Photoshop :: CS6 / Print Dialog Does Not Appear?
Jul 20, 2013the Print Dialog simply will not show up so I can adjust the ICC profiles etc.I have CS6 Upgrade installed (upgraded from CS5) and running on a Windows 8 PC.
View 8 Repliesthe Print Dialog simply will not show up so I can adjust the ICC profiles etc.I have CS6 Upgrade installed (upgraded from CS5) and running on a Windows 8 PC.
View 8 Replies-PC based system running Windows Home Premium 64 bit8 GB ramLots of hdd spaceCS5.5 Master Suite
-Epson Sylus Photo R1900
Operating system, CS5 suite and printer drivers all updated.
When attempting to print a photo, it can take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes for the print dialog box to open up. It takes SO LONG that it appears that Photoshop has frozen, but it has not. The print dialog box opens eventually. This started about 2 months ago. I have looked at all preferences, assigned more RAM to Photoshop, uninstalled and reinstalled the entire suite, ran all updates, uninstalled and reinstalled the printer drivers - all to no avail.
I am at a loss as to why it would take SO LONG for the print dialog box to open after selecting print? I thought there may be a problem with the print spooler or print queue, but the slowness happens BEFORE the print back system is touched. The print queue is empty, and there is nothing stuck in there. I've checked.
My company is exporting Postcards in Illustrator CS6. What we do is have a large data set imported into the Variables applet and use the Actions applet to record and export action and play it through the whole data set. We later combine the PDF files and print them as a batch.
My question is: Is there a way to create an action that will automatically print the data set while avoiding the print dialog box? It will make the process simple and move faster.
Also, what are your was of creating postcards? Catalogs?
How do people create a catalog with over 60 pages and keep the file size low?
I've a question regarding the Print dialog that states "Needs Calibration" just below the drop down for selecting printers. The selected printer is a HP Photosmart C7180 and PS CS5.5.
What calibration PS is refering to? I've tried the built in pen and color adjustment on the printer but that operation does not seems to be of interest by PS.
I hit Print. It takes at leas t10 secs... then if I change the number of copies, go into print settings, it takes another 30 secs..Photoshop cs4 and 5 do this.
Windows XP 64
Dual Quad Core
8gb ram
plenty of HD space this happens with numberous files and printers... we have several HP 1050c plotters, Sharp printers, etc..
Some paper companies have released a new paper size-9x13.
I find this excellant for fireworks and certain architecture prints.
Problem is that in CS6 I cannot adjust Set Up dialog to get entire paper printed correctly. The printer(both Canon's 9000mkii/9500mkii) always have a border. Red River(the paper I use) sez use 8x12 but there is no 8x12 setting.
the paper size in the CS6 Print menu (PS Manages Color) so the copy is inked 100%?
Print setting on a printer dialog is not responding. Now I have a new printer driver (Epsom stylus Photo R800)I cannot set paper size.This is a recurring problem. I have been trying to relaunch app holding control+ option+shift without effect.
View 49 Replies View Relatedwhy the advanced print options "Splash features" are not available any more? We have purchased CS5 but can not use it until we get them resolved. Clients are running OS X 10.6 Printer Docucolor 240 with a Splash RPX-II rip.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI cannot seem to see the custom Printer Profiles I have for certain papersin the Print Dialog.I have added the Print Profiles to Library > Application Support > Adobe > Color > Profiles (and also in Recommended)
But in the Print Dialog under Colour Management > Photoshop Handles Colour > Print Profile - they are not showing. I have done things like restarting Photoshop and converting the image to CMYK from RGB.
I can see the profiles in the Proofing menu and am able to select them.without using the profiles my colour management is completely off kilter.Also, can I confirm that I am putting the printer profiles in the correct folder?
how do i open print preview dialog box?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt's a Q6700, 4GB, 2TB drives, Epson R2880 running Windows 7, 64-bit. CS4 is very peppy, runs great, opens, closes, edits, NO PROBLEM.
UNTIL you decide to print. Once you hit the print selection it takes a MINIMUM of 40 seconds for the CS4 print dialog to appear. If you then hit the "page setup" button, it'll be at LEAST another 30 seconds before that appears. Once they're up, you can navigate around and make changes, but once you hit the print button on the dialog it'll be another 10-15 seconds before it responds and if you specify "Print Preview" it'll be at least another 30 seconds before you get the preview. Once it hits the printer, it prints fine. There haven't been any software or hardware changes in weeks, except the weekly MS updates that get installed.
I've tried large images, and small images in case there was something CS4 was doing. This process is this slow when printing a 4x6 greeting card or a 12 x 18 photograph.
What's interesting is this is a new phenomenon... It worked FINE up until sometime last week. Then suddenly, slow....... Concurrently, the print dialog STOPPED DISPLAYING INK LEVELS. The status monitor still displays them, but the printer dialog no longer does.
I've unloaded the printer and cleaned off every file I could find that appeared to be associated with an Epson print driver. Went to Epson and got the latest, Windows 7, 64-bit set of drivers and status monitor and installed that. No difference. Also tried a new USB cable AND switched it to the other USB port on the printer and on the PC. Nothing's made any difference......
If necessary, I can have her re-install CS4, but is there anything that should be done before we start clobbering major applications, or ever worse, the operating system?
I have multiple printers and in CS6 about 75% of the time the dialog box does not come up it just goes straight towards the default printer Is this a glitch or is there a setting becuase previous versions of Illustrator always brought up the dialog to select page size, printer, seperations, etc. Using OSX Mountain Lion
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn the Snippet Ilogic examples can be found a code example to pop up the "Save File Dialog":
Dim oFileDlg As inventor.FileDialog = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Code to show the print dialog?
As I understand, Gimp make GTK, used in Gnome. GTK provides a dialog for selecting a printer and specifying the options for that printer. My problem is that whenever I'm faced with this dialog, it's a completely random set of settings; it's not the printer defaults (specified in CUPS) and it's not the last-used settings either for the user or the application.
It's a big productivity issue when I regularly print documents and high res photos and need to change ~10 or so options each time. Invariably I forget to change one of them and have to print something twice.
Is there any way to control these default print settings? I'd like it to pick up the CUPS defaults for the print queue selected.
I need to initiate print dialog. Action must be completely the same like pressing Cntr+P on keyboard.
When I use this code:
var colorOptions = new PrintColorManagementOptions(); = "ColorMatch RGB";
colorOptions.intent = PrintColorIntent.ABSOLUTECOLORIMETRIC;
colorOptions.colorProfileMode = PrintColorProfile.SOURCEPROFILE;
I get error message: "Can't print the illustration. The Color Management setting are inconsistent."
Since upgrading to InDesign CC I have noticed that all print progress dialog boxes stay on top of all windows, even after switching apps. I find this highly annoying and want it to go away. Is there a preference I can change to make it NOT be on top, especially when I've switched to a different application?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to programmatically call up the print dialog? Or is there some sort of "send keys" function similar to the corel vba?
View 4 Replies View RelatedEvery time need to Print on IdesignCS2 and press the print dialogue it takes for ages before it shows up. I have a feeling that its due to the excessive amount of printer drivers installed. Where can i find them to delete them cause i don't use them!
View 4 Replies View RelatedCorelDraw X5 (German Version've installed Corel X5 under Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit.
When I try to set up my ppd-file in the printer dialog window, I can chose the ppd-file but the OK-button (öffnen) doesn't work. Clicking by mouse or by Enter button at the keyboard: nothing happens, the ppd-file won't be accepted. It seams the OK-button is out of any function in this window.
On a few random idw files we are seeing the default "Number of copies" in the settings section of the print dialog box with strange high numbers in this case 693965387. As soon as the user selects a different printer the number drops to 1. If the user selects the printer properties and navigates to the advanced page the Copy Count is 1969. I have checked the default printer settings and it is set to 1 copy.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHere's the screen shot. If I ignore the preview, and set with the print area tool, I get what's in the print area tool. Something is amiss in the land of tiling settings, but I can't get to whatever setting is messing this up.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn LR4 print module the print and print one tabs are greyed out and I can't reset.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I am working on this document and it has silver background. I go to print preview (Photoshop cs3 and cs4 on Vista) and I get color looking more like bronze looking but when I do print, it comes out just like it should (in working mode which is Monitor RGB with Proof colors checked).
This setting is the only one I've used to make sure image/psd looks exactly like what it should when printing. I tried the default Working CMYK with and without Proof colors but it's still showing me the bronze look instead of silver. I've looked on the net and no exact easy fix for this was found. I really really appreciate any help.
Another simple question is regarding size. I'm working on a document size of 17.5 x 8.7 inches and the actual Banners will be printed at size 175 x 87 inches (5 banners each at 35inch wide but combined into a big one). So essentially, I'm working at 10% the size of what the final print will be and my file size is 760mgs. You can only imagine how big the file would be if I work on the actual size.
When printing from PS CC using the print dialogue box I am getting a severe red shift in the final print. When I print the same image from PS CS5 or CS6 I get a color-correct print.
I am running a MacPro with OS 10.7.5, and printing to a Canon iPF8300 with its latest firmware and print driver. I am using the proper ICC profile for the paper. In the print dialogue box, I select "Photoshop Manages Colors".
A couple things I noticed: In the "Print Settings" where I dial in the printer setup, the settings for "Color" are both turned off (Colorsync & Vendor).In the printer driver settings (still within "Print Settings") the "Color" tab is grayed out, but when I click the "Settings" for that sub-panel, Colorsync is selected.When I printed the image from the Canon PS Plug-in, the red cast was gone, but the blacks were too heavy (there is no "Black Point Compensation" check box available because the Canon plug-in uses Adobe Color Engine for that, and it's only 32-bit and won't run).
I'm having trouble printing in Photoshop CS2. Rregardless of which printer I try to print to, I get the message "Could not print because of a problem writing the print file". I have never encountered this error before.
The psd file I am printing is a wall banner, and is quite large (~200MB). It contains elements copied/pasted as pixels from Illustrator CS2. However even if I flatten the file, or save as a flattened tif, I still get the same error message.
Thinking that the psd file is corrupted, I tried printing an earlier version of the file, with no luck. I've even tried printing other, small unrelated files, and can't print those either. Even after rebooting the computer.
The computer I'm using has a dual core processor, 4GB RAM, a decent graphics card and is running under XP. I have gob-loads of HD space and also use a scratch disk.
I really only want to print the file myself as a proof. However, I'm concerned that the banner printers won't be able to print the file either.
I have Windows 8 and am new to Elements 11. How do I get print to completely fill a 4 x 6 print paper?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have trial version of Elements 11; Also have full version, but have not installed yet, as I wanted to wait until I completed current project. I created/edited an album of wedding photos in the Organizer. I tried to upload album to Shutterfly to make an archival DVD and also make a photo book in Shutterfly. The photos uploaded individually to the Shutterfly print page to print individually, but the album will not upload to My Pictures, it shows the album name, but it is empty. How do I get the photos to upload?? Shutterfly was not sure how.
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing a Mac, what is the best way to print multiple images on a 4 x 6 print in Photoshop Elements 11?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI use CS6 on a Mac pro os 10.8.3 & print to an Epson Pro 4900. If I print an image via LR4 print module the print comes out at 12 X18 in. Recently I have tried that same image via CS6 and the print comes out at 6 5/8 X 8 1/2 in.
In Print Settings in Printer Setup in the print module of CS6 stats "Super A3 / B 13 X 19 but the printed image dimensions are a little over half of that.The printer used to print normally in CS6 print file.
I've been using Photoshop CS3 for awhile and printing fine. I just updated my print driver (Epson 3800 to version 6.5) as well as my graphics driver (NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT)at the same time. After rebooting I cannot click on the Print menu selection to print. IE: When I click on Menu the Print option is greyed and not selectable. Print as well as Page Setup, and Print One Copy are all greyed out (not selectable). I rolled back my graphic driver and rebooted and it still doesn't work. I then upgraded my driver again and it doesn't work. I've opened jpg's as well as psd files and no matter what file I open the Print menu's are greyed out. I can print from Word and other programs. I also reset my preferences (con-alt-shift) and still can't select print. I've done everything but uninstall. I'm hoping not to do that. My computer is on: Vista Ultimate 32 bit SP1, 4gb ram. In addition to updating the print driver and graphics driver I updated: Ultimate Extra Sounds, Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions, Samsung CLP-310 Printer driver, and Microsoft Tinker.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAdobe Colour Management Print defaults seems to be assigning RGB meta to B&W pages and incurring Colour Print charges for B&W prints.I can manually change the print colour management to Printer managed on a per print basis instead of the default adobe colour managed which "cures" the issue but I do not seem to be able to save that setting as the default.
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