Hoping someone can help me out with this - it's been one of those gaps in my knowledge that I've never really gotten around to filling. I've looked around the net a number of times, but it's also one of those things that I don't really know what to search for. I'm guessing it would come under some kind of duotone or limited palette affair.
So much so, that I can't even find an example image to show you what I'm talking about
Everyone has seen what I'm talking about I'm sure. If you imagine a nice, sharp, black and white photo - then imagine superimposing a colour on top. So you have the same nice sharp contours and tones - except you now have black, colour shades and white - instead of grey shades.
When I had a pause, making my new site I made something strange in photoshop.
This is what I did(You can find it under tutorials on my site): "Create a new picture, 400 x 400 pixels, CMYK colour. Fill it with a medium blue colour. Then create a new layer and use the airbrush tool, size 65 pixels to create some red lines on the edges of the picture. You do not have to be very accurat on this... The red colour will be the aura around the gel. Another cool effect is to use the same blue as the background.
Run Gaussian blur with a radius of about 100 pixels, and set the layer to colour dodge. Choose Airbrush again, and set the size to 200 pixels. Drag it diagonally across the picture and you will have the gel effect."
I have a problem with duotone, before when I use to use this technique, I would do grayscale->Duotone, and in the duotone box I would get a list of preset colors such as PANTONE 122c, but now when I go there i just get box where i must select my own color with the mixer, how do i get these preset colors back?
how to create this effect? I am calling this duotone for the lack of better word, which it may not be. I am fairly sure two colors dominate. I do not have the original image so I canot tell what the colors looked like before adjustments.
I'm using photoshop 6 and have a problem. When I use dutone curves,I can't reset it. Namely that when I finished tinkering with the curve and save the image, when I start on a new image the old curve is still in place. How can I reset the curve back to its original state?
I have created a duotone in photoshop made up of a pantone grey and black, however when printed it has a pink effect running through it. I know this isnt mainly a printer/print setup error because it looks the same on screen.
I have two Duotone images generated using CS5. One is of some trees, with "holes" cut out where the leaves were (I used a a mask to generate transparent regions where the leaves should be), and another Duotone image of just the leaves. I would like to combine the two, with each Duotone image retaining its unique and different color scheme. If all went well, the leaves would be visible in the transparent "holes" of the tree image. However, when I try combining the two, by dragging one on top of the other, they both take on the Duotone color scheme of the trees image. So I do see the leaves in the "holes", but they have lost their unique coloring. Is it possible to combine these two Duotone images in some manner? The Duotones are saved in the default .psd format.
Have a photo of inside of bus, seat covers etc. Color comes out bold, very little black, I can't find a balance, where I have a fairly normal, but lighter black halftone, with an overlay of color.. (Old copy of PS 6) I know, ancient, but it works.
I've created a doutone in Photoshop, saved as a eps and placed it in InDesign (all CS5). The file will separate correctly in Photoshop but the second color will not separate correctly in InDesign. Can't find anything addressing this issue.
I done cmyk with spot plate in photoshop saving the file as a DCS 1.0 file type which gives me a file with an eps extension that I can place into InDesign for color seperation purposes. When I check the color seperation, all both cmyk and spot plates show up.
I need to make a Duotone with a spot plate. When I try to make a duotone and use a spot plate, the DSC option does not come up. I can only save as Photoshop, eps, large document format, pdf, photoshop 2 and raw. None of these give me the spot plate preview in Indesign.
how to make a duotone with a spot channel and save it in a format that will work with InDesign?
I have a duotone image (warm grey and black) as an eps in photosho linked to Illustrator file. I need to be able to adjust each color as needed in photoshop. It is already setup as a duotone image and correctly separates in illustrator. I can do overall adjustments as needed but I would like to be able to throw a curve/adjust each color on it's own as needed in photoshop, and then relink.
I have a 2-color logo that is in TIFF format but was created as CMYK. It is black and Pantone 323. I am using it in a two-color job and need it to be in the 2 spot colors. I changed it to grayscale and then changed it to duotone, but the colored part shows up pretty muddy and dark looking, like it has too much black in it. I have tried changing the curves but that doesn't seem to help much. If it is duotone and the colors are specified to the printer, will it print correctly, even though it looks yucky onscreen?
Recently one of my photographer friend shared a scanned photograph, which was processed in photoshop and Duotone color mode was applied. So it's a PSD with Duotone color mode. Now when we go to Save as option, there is no option for saving it as TIFF or JPEG.
Why am I losing the effect/color when going from duotone, tritone, etc. to rgb? Not using spot color, just using the picker to select the colors.
The when I try to change modes to RGB so I can save as a jpg it goes all b&w. Never had this issue before. This seems to happen only when I use the artistic filter graphic pen. I go to graphic pen use it, then grayscale, then duotone, then rgb.
I find only limited image import options under Photoshop CS5 and CS6. Under CS3, I have a number of options which I have used frequently, regarding preview, zoom, descreening, filtering, stretch, noise removal, fading, grain, etc.
None of these seem to be available under either CS5 OR CS6. In fact, under CS5, under "FILE>IMPORT", I I don't even GET the Canoscan 8400F opton. This is pretty basic stuff, getting good quality off a scanner. Do I need to go back to CS3 for everything? It actually worked.
I was trying to send a bunch of images by e-mail for my wife this morning. They were images of her jewelery she was sending to galleries.
All but 2 of them I sent as .jpg files (to keep the size lower) but 2 of them were .tif files to start with, and when I opened them in Photoshop CS2 and sized them, it wouldn't let me save them as .jpg files, in fact the save options were limited to a few formats like ,png etc.
I looked for a reason but I didn't see anything different about these files.
They were in 16 bit RGB color mode.
I saved them as .psd files and then reopened them and tried again but the formats were still limited.
The rest of the images gave me the full span of save formats.
I have a problem with Photoshop CS, working in a limited account.
Namely, in admin account PS has in 'Save As' File Types list, among others JPEG file type.
But in limited account there is no JPEG file type in the 'Save As' list, so i have to go to 'Save for Web' to compress psd file.
I presume that's something about ntfs permissions, so i assigned full control to COMP/Users for Photoshop folders in 'Program Files' and 'Common Files', but to no avail.
Is there some Windows compressor, to which PS is addressing to compress files, and if so, where it could be located? If i knew that, i could assign user permissions to it.
With a RGB or CYMK no problem for me to have certain element in the picture distinguishing from the rest. But now I have to do the same building up in duotone (2 PMS colours). It looks like Photoshop doesn't allow to put a black&white layer into a duotone document (it automatically turns into the 2 duotone colours).
So how can i make a duotone image (source = FC) in which a part looks "black and white" (1 colour=black) and a part "lights up" in the second colour (2 colour= yellow)?
- so I know how to make a duotone image, that's not the problem
- i know how to work with layers and masks
(i try to upload the image.. but server seems very busy...)
i´m stuck with calibrating my Dell U2711(wide gamut) on Windows7, CS6 i used it with the integrated Adobe RGB preset and a standard profile. After calibration with i1displayPro (monitor in custom preset, slight changes to reach D65 whitepoint) i got a solid ICC2 profile which seems to fill the Adobe RGB space quite well (compared them in 3D).
The point where i can't get any further is the color rendering in PS and ACR, the colors are limited to a sRGB like saturation level. I´ve set my Creative Suite Color settings to aRGB, disabled Softproofing in PS.Here is what red (255,0,0) looks like: left: proofing OFF
I have a few websites with a middle and dark grey. I'm looking for a really super light grey. I clicked on foreground, only web colors — and the 204, 204, 204 setting is nice. I then manually entered 240, 240, 240, same exact grey.
Is that right?
and is there a lighter grey. The picker was very limited in options.
I have been using Adobe since CS3, now using CS5. Why is there still no way to have the color swatches FILL the panel.
I rarely use more than, say, 8 to 12 colors in a document. Why can't I set the Adobe products (I mostly use Ps, Id, and Il) so that the swatches panel has no blank space. I would like to have the colors will fill the entire space with LARGER tiles/icons. I find it very frustrating to have to click on a micro-sized square to pick a color. Or, try to discern small changes in the shade between 2 colors by squinting at such a small sample (again micro-sized square).
I sell limited edition prints of a run of between 350 and 500.
I am trying to get it set up so that my signature and the print number is included as part of the print. Here is an example:
You'll see at bottom left there is my signature and underneath is is the print number e.g. 110/350 (this is legible when printed at 18x12" size).
Inserting the signature and the "/350" is easy since it only needs to be done once per image.
The difficulty comes with inserting the actual print number e.g. "110"
At the moment I have 0 to 9 written out and scanned in as separate numbers. So to make "110" I use the "1" digit twice, plus the "0" digit. I.e. I haven't written out 1 to 500 and scanned them in all as separate numbers, I've just done the 10 digits and use those 10 digits to make all the different numbers I need.
Is there a way to create an action that will create say 350 JPEG copies of the original file, each one with its own unique print number inserted? (And ideally automatically saved with the print number as its file name!)
I will be using the stripping pavement subassembly. I would like to strip 1.0' but in a Deeper fill I only need to strip 5' below finish grade. Is it possible to limit stripping. I can't find a way
I have recently update my Corel VS from X3 to X5. As in X3 with Movie Factorey 7SE there only seems to be very limited DVD or Blu ray menu templates. I only have about eight possible fairly basic looking menus in either the MF7SE or X5 version of software.
Some SV tutorials I have been watching lately seem to have quite a good selection of menu templates, particularly those with thumbnails, via the drop selection menu allowing very shmic professional looking menus in VS X5. As my primary reason for upgrading was to improve the quality of the disc creation process and menus, how / where I can get additional disk menu templates for creating Blu Rays and any tutorials for menu creation techniques.