I would like to use Photoshop to create accurate residual images (image describing the difference between two images) and to apply such residual images to restore one of the images used to create the residual.
given two 8bit images (pixel values in the range [0, 255]) a residual image would be created by subtracting one image from the other:
Residual = Image A - Image B
as the potential range of this residual is [-255, 255] it must be mapped to [0, 255] to be saved as image:
Residual = (Image A - Image B) / 2 + 127
given the residual image and image B, image A can then be restored as
Image A = Image B + (Residual - 127) * 2
so my question is: are these two processes (creating a residual image and restoring image A) possible using blending modes, and if not, can i program it somehow? I already tried it using Pixel Bender, but the Pixel Bender Photoshop plugin doesn't seem to work for pixel bender kernels that take two input images.
I need to understand how to calculate how many lenticular images I need to interlace if my printer resolution has 9600 x 2400 dpi and the lens has 200 lenses per inch? I think that I am doing a mistake using the manufacturers dpi resolution and that I should be using PPI instead?
I want to create an action to apply to several images. This had to be the result. But I want to use the action for a portrait or landscape image or 72 or 300 dpi picture.
Its a small school project which I have chosen and cant really find a way to do it. What I want to achieve? I have an image and I want to have like 50 variations of it.
What I did? I loaded up an image, recorded an action which applies the filter called "Wave", the the wave dialog box I selected Minimum and Maximum range for values.
Problem I am having:
I made 50 copies of the same image, and then I applied the action via batch processing to these 50 images. However, it applies the exact same settings/values which I recorded. It doesn't really use the range i.e maximum and minimum values I selected in the wave dialog box. It looks like when I closed the wave dialog box, the action creates a new value called "Random seed" when recording and perhaps this random seed number tells Photoshop what to choose from the min and max range supplied by the user.
So is there any way so that when I run the action, it will pick up a new random value from the supplied min and max range?
When I try to use the Apply Image Command to blend two images, the command only allows me to blend the target image with itself; that is, with two images open, the only image available to me as the source image is the target image.
I have 75 different images and would like to apply 4 different hue adjustment layers to each image and save them so I have 300 new images.
Idea on how to do this is;
Copy hue adjustment layer Merge the lower hue layer with the top image layer. Name the merged layer to what the image layer was Save newly merged layer and image layer in PNG format.
Doing this 300 times manually will take me an age, are there any scripts for CS4 that can automate this?
I have a set of images in 32 bit .hdr format, which I would like to turn into 8 bit png files. Specifically, they are 6 sides of a cubemap, which join together seamlessly, and still need to do so after the conversion.
I've played around with the options in the HDR toning dialogue and have a setup I really like the look of, based around the 'local adaptation' method. The trouble is, if I apply those settings to each of the 6 images individually, they are no longer seamless (some have higher/lower contrast and brightness etc), presumably because these settings are 'relative to' the image being processed.
how can I apply the same kind of operations to each of these images (so they remain seamless), mimicking what the 'local adaptation' method is doing?
The specific settings I have changed in the dialogue are the edge glow radius and strength, the 'detail', and the colour vibrance and saturation.
In PSE9, how do I set up the Downloader to apply my metadata templates on importing images from a card reader? Previously the Downloader dialog box included this option but my PSE9 Downloader dialog box does not.
I'd like to know how to apply a "filter" to a bunch of images. By "filter" i mean a grid for sharing image in equals parts. How to be able to locate elements in a image. And to "apply" this grid to all the images of a directory even by script-fu if necessary.
I need to apply filters to hundreds of images at once. Is there some type of Batch plugin to do this? I found the Bulk Image Processor but this does not apply filters, at least as far as I can see.
I have a folder full of icons (.png) that I have created for an application at work but they now need greyed out versions for use as disabled buttons. There are 71 icons and it will be time consuming to do it manually so I wanted to see if there was a way to turn all images to a grey state in one go?
Is there an easy way to apply multiple effects on a set of images or individual images, similiar to something like a preset in LightRoom.
For example, if I run the following effects I have to apply it to each image one effect at a time and repeat for each image that I want the exact same effects applied but would prefer to do it all in one go
Blur/(GPU) Gaussian Blur
Noise/Reduce Noise
I use these to clean up the moire from scans and reduce dust/dirt then apply a mild sharpen effect to bring back the now softenend image back up slightly. Being able to have presets would be a real bonus for quick clean ups, of digital camera images or camera phone images
I found it by spending a bit more time looking through the menus, under the Effect menu and the Advanced tab and creating a custom effects script ......
But now would like to see if I can have a list of presets instead of having to load them through the script engine one at a time, maybe an option under the 'Effects/Presets' menu option listing all the scripts that are currently saved.
I have expanded my keywords over several years. There are bird images taken several years ago that lack keywords but when I bring them up now I also have the keywords from that time which are quite inadequate today. Is there a way in which I can apply my current keyword listings to older images, i.e., change the old keyword folder for my current one?
I have a hatch pattern in one of my objects. I want to apply exactly the same hatch pattern to other objects but I don't remember the settings for original hatch.
There is a command in ACAD to apply properties of one object to others (brush icon in toolbar). I tries to use this command but it seams that it doesn't work for hatch.
What is easiest way to apply a hatch pattern from an object to the other one?
When I start the catalogue full backup process PS9 calculates catalogue size as 0, and stops there, offering 'cancel' or 'return'. There are hundreds of pictures in the catalogue..
How can I calculate the size that text in Adobe Elements 6 will display on my monitor? I have set this visually so that it is approximately 0.2" on an image height of 6.6".
My OS is Windows7 Professional and my screen resolution is 1280x1024 pixels.I have cropped the image to 7x5 and resized it to 5290x3770 pixels (w,h). I have set the resolution to 571 pixels per inch. Placing the text at 17.3 pt gave me the 0.2" height I wanted on the 'Fit Screen' zoom.
The Display Option shown in the Control Panel is 'smaller' which I understand means approximately 96 dpi. I have read that points to pixels is calculated by: Pixels = Points * System DPI/72 giving 1.33 points per pixel. Thus the 17.3 pt text should be about 13 pixels high.
Thirteen pixels is 0.34% of the 3770 pixel high display which implies a text height of about 0.02" on the 6.6" high displayed image. Instead I am seeing a text height of about 0.2" (as required).
i created new polygon´s SDF (ACAD Civil,Map2011). And created new feature from geometry (from 2 closed plines - island). See on attached picture. If polygons are more complex =erroneous result from calculation ("Round ( Area2D ( Geometrie ), 0 ) "). It means ACAD calculate sum 2 areas together, but It should dedust island from main polygon.
calculate the volume.I attached here my dwg file. I never done this before and I want to know the correct answer when I want my land to be levelled at 6m.How much volume to fill and the land to be removed.
Why when Lightroom loads images (in develop module), all images turns gray and dark (the preview looks fine - expected exposure and full of colour). All settings are on 0, no auto tuning or presets are applied.
Also, when I take pictures (Nikon D4), they looks fine in my back screen and I would guess D4 knows how to calculate exposure. But in Lightroom they all come out at least 1 full stop unexposed, so after adjusting exposure I got unnecessary noise grain (and work).
I even tried to upload thought Nikon View NX (soft for Nikon transfers) first, as I was hoping that after importing files to Lightrooms I will also get camera colour settings (like Landscape, Portrait, Vivid, etc.).
This is screenshoot - when Lightroom loads/process all images they all turn so dark as selected image. Neighboring sunflowers all were the same, and they was as I expected them to be.. Before they turn dark...
I'm using AutoCAD 2013 x64 and VS2012 Express with ObjectARX 2013. Now I want to calculate the (projected) intersection point of 2 (intersecting) lines in vb.net
After selecting the lines I have this line1.IntersectWith(line2, Intersect.OnBothOperands, intpts, 0, 0)
In Visual studio express 2012 I get the following warning for the above line of
warning BC40000: 'Public Sub IntersectWith(entityPointer As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity, intersectType As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Intersect, points As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3dCollection, thisGraphicSystemMarker As Long, otherGraphicSystemMarker As Long)' is obsolete: 'Use the overload taking IntPtr instead.'.
So, if I'm reading this correctly, this method is outdated and I should use an other method to calculate the intersection. But I really don't know what 'Use the overload taking IntPtr instead' means.
One of the things I found is a function that contains this line of Dim inters As Point3d = line1.IntersectWith(line2)(0). This one looks almost the same, but doesn't give me the warning when I compile the code, but this method crashes AutoCAD when there is no intersection between the lines. This is despite a try catch block that surrounds the code.
For now I just want to use lines, but I need to expand the code so it will also work with circles, arcs and polylines.
There are points in different levels i wanna make the surfer with this points and project the surfer on the down surfer(that makes with other points) after that make an enclosed Volume and finally Calculate the Volume between this 2 surfer. How its possible to Calculate?
If I want to calculate the square mm of an area, how do I do so? I know this should be really simple but I can't get the results I want. Let's say I have a rectangle (2D) and I draw somew circles and polylines within it that are 'cut out' from the rectangle....how does one calcualte the remaining square mm?