file.  Looking again with explorer on the old computer, the .tly file is gone!
I  am completely mystified.  I dont't want to keep trying as each successive backup is older.  If the .tly files are gone, I assume the backup becomes useless.

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Photoshop Elements :: Separate Photo-backup Necessary When Use Catalogue-backup

May 26, 2013

When i back-up the catalogue, i assumed the backup would be mede of al the tags added to photo's. When i check the catalogue-files, i see a whole lot of jpg-files. My actual photo-collection contains jpg-, raw an avi-files.

I have a habit of making a copy of all my photofiles, but now it seems double
Question: Does de backup-function of photoshop elements 11 actually make a backup of tags and photo's?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Make A Label For Disc Or Jewel Case Or To Backup Files

Jan 22, 2013

In Photoshop Elements 10 one can create a CD using the edit menu  "share/more options."  This function seems missing in PSE 11?   I am not seeking to make a label for a disc or a jewel case or to back up files. Has this function been dropped or am I just not finding same?

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Photoshop :: Disk Error- 108 Occurred While Reading Or Writing

Jun 7, 2006

I draw, or even add text to an object this always pops-up:

Disk Error- 108 occurred while reading or writing to a scratch disk. this error is unrecoverable.

What can I do about this? This has NEVER hapenned before.

I'm on a Compaq Presario PC, OS: Windows XP Home Edition.

I am using Photoshop CS2.

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Lightroom :: Error Writing To Temporary Location

Dec 10, 2010

getting this error "Error writing to temporary location " when installing Lightroom 3.3 [ update] on windows 7.

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After Effects :: Rendering Error While Writing To File In CS5

Sep 3, 2010

I have a problem with After Effects CS 5 on Windows 7 64 bit.When I try to render out quicktime formats in After Effects I get an error message:
After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file "E:/ . Unable to open file. (-1610153459)

Rendering  to other drives, like C: or D: works fine but as soon as I try to render to the E partiton.I get this error.... It must have something to do with permissions on that partition.I don't want to reinstall windows.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error Detected While Writing Segment?

Apr 3, 2013

I have been working for the last couple of hours "copying objects" into my part file.  I am creating composites from surface data that exists in other part files.  I now cannot save my part which I have renamed TEST.IPT for the purposes of this request.  This is a common workflow for me when I am recreating a part from multiple imported CATIA files.  (I know it is hard to guess withour providing the actual data.)

Problems encountered while saving the document.
Error(s) detected while writing segment PmDCSegment in database TEST.IPT
Error detected while saving object of type MIxTransactablePartition in TEST.IPT
Error detected while saving object of type MIxPartition in TEST.IPT
The attempted write operation did not succeed. Part file may be corrupt.
The database in TEST.IPT could not be saved

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Photoshop :: 13.0.4 / Mac OS10.7.5 Save For Web Fails Due To (unknown Operating System Error)?

Jan 22, 2013

Now no save for web operation completes due to an error "Could not complete this operation. An unknown operating system error has occured."NOTHING has changed on the system.
I've trashed Photoshop pref... all of them.I've reinstalled the Mac OS 10.7.5 combo update.I've rebooted to a different drive and repaired disk and permissions (no issues found).I've Safe Booted.I've disabled ALL plug ins.
Uninstalling and will reinstall/update to see if that works.
Photoshop Extended 13.0.4, Mac OS 10.7.5, 8-Core 2012 MacPro 32GB RAM, SSD boot drive, separate internal dedicated scratch drive, nVida 5870 driving 3 monitors, Wacom Intuos 5

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Exporting Image - Error When Writing Property To File

Dec 26, 2013

When I try to export an image I get the error "An error occurred when writing the property "Revision number" to the file".  The file still exports but I would like to get rid of this error.

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AutoCAD LT :: Fatal Error On Startup - Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x67583544

Jun 24, 2013

I'm running AutoCad LT 2012, this message appears right after the startup loading page and its always different with the exception of 3544 at the end of every code. I've tried a repair and a reinstall but this keeps popping up.

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AutoCAD LT :: Fatal Error / Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x0000 Exception At 0h

Feb 5, 2013

I have just installed Autocad LT 2013 (licence bought yesterday) on a new Lenovo E330 laptop and the first time I'm trying to run Autocad I'm getting the following error: "fatal error: unhandled Access violation writing 0x0000 exception at 0h". 


1. regediting the DWORD Low to all 0000000, but it goes back to whetever value it was (i have tried with changing value and restarting, not restarting... etc. numerous combinations) and the error is still there

2. On one ocasion an autodesk employees on that thread informed the user that the generated error report was pointing towards a usb display adapter, and as I was using an external replicator (USB) I decided to try with the laptop running by itself on it's own graphics, that didn't change the error message. Next step update the HD4000 driver to the latest from intel, but still the same fatal error.

On top of the above i have also completly unistalled Autocad and all related products, performed new installation with same fatal error again after the installation. I have tried different comatibility modes when running the software and i have tried running as administrator (although I am logged as administrator anyway)

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 Processing Multiple Files - Error

Sep 16, 2013

Yesterday this was working; today it's not. When I try to process multiple files I get this error message: "Could not complete the Process Mulitple Files command because the disk is not available."
I'm on a Mac - 10.6.8. The disk is not full. I am trying to convert Open TIF files to JPGS. And like I said, this was working for me yesterday.
Here's what I've tried as far as troubleshooting:
1. Going to your username>library>preferences and deleting:
Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 paths
Adobe Photoshop Elements 10settings
repair permissions and try again.
2. restarting the editor while holding down command+shift+option, keeping the keys down till you see a window asking if you want to delete the settings file. I did.
3. restarting the computer
4. shortening the file names
5. moving the destination file
Still no success. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Fatal Error Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x0000 Exception At 0h

May 16, 2013

I Have  an Error (( autocad 2013 fatal error unhandled access violation writing 0x0000 exception at 0h ))

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Photoshop Elements :: Extracting Hand Writing From Image

Jul 7, 2013

I am new to PSE 10 and need extracting the hand writing from this old leger book.

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Photoshop Elements :: Adding Writing To Photo Taken In Snow

Jan 18, 2014

I have a client that wants to add "save the date" to their engagement photo that was taken in the snow.  We can't use a board or our feet to "write" in the snow as it is hard to see.  I figured I could photoshop it in there to make it look "engraved" in the snow.  I've inserted a sample image of what I'm looking for of a similar picture I found online.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Fatal Error / Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x006c Exception At A5d45122h

Jun 14, 2013

Every time I run AutoCAD 2014, I get this message:

Fatal Error: Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x006c Exception At a5d45122h

It then shuts the program down, and asks if I want to send an error report to Autodesk, which I have done.

I'm running Windows 8 Pro.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: FATAL ERROR / Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x0034 Exception At 6ce5a6b4h

Sep 28, 2012

I have a CAD user when they try to print they get a Fatal Error

"FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x0034 Exception at 6ce5a6b4h"

What does that mean?

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Photoshop :: Error :: Could Not Print Because Of A Problem Writing The Print File

Feb 14, 2008

I'm having trouble printing in Photoshop CS2. Rregardless of which printer I try to print to, I get the message "Could not print because of a problem writing the print file". I have never encountered this error before.

The psd file I am printing is a wall banner, and is quite large (~200MB). It contains elements copied/pasted as pixels from Illustrator CS2. However even if I flatten the file, or save as a flattened tif, I still get the same error message.

Thinking that the psd file is corrupted, I tried printing an earlier version of the file, with no luck. I've even tried printing other, small unrelated files, and can't print those either. Even after rebooting the computer.

The computer I'm using has a dual core processor, 4GB RAM, a decent graphics card and is running under XP. I have gob-loads of HD space and also use a scratch disk.

I really only want to print the file myself as a proof. However, I'm concerned that the banner printers won't be able to print the file either.

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Lightroom :: Writing Metadata To Image Files?

Jan 14, 2012

I have been wondering why my backups (differential) weregetting larger than they should, and I noticed that some of the files (.psd and .jpg, and mayde few .tiff) were modified. Interestingly, I do not see this happening to cr2-files, that I mostly use. After trying to figure out what's going on I noticed that corresponding xmp-files were modified also. This is not the issue due to their small size, but still I had not edited images that were changed for quite a while.
Change that I see in xmp-files is rather large, and presumably related to Adobe's change in xmp-data structure. Eg.
<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 5.3-c007 1.136881, 2010/06/10-18:11:35    "><x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 4.2-c020 1.124078, Tue Sep 11 2007 23:21:40    "> 

In addition to the sample above, whole xmp structure is changed. So I presume that maybe LR is writing metadata chages to xmp in the background?
What I find disturbing is that when checking changed jpg files, I saw the similar data written into the jpg files also (files were created with oldish Canon 20D, and not edited for quite a while). These are examples from changed jpg-files (not the same from which the abone xmp-data change was taken, but similar change is visible in the corresponding XMP):
Also jpg-file from offset 0x04 was changed from "50 60" to "51 18". Also offset 0x10 was changed (16 bits). I have Lightroom configuration option "Include develope settings in Metadata Inside JPEG, TIFF and PSD Files" not selected. The option "Automatically write changes to XMP" is selected. To my understanding neither of these should not have impact to the issue. Is there something else I should check?
Change is made most likely by Lightroom 3.5 version, and has not occurred with previous versions. I have not notices this happening with 3.6, but I have been using it only few weeks. Is this known issue with previous version 3.5, or am I missing something obvious? System running is Windows 7 pro 64bit. I have not have any issues with LR lately, except crashes that I white about a week ago.

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Photoshop Elements :: Image Import - Cannot Obtain All Files From This Device Error

Sep 29, 2012

Trying to import images from my camera - Canon T3i.  Using both the SD card plugged into a reader and camera with full battery plugged in USB gets the error "Cannot obtain all files from this device. Please ensure that the devices is connected properly, or that the battery is charged. The files that have been obtained till now will be sent to Elements Organizer."  All updates installed, running on Vista x64, Elements 10.

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Photoshop Elements :: Importing CR2 Files To Organizer - Getting Missing File Error?

Oct 23, 2013

I have been running PSE 10 for a while with my Canon 60D, windows 7 and I have never had an issue with importing CR2 files to my organizer.  Now all of the sudden they will no longer show up in the organizer or rather there is the icon with a question mark, and the "mssing file" error.  When I use the downloader from my card reader I can see them in the preview screen, but when the downloader is done and the files are in the organizer, get nothing but the aforementioned icons. 

I installed to the DNG converter as suggested, but that did nothing as well.  So, I finally gave up, purchased PSE 12, installed it and guess what, still no luck.  I have updated the RAW converter to the latest version and as near as I can tell I have done everything suggested.  Like I said earlier, I can see the pictures clearly in the adobe downloader when I import the files from my memory card and I can open the pics fine in the Canon software, I can even open the picture in the Editor if I go through the editor; but I can't do anything with the picture in the Organizer.

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