I'm purchasing a new camera that's only supported with raw5 and I'd prefer to stay with cs3. I also have lightroom 1.3.
my choices are to go to cs4 (rather not) or use dng converter and use cs3 or go to lightroom 2.
My question is that since lightroom 2 uses raw 5x and cs3 4x, will I cause a mess in my computer? I did install the trial cs4 and found that it altered cs3 on me. I was told this wouldn't happen but there are some common files (the raw being one of them) and I actually had to wipe my system and reinstall everything.
I'm working on image in a collection that I created. I give image 4 stars and a color when I'm done working on them in the Development module.After opening the Preset and using some of them, as soon as I was giving a star rating to an image, I was automatically brought to the next image - which is not the normal behavior of Lightroom.So, I close the Presets "module" and re-clicked my Collection and then it stopped. It's hard to re-create a problem like this. But this is the only thing I've done differently and I've been retouching over 500 images without encountering this problem before.I'm working with the latest Lightroom 5 version.
SInce I upgraded from Lightroom 4.3 to version 5.0 I and having problems when saving files to my computer. The anomaly is that it isn't all the time. The files are being saved with a .conflict extension. when exported from Lightroom. - For example tornado.conflict1 when i name the file tornado.
I'm not making any adjustment in Lr. I'm just opening, editing and saving a TIFF file in Ps and I'm always getting the following warning. What can cause a metadata conflict for such a case?
I am new to Lightroom and evalutating 3.6 on a trial.I performed the following test:
1. Imported 3 pictures into Lightroom from my hard drive 2. In Lightroom, I made a keyword change to one photo (removed a keyword). 3. All three photos' Metadata icon show the arrow, indicating that there has been a change. (I only changed the keyword on one photo.) 4. I click the icon for the photo whose keyword I changed. 5. I get the message "The metadata for this photo has been changed in Lightroom. Save the changes to disk?" 6. I click "Yes". 7. The photo's Metadata icon shows an exclamation point. When you hover over the exclamation point, it shows the message "Sidecar has conflict".
I have two questions:
1. My expectation is that when I changed a keyword, or any other metadata, in LR, it will show up on the photo outside of LR. My understanding is that this is a functionality of LR. Am I wrong? (The Help files seem to indicate that this is a reasonable expectation.) 2. I am assuming, having read many posts on the forum, that the error message "Sidecar has conflict" is a bug. Am I right? (My understanding is that JPEGs don't have sidecar files, which just makes this message even more odd.)
I am on Windows 7 Home Premium (upgraded from Vista Home Premium), 32 bit.
I set up a smart collection with the setting of Metadata Status Is Conflict Detected and for some reason the collection has virtual copies in it which I created for darkening skies and such. Why virtual copies would be considered in conflict with files on the HD.
After upgrading to Lightroom 4.3 in Windows 7 64Bit I often get random problems during DNG developing. The first problem: LR during developing shows on image thumbnail the exclamation mark icon of "metadata conflict" warning (see attached screen snapshot). This problem occurs when an external program (i.e. PS) has modified the DNG file and LR Catalog is not synchronized. Of course no modification at all has been done externally by any software but LR itself! It seems a problem of DNG/catalog sync that in some cases fails (very disappointing). The second problem is the black exclamation mark (see again attached screen snapshot) that means problems during reading DNG!! This problem is absolutely random too. Developing is still possible on this files and usually the problem disappear ...
This problems don't affect proprietary RAW files (NEF from my Nikon D300s) and I've never seen them in Lightroom 4.2.
My home and office computers (WinXP Pro SP3) run super. I do not remember when I had blue screen last time, probably two or three years ago.
I have been using CS2 and upgraded to CS4 a week ago. Since then, I am getting blue screen so often. I use Flasget download manager for downloading including torrents. My hunch is that CS4 and Flashget downloading cause sort of a conflict, which results in blue screen.
When I do not use Flasget (i.e., no downloadin), my computers run smooth all day long, witout incurring blue screen. I wonder anybody has similar expereince or not.
I have been having an issue with files from my D800 when opening them in Photoshop CS6. I should note that this issue has never been a problem with any other camera that I have owned and used with CS6 (D3200, D7000, D80, Kodak Pro SLR N, Hasselblad H3D).
When attempting to open a number of files, ONLY from the D800, I seem to be limited to 10 or 11 files max. Once it loads that quantity I get an error message that it is out of resources. I had chalked it up to the tif files that I typically work with being 16-bit files at a little over 200MB each just being too large to open in any higher quantity.
Last evening I shot a graduation party for a friend and had inadvertently set the camera to shoot "basic" (lowest possible quality) jpg's at a file size of about 3MB each (still 7830 X 4912px). When I tried to load them into photoshop to do some dust clean-up and a few minor tweaks I was surprised to find that it still would only open 10 files before giving me the same error message.
how you may have adjusted settings in either the camera or in CS6 to resolve this issue. Again, it has never been an issue with any other camera I have used, and the Hassy is 39MP so file size shouldn't be the problem. It seems to be something in conflict between photoshop and files from that specific camera. To further elaborate and head off the next question, yes, this seems to happen with other D800's as well as I have rented a couple of others while this one was at Nikon for warranty repair and those cameras had the same issue with CS6.
I have 5.5 and it has been working fine for years. Recently installed a network printer/fax/copier (HP J6480) with ocr software. Since then, Photoshop won't run. I uninstalled it and tried to re-install. Software wouldn't even install.
I loaded my legacy actions to Photoshop CC. They worked as usual until I loaded the PShop updater today. One of my own custom actions is F5 which adds a darken only layer. F5 now deletes the currently selected layer. I have looked though the keyboard command menus, and see MANY key command options.
I still am not seeing an F5 command to delete layer. Not sure how many other key commands have been added. I can foresee some very uninted results with actions I have spec'd that may now be superseded by new key commands. There seems to be a legacy option, but the interface to all of this seems a bit complex.
I upgraded from CS5 to CS6 when it was released. A couple of weeks ago I uninstalled both CS5 and an old version of Photoshop Elements v7 that had been on my machine.
Even though I use CS6 I just noticed that when I look for or open a PSD file from CS6 that my PSD files are defined in the "Type" column as follows "PhotoshopElements.PSDFile.7"
I no longer have Elements 7 on my machine and I'm concerned that there might be an artifact from that old app that is being used by CS6 instead of current versions of PSD.
How to confirm I am using only current CS6 PSD converions?
I am now getting multiple systems that will not open Photoshop CS 6. As soon as PS starts to open, Application Manager starts and prevents PS from opening. The two applications alternate for control with neither being able to open. This problem is also occurring with Illustrator CS 6 and now has started in Photoshop.
When the "fight" starts you have to do a forced shut down (power button for 10 seconds) in order to be able to login. Then Uninstalling the application, either by the Uninstaller of PS or by using the ELA uninstaller created when the Install package is created. Systems are Apple 10.8.2 with Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Created installer for Master Suite.
This has now appeared on six or seven systems of the approximatly 200 that got the install. The applications ran normally with no problems for about two weeks bu now the problems are popping up for no appearent reason.
I upgraded from CS5 to CS6 when it was released. A couple of weeks ago I uninstalled both CS5 and an old version of Photoshop Elements v7 that had been on my machine.
Even though I use CS6 I just noticed that when I look for or open a PSD file from CS6 that my PSD files are defined in the "Type" column as follows "PhotoshopElements.PSDFile.7"
I no longer have Elements 7 on my machine and I'm concerned that there might be an artifact from that old app that is being used by CS6 instead of current versions of PSD.
How to confirm I am using only current CS6 PSD conversions?
I'm having trouble installing CS5 web premium - everything installs fine except Photoshop. I get the following error:
Exit Code: 7 -------------------------------------- Summary -------------------------------------- - 1 fatal error(s), 3 error(s), 0 warning(s) ERROR: Found payload conflicts and errors: ERROR: - Adobe Flash CS5 depends on AIR2 For Adobe Flash Pro to be installed. ERROR: - Adobe Flash CS5 depends on Players For Adobe Flash Pro to be installed. FATAL ERROR: Conflicts were found in the selected payloads. Halting installation.
So I have migrated my template. Now when I start a new assembly, I get the "Styles Conflict" message. I could suppress it, but I'd rather not.I had rather that the file use the style definition in the style library. So I have to update the template with the new style definintion. Question is how to do that now in 2013?
I opened the template, then went to the Material Browser. In the righ hand pane, I picked the "Generic" material and then the up arrow (add material to document). I get a message that it already exists and the local copy will be used.
How do I get it to overwrite the local copy and use the styles definition in my library?
How to avoid the conflict between the “attribute” values?
I wanted to label the points (stored in txt file) using the lisp file ascpoint.lsp; This requires to build a block with 4 attribute values,But how to ensure that there is no conflict between the labels of the coordinates represented in the 4 attributes? They may overlap depending on the number of characters of the value of each attribute (coordinate).
I created a drawing template, saved on companies common drive, not local. When I created it I also created BOM to be filtered for certain iproperties. When I go "new" and open a new drawing file from the template I get the message about the style conflict and when open BOM in a new drawing I get default columns not the columns I set up in iproperties.
What is the process of setting up/changing styles?
Whenever I open a drawing in a certain project this error message always pops up.Some of the message details are:
-Parameter ERRCODE; Value 786433 -Error 786433 - Conflict between data tables in open drawings (57 consecutive occurrences) -Parameter: APPLNAME Value: ad -Parameter: CLASSNAME Value: airfield
this message box stops popping up when I open the drawings?
When Daylight Savings did its change this spring I started having problems saving files in Illustrator. I will go to save files, mainly .eps format, and it crashes Illustrator. I have changed my time zone to a zone that has not switched yet due to Daylight savings, and it works. Unfortunately as I find a new time zone, it also ends up hitting Daylight Savings, and I am back to square one. I have been searching both the Adobe site and the Windows site to find an answer to my problem, but am having no luck.
My proper time zone is
(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
I have even tried using Saskatchewan as they do not follow Daylight Savings, but it also creates crashes. I have tried many other time zones, the two that have worked so far are
(UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey (worked for a little while but a time change a few weeks later messed it up) (UTC) Casablanca (working on this time zone now, but an alert on my computer says time change coming up on the 28th)
I feel like I am running out of time, as I am not sure how many more time zones will work.
I have a complicated interior area where my walls can't clean up properly even though they are located in the right place. The wall is located at the center point of two columns which are all drawn as metal stud walls and gyp board with correct material cleanup priorities. I have a curtain wall anchored to the stud wall with sill height of 1'-4" and head height of 10'-8". I want to see the wall show up below and above the curtain wall which it does in axonometric view, but in plan, the cleanup error hides the wall completely. The fact that the wall below the curtain wall doesn't show up in plan is not the main issue, I just want to know if this wall will be able to take part in the conflict resolution I will be running later in the model or will it not because it has a cleanup error?
When opening one custom Content Center iPart from Inventor I get an Styles Conflict error for some Lights, Materials and Sheet Metal rules.
The Library is created in Inventor 2010 and migrated to 2012. All templates an Design Data are migrated as well. How are these styles are updated in a certain Part?
How do update the styles library to keep from getting the Styles Conflict error box. I have used the Standard.dwg file that loaded with Inventor 2012 but everytime I change styles and save the changes in a new template in reverts back to the library definitions.
I used to be able to select 'NO' in the LIbrary option of the Projects Folder but that optiion no longer exists.
I uninstalled Lightroom, because it was too slow on my computer. It put a lot of library files and directories in My pictures folder.
When I use a backup program (SyncbackSE) to backup my pictures, it starts to scan all the Lightroom library files and it takes forever (hours and counting). Even though Windows cannot find the directories (with hidden and system files shown). I want to completely delete the Lightroom directories, because now I can't backup my images anymore. It is a pain in the dark places.
Before, I could do a Command-E to open in Photoshop, do a Save As (to the Desktop, for instance) and it wouldn't get put into Lightroom. Now when doing a Save As from Photoshop, the edited file gets put back into Lightroom. What am I missing?
It took so long to learn Bridge and PS, that I was never going to bother with Aperture or LIghtroom, but well know photographer was praising Lightroom at seminar, look dazzling, so I got it. But with CS3 incorporating much of it, what the point of having it? Are there indispensible things that Lightroom does for you that CS3 will not? I'd like to hear.
I've been messing with Adobe Lightroom, and its a pretty slick app. One issue I seem to be having though, is my metadata. I have applied metadata (IPTC) to all of my files, and I'm supposed to be able to search on it (they all have my name as the creator)
My Photoshop-CC install is there an seems to work, but my LR5 does not see it, only goes to my old CS6 install.I tried renaming the CS6 folder, but it then just grayed-out the "edit-in" for Photoshop.The CC folder is in the same locations as the CS6 folder.