I have seen somwhere that you can colour code important commands to whatever colour you like so it is easier to pick out, for example if you use the shadow and highlights that menu would be a certain colour or gaussion blur, you could highlight it in a certain colour so they stand out.
i've made a template in photoshop for a website i sliced all the images i wanted, like my content box etc, how to change the code so i can write things on the webpage when its in a html editor,
1. Get a picture of a car (or something else), and a picture of some matrix code.
2. cut out the car using the magnetic lasso and paste it on as a new layer on the picture of the matrix code.
3. Go to image, adjustments, Hue/Saturation., and adjust it so it looks like the color of you code.
4.Copy a large square chunck of code and place it on a new layer.
5. The go to Edit, Define Pattern, and call it matrix.
6.now go to your car layer and click a part of the picture other than the car and ckick on it with the magic wand tool. Then right click on that same spot and click on select inverse, then copy it.
7. Now drag this layer over the layer of the matrix code and erase around it until it fits in nicely with the rest of the code. (don't erase too much.) Then press control+E to merge the two layers into one.
8. Duplicate the green car layer twice, and set all three car layers mode to vivid light.
9.Then mess with the Hue/Saturation menu until you car blends in nicely.
(Optional part which I did on the picture posted here)
10. Press the print screen button and copy and the paste image you get into a new image. Then use the magic wand tool on the car from your original image and copy and paste it on top of the new matrix car on a new layer.
11. Then while the lines are on the car you pasted, go to the car that is already there and copy and paste it onto a new layer. Then delete the first car you pasted in.
12. Mess with the Hue/Saturation on the car layer until it blends in with the matrix coding even better.
I have always done up templates in photoshop and from there transformed that template into html in dreamweaver, but yesterday discovered in dreamweaver thast you can output these templates into css format web pages....... my question is which is better hand coding it your self or letting imageready do the job for you.
If you do an entire web page from image ready does it not leave a huge amount of unneccessary graphics in your file, and also from the point of search engine optimisation are you not leaving all your key wiords out as graphics? can you delete certain parts out in dreamweaver and re fill with html colors and text?
I have been attempting to create some of my own line types by modifying the coding in the acadiso.lin file. I have been relatively successful in creating new line types but it is more by trial and error and wanted to understand the coding better.
We are using the linework coding to process our figures and the survey .txt file provided to me uses codes to begin lines with "+" & "-". For example, driveways are coded + DR1 for begin and - DR1 to end the line. The linework process works fine, its when I go to display the point in the description keys that are causing me problems. All the points that are in between the begin and end points display to the appropriate style because they are coded as DR*. The begin and end do not display correctly as the + & - isn't being recognized in the description key. I tried many alternate ways such as *DR*, + DR*, - DR*, with nothing working.
Is there a different format I need to be using? There are way to many points to go thru to move the + & - behind the code.
I need to transform a selection of ranges of grayscale image in colors. For example: using GSM of a gray scale image as a parameter I want to recode pixels from 0 to 20 in red, 21 to 40 in orange, 41 to 60 in yellow and so forth... until pixel valued 256 in GSM.
I found all of the javascript on my Expression Web 4 project coding had lost its color coding. All the text was black.It doesn't matter if the code is in a js file or in a html page.I tried, Tools > Page Editor Options... and Color Coding Tab, going to, and changing Display items called "Script ??????". But it doesn't fix it.
The only one that seems to work is "Script Identifier", and that changes all of the script to one color.Later in September I did a bit more.
I went to System Restore and restored my computer to a date two weeks previous.This fixed the problem. Color Coding for JS files in EW4 returned.I then started to install the Windows Updates and Programs that where installed in this period, until the problem came back. (Color Coding for JS files disappeared.)
The problem seemed to come on when I install Corel Paintshop Pro X4 (trial Version).At the same time I installed PSP X4, DirectX was installed. I don't know if PSP X4 had anything to do with the DirectX install.
If I uninstall PSP X4, the problem still remained with EW4.The only way to restore the problem with EW4 was to use System Restore again and restore to the state before the DirectX Install.
Today 20th November I did some more testing.Again my color coding for javascript went back to black.
I've had a couple of Windows 7 updates recently, (KB917607, KB 2607576 and also SP3 for Microsoft Office 2007) not sure if this bought the problem back on.
Apart from many other programs, I have:
Expression Web 4 Corel Paint Shop Pro X4 Corel Video Studio Pro X4
Today I thought I would do a bit more testing. I reloaded PSPX4 using file PSPP_X4_PF.exe This caused the color coding for javascript to go black.
I thought, what if I reload it again on top of the existing file. BUT I accidentally reloaded Video Studio X4 (File VSX4_Pro_TBYB.exe) Running this file a second time (File VSX4_Pro_TBYB.exe), actually asks if you want to remove Video Studio X4. I said no and cancelled.Now I went back to EW4 and the color coding for Javascript had miraculously re appeared.
When I reboot the PC and go to EW4 javascript, the color coding has gone.When I run Video Studio X4 (File VSX4_Pro_TBYB.exe) a second time and do the cancel, the color coding comes back.
I can do this any amount of times,
Reboot - no color. Reload VSX4 - color returns. Reboot - no color. Reload VSX4 - color returns.
Something seems to get loaded on the initialising of VSX4.
Currently I am working on a project which required to convert the FDO layer to DWG file through custom coding ( C# ) .
Addition Information :
I am using FDO for fetching oracle spatial data which is displaying as a layer in AUD modal space.This layer I need to save as DWG file through Custom coding ( C#).
I have noticed quite a performance hit when coding the same thing in .NEt compared to VBA. I suspect this to be due to out of process calls between .net and Inventor.
Is there any way to bundle many calls and send them as one.
Example: I want to change the parameter value of a constraint and then update the assemblydocument. Can this be bundled into one call to Inventor?
Inventor Professional 2012 SP1 (25 seats with subscription) Windows 7 64 bit Lenovo D20, 12 GB RAM, Intel Xeon X5687 3.6 GHz, SSD Quadro 4000, driver, dual monitors SpacePilot, driver version 6.15.3 Firmware 3.12
I'm attempting to create a model that autmotaically derives ready-to-go drawings. I've gotten pretty far in doing so but have a few issues with regards to dimensioning. As I'm sure you're aware, when the model changes, a dimension to that feature, which has been removed, is also deleted and some those dimensions do not return once the model is changed back.
I have looked into using different view representations, but have found that they do not accommodate feature supression.
Is there a way to program in the dimensioning of a view.
Create center points for of the holes and center lines.
And for a feature note such as "Hole and Thread" dimensioning, when the model expands, the leader and text length do not change and proceed into the view. Is there a way to fix or anchor the text to a certain spot on the drawing, and have the leader length expand and change accordingly to that point.
I am setting up template .ipts and .idw for my company, and i run Adept to save and store my files. Now i have a code to automatically make a .idw after i save an .ipt. but then after every save (adept saves the .ipt a lot of times) it will ask to make a drawing for the .ipt. well i was wondering if there is a code to put in a rule to disable the event triggers, and place that rule on the trigger after close document. so that the next time i open the document no event triggers will work.
We are trying to switch over in our office to importing all the points with linework already drawn in from the field. Our problem is when we are toping an area with a roadway, we commonly do cross sections. We get 2 of every line, such as the edge of pavement. I have set up our C3D to handle all our codes, but if our crews jump from one side to the other with their linework it will create a zig zag line instead of 2 parallel lines. Does C3D recognize the line code along with a number?
For example, our code for edge of pavement is EP. So the start of a pavement line would be B EP. Since there's 2 lines, we're wondering if we can do something like B EP1, then use B EP2 on the other side of the street. Will C3D still import both of those lines onto the EP layer that I have set up?
How can you "hard code" a link code or point code into a subassembly? I can use Input parameters to create the code, but then the user has the ability to change the code once in C3D?
how can you lock the name of a point or link code?
I'm attempting to create a model that autmotaically derives ready-to-go drawings. I've gotten pretty far in doing so but have a few issues with regards to dimensioning. As I'm sure you're aware, when the model changes, a dimension to that feature, which has been removed, is also deleted and some those dimensions do not return once the model is changed back.
I have looked into using different view representations, but have found that they do not accommodate feature supression.
My questions are:
Is there a way to program in the dimensioning of a view
Create center points for of of the holes and center lines
And for a feature note such as "Hole and Thread" dimensioning, when the model expands, the leader and text length do not change and proceed into the view. Is there a way to fix or anchor the text to a certain spot on the drawing, and have the leader length expand and change accordingly to that point.
I have an App developer that is requesting an .AI file for developing an App that can be utilized on all the following Apple hardware (iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPod touch, iPad, iPad mini). He is insisting on it, because of the vector file. I have a design file that was completed in a layerd PSD. I want to know what, if any, quality is lost from converting from PSD to .AI vector file? Would it be better to have the Designers strach over from Scratch?
Whenever I create a new colour in the colour swatches it only stays there for a couple of actions while working on a project. I understand from others that once they create a colour it stays there. Why can't I get that to happen?
I am using CS6 and the Replace Colour Tool no longer allows me to replace multiple colours when I select the + . So when I have the panel open and I highlight the +, I used to then be able to click on several spots in my image and all of the colours that are in those spots are added to the selected colours that will be changed by using the sliders.
But now, when I use the + it has exactly the same effect as not using it - I can only choose one colour or an other, I can't add.....I want to reset this to the original way that this works.
Currently I have to open the panel, change one variation of a colour, save it, then re-open the panel and do it again (and again and again) until all the colour variations I am trying to remove are are changed. I know I also have the 'fuzziness' slider, but it does not give enough control.
I am designing a T Shirt for my ski club.I have taken an image from a banner (made in illustrator, full colour image attached) and I want to devide into a 3 colour image for the t shirt (I am only allowed 3 colours for printing).The colours I want to use are black, white and purple. The colour of the t shirt is a light blue.I want to then put the purple logo on top of the white and black too.So I'm after a black and white grunge background with a punchy purple logo on the top.All of this should be on a tranparent or, for design purposes, light bue (same as T Shirt colour) background.
how to split a full colour image into using only 3 (4 including transparent/light blue background) exact colours.
If I were going to black and white I might convert to grey scale and then paint areas to fully white or fully black using an overlay brush I don't think this works for me for more than just black and white though.
I have attached two of my attempts where I used the colour range selection and level adjustments. Niether was really successful though (one does not use the right colours or number of colours but looks quite cool).
I will like to find out the colour code for the background colour on a particular web address. Unfortunately I am new here so not allowed to post links so will say this as creatively as possible. the address is theregentlagos (with the usual prefix beginning with w and suffix beginning with c for all websites). I am referring to the colour where the menu items like logo, home, brands etc are on.
I've been asked to convert an image to 2 colour for printing. I have the image as a full colour CMYK layout (with layers), but the whole thing needs to be converted to 2 colour. I have the pantone reference numbers for the 2 colours it is to be converted to. I am familiar with the hue/saturation tool, but this just seems to convert it to one colour, and you have no fine control over the exact colour you want.
I have copied some colour negatives using my digital camera. What is the best procedure for removing the orange base colour of the film prior to converting them to positives?
How do I see the object selected change colour dynamically as I adjust the colour sliders?
It seems the object only changes colour when I release the slider. But I want to see it dynamically change, so I can find the colour that works best without "hit or miss" - "trial and error" behaviour.
Yes... I'm aware some of you spend hours in colour programs creating a palette to work with. Good for you.
I'm just wanting to do it LIVE. Dynamically. In 2013. In Illustrator.
I'm just started using inventor 2013 (from 2010) & the way colours/materials are applied has completely changed so I'm learning again from scratch.
Here's my issue: A customer has sent a casting to me in Parasolid format. When I open it, all the unmachined surface are blue & look a bit garish. However, the colours of the machined faces are ok & I wish to keep them.
So, I want to chage all the surfaces that are blue - I can use the picker & select all the blue faces seperately (by holding CTRL down & select each face one be one) but this is a pain & takes ages (there are over 200 faces)
I can see & edit the blue color in the manager but how do I tell Inventor to replace all - can it be done?
I use EdHarvey's colour tint tool and it changes colour of the whole image, I'm looking for something similar but it only changes selected colour, so that the image is left with mutiple colour scheme rather than just one, any addon that can do this?
From this example, you can see the figure on the right is in a brownish colour scheme, what tool can I use in order to make it's colour scheme blue like the figure on the left?
Adobe Colour Management Print defaults seems to be assigning RGB meta to B&W pages and incurring Colour Print charges for B&W prints.I can manually change the print colour management to Printer managed on a per print basis instead of the default adobe colour managed which "cures" the issue but I do not seem to be able to save that setting as the default.
I am working on a website that has existing template images. One of these in particular has a predominate blue background colour, specifically #0a2a35 (195 81 21 [HSV], 10 42 53 [RGB], 81 21 0 79 [CMYK]). I want to transform this colour to an orange colour, #be5d27 (21 79 75 [HSV], 190 93 39 [RGB], 0 51 79 25 [CMYK]). At the same time, I want to change the lighter and darker blue accent colours of the image to become variations of the orange colour.
I have tried several things already, and one method that almost worked for me was using the "Colorize" tool to match the HSV values of the blue colour to orange colour. It almost works except the RGB values don't quite match up.