Photoshop :: Create A Numbered Grid?
Aug 1, 2008In photoshop, How would I create a grid with sequential number in any corner of each square?
View 2 RepliesIn photoshop, How would I create a grid with sequential number in any corner of each square?
View 2 RepliesCan autocad automatically create a sequentially numbered array. I do concert seating and am looking to create an array of seats and have them be numbered automatically as I create the array.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwant to translate my vector illustrations to charts for cross stitch kits. Using the grid tool, but the lines aren't equally spaced? I have a 100cm x 100cm document at the moment, with 1 cm making a 'stitch'. I want a grid that is 100cm x 100cm, made up of 1cm x 1cm squares for simplicity. Then be able to print the design out on the grid.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to create grid texture in Photoshop?
View 2 Replies View Relatedt is possible to create numbered/bulleted text in photoshop, with indentation as it is done in MS Word.
Just something like the text that appears to the left of the image of that house. The image displayed shows the various components of a water distribution system for a single home which collects rain water and deposits it in a storage tank. The only text that I have written in photoshop is the title and the web address.
This is for some course notes but I wanted to replace the original scanned text (which is in dark blue) for some photoshop text in black colour. But I want the text with the same indent format. Can this be done in Photoshop?
I've seen in a number of graphics people have augmented them with an overlay of a series of 1's and 0's (Binary #'s). They slightly plure them but manage to keep the numbers still slightly visible.
is there a recommended font to use when doing this?
I am designing a website for a developer. he asked for a 1140x960px document built on a grid that is divisable by 12. so thats 95 boxes across.
How do i change the the grid spacing to create this 12x12px grid?
We want to create a 'graduation plaque' with a number of students in a grid - like this
The source photos are all different sizes. Is there a faster/easier method of producing something like this rather than resizing every image to fit a predefined size and then manually placing them on separate layers?
I am trying to follow this tutorial on how to create anamorphic images and I don't know how to use vanishing point. How to create a flat grid like it says. Also, does the number of rows in a grid matter? Because in the picture it's like five rows across and when I create a grid it's at least twenty rows across. I have an art final due in a two days.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I try and open images using image sequence, it does not open all the consecutively numbered files. It only opens about half of them 471 or 873. Why is this? I have copied the files, batch renmaed a few times, and still it does not open all 873. I can tell this by the short length and when I go to export it only says "files up to 471" and it is not the entire folder.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI need a way to take images of a preset size and slice them up into seperate little image squares which are each saved with a sequential number starting with the first square (top left) but in a grid type pattern - so the first square would be saved as '1-1.jpg' and the one to the right of it would be '1-2.jpg' and the one to the right of that would be '1-3.jpg' etc. Then the next row would be like '2-1.jpg', '2-2.jpg', 2-3.jpg' etc. and so on.
Is there anyone who would possibly be able to help write an action to do this automatically?
I know it's a large request but I'm not so good with complex actions and don't know where to begin with this.
Please help if you can. The final 'diced' images are to be used in a website which is a college project of mine, I'm fine with building the website, I'm just not so good with actions and really don't want to have to slice a number images individually (I'm currently estimating there will be a large number of little squares per image - something in the region 300 or so...). If anyone can help I'll work out the exact figures and dimensions so it can be done.
i like to create grip , all it gave me is to use the filter -> render -> grid plugin , now for my job all i want to do is if i have for example square image like 1530 x 1530 and i want that the grid will be 8 x 8 matrix , when the grid lines are 1 pix width.
i dont what to calculate the right spacing on each grid cell as the grid filter gives me i just what GIMP to calculate me the right spacing for this image and grip line width.
i like to create grip , now i know i searched google and all it gave me is to use the filter -> render -> grid plugin , now for my job all i want to do is if i have for example square image like 1530 x 1530 and i want that the grid will be 8 x 8 matrix , when the grid lines are 1 pix width. i dont what to calculate the right spacing on each grid cell as the grid filter gives me i just what GIMP to calculate me the right spacing for this image and grip line width.
View 5 Replies View Relatedthe autocad can create points on grid? I must stipulate the points to be sampled in the field / map, and would be a nice increase for the company. I'm sending a map, and I need a point every 2500 m square. I managed to do manually. I picked a line and divide segments of it with the command point. But I had to use the "copy" in each row of dots and copy down.
The attachment is a map with 32,81 ha ( 328100 m 2). That is, I need 4 points per hectare (10,000 square meters) in total 131 dots ( points )
In short, it is possible, in this map make a grid of points 2500m square from each other?
I'm looking to create this polygon grid, I'm unsure how I'd do this and then fill it to get the same logo as the M3? URL....
View 17 Replies View RelatedI am currently working on making a lens profile and the instructions are pretty annoying as they require the calibration chart to remain in the same spot while you tilt the camera as well as move the camera around to make sure that you are tilting the camera to bring the calibration chart close to a side of the frame but not clipping it and also staying within an angle of 10-30 degrees.
This seems overcomplicated, instead, why cant adobe make a single calibration grid where the camera is positioned in such a way that it fills the entire frame as much as possible without clipping, then it simply corrects using the single chart.
With the way it is now, unless you have the camera on a computer controlled dolly and computer controlled head, you will not be able to make a completely accurate lens profile.
how to select only even or odd numbered files in lightroom? I need to reduce the quantity of images in my timelapse sequence. since there are 8250 images and doing this maually would be tediuos and make me want to kill myself.... : )
View 10 Replies View RelatedHow do I unbold the numbered list? The first phrase is bolded in my list but I do not want the numbers to be bold.
View 20 Replies View RelatedThe list was going great on all three levels until level 8.2.2 (that's what it should show), but I am showing 6.2.1. I'm pretty sure I have all the correct levelled Paragraph Styles.
This video shows the gist of it. One thing I have noticed is when clicking on the 8.2.1 (the last correct numbering in the list) the option 'clear overrides in selection' is available from the Paragraph Styles window.This is not available on the faulty 6.2.1. so I'm hoping this is playing an important role.
I tried adding another Paragraph Style and resetting that number but what's really strange is that it stays on 6.2.1. and I can't see the point of creating another paragraph style on whilst staying on level 3.
I have a paragraph style for numbered lists with rule below set to text width. But the rule doesn't extend to the left below the numbers. Is there a way to do this automatically without having to set negative left indents for each one? There are 80+ list items and since I'm not using a monospaced font, the rule would need to be slightly different lengths throughout.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create a symmetrical grid in a mesh? without having to manually do each node and intersection? A simple square with just a small shape change to a corner causes non-symmetrical patterns in the entire mesh.
How is the mesh in CD different from AI? Of course there is a lot more online content for AI.
how to create a diagonal grid on an image. For example; [URL]
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was just wondering how to create a diagonal grid on an image. URL....
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using Civil3D 2012 and I am trying to create a 50'x50' grid in model space that automatically populates the N & E.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP4
Windows 7 (64)
I am using Revit Architecture 2013 and am trying to create a window family that has different grid options built into the family. I have included a copy of one of my window families I am working on and an image for an examples of what happens when I load all my windows into a project and place them. Some of the grid families do not automatically adjust to the size it should be. But if I click on the window (lets say it as no grids) and then select the no grid parameter again then it will adjust. How I can get these windows to adjust automatically so I don't need to do an extra step to make them look right!?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using Windows 7x64 and have recently installed Lightroom 4.3. Initially worked well but after installing Photoshop CS6 I can no longer see images. The metadata and histograms are there but no images. What I see is a set of gray frames, one for each image in the imported group. Each frame is numbered sequentially, and the total gray frames is the same as the number of images in the imported file.
Using the "Develop" mode I still see only a gray box, though the histogram is live, and as I move the cursor across the gray box it shows R, G, and B characteristics as if the photograph is visible.
My question is when you Create Reference Grid, it seems to default the text and grid to black in color (I work with a black background in C3D), so its pretty tough to see. Where do you control the color and text size of this Grid?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am looking to create a grid to "Overlay" a topographical map in model space. Essentially this will be built on a seperate layer titled grid that can be turned on or off to essentially "toggle" it. What is the most efficient way to create a grid in autocad? As well as assure the proper scale. Say I want it to have 10 ft. by 10 ft. cells on a topographical map that has a scale of 1" = 50'.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a simple 2x4 ceiling grid hatch for layout planning, but AutoCAD keeps giving me an error when I try to use it.
Here's the custom hatch that I wrote at the very end of the acad.pat file:
*CGRID, 2x4 grid
0, 0,0, 0,48
90, 0,0, 0,24
When I load up ACAD, it shows the hatch in the selection, but after I've defined the area and I try to apply the hatch, I get this error in the command line:
Missing parameter on line 385.
I want to be able to pull the numerical value of a text and be able to increment it by a specified amount to then rewrite the text to the new number...
More specifically i have a floor plan with numbered rooms say 1-100... These numbers refer to a separate schedule with the actual room names and i am trying to keep them in order by plotted sheet... Say area "A" on the first sheet is numbers 1-10...
If halfway through the naming process i notice that i forgot a room in section "A" i now need to increment all the numbers 11-100 by one to 12-101 and add the room number to section "A" that now contains 1-11...
Currently i use TCOUNT to individually select each number in order 11,12,13,14 - 99, 100... to increment this way is very tedious and it would be easier if i could just select the numbers 11-100 with a bounding box and be able to extract the text, convert it to a number, increment, rewrite the original text for every selected text no matter of order..It has been so long since i have written lisp that i am not really sure where to begin..
there maybe opportunity to customize the numbered/bulleted lists in Text tool in Xara Designer Pro 7?
I am not sure maybe somewhere read that it is possible