Photoshop :: CS5 - Automate Deleting Layer Comps?

Sep 22, 2013

I have about 50 files that need their layer comps deleted. I need a way to automate this. Is there a way?

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Photoshop :: Layer Comps In CS6 32bit Bug?

Mar 6, 2013

I've only seen one thread that releates to this issue with no answer resolution.  I have a reoccuring but where my layer comps display with elements moved into different positions from when I last saved the comp (all layer comps are set to save Visibility, Appaearance and Position).

This seems to always happen when I re-open a document, and frankly I'm getting sick of going back and fixing photoshop documents after I save all my comps to files.  I can't imagine that this isn't a known issue or that others are not seeing the same thing. 

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Photoshop :: PSD Layer Comps Viewer Program?

May 21, 2012

Is there a PSD file viewer program that allows someone to toggle between Layer Comps so that one does not need the full blown Photoshop application to view layer comps in a Photoshop document or be limited to viewing only the default Layer Comp?

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Photoshop :: Exporting Layer Comps To Files

Dec 5, 2012

I am trying to Export Layer comps to file to make a pdf of a 38 page document. When try to export to jpg or png the files are too small, even on the highest setting.
When I try to export to tiff or psd, it doesn't flatten the files and gives me files just as large as the master file.
When I try to export to pdf it creates very large files, that do not seem high quality.
Are there any more options or perhaps an additional script for exporting layer comps to files?

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Photoshop :: 13.0.2 Update / Layer Comps Refresh

Dec 11, 2012

I'm experiencing strange layer comps behaviors since Photoshop 13.0.2 update, on an existing .psd file. If some comps are correctly rendered, some others are not refreshed: layers visibility is not updated, workspace seems to be frozen, using for instance the magnifier tool to zoom in/out renders a completely white workspace, and moving then my mouse pointer above it only refreshes its lower half part (a little bit more actually). Moreover, Photoshop CPU consumption becomes quite high as long as I stay on such composition (around 50% CPU instead of 2% compared to working comps).
I've tried to disable GPU from Photoshop preferences, Machine is a mid-2010 17" MBP w/ i7@2.66. No problem with the same .psd file before upgrading to 13.0.2..

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Photoshop :: CS6 Layer Comps Not Saving Appearance Of Layers?

Mar 14, 2013

There is a bug in CS6 layer comps that does not save the appearance of layers which have had their layer style cleared.
Steps to recreate.
1. Create a black square in a new photoshop document.
2. Create a layer style on the black square and set the over layer color to red.
3. Create a layer comp and turn on "Appearance" tracking, then update the layer comp.
4. Clear the layer style for the square, it should now be black again.
5. Create a second layer comp also with "Appearance" tracking on, and update it.
6. Go back and forth between the layer comps, the layer should turn from red to black, and the layer style should disappear and reappear on the layer, in the layers panel.
7. Save and close the file.
8. Re-open the file
9. Go back and forth through the layer comps, both will show a red square. The layer style never gets cleared.

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Photoshop :: Layer Comps - When Close File / Names Are Changing?

Jun 12, 2012

I have problem with layer comps' names. Always, when I close my ps file, names of layer comps in this files are changing. I see that after opening this file. I use photoshop CS5 Extended.

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Photoshop :: Layers And Layer Comps Disappear In Palette But Can Bring Them Back

May 1, 2012

A lot of times I'll be working on multiple .psd files and as I'm moving between files I'll notice that all the layers & layer comps will disappear from their palette

I can bring them back by doing something like clicking on the text tool and then clicking on a text item on the stage. It's annoying because it takes a couple of clicks for the palette(s) to redisplay.
Is this a bug or is there a setting in preferences that can control this?

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Making JPEGs From Layer Comps / General Error Occurred

Feb 13, 2013

I keep getting this error message (see below) whenever I try to make jpegs from my layer comps using File-->Scripts-->Layer Comps from Files. This error always comes up after Photoshop gets through 2 or 3 comps. I often have to select only a few layer comps at a time to get it to make jpegs. I recently upgraded to Photoshop CS6.
Here is the message I get:
Error: General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop. The object “layer comp 2054478963” is not currently available.

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Photoshop :: (Layer Style) Screen Pops Up For Each Photo In Automate Batch Processing?

Feb 21, 2013

I double click on <Set Layer style on current layer> and change to a new Layer Style for my Watermark Text. The <Contour> is Linear. The Actions panel turns red during editing.But when I run > Automate > Batch and select that edited Action, the <Layer Style> screen pops-up for each photo and the only way to finish the batch of photos is to click <OK> for each photo. I’m using Photoshop CS5. I have refresh Photoshop, restart my laptop but the problem remains.
I did another copy of the original Action and just changed the value in <Text Layer> and it works in the Batch processing. This problem only happens when I changed the value in the <Layer Style>.

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Photoshop :: When Deleting A Layer From A Layer

Jun 8, 2008

problem in photoshop when selecting a layer and deleting it from the layer beneath...

Layer #1 is on top of layer #2....holding down the apple key and clicking on layer #1 to select everything in that layer, then deleting that selection from layer #2 underneath it....this always results with thin ghost lines of everything that was deleted...

How do you delete a layer from a layer and not get those thin outlines off what you just deleted?

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Photoshop :: Deleting All But The Top Layer With The...

Nov 21, 2008

My production workflow involves about 20 PSDs that are updated on a weekly basis. Each PSD has 4 groups with new product images added every week. Every few weeks, to keep file size down, I like to delete all but the most recent product image. I'd like to automate this. I'm curious if this can be done without scripting? As is right now, each layer is given a distinct layer number - If I record an action to delete layers, it only deletes the layers with matching numbers... ie if I record the action to delete layer 147, layer 147 has to be present to make the action work.

If it can't be directly accomodated via an action,

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GIMP :: Automate Canvas Size Change - Alpha Layer

Dec 26, 2013

Is it possible to automate the following: I have a directory of about 50 jpg files. With each file I would like to:

- make the image square, by increasing the canvas size of the least dimension. ie if the width is less than the height, increase the width to the value of the height, or conversely if the height is less than the width

- add a transparency layer

- save to xcf

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Photoshop :: Why Different File Size Of PNG-24 / Layer Mask Versus Deleting Pixels

May 24, 2012

I have noticed in Photoshop CS5.1 and CS6 strange behaviour when saving for web file as PNG-24.
case1.I have one layer photo 260x360.Create Marquee square 200x200 and layer mask hide selection (effect: transparent square hole inside)save for web as PNG-24 (transparency on)-> file size 131.4k
case2.I have one layer photo 260x360.Create Marquee square 200x200 and delete pixels (effect: transparent square hole inside)save for web as PNG-24 (transparency on)-> file size 66.93k
Both pictures got same square transparent hole, but sizes are so different. Using mask do not reduce size of the file PNG24. Why is like that, bug ?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Reject Layer Deleting

Aug 17, 2012

I want to lock my layer from deleting. I did it as for object:

public class NonErasableLayer : ObjectOverrule
public NonErasableLayer()
protected override void Dispose(bool value)

Then I set overrule for Drawable objects:


When I run it I saw my message from Erase method but... layer is deleted. This method works fine for any objects as Line or Circle, but doesn't work for layer. How I can reject layer deleting?

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AutoCad :: Deleting A Layer And Drawing Oddity

May 8, 2013

How to delete the layer "AR-FURN-E" on the attached drawing? Also, there is a circle to the right of the building where if you zoom out, a small dot will appear inside, what is this?

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AutoCad :: Deleting Hidden Blocks On Layer 0?

May 10, 2013

I have a drawing which has multiple blocks. When I explode one block there is an identical block underneath on layer 0.

Is there a way in AutoCAD 2012 to select all the blocks on layer 0 and delete them so that it would leave me with just the one set of blocks?

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GIMP :: Edit Layers Without Deleting Them And Starting New Layer?

Nov 12, 2013

Is there a way to edit layers without deleting them and starting a new layer?

Example: I am creating a border on a separate layer. When I created the layer I set the X and Y sizes. As it turns out, I need to adjust the X and Y sizes. So far the only way I've been able to adjust this is by deleting the border layer and creating a new one.

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Photoshop :: Spacing Comps With Month Of The Year

Jul 25, 2013

I am creating some comps with months of the year and need to space them out. I could create each month on its own layer and space them with the group tool. Is their another way around this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Deleting Xref Dependent Layer That Has No Visible Features

Dec 1, 2011

When I insert a drawing from another source as a block into one  my drawing - and then explode the block and change the exploded block layers to my layers.  Then I purge out the old layers. Normally this works fine, but I have lately had trouble getting rid of some unwanted layers as everytime I have tried, I get the message that they are x-ref dependent and cannot be deleted or purged. I have tried to isolate them by freezing and turning off everything else, but there are no features, entities, "specks" whatever, to erase. I have looked at the xref command, and my drawing shows no rogue xrefs. I am not sure what to do to get rid of these layers.

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After Effects :: Collect Files - Collecting Additional Unwanted Comps

Jun 25, 2013

I use "Collect Files" all the time. I collaborate with other people and this function is obviously vital.I'm currently having an issue with it collecting comps that are not selected. I choose "For Selected Comps" and I check off "Reduce Project." The new file has the comp I want, but also others. And if I try another comp, it will collect the same additional ones each time. And In the generated report, it is listing the comps I don't want as collected.
It seems to be specific though, collecting comps that are from other .aep files that I've imported. And only comps from .aep files that where generated with Collect Files. In other words, basically anything I've round-tripped using Collect Files and imported after a collaborator has finished their work.
I'm using AE and I'm on OSX 10.8.4.

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After Effects :: Continuous Rasterization Of Vectors Inside Nested Comps

Mar 16, 2011

I've got a bunch of comps that contain vectors animating. Inside the comps, the vectors are set to "continuously rasterize" which means that they come out nice and smooth no matter what the size.
But I need to use these comps inside a larger composition, and I'm moving the whole comp around the screen with motion blur on it.
But when the comp is set to "Collapse Transformations", motion blur is disabled. If I turn off "Collapse Transformations", it appears to over-ride the settings inside the comp, so none of the vectors are smooth. They all look like pixel-based images that have been scaled up. Horrible.
I don't get it. I need those vectors to be crystal smooth, but I need the whole comp to have motion blur. How do I achieve this?
This is a 2D question, I'm not using any 3D at all. I've read the relevant sections on Continuous Rasterization and on Collapsing Transforms and, as is the case with so much of this Adobe documentation that I'm being referred to, it does not address my specific case, though I can't imagine it's that uncommon.
PS: I can't denormalize the hierarchy because of the way the animation has to work - the animation itself is hierarchical, therefore the content must be structured in a smiliar hierarchy in order to work (think moons orbiting planets orbiting the sun)

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Photoshop :: How To Automate Pressing OK Key

Sep 18, 2013

I have created an action to embed a watermark. However when I run the action on multiple files I have to press Ok to embed the watermark for each file. How can I automate pressing the OK key so it just processes a whole batch?

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Photoshop :: What Automate Function In CS6 Do

Sep 1, 2013

What this automate function is in CS6 does? Under File-->Automate, I see a "Plug-in on new layer". However, when I click  nothing happens..I am wondering if this was installed with another plug-in. What this does or how to use it?

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Photoshop :: Automate Function

Aug 3, 2012

I'm pretty new to PS, have used PSE prior to getting the whole CS6 package, so I might ask an obvious question to some.
I have a bunch of pictures, which I want to add 1.0 exposure to and maybe a few other adjustments.
Is there a way to make this automaticly to a bunch of files?
I have been looking at the automate and script menu items, but it is a bid hard for me to see ifvit is possible that way.

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Photoshop :: Automate Cropping

Dec 23, 2008

I have a one-time project of scanning hundreds of slides off a flatbed scanner and I'd like to automate what's possible. I've been filling the scanner surface with slides and scanning them into photoshop and I've found the scan and crop feature that does a good job separating the slides on the large scanned image into separate images. But, this would go a lot faster if I could automate the last step. Ideally I could just scan in a large number of images each consisting of many different slide images, and I could have photoshop process the files, producing the smaller images.

I feel helpless without a command line interface, though. Does photoshop have a scripting language? I'm only using photoshop for this one purpose so I'd rather not learn it unless it's based on a common language. Any suggestions to my specific file processing question, or how I'm going about the entire process ...

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Photoshop :: Automate Certain Actions

Aug 29, 2006

Is there a way to automate certain actions in Photoshop?

My most common task:
- select x by x pixels
- copy merged
- new file > from clipboard
- paste
- save as .gif (confirm the 3 dialog boxes)

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Photoshop :: Automate PDF Scrolling

Oct 14, 2008

Is it possible to express the scroll bar or other parameters with the automated pdf tool?

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Photoshop :: Automate Batch

Nov 17, 2006

I am trying to setup a batch file. I am taking gif images with transparent backgrounds and wanting to convert. Need to flatten image, change mode to rgb and save to jpg. For some reason when I use the automate after recording, and I set source folder and destination folder, images sent to the destination are exactly the same as original, gif transparent? Nothing seems to be happening to the images?

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Photoshop :: Automate A Task...

Mar 9, 2006

I am producing some discount cards for a buisness and will place eight of them on to size A4 document, how can I divide the document automatically so that eight equal spaces appear repeated across the page. I have tried defining a pattern but did not work the way I wanted.

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Photoshop :: Automate The Command Is Not Currently...

Apr 30, 2009

I keep getting this every time I record a action and try and play it back in automate:automate the command is not currently availabletried google not getting anythingim using 64bit photoshop cs4 adn win xp x64

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