Illustrator :: CS6 - How To Delete Background Image Areas

Dec 29, 2013

Each are can be individually selected in AI. I can change colors, strokes add images pretty much anything except what i can do in ps. In ps i can have the background as a specific layer. Then select the areas of the jersey then invert and delete the remaining portion of the background from the background layer. I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT IN AI cs6. I have to do this in AI because there are certain images and backgrounds i need to image trace to blow up to size of jersey. I make it work by importing after editing as much as possible in PS.

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Illustrator :: How To Delete Image Background

Dec 28, 2013

How do you delete image background in Illustrator. can i use the wand? it does not work.

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Photoshop :: How To Delete An Image Background

Oct 4, 2013

I want to delete a solid white background from an image and I have been following different procedures but none works for me.The last procedure I followed is the following[URL]...Deleting a simple background.

I have been following each and every step carefully but once I open the saved jpeg file, the image is still shown with its solid white background. The source file is a jpeg file.The destination file is also a jpeg file.My Adobe Photoshop version is CS6 13.0 on Windows XP SP3. What am I doing wrong here?

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Illustrator :: How To Exclude Transparent Areas In Image Trace

May 9, 2012

I have a logo file, saved as PNG, that is black on transparent.  Very simple file, just stylized black lettering on a transparent background. In Illustrator CS5, I can place that file, do a "Live Trace" in "Lettering" mode, and Illustrator will correctly ignore the transparent areas when I expand the trace.  After expanding, I'm left with scalable paths and an easy way to change the fill color to have the logo work with my background.
Fast forward to Illustrator CS6.  I try to do the same thing but a) there is no "lettering" preset for Image Trace and b) there is no setting I have yet found to cause Illustrator to ignore the transparent areas when I expand.  If I then fill, everything inside the bounds of the placed image (the square containing the logo) is filled with that color.  The only way I've found to get similar results is to go through the layers panel after the Expand and deselect each piece of the image that should not be filled.  I have a hard time believing this is the desired approach.

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Illustrator :: How To Ignore White Areas In Image Trace

Mar 18, 2014

How to ignore white areas in Image Trace

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Photoshop :: How To Professionally Delete Background Of An Image

Sep 19, 2007

I am working on this book cover in Illustrator, and I am having problems deleting the background of this one image (in ps). I use the magic wand, but it doesn't look smooth me.

I have this image of some rings on a white background I got from stockx or one of those sites. These rings need to sit on an image (which is a large monogram M). I am trying to make the background transparent, and my attempts....well, they are ok for the average eye, but for something going to print, it just is not good enough. I am still learning illustrator, so I am trying to delete this background using photoshop. I used the magic wand to delete the majority, and then tried to use the eraser to clean up. Still looks like garbage to me.

I became so frustrated I thought about about a diff approach from deleting the background. I would just create the "M" in one layer, dupl the layer, crop it, etc etc. Only prob is when I try, transferring back to Illustrator makes the image jagged. And trying to crop in Illustrator? Well that is like calculus to me.

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Illustrator :: Preserving White Areas But Not Backgrounds In Image Trace

Feb 26, 2014

I've got a little graphic that I'm working on at the moment. I am trying to trace it using the Image Trace feature in illustrator.
Everything's hunky dory apart from the fact that the original graphic has a lot of white features on it that I want to preserve. These white bits are not bordered so, in the main page of illustrator, they merge with the white background. When I go to use Image Trace, I can either select "Ignore white" which leaves out all of this white detailing, or I can deselect it which means that the trace then includes the white background and the whole image is set into an annoying box.
how I can remedy this? I know in Photoshop, there's that checked background that shows when your work surface is empty. Is there a way of getting this same thing in Illustrator?

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Photoshop :: How To Delete Areas With Magic Wand In Quick Mask Mode

Nov 27, 2012

I'm trying to find a quicker way to create a mask. In the image below I am removed the white areas, and I use the magic wand with - (minus) selected, at the moment I have to switch between quick mask mode as to see what parts you have missed.

On the left you can see an area inside the object that has been removed and the part next to is white, I would like to be able to click this white area and it ruen red so that it adds it to the selection?
how this could be done or is there an easier way in which to do this?

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Illustrator :: Delete Link To Image?

Nov 28, 2012

in my Link window I still see the linke to an image that i have as embedded as well. How do I delete the link ? I didn't see a delete function in the link window, respectively in the dropdown of the window.

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Illustrator :: How To Delete The Image Outside Of Offset Path

Feb 25, 2013

I'm really new to Illustrator, and I'm trying to print an image that will have a CutContour swatch around it, with a bleed outside of the CutContour line. You'll see that I set up the bleed by creating an offset path outside of the CutContour path. However, I would like to delete the rest of the image outside of that, but I'm not sure how to do this. I don't want to print the entire block of the photograph, just the image inside the tracing, leaving the outside white. I thought I could select the offset path and make a Clipping Mask from that but it says it's "too complex" or doesn't do anything at all. I've attached an example since it will probably make more sense to have something to look at in addition to my explanation...

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Illustrator :: Automatically Delete Anchor Points When New Image Placed On Top?

Sep 5, 2013

I know that I can delete anchor points but I was wondering if there is a shortcut to do it on a larger scale.
Can you automatically delete anchor points when a new image is placed on top - so that it 'replaces' the image, only on the parts obviously that you cover with the new one.

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Illustrator :: How To Remove Background From Image

Jun 28, 2013

I am trying to incorporate some business logos into a brochure I am creating. The problem is, most of these logos have a white background. How can I remove this and make a transparent background?

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Revit :: Why Create Area Schedule Of Areas As Opposed To Using Room Areas

Sep 22, 2011

What is the difference between rooms and areas? Why create an area schedule off 'areas' as opposed to using 'room' areas? Can you create a schedule off room areas?

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GIMP :: Aerial Photo Of Island - Make Water Areas Black And Land Areas White

Jan 29, 2013

In the image below I have an aerial photo of an Island. I need to make it so as water areas are black and land areas are white (not greyscale) almost like a silhouette. My first plan was to draw round the island with a black paint brush and then use the "bucket fill" with a suitable threshold to fill all of the areas up to the black outline with black, however this doesn't work as the bucket fill either breaks through the black line or when I reduce the threshold, doesn't color the water areas solidly.

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Photoshop :: Saturating Saturated Areas/desaturating Desaturated Areas

Jun 6, 2009

I'll make the important parts bold.

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AutoCad :: Measure Areas Of Many Rooms And Arrange Areas In Table

Aug 15, 2011

I have a drawing (autocad 2011) ,which i have to measure the areas of the many rooms and i arrange these areas in a table! is there any fast way to do so? avoiding the boaring typical area measurements room by room?

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Illustrator :: Remove (White) Background From Image?

Oct 29, 2009

I managed to create the Illustrator image I want & now need to take this image & use it in another application. However, regardless of which way I attempt to export - jpg, tif or png, I'm still getting the (white artboard) background, which I do not want.  I attempted to create another box & blend the background to the background of the other application that I am using, but it's still apparent.
Also, with some conversion, my image became distorted or changed the image colors a little bit.
What's the process to remove unwanted backgrounds from Illustrator images?  Here's some samples.

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Illustrator :: How To Fill A Shape With Image As Background

Mar 8, 2013

I am trying to get more familiar with Illustrator in meanwhile. Still have difficulties with some tasks.
I ve got designed a shape in illustrator which has to be need filled with image like a background. Imagine we have a circle and what I need is to fill only circle with costum picture, how to do that?

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Illustrator :: Match Sidebar To Image Background?

Nov 24, 2012

I am creating a professional portfolio.  I've been working on this problem for days, and nothing I try seems to work.  It's a little bit hard to explain so I am posting a screen shot to aid in this discussion.
How can I get the background of my image to match the sidebar of my illustrator file?  Tried to select background then paint the same color.  But colors do not match.  Do I need to make a transparent background somehow? 

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Illustrator :: How To Export Image With Transparent Background (CC)

Dec 28, 2013

I want to point out I am currently exporting my image by going to File>Export>.PNG>(72PPI+Transparent).The issue im running into is; for example when I am exporting text, I am also exporting a certain amount of area around my image. How can I export the exact outline of my image?

When I wanted to use my text image for a website I was building I noticed I couldn't get the image to center. I opened the image in paint and noticed I was exporting the area around my image as well and not just the image itself.
I would like to export the text outline only. As you can see in paint I am exporting a fixed area around my image.

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Illustrator :: Website Logo Needs To Sit On Top Of Background Image With No Box

Jun 13, 2013

I am trying to create a logo with a transparent background for my website, so my logo can sit on top of background images. I have created different file, png, gif, eps all with transparent backgrounds but every time I upload it to my website builder (wix) it has either a grey or white background. How I would achieve the correct file?

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Illustrator :: Using Background Image As Template In Gradient Mesh

Mar 17, 2013

So, basically, I am DETERMINED to learn how to use gradient mesh in 5.1.  I tried to do that well-known red pepper exercise (I'll provide the URL if somebody hasn't seen it.) Everything was going fine until I actually tried to use the background jpg of the pepper itself in outline mode as a template. The idea is to pick up the template colors of the pepper and then use them as gradient mesh colors. No matter how I tried to do it, that trick just would not work.
If you are working on a gradient mesh and are using image template as a guide you want to work in outline  preview so you can see the underlying art to determine wht you are constructing and also it then allows you to use the eyedropper to sample the color of the actual photo so it can be translated tothe mesh and you can simply switch back to Preview mode to check your progress.

Very handy when working with gradient meshes if you are using and underlying template to translate into art.
That sounds great, but sampling the color of the photo and then actually using it on the gradent mesh points just did not seem to work for me.

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Illustrator :: Dark Gray Background To And Image / Pattern?

Dec 19, 2012

I'm using Illustrator cs6. I would like to change the dark gray background that surrounds the art board to a step and repeat patterns of our logo. We use screenshots as a means of generating low-res proofs. Having our step and repeat logo pattern as the background would allow us to easily include it in our low-res screenshot proofs. Can I replace the "system file" for the dark gray to our step and repeat pattern?

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Illustrator :: Same Background Image (TIFF) Appears Different In Different Files

Oct 16, 2013

I am linking to the exact same background image file (TIF) in more than one illustrator file. This image is on the bottom layer in  four different files.
The opacity on the  image and the image's layer is set to 100% in all the files. In the dialog box for each of the layers that contain the image, the "Dim" control is unchecked. There are no other higher layers that contain artwork that might interfere with the image's appearance. two of the files, the image looks full and vibrant. In the other two files, the image looks dim and faded.
Is there another control that I'm missing that might be causing the image to be faded. (I want it to be full and vibrant.)

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Illustrator :: CC Image Looks Pixelated After Saving With Transparent Background

Nov 18, 2013

image looks pixelated after saving with transparent background...
i created a logo in adobe illustrator cc and i wanted to saved it for web in order to be able to copy and paste the logo where ever I wanted but the image looks extremely pixelated after saving as an png, and for web.

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Photoshop :: My Image Keeps Snapping To Certain Areas

Feb 21, 2007

trying to move my image around freely but the image keeps locking in certain areas, like its snapping or something,

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Illustrator :: Remove Text From Image Preserving Background Colour?

Dec 5, 2013

I need to remove the '' from this jpeg version of a logo I have to use it for a magazine print file I am working on in indesign. I have opened the file in Illustrator (it is a very large file because it was designed for outdoor sinage.) and I thought I had better ask about the best way to do it without it affecting image or print quality.

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Illustrator :: How To Image Trace Smoke Text And Remove Background

Dec 7, 2013

I'm using illustrator cs6. i did a smoke text in photoshop and saved it as png-24 file.I wanted to vectorize the smoke text in illustrator.

So i placed the png files and image trace it with high fidelity photo as my preset.

I tried out all the preset,mode and so on,but it changed my smoke effects.That's why i chose high fidelity photo,bt i can't check the ignore white box, i can't remove the background.I tried low colour.but the smoke part become white colour ,obviously when i change the background colour.

Second method that i used was image trace(high fidelity photo)>expand>ungroup>delete the white part..but it doesnt work...

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Illustrator :: Transparent PSD Image / Changes Color Of Vector Background After Print

Jan 11, 2013

URL....I have a green vector background in illustrator and then I placed psd image over it and created PDF for press and under Color bitmap images I selected no compression.After viewing image in Acrobat all seems ok, I even checked with picker, but after I send this to printer (xerox in thsi case) I end up with this: Both .psd and .ai are in CMYK color space. For this particular case I could use mask to cover up that transparent space but my original project has shadows which I cannot mask by vector :S.
how to set color profiles or whatever is neccessary to avoid this issue. One thing I was using was, opening PDF in Photoshop and flatening all. Problem is that sometimes I need vector files and cut lines for cutter. Don't want to have bitmap, if I can have a vector? Also when I flaten image I do get same CMYK values in photoshop (with picker) than I have in Illustrator on vector object, but when I print this they don't match at all.

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Photoshop :: Image Displaying With Blocked Out Areas?

Apr 19, 2012

I downloaded an image of a web template to look at the colours more closely before possibly purchasing it and when I opened the image in CS4 it had a bunch of triangular blocked out areas - kind of like a mask of some sort I think.  I then tried creating a new document and opening an existing, unrelated PSD file and now they have the same triangular blocked out areas. 

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Paint Shop Pro :: Cutting Out Image Areas

Jul 24, 2013

Here are the instructions in the manual:

To cut out an image area

Edit workspace

1 On the Layers palette, click the layer that contains the image area that you want to cut out.

2 Choose Image * Object Extractor.

The Object Extractor dialog box appears, with the Brush tool activated by default.

3 Adjust the brush size by moving the Brush size slider.

4 In the preview area, draw a line along the edges of the image area that you want to cut out.

Ensure that the selection outline slightly overlaps the surrounding background and completely surrounds the area in a closed ring.

5 Choose the Fill tool , and click inside the area you want to cut out.

An overlay covers the image area that you clicked.

Note: If the selection outline is not closed, the fill covers the entire image. If this is the case, click the Eraser tool to clear the fill, and then complete the selection outline with the Brush tool.

6 Click Process to preview the result.

If you are not happy with the result, click Edit Mask to return to the previous view and touch up the cutout.

- - -

I get down to No. 6 but I'll be darned if I know where/how to "Click process to preview the result."

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