I have a folder full of icons (.png) that I have created for an application at work but they now need greyed out versions for use as disabled buttons. There are 71 icons and it will be time consuming to do it manually so I wanted to see if there was a way to turn all images to a grey state in one go?
Is there an easy way to apply multiple effects on a set of images or individual images, similiar to something like a preset in LightRoom.
For example, if I run the following effects I have to apply it to each image one effect at a time and repeat for each image that I want the exact same effects applied but would prefer to do it all in one go
Blur/(GPU) Gaussian Blur
Noise/Reduce Noise
I use these to clean up the moire from scans and reduce dust/dirt then apply a mild sharpen effect to bring back the now softenend image back up slightly. Being able to have presets would be a real bonus for quick clean ups, of digital camera images or camera phone images
I found it by spending a bit more time looking through the menus, under the Effect menu and the Advanced tab and creating a custom effects script ......
But now would like to see if I can have a list of presets instead of having to load them through the script engine one at a time, maybe an option under the 'Effects/Presets' menu option listing all the scripts that are currently saved.
I have a project with multiple images dropped on an overlay track. After I've placed them all, I'd like to apply the same fade out effect to all of them at once. I've tried shift/click and crtl/click to select more than one, but it doesn't work.
Its a small school project which I have chosen and cant really find a way to do it. What I want to achieve? I have an image and I want to have like 50 variations of it.
What I did? I loaded up an image, recorded an action which applies the filter called "Wave", the the wave dialog box I selected Minimum and Maximum range for values.
Problem I am having:
I made 50 copies of the same image, and then I applied the action via batch processing to these 50 images. However, it applies the exact same settings/values which I recorded. It doesn't really use the range i.e maximum and minimum values I selected in the wave dialog box. It looks like when I closed the wave dialog box, the action creates a new value called "Random seed" when recording and perhaps this random seed number tells Photoshop what to choose from the min and max range supplied by the user.
So is there any way so that when I run the action, it will pick up a new random value from the supplied min and max range?
I have a set of images in 32 bit .hdr format, which I would like to turn into 8 bit png files. Specifically, they are 6 sides of a cubemap, which join together seamlessly, and still need to do so after the conversion.
I've played around with the options in the HDR toning dialogue and have a setup I really like the look of, based around the 'local adaptation' method. The trouble is, if I apply those settings to each of the 6 images individually, they are no longer seamless (some have higher/lower contrast and brightness etc), presumably because these settings are 'relative to' the image being processed.
how can I apply the same kind of operations to each of these images (so they remain seamless), mimicking what the 'local adaptation' method is doing?
The specific settings I have changed in the dialogue are the edge glow radius and strength, the 'detail', and the colour vibrance and saturation.
I can only use the gradient tool in one instance. After that, the first instance is removed and replaced with the new instance. How can I apply multiple instances of the gradient tool on the same image?
I need to apply a single gradient acros a number of live paint objects but am finding it annoyingly hard to find a way. I know that normally, to apply a gradient across multiple objects, you would need to make them all into one compound path but does this apply to live paint groups in any way?? Can what i need to achieve actually be done?
I need to apply filters to hundreds of images at once. Is there some type of Batch plugin to do this? I found the Bulk Image Processor but this does not apply filters, at least as far as I can see.
I'm making userbars, and I'm using the trick to have multiple gradients in multiple layers. (I don't really think I'm doing it right though, first I make the whole first layer a certain colour, then go from the left with the next colour with the second colour transparent?) And for those layers, I'm trying to add the cloud effect (something to make it look nicer, I hate how lame/2d it looks without any effects) to all the layers with them blending into each other, but I eventually see one of the clouds effects under another effect/colour and it's just a big mess- I can see every colour mashed together. When I use the rectangle tool to select where the cloud effect goes, or the eraser to erase what I don't want, it looks kinda square like, and it doesn't blend with the other colour. ;-;
I made a video clip which has hundreds of png images with little white dots (a lighting issue). Can paint.net apply an effect or filter to a multiple files to get rid of the dots in my video?
I am a Mac user and have a printer that can print pictures 9 by 3 feet big, one sheet at a time. How to stack multiple images together in a 9 by 3 ft frame so that when they print out i can cut them and have a bunch of posters.
I would like to print multiple images on a single sheet other than those available on the sidebar of the print dialogue box.
I searched: "when you hit the print button-the wizard will come up- there is a "printing preferences" button- when you go there you can set the "pages" per sheet to 16- this will give you 16 copies of the picture on each sheet". The options I have available are 1, 2, 4, 9, 16 but I'd like 6 & 15 or possibley some other configuration. The second suggestion was to paste multiple images onto the page, is there a way to do that so the images line up in a regular grid such as might be done with cells in a word processing program?
in X4...seems they keep making the Organizer worse and worse (why I still use X). When I drag an image from the organizer to Edit and then want to edit another image, it closes the first image and I don't want it closed. How do you have multiple images open in Edit from the Organizer?
If there is a way you can open up for e.g. 100 images then make changes to the image like Hue and saturation then apply it to all the images and save them all? I do stop motion and have a lot of images that i need altered in exactly the same way but i need a more simple way than 1 at a time.
But Im trying to watermark my still pictures of a gif i created, and whenever I add text to one image, I dont know how to make the text "bleed through" to the other images so I wont have to replace them in the same place ect. it always looks sloppy and out of place whenever I re-type the text into a different image.
I have a film made from thousands of images that I would like to apply an effect to. There are quite a few posts on here about the subject but tend to end in,
"against the rules, thread locked"
Is there anything out there that can apply the same effect to thousands of images?
I'm a photographer, and I would like to add a small watermark to photographs I publish online. So that people would find my name and website. I know how to add a watermark to a single image, but I was wondering if there is any way to add the same watermark to multiple images in one operation. This can be done in PS so I was hoping that there is also a way with Paint.NET.
When I double-click an image file name in Windows Explorer a new instance of PSP7 is opened for each image. What I need is to open multiple images in one instance of PSP when I double-click the image name.
I'm a new user of PSP X3, having upgraded from X2 and previously from X. When I used earlier versions, I could have numerous images open in the workspace, re-sizing, comparing, cross-cloning, etc. Now with X3 I can't seem to find any setting that will allow that same multiple image viewing. I've looked at the documentation but can't find any mention of this issue.
Am I just missing some checkbox or did Corel abandon this capability?
Just upgraded to PSP4. In the older versions I could open multiple images into the workspace. Each one had a border with a banner at the top identifying each picture. Each one would come forward by clicking on it. I could move them around and position them so I could even clone from one to another. Can I not do that in PSP4,
How to make a rotating gif, sliding through multiple images but couldn't seem to find anything. I know that this is a pretty simple task and used to be able to do it but have forgot in the long while I haven't got to use Paint.Net.
I'm a bit of a Newbie to Paint.net. Is there any way to have multiple images open at the same time on ythe screen -- and to be able to select parts from one image and paste them in another -- that sort of thing?
Ever requested multi-image editing capabilities which would allow you to see more than one graphic (full size) on the screen at once? I'm constantly editing multiple graphics at once (often copy/paste into one or the other), or comparing two graphics side by side, and I REALLY miss this interface from the old version of Paint Shop Pro. (Not the new, devil version of PSP by that spyware bloatware peddling "Corel" company, I mean real PSP (version 5 or so), by JASC. Corel ruined that program! )
If this is possible to do in Paint.NET easily, another thing would be to provide a way to auto-layout multiple open image windows (attempt to arrange all open windows so that each image is fully visible with no window overlaps).
I am just trying to identify and select a group of photos which I can then copy to an external USB drive to have prints made. I know how to identify and select the photos. I have been unable to figure out an easy way to copy all of the selected photos to an external drive.
I can use 'Save As' to copy individual photos, but have been unable to figure out how to simply create a 'tag' and then copy all of the tagged photos to the drive. I can also copy all of the photos to a Media Tray, but cannot figure out how to work with a group of photos rather than just an individual photo.
how to take a photo or image, create multiple images to print and when cut out, will create a complete image when painted. Similar to how its done in photo shop only, I'd like to zoom in to areas, trace out the areas, then take those selected areas that I traced and move them to a different layer. Is this possible?
I have a PSPIMAGE file with a plenty of images as different layers. I am adjusting the images having one image "size" as reference (make same width and height). But I could select the multiple images just through layers pallete
whether is possible to select multiple pictures (each in different layer) by using the "pick tool" direct in the canvas (or other means)?
I'm making great progress with my movie making skills! But.... I'm trying to add some transitions to a series of images and I keep getting "there is no gap to apply a transition effect". Trouble is I can't see how I can make a gap.
I would like to add an effect to just a person in front of a green screen. I've created an adjustment layer that produces the effect and placed it above the footage layer. How can I have the effect just apply to the actor and not carry over and fill the rest of the screen?