Photoshop :: Delete Background Behind Hairs In The Wind
Jan 30, 2006
For long time I am trying to learn a trick in Photoshop. [I am on Photoshop 6 by the way, so please, don’t laugh. I am on Windows XP]
I am talking about background removal. I have thoroughly searched Internet for articles on this topic. I found many ways to remove an object from its original background. All those methods work just great. But, there is one think I never was able to accomplish. I was never able to delete background from within such part of the photo like hairs fluffing in the wind, or hairs ruffled by the wind.
I can easily separate an object with clear edges from its background. But how can effectively remove background from behind hairs on this photos?
I want to delete the background from this image. Right now it is still a jpeg. I want to delete the background around the logo and between the letters and the border around the letters so that when it is posted or placed on a page the background of that page will be seen through the logo and around it instead of the white box. I'm sure it is a simple process that my itty bitty brain hasn't figured out yet.
I want to delete a solid white background from an image and I have been following different procedures but none works for me.The last procedure I followed is the following[URL]...Deleting a simple background.
I have been following each and every step carefully but once I open the saved jpeg file, the image is still shown with its solid white background. The source file is a jpeg file.The destination file is also a jpeg file.My Adobe Photoshop version is CS6 13.0 on Windows XP SP3. What am I doing wrong here?
I am working on this book cover in Illustrator, and I am having problems deleting the background of this one image (in ps). I use the magic wand, but it doesn't look smooth me.
I have this image of some rings on a white background I got from stockx or one of those sites. These rings need to sit on an image (which is a large monogram M). I am trying to make the background transparent, and my attempts....well, they are ok for the average eye, but for something going to print, it just is not good enough. I am still learning illustrator, so I am trying to delete this background using photoshop. I used the magic wand to delete the majority, and then tried to use the eraser to clean up. Still looks like garbage to me.
I became so frustrated I thought about about a diff approach from deleting the background. I would just create the "M" in one layer, dupl the layer, crop it, etc etc. Only prob is when I try, transferring back to Illustrator makes the image jagged. And trying to crop in Illustrator? Well that is like calculus to me.
I would like to take her out of this picture, but I don't know how to select the hairs. If I use a pen, there will definitly be some mistake, what is the most acurate way to select her hairs?
Is there a way to turn off cross-hairs for Photoshop when using a very fine brush? i recently bought Wacom Cintiq 12WX and find cross hairs under the pen incredibly jarring.
i selected "normal brush tip" option in preferences > cursors menu and it works fine with bigger brushes but currently i'm working on a small-format illustration and use 1 and 2 px brushes a lot and cross hairs are still present for brushes that small. Â Photoshop CS6 Wacom Cintiq 12WX Windows 7
I am currently having a problem which (looks like) i have a background mask that will not delete even tho there isn't any text there. i cant select this or delete it.
That's a print screen of one of the areas that's effected.
I was fallowing your the directions to make fire text but when it got to the part to use the wind filter it was there but not highlighted so i could use it!! Any ideas why and how can i fix it? Before you ask I have photoshop cs2 updated!!
I recently got Ps CS3 and I love the wind filter in CS2 but in CS3 the results come out way different. I was wondering if that is the new wind filter or is there some thing wrong. Is there a way to fix it.
In CS2 the wind effect showed up outside of the text, but in CS3 it is showing up inside the text.
I am trying create an illustration in that will later become a button in another program that an end user will click on. Â This button needs to be the shape of a circle. Â Unfortunately, when the circle button has a square transparent background, the user can also click on the background to trigger the action. Â I dont want that to be an option, so I am trying to delete the transparent background so that all I have is the circle image. Â Is this possible to do?Â
Each are can be individually selected in AI. I can change colors, strokes add images pretty much anything except what i can do in ps. In ps i can have the background as a specific layer. Then select the areas of the jersey then invert and delete the remaining portion of the background from the background layer. I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT IN AI cs6. I have to do this in AI because there are certain images and backgrounds i need to image trace to blow up to size of jersey. I make it work by importing after editing as much as possible in PS.
I am trying to make a wind effect on some text. at first this was working and looked really good. but later i tried doing it again on some different text and instead of giving the wind effect, it just kinda put horizontal lines through the text.
i have just got into image editing (got photoshop 8 cs last week) and i have been learning from tutorials. the first image i did used the wind effect to make the text look like ice. and i want to use it again. the first time i made the ice text it all went fine, but when i want to use it again it wont work. when i click wind, instead ofthe wind effect coming OUT FROM the text, It goes INTO the text, like its inverted or something.
one other thing, i saw in the flash movie of photoshop that you can change colours of different things, eg, cpply the texture of a chicken onto a fox, or turn a black woman into a white woman.
how to do this effect to an image, it looks like some kind of wind effect, but it is directed to the center of the image and I don't know how to do that,
how they made the black lines that are near the eyes of the cyborg ninja....
I've had this problem with the wind filter for a while now. For some reason, when I try to apply the filter, the actual wind effect doesn't appear. Instead, part of the object is cut away, as if the background was being "blown" onto the object. I'm usually applying the filter to text,
Suddenly my CS2 has started to act up. First, after opening a file and start to do a background erasing, the brush shows up as crosshairs.
after a brief time of working with those limitations, when I click on the downdown menus, they get highlighted, but nothing drops down. If I try to close the file or the program, all I get is a warning "ding".
I have followed this tutorial [URL] To delete the background which is white in this case. The area was selected with fuzzy tools, then transparency added. Deleted background. All worked well. Problem is, saving as a jpg will not include a white background, which I DO not want.
I want to import this image into Inkscape, and have the background on my business card to show up to the edge of the jpg image I have on the card.
So what can I save this image that had its background deleted into another format that does NOT add white as a background and imported into Inkscape?
I'm wondering how to do glowing text over a background image. What I am looking for is the technique used on the title text from the show "Smallville"
Here are the restrictions:
-Background image (obviously background layer)
-Glowing text (but not regular font. I made some font and just saved as black and white image)
I have spent a while looking for the technique, but nothing seemed to work well. I applied a Gaussian filter, weird polar coordinates thing (seen from another site), and Wind effect.
The wind effect seems closest. However, when I force a black and white text image to have the wind effect, the background of the white glowing text remains black and it looks bad if I just make the black transparent.
One problem which i have and it seems that it is really taking wind out of me.... Th problem is one of my client requires a effect of PAGE PEEL... means we have a scanned photograph and we want to give a realistic effect that someone has teared that photo from right top to center... I really try out all the things which r there in my book but couldnt get one..
am attempting to use the wind filter on text but when I attempt to use the filter it is greyed out and not available.I have followed several turorials and attempted to look it up in a book I have but am missing something. I have typed the text on a background, rasterized it according to instructions, then when I attempt to use the filter it is greyed out and I am not able to select it.
I am trying to use a spline to deform hairs on a object.
I have 1 editable spline, with multiple splines attached to it(1 spline which has been rotated), but when I use it to comb the hairs, it will only take 1 or 2 of the splines, so it all goes in 1 direction, rather then all outwards from the center, like the splines are.
The splines are all the same, all in one shape, and all have the first vertex in the center.
I have tried re-creating the splines, but it comes out the same.
I am an occasional user of AutoCAD. I have a received a drawing from a company where the cross hairs are at 45 degrees and I can only insert dimensions at 45 degrees.
I have tried PLAN > Enter > Enter . This rotated both the cross hair and the drawing 45 degrees