Photoshop :: Double-clicking Stops Working After Opening Lots Of Files?
Nov 30, 2012
When I double-click a file it will open the file in CS6 version 13.0.1, but then after a while double-clicking will no longer open jpeg or raw files. I can open the same files by going to File > Open in the Menu Bar.
When I am simply opening downloaded files from my camera, I can open 200-300 by double-clicking with no problems. However, at times when I am working on an image, it is not long before I can't open a file by double-clicking. It will open a blank Photoshop window, but without any Toolbar or Menu Bars.
This happens on a regular basis. Sometimes, also, Photoshop is slow to Quit, for no apparent reason.
I recently have installed Corel Draw x5 and everything was working perfectly fine when all of a sudden it stopped opening .cgm files. It will pop up the message of Corel Draw has stopped working and then I click OK and it closes the program. Every other file extension I have tried opens prefectly fine.
Here are a couple of things that I've done so far:
1. Reverted back to a Default Workspace.
2. Closed out all Dockers.
3. Reinstalled entire program and all features. Updated all patches and Clean booted the PC with only MS Services running. (As instructed by Corel Support)
This problem has happened to me quite a bit only with CS4, so i thought i'd finally ask. Practically all of my images are set to open with Photoshop. My probelm is that many times, i double click an image on my computer to open it in photoshop, and then photoshop comes up and doesnt open it or even attempt to. The image usually does open if photoshop is currently not open, and is lanuched by double clicking the image though. The problem seems very random and does it to JPEG's, PNG's, GIF's and BMP's and TIFF's as far as i am awear. PSD's seem fine. Note that this problem has not been resolved by resetting preferences as i have recently doen that and it is still here. how to make it work?
I have a weird problem with Photoshop CS. When I double-click on a tiff, jpeg, or Photoshop file it launches the program, but it won't open the image. In order to do that I must go to file and choose open. This is much more trouble. I can't figure out why. My photoshop guru friend couldn't figure out why. Any ideas?
Also, and this may or may not be related. When I open the program I get the following message: For Photoshop UI to display correctly, open System Preferences, click General, and turn off text smoothing for font sizes 8 and smaller.
The weird thing is, when I did what message suggested, I discovered that there was no "text smoothing" option to turn off under Preference (under General) in Photoshop. There is no General in the computer's System Preferences, so I'm assuming the message refers to Photoshop Preferences.
After opening and using photoshop cs6 for a few minutes I get a box popping up saying Adobe Photoshop CS6 has stopped working. "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." So far never received any notifications about a solution. I notice that it closes soon after I try a CTRL T to select an image.
Running Mac os x Mountain lion (latest release 10.8.3 I believe) and Latest release of Gimp (just installed last week 2.8.4)
If I double click and open a file (file format doesn't matter, jpg,tiff, xcf etc) the file opens gimp and it opens correctly.
However If once gimp is open I try and double click on another file it pops up an error "The document "text.xcf" could not be opened. Gimp Cannot open files in the "Gimp Image" format.
If I then close gimp and double click that same file it opens gimp and the files opens as normal.
It doesn't matter if i'm logged in as administrator or a regular user. I've tried downloading the program and copying it back to the app folder again.
Perhaps I need to wipe out the GIMP folder in ~/Library/Application Support ?
I have the Creative Suite cs5.1 student version (had it for about a year now), and now recently I have started to encounter a strange bug with Photoshop.
Sometimes when I have been working in PS for a while and then open another file, the photoshop starts acting weird, resulting in the file looking like this: [URL] .....
And if I try to paint anything, it will look pixelated like in this file: [URL] .... and if I use ctrl+z after painting the paint just looks like this: [URL]...... the 2 last named effects will also apply for any images opened before this occurrence, and it happens for any file type.
I have checked my video card drivers, and they are up to date, so that's not a problem (My graphics card is ATI Radeon 5700 series). I've also run a throughout virus scan with Norton without it finding anything.
I have Internet Explorer 8 and Photoshop elements 9. I can't assign (in Folder options) PSE to open .JPG files in the PSE editor when I click on the file. I did this before I installed IE8.Are IE8 and PSE compatible?
I am a paying subscriber of Adobe CC and my problem is this. After about 15 minutes of use in Photoshop CC (32 or 64 bit), it suddenly stops letting me either create a new file or open an existing one. I select File->New->the new document dialog appears and I select the defaults and click OK. Nothing happens. Same thing with File->Open->select an existing image file and it never appears.
If I reboot my computer or logout and sign in with a different account, re-open Photoshop CC, it allows me to create and open files without issue...for about 15 minutes and then the same thing happens. This is NOT an illegal copy of the program! I am a paid subscriber.
CS5, window 7, 64 bit. Inexplicably, CS5 just stops working with PNG & GIF format files. Bridge says it's missing a/the java plug-in. Huh? Java is up to date at OS level.
Since upgrading the server in our office Autocad 2013 is having trouble opening files. When I attempt to open a file the progress bar gets to about 85%, a "not responding" message comes up for about 15-20 seconds, and then the file opens. Two workstations in the office have AutoCAD 2013, one has 8GB RAM and Windows 7 64 bit, the other has 16GB of RAM and also a WIndows 7 64 bit OS. Neither PC had issues opening files before the new server went in, and neither PC is having problems with any other network program. Is there somewhere within the program or in Autocad's registry entries that might still be pointing to the old server? I have tried the following, Firewall has been turned off, VP has been disabled, repair has been run on the program (through programs and features in the control panel). I have email support through Autocad and sent them an email this morning, but have yet to receive a response.
Okay, so basically I selected some 40 images in .bmp to load into Photoshop, but it stops working and closes. I don't have any other versions installed and I already tried installing it again, with no avail. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Should I also try installing Bridge again?
I try to double click on a file to open in illustrator, which is already open and running in the background and I get this message. Can't open the illustration. There is not enough room for the window. Increase document area and try again. The window was full screen, but after clicking off this error message it is tiny. I am using CS6 and have been for about a year and this has just started happening.
I'm using PS4 Extended on Windows SP3 and whenever I double click on a JPEG, TIFF or PSD file, it will open Photoshop but the file itself does not open. I've checked to make sure PS4 is the chosen program to open with both in Properties as well as in File Types. Dragging and dropping a file into Photoshop will work.
In Bridge, when I double click on a image, it opens the image in Windows Photo Viewer rather than in Photoshop CS6 Editor. I have checked the preferences but all that it offers me is to open in Camera RAW. How do I change this?
When I start rendering a composition, I usually just go to a spare monitor to browse the web and do additional work. However whenever I click onto my new monitor, AE stops rendering and gives me the 'finished sound'. Why doesn't it complete rendering? I have to leave my computer alone and keep a window selected in AE for it to complete.
With a window saying the trial period for this product is expired. I made sure that pps is closed, it's still doing it. I threw pps in the garbage, emptied it, still doing it. I had PS for many years, always doubled clicked CR2 on the desktop, I now drag them.
I have installed autocad lt 2013 on a pc running windows 8 and I have a problem opening the dwg file. If I open the file dwg to autocad lt I have no problem, but if I try to open the file directly by double clicking on the file, the pogram creshed and appear an error message and the request to send report to autocad. how to riosolverlo?
I think a setting changed on my pc this weekend. I used to be able to double click the block and edit the attributes in the editor. Now, I can't change any values. I can only get to the dialog that shows info on the block and when I right click, I only have a few commands come out of the flywheel. I rebooted, but no go.
1) If I double click on a file, it opens in Illustrator, but it does not open with my default workspace settings. If I open the file from the file menu, my preferred workspace opens. and 2) If I have one file open, I cannot double click on a second file and have that file open in Illustrator. I just get the little spinning circle and then it stops. I can still open a second file from the file/open menu option.
When I double click an object in Xara Pro X sometimes it opens the object in a new file.
I say sometimes because it doesn't do it under all circumstances. I think it is just on some cloned objects. I normally use double click on an object as a shortcut to the shape tool (used to be called shape editor tool). Even though it only does it on some objects, when it decides to do this it is consistent for that object.
I know you can 'solo'/isolate a layer by double clicking on it but is there a shortcut for this? I've looked but I don't know what this feature is called. Is it assignable to a KB SC?
I just want to open a picture by double clicking on it in a folder, why does Lightroom open the import dialogue, force me to close the dialogue, open Navigator, scroll down to the folder I already have open in Explorer, load the folder and then pick the picture I want?
I posted this topic about Corel x4 and got some answers. Unfortunately it didnt work because my corel was corrupt. But now I installed my old Corel 12 and tried to follow the instructions the same way as they told me to do it in Corel x4, but the options are different.
So..... how do i make the settings so that when i double click on an image in corel 12, it will take me directly to Corel Photo for editing.
I have a fully current version of Photoshop (ICloud). When attempting to open some jpeg files and pdf files, they remain ghosted and will not open. I think it may have to do with the settings in the 'open' window but i don't know what to do. ?????
Having just installed AutoCadArchitecture 2013 last week, I've been fairly successful in fixing most of my "issues".
When I dbl. click on a line, polyline, etc, I have it set up to open the Properties Pallet, (not the quick properties box). Problem is, the first time I on a no object it opens the Properties pallet no problem, but the second time i dbl click an object, the properties pallet completely disappears from the screen. When I dbl click the object a 3rd time, the pallet comes back. I have it set to auto-hide, but not disappear. How do I get to use the dbl. click feature to open the properties pallet every time?
My corel x4 was coryupt and I had to install my older Corel 12.
Options on this corel are different. So in Corel 12, how do i change the settings so that when I double click on an image, it will open it in Corel photo for editing?
I have imported a jpeg image by double clicking it and it is showing as a vector in the workspace.All the tools on the left are greyed out(eg clone brush) except for the text tool.On selecting the text tool instead of the usual box showing a blue bar appears on top of the screen which can be moved about.