I've recently started creating brushes to share/sell. I scan vintage documents to create brush sets. As the vintage documents often have fading text/illustrations on yellowed backgrounds, I have to really up the contrast. I usually use levels rather than threshold as I prefer the control I get with levels.
Anyway, sometimes the result looks rather jagged. I'm working from high resolution scans.I've noticed if I apply a .3 Gaussian Blur it smooths things out a bit. Does this look normal for a brush?
One of the features I use most is the brushes. However, when I installed Gimp (2.8) on my new laptop, my favorite brushes no longer work properly:
* they're jagged, pixelated, or the finer lines are interrupted - instead of looking smooth * I can't change the color of them; they just show up black
I made a comparison of screenshots so you can see. Same brush, same size (even though one version says "scale" and the other "size," I made them both go up to the 100 pixel mark, and you can see that the brush's natural size is larger than that), same canvas size.
On my old laptop, I had Gimp 2.4.1 and the OS was Windows Vista, 32-bit. Here the brushes looked right: [URL]
On my new laptop, I have Gimp 2.8 and the OS is Windows 7, 64-bit. Here, I can't use the color from the gradient, and the brush doesn't look smooth (and the finer lines are interrupted): [URL]
There are a few things I just don't get about brush settings. Sometimes it seems my brushes go all wonky.  When I change the settings for 1 brush... say I add some jitter to a smooth brush - then suddenly the other brushes get the same jitter applied to them.  How can I set the brushes so that each brush has a different setting that doesn't change when I change any other brush settings?  p.s. I also don't get why Adobe has you lock a brush by UNlocking it? Seems to me it should be the other way around?
I have searched google, PDN, and hades for a solution.
I am fairly new to PDN but love it so far.
I am creating a logo for my company and wanted to "cut" an object in half and place a saw blade in the middle (to give to appearance that it was cut). I thought about duplicating the layers, placing them apart and using the eraser or brush to give a jagged look?
I have collected many brushes for Photoshop (CS2) and when I open the brush list it is so large that several of the columns are not visible. How do I adjust the brush pallet to show all the brushes I have? Also, is it possible to have a preview of the brushes without actually selecting a particular brush?
A few months ago, I bought a book that had some Photoshop brushes on its CD. Inside the book, each brush had some vallues written under description, for Painter and Photoshop. I have heard that Gimp can import Photoshop brushes but are the settings equivalent to the pnes in Photoshop? Here are some examples of what I mean:
I'm looking for free vector brush strokes. Not brushes, but actual pre-drawn brush strokes, in vector format (looks something like this). Â The first few pages of Google results yield pay websites, and I just didn't have the patience to keep hunting for the free ones.
I'm 10 days from purchasing a version of CS6 after using CS2 for 7 years. I'm wondering if I have a defective program because the tool icon disappears when I switch tools and then reach for a new brush size. I have to click on my desktop to have the tool appear on my monitor. Also, is there a way of getting rid of the huge sample idicator that appears when you sample a color?
I just realized that brush presets won't save a brushes texture which is slightly annoying. I'm in CS6 btw and I'm familiar with photoshop which is why I'm posting here. Â For example I have two brushes, a watercolor one (with texture turned on in the brushes panel to the watercolor background texture) I save it as a tool preset (I'm not making the saving as a brush preset mistake). I go make a paintbrush brush with a different background texture and save it as a tool preset. When I go use the watercolor brush it has the paintbrush background texture and NOT the watercolor. Â I never touched the texture property until lately so I'm not sure if this has always been this way... Â Is there some way to save that property or do I manually have to go and change it each time. I want to be able to share my brushes. Do I have to instruct people on which texture to use?
I've loaded a set of brushes I created into CS6. They show up fine in the menu bar brush window, in the Preset Manager, in the Brush Preset palette above my layers palette, but they will not appear in the brush preset fly-out window. This is where I do all the manipulating of my brushes, of course, so this is essential. I have created many, many brushes and done this many, many times and have never had this problem.
Illustrator has a user section. Photoshop CS5 will display your custom brushes in the preset manager. Â I use a Mac OSX 10.8. When I download brushes and install them in the User/Application Support/PS/Presets/Brushes they will appear in the preset manager without having to 'load' brushes each time. Yet, when you make a new preset and save the .abr file you can not save them to the proper location since Lion has the library folder hidden by default. Â For instance, when downloading brushes, it's easier to combined multiple sets into one presets. I don't want 20 different smoke abr files. Yet, I can't save them to Application Support. Â No one has a clear understanding of how this works (at least not on the internet.) The best thread (from Adobe forums) I found from 2011 stated I should do the above steps, but then a few other users reported thats out of fashion.
I just can't add neither modify brushes in the brush palette. The little pencil in the bottom right corner is barred and I can't figure how to free it.
I've been using Gimp for sometime now.It's a fantastic program, but I thought the area where it lacked the mostwas the brushes. It only came with a few basic brushes, and you often hadto download extra packs for that something extra. This in itself wasn't ahuge deal, although if you had brush sets more like those of PaintTool SAIor MyPaint, that would be really great. Those program don't have as much asGimp, but they have some really great brushes, which makes them fun to drawin.
My bigger concerns is adding your own brushes to Gimp via imported brushpacks. While you say you integrate all files, the brush manager is lacking.If I wish to add a few brush packs to see what they do, the brush listquickly becomes clogged. You can't seem to delete brushes without goingback into the brushes folder which you first put them in, and then deletethe files. This also means if you like a few brushes in a pack, but therest of it is useless to you, then you have to have everything, or nothing.
There is a lot to be desired in terms of the brushes, and I hope you canimprove these soon. I stand by Gimp, even though people often call it awatered down version of Photoshop, but Gimp 2.8 has been a hugedisappointment for me.
On a final note, when choosing a new brush, especially for the animatedtexture brushes you include, I think it would be useful if youautomatically went to the brushes native size. This saves time and energy,especially if you are testing out new brushes. MyPaint has this feature,and I have found it incredibly useful. This also means I can just click thebrush a second time to reset it to the default settings.
I am interested in grouping and sorting brushes according to size, shape, whatever.
Right now when I add a brush library, they just stack on top of one another.
For example let's say I have a round brush with a 10 diameter, then next to it a round brush with a 20 diameter. If I make a 15, it goes to the bottom of the list, and I have to scroll all around. How can I group them?
I suspect I would have to make my own brush library with my brushes how I want them, then save that and load it?
When I want to delete the background and just have the object or person in the picture, I use the magic wand tool to delete the background then clean up with the eraser. BUT the outline of the object always looks jaggedy. This doesn't happen when I use photographs with the white background.
Is there some sort of trick I'm missing? Or do I just need more practice with the eraser tool?
i have a a problem i'm hoping someone can help me with. i've been using photoshop for awhile now and have had it installed on my computer for at least 3 years without problems. however, just the other day i've started having a problem with my fonts. whenever i use text, the edges of the text have a jagged appearance. they have a very pixilated look to them instead of smooth lines. i havent been doing anything differently nor have i changed any settings. this is happening with all of the fonts. anyone have any idea what's going on and what i can do?
When importing an EPS or AI file and then rasterizing it (doesn’t matter what resolution) the image looks very jagged/pixilated… even and 600res - a lot mort than it should – or should I say used to when I imported. Did I accidentally mess with the settings? Anyone experience this?btw this website always seems so SLOW acting (for the past 5 years)
I want to create a ICO file from a GIF format image. It becomes ugly when I convert it from PSD to GIF, with a transparent background (fig 001.jpg). I want the edge of the circle smoother as it is in PSD file (fig. 002.jpg).
when viewing pdfs exported from photoshop cs4 using acrobat pro 9. If I open single pdf, it's ok, but whenever I open another pdf, all text is jagged. Then if I close all pdfs and try opening the second one, it's ok again. It looks like acrobat is not able to render texts correctly in newly opened pdf when another pdf is already opened. This happens only with pdfs exported from photoshop (file->save as->pdf). It does not really matter if the first opened pdf is from photoshop or not, all other opened pdfs from photoshop are crapy. I tried different settings when saving pdf but the results are always the same - jagged type (it does not even look like aliased, it's completely screwed and unreadable) in second pdf. It is funny because text present as smart object from illustrator renders fine all the time. Therefor I think the problem is between photoshop export and acrobat, vectors are rendered with no problems. I tried opening on different pc (also with acrobat 9 pro) with the same result. Systems are vista on exporting pc, the second pc is running windows7 beta. However on the third pc with windows XP and adobe reader 9 everything works fine.
I'm sure this is easy, I just haven't done much in photoshop. I made an easy button usining the polygonal laso tool so the sides could be angled. Can anybody tell me how to get rid of the jagged edges on the sides of my button caused by the tool?
what i want to do is get rid of the pixalated looking edges that are formed from making shapes and usinng the pen tool to make shapes. i want nice smooth edges.....
I was playing around with lighting images today by first creating an alpha channel, blurring it and then applying the lighting effects filter to it. For some reason after applying the filter I get jagged edges everywhere. When working with the channel, i did invert the selection and then clear it...
I created a new image 500x500 pixels at 72 pixels per inch resolution. However when I added some text to this image it came out all jagged and of poor quality.
I then created a new image with a resolution of 300 pixels and the text in this came out perfect, however where in the first image the text was about 18pt in the second image I had to drop the text down to about 9 point to be the same size. What resolution hould I be using for web page design and how do I get around the poor quality of lower resolution? I expect some drop in quality but the text at 72 pixels was no where near usable.
Yesterday I needed to design a quick business card for the band that i work for. It's super basic, just the band's logo on the front of the card and their web address on the back. The problem I had was that the curves in the logo were jagged and not smooth; I was only able to smooth the edges by adding a stroke to the logo.
My question is, how do you make curves not look all jagged? This is the version of the card that is being printed so you can see the logo.