Photoshop :: CS6 - Brushes Keep Uninstalling / Can Load More Than One Brush At A Time
Sep 15, 2012Brushes keep un installing. CS6, Windows7. Is there away to load more then one brush at a time?
View 2 RepliesBrushes keep un installing. CS6, Windows7. Is there away to load more then one brush at a time?
View 2 RepliesThere are a few things I just don't get about brush settings. Sometimes it seems my brushes go all wonky.
When I change the settings for 1 brush... say I add some jitter to a smooth brush - then suddenly the other brushes get the same jitter applied to them.
How can I set the brushes so that each brush has a different setting that doesn't change when I change any other brush settings?
p.s. I also don't get why Adobe has you lock a brush by UNlocking it? Seems to me it should be the other way around?
How do I load brushes into cs6
View 1 Replies View Relatedi've tired loading some brushes of the internet to do some desgins with brushes on my photoshop cs6 or photoshop cc, every time i do it gives me annoying error message and i can't load any brushes
View 1 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a set of cloud brushes from the exchange and when I try to use them, I get a "program error". I have tried closing and reopening PS CS3,
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have about 120 brushes (.abr files) in a catalog and i do not wish to load them one and one in PS,
Is there any other way !?
Is there way to load ALL brushes instead of one by one?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to load an ink splatter brush set from brusheezy.
The extension is *.abr
When I select load brushes and pick the file nothing happens. I'm not asked to replace or append and my brush palette remains the same.
Any ideas on what the problem may be?
I have CS3 Web Premium on an Alienware Area 51 M12j 7700i laptop.
Recently I had to wipe the HD and reinstall the OS, and everything else.
Photoshop deactivated, installed and re-activated fine, but when I try to use any brushes(except the default ones), I get:
"Could not load the brushes because the file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop"
This is weird as they worked just fine before I had to redo everything...
Anyone know what's the cause?
is there a fast and easy to load ALL brushes? or must you go one by one?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWith the new paint brush features, specifically using the mixer and the new brushes, every paint stroke I make just lags and gets stuck, hanging until it catches up....I have a Xeon Quad and 18 GB of RAM in my pc.....Is there a special way to set prefs or something else??
View 25 Replies View RelatedI want to have a palette of about a dozen or so of my favorite brushes, but I want to select them from the hundreds of brushes which can be loaded. Once I load a set, it is a very, very time consuming process to delete a couple of hundred individual brushes from the set so that I have only the few I want.
Is there a better way to do this? Can multiple brushes somehow be deleted at once? Or can I inspect brush sets and choose to load the individual brushes which interest me?
It seems, by default, Photoshop CS 5.5, has only a limited number of brushes. I want my kindergarten students to have access to all of the brushes available in CS 5.5, so I've had these brushes by way of appending, for each individual student. having all of the brushes populate from the start?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have CS6 64bit on a reasonably up to date windows 7 system. Just checked for CS6 upgrades 7/14/13, and have the latest version (
Things have been working fine since I installed the product about a month ago.
At some point something went wrong and it now takes 30 seconds or more to load a file via "file>open..."
It also takes 30 or more second just for photomerge to display the file dialog from "file>automate>photomerge..."
All other photo s/w I have loads raw files, tifs, jpegs, etc... very quickly. This is CS6 specific.
I disabled loading of plugins, didn't work (CS6 starts quickly enough, just not so much file loading).
trying to load multiple actions. can only do one at a time. its going so slow.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEVERY time I try to load Photoshop Elements 10 Organiser it crashes "Elements 10 Organizer has stopped working". It is unusable. Is there a patch or something I can load? I will contact Adobe but I'm out of hours at the moment. In the meantime hunting on forums and internet has revealed to me others who have had this problem but no solution. I am using Windows 8 with 8GB RAM on an Intel i7 processor.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can't use the brush tool on brushes other than the round brushes because the hardness option is grayed out. I get the no go error symbol.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've recently started creating brushes to share/sell. I scan vintage documents to create brush sets. As the vintage documents often have fading text/illustrations on yellowed backgrounds, I have to really up the contrast. I usually use levels rather than threshold as I prefer the control I get with levels.
Anyway, sometimes the result looks rather jagged. I'm working from high resolution scans.I've noticed if I apply a .3 Gaussian Blur it smooths things out a bit. Does this look normal for a brush?
I have collected many brushes for Photoshop (CS2) and when I open the brush list it is so large that several of the columns are not visible. How do I adjust the brush pallet to show all the brushes I have? Also, is it possible to have a preview of the brushes without actually selecting a particular brush?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy PSCS brushes are all set to about 12% spacing as default..
When I digitally paint, I have to manually move the spacing down for each one..Is there a way to set the spacing down for a whole set of brushes?
A few months ago, I bought a book that had some Photoshop brushes on its CD. Inside the book, each brush had some vallues written under description, for Painter and Photoshop. I have heard that Gimp can import Photoshop brushes but are the settings equivalent to the pnes in Photoshop? Here are some examples of what I mean:
Brodery - Opacity: 70-100%
Flow: 50%
Shape Dynamics:
Size Jitter: 0%
Min diameter: 0
Canopy- Opacity: 100%
Flow: 50%
Shape Dynamics:
Size Jitter: off
Angle Jitter: 0%
Jitter: 73%
Roundness: 62%
Texture: Wrinkles
Scale: 45%
Texture Each
Tip: On
Mode: Multiply
Depht: 100%
Depht Jitter: off
Diameter: 110px
Spacing: 15%
Scattering: Both
axes: 0%
Count: 1
Other Dynamics:
Opacity Jitter: 0%
Flow jitter: 0%
Could all these settings be done in Gimp? Are they equivalent? How to use them?
Dual Brush:
Diameter: 110px
Spacing: 15%
Scattering: both
How much take cs6 and cs5 in cold load time under w7 32bit? i'm not talking about solid disk because they are amazing fast. i used process hacker ,portable version , and it's 9 seconds.
look more slow then cs5 or cs4.
I'm using windows XP with Photoshop CS.
Whenever the network cable is connected to the computer, Photoshop start-up load time is significantly longer than when I pull the network cable out.
i got a lot of brush apr files from difrent sourses.
Is it posible to make folders that sort the brushses after what kind and then load those in cs6
I'm using Photshop CS5.1 on my Mac (OSX 10.5.8) and don't seem to be able to load tpl files.
I put the file in Photoshop's "presets -> tools" folder and tried to open it via the brush presets picker. When I browse for the file, only ABR files are shown, TPLs are greyed out.
I downloaded and saved the grunge brush ABR file type in the following directory: .....
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for free vector brush strokes. Not brushes, but actual pre-drawn brush strokes, in vector format (looks something like this).
The first few pages of Google results yield pay websites, and I just didn't have the patience to keep hunting for the free ones.
I'm 10 days from purchasing a version of CS6 after using CS2 for 7 years. I'm wondering if I have a defective program because the tool icon disappears when I switch tools and then reach for a new brush size. I have to click on my desktop to have the tool appear on my monitor. Also, is there a way of getting rid of the huge sample idicator that appears when you sample a color?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just realized that brush presets won't save a brushes texture which is slightly annoying. I'm in CS6 btw and I'm familiar with photoshop which is why I'm posting here.
For example I have two brushes, a watercolor one (with texture turned on in the brushes panel to the watercolor background texture) I save it as a tool preset (I'm not making the saving as a brush preset mistake). I go make a paintbrush brush with a different background texture and save it as a tool preset. When I go use the watercolor brush it has the paintbrush background texture and NOT the watercolor.
I never touched the texture property until lately so I'm not sure if this has always been this way...
Is there some way to save that property or do I manually have to go and change it each time. I want to be able to share my brushes. Do I have to instruct people on which texture to use?
I've loaded a set of brushes I created into CS6. They show up fine in the menu bar brush window, in the Preset Manager, in the Brush Preset palette above my layers palette, but they will not appear in the brush preset fly-out window. This is where I do all the manipulating of my brushes, of course, so this is essential. I have created many, many brushes and done this many, many times and have never had this problem.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhere can I get a pack of sparkle and sparkley star brushes?
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