Photoshop :: Exporting Layer Comps To Files

Dec 5, 2012

I am trying to Export Layer comps to file to make a pdf of a 38 page document. When try to export to jpg or png the files are too small, even on the highest setting.
When I try to export to tiff or psd, it doesn't flatten the files and gives me files just as large as the master file.
When I try to export to pdf it creates very large files, that do not seem high quality.
Are there any more options or perhaps an additional script for exporting layer comps to files?

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Photoshop :: Layer Comps In CS6 32bit Bug?

Mar 6, 2013

I've only seen one thread that releates to this issue with no answer resolution.  I have a reoccuring but where my layer comps display with elements moved into different positions from when I last saved the comp (all layer comps are set to save Visibility, Appaearance and Position).

This seems to always happen when I re-open a document, and frankly I'm getting sick of going back and fixing photoshop documents after I save all my comps to files.  I can't imagine that this isn't a known issue or that others are not seeing the same thing. 

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Photoshop :: PSD Layer Comps Viewer Program?

May 21, 2012

Is there a PSD file viewer program that allows someone to toggle between Layer Comps so that one does not need the full blown Photoshop application to view layer comps in a Photoshop document or be limited to viewing only the default Layer Comp?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Automate Deleting Layer Comps?

Sep 22, 2013

I have about 50 files that need their layer comps deleted. I need a way to automate this. Is there a way?

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Photoshop :: 13.0.2 Update / Layer Comps Refresh

Dec 11, 2012

I'm experiencing strange layer comps behaviors since Photoshop 13.0.2 update, on an existing .psd file. If some comps are correctly rendered, some others are not refreshed: layers visibility is not updated, workspace seems to be frozen, using for instance the magnifier tool to zoom in/out renders a completely white workspace, and moving then my mouse pointer above it only refreshes its lower half part (a little bit more actually). Moreover, Photoshop CPU consumption becomes quite high as long as I stay on such composition (around 50% CPU instead of 2% compared to working comps).
I've tried to disable GPU from Photoshop preferences, Machine is a mid-2010 17" MBP w/ i7@2.66. No problem with the same .psd file before upgrading to 13.0.2..

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Photoshop :: CS6 Layer Comps Not Saving Appearance Of Layers?

Mar 14, 2013

There is a bug in CS6 layer comps that does not save the appearance of layers which have had their layer style cleared.
Steps to recreate.
1. Create a black square in a new photoshop document.
2. Create a layer style on the black square and set the over layer color to red.
3. Create a layer comp and turn on "Appearance" tracking, then update the layer comp.
4. Clear the layer style for the square, it should now be black again.
5. Create a second layer comp also with "Appearance" tracking on, and update it.
6. Go back and forth between the layer comps, the layer should turn from red to black, and the layer style should disappear and reappear on the layer, in the layers panel.
7. Save and close the file.
8. Re-open the file
9. Go back and forth through the layer comps, both will show a red square. The layer style never gets cleared.

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Photoshop :: Layer Comps - When Close File / Names Are Changing?

Jun 12, 2012

I have problem with layer comps' names. Always, when I close my ps file, names of layer comps in this files are changing. I see that after opening this file. I use photoshop CS5 Extended.

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Photoshop :: Layers And Layer Comps Disappear In Palette But Can Bring Them Back

May 1, 2012

A lot of times I'll be working on multiple .psd files and as I'm moving between files I'll notice that all the layers & layer comps will disappear from their palette

I can bring them back by doing something like clicking on the text tool and then clicking on a text item on the stage. It's annoying because it takes a couple of clicks for the palette(s) to redisplay.
Is this a bug or is there a setting in preferences that can control this?

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Making JPEGs From Layer Comps / General Error Occurred

Feb 13, 2013

I keep getting this error message (see below) whenever I try to make jpegs from my layer comps using File-->Scripts-->Layer Comps from Files. This error always comes up after Photoshop gets through 2 or 3 comps. I often have to select only a few layer comps at a time to get it to make jpegs. I recently upgraded to Photoshop CS6.
Here is the message I get:
Error: General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop. The object “layer comp 2054478963” is not currently available.

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After Effects :: Collect Files - Collecting Additional Unwanted Comps

Jun 25, 2013

I use "Collect Files" all the time. I collaborate with other people and this function is obviously vital.I'm currently having an issue with it collecting comps that are not selected. I choose "For Selected Comps" and I check off "Reduce Project." The new file has the comp I want, but also others. And if I try another comp, it will collect the same additional ones each time. And In the generated report, it is listing the comps I don't want as collected.
It seems to be specific though, collecting comps that are from other .aep files that I've imported. And only comps from .aep files that where generated with Collect Files. In other words, basically anything I've round-tripped using Collect Files and imported after a collaborator has finished their work.
I'm using AE and I'm on OSX 10.8.4.

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Photoshop :: Spacing Comps With Month Of The Year

Jul 25, 2013

I am creating some comps with months of the year and need to space them out. I could create each month on its own layer and space them with the group tool. Is their another way around this?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Exporting Existing DWG Files As DWFx Files?

Jan 8, 2013

what is the command in AutoCAD 2013 for exporting drawings as DWFx files so that clients who do not have AutoCAD can open or plot a DWFx file using a current version of Internet Explorer or Safari for Apple as an alternative browser.

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Photoshop :: Exporting PSD Files To PDF

Sep 8, 2005

Is there a way of converting PSD files from Photoshop to PDF files for use with acrobat - either using Photoshop, or using Adobe Acrobat 7.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting Dwg Files From Idw Files

May 31, 2013

Does the exported dwg file always have to be a zip file?  I have tried save as a dwg file but it seems to be an Invnetor dwg which has the geometry as a block when opened with AutoCAD.  It is a little easier to explode the block in AutoCAD rather than open and extract the zip file, save the extracted dwg then delete the zip file.

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After Effects :: Continuous Rasterization Of Vectors Inside Nested Comps

Mar 16, 2011

I've got a bunch of comps that contain vectors animating. Inside the comps, the vectors are set to "continuously rasterize" which means that they come out nice and smooth no matter what the size.
But I need to use these comps inside a larger composition, and I'm moving the whole comp around the screen with motion blur on it.
But when the comp is set to "Collapse Transformations", motion blur is disabled. If I turn off "Collapse Transformations", it appears to over-ride the settings inside the comp, so none of the vectors are smooth. They all look like pixel-based images that have been scaled up. Horrible.
I don't get it. I need those vectors to be crystal smooth, but I need the whole comp to have motion blur. How do I achieve this?
This is a 2D question, I'm not using any 3D at all. I've read the relevant sections on Continuous Rasterization and on Collapsing Transforms and, as is the case with so much of this Adobe documentation that I'm being referred to, it does not address my specific case, though I can't imagine it's that uncommon.
PS: I can't denormalize the hierarchy because of the way the animation has to work - the animation itself is hierarchical, therefore the content must be structured in a smiliar hierarchy in order to work (think moons orbiting planets orbiting the sun)

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Photoshop :: Exporting Layers To PNG Files

Nov 16, 2012

I took a .psd file (made by my coworker) and redesigned it. The problem is: he organized his layers so badly...made unnecessary clones. The design is a landing page for a website, now I want to send it to my web developer but he's a linux guy.
So on gimp he can't work on my .psd so well because of color formats. He asked me to cut all the images and turn them to .png. Hence I needed to run File> Script > Export Layers to files once that done I got too many similar .png as you can see (consequences of bad layers organization?)
Do I need to delete unwanted/similar images to make my web dev work easier? Last thing I saw that -in the export layers to files panel properties- transparency and trim boxes was checked and I set it to PNG24.

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Photoshop :: Exporting Layers To Files In CS2

Jan 10, 2006

When exporting files to layers is there a way to get rid of the prefix (_0000_ , _0001_ , _0002_ ...etc.) after exporting?? I obtained a script from someone on this site before for PS7 which did not do that.

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Photoshop :: Exporting Layers As Files

Apr 1, 2005

The 'Export layers to files' script is extremely helpful to me. I would like to be able to add a logo to each layer before it is saved which I cannot figure out how to do. The script saves the layer as is so an adjustment layer type solution does not work. I took a look at the javascript and I don't know enough to start calling other .psd's merging and closing them in the middle of the script.

I get what I need to do by loading up the saved jpg's after running the script and running an action on them to add the logo and resave, but this is a bit of a pain when there can be a hundred plus layers.

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Revit :: Exporting To DWG Layer Prefix?

Apr 5, 2011

I was wondering if there was a way in the DWG export layer dialog to change the layers like the "existing" and "demo" to a prefix, instead of a suffix.
Currently, for existing phases, when i export to DWG, let's say the topography, is said to be SITE-TOPO-EXIS, but I want to make it EX-SITE-TOPO.
It is set up as "-EXIS" which will add EXIS to all the layers in the existing phase towards the end.
If i changed it to "EX-" that just adds EX- at the end of the layer name in the phase.
Anyway so i can put that in the beginning of all the layer name for the phase?
I don't want to go into AutoCAD and use the _RENAME command if there is a lot of file to change.

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Revit :: Keep Layer Names When Exporting To DWG?

May 10, 2013

We build our models in Sketchup. Export a 3d DWG and import that into Revit 2014 (through Conceptual mass). That way we can export sections etc from Revit.

The problem is that Revit sees the 3D DWG as a Mass, and therefore don export the layers we want to AutoCad. 

Is there a way to "explode" the 3D DWG in Revit so it gets divided in to the layers we had before it was transformed into a Mass. So the layers follows the DWG export to Autocad?

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Paint.NET :: Exporting Layer Settings?

Jan 1, 2013

I have a map using multiple layers with different textures/colours/etc on each one. I now want to create a new map but use the same layer settings. Is it possible to export or copy the first map's layer settings to use on the second?

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Photoshop :: Exporting Layers To Files In Scripts?

Nov 16, 2012

I am using CS6. When exporting layers to files in Scripts, I get an error message Error 519: Server Interface error. 'No component returned from CreateWidget'

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Photoshop Elements :: Exporting Raw Files From IPhoto

Jan 5, 2013

I have just upgraded from Elements 9 to 11. I had no issues exporting from iphoto to 9, worked a treat. I have configured everything exactly the same, checked and double checked all the preferences and it will not work automatically. I can manually export to my desk to and it works fine, the raw file shows up in the bridging application and I can do whatever I need to. However, this is a bit long winded and as it worked so well before it is a little frustrating..

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Photoshop :: Exporting Animation As Collection Of Targa Files

Mar 13, 2012

I've got a short animation that I'd like to export, mainly because it's faster to use the tween function than manually adjusting my picture and saving every frame manually. Anyway, it doesn't look like Photoshop allows you to save animations in the Targa format and keep the alpha layer that I need in each individual frame. How I might go about either exporting the animation and keeping the alpha layer, or finding some way to work around this without having to manually copy the alpha layer to each individual frame by hand after I export it?

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Maya Modeling :: Exporting OBJ Files From Photoshop CS6 Into 2013?

Jan 4, 2014

I created 3D text in Photoshop CS6 and exported the mesh as an obj.  I was able to import the obj file directly into 3DS Max 2013, but could not import it into Maya 2013 and 2014, because both versions cited incorrect data.  Is this a bug or user error?  Obvious workaround is to use Max to re-export, but would prefer to have it work directly in Maya.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Files For Editing Into Photoshop Elements 9?

Feb 1, 2013

This problem only occurs with files that I have been imported from cd's/dvd's into the libraryand I get the msg "Lightroom was unable to prepare the selected file for editing. It will not be opened." Files that are stored on my hard drive have NO PROBLEM in being edited. .
I am new to Lightroom and currently using it on the 30 day trial I have been using PSE for a long time and have over 90,000 images in Organizer and all of my images are on cd's/dvd's, very few are stored on the hard drive.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Exporting Layer Separation

Jan 12, 2012

I want to create objects and export them out into a JPG or PNG. My question is, can I create the artwork as a whole (multicolor/object artwork), having different objects on different layers and export all the layers to created into multiple PNG/JPG files ... with one click?

For example, when someone does screen printing on tee shirts, they have a 3 or so color graphic. I would need to export each color individually as a raster image (Export one, then export again, and again and agian blah blah blah). That would be needed to create mulitiple silk screen frames.

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After Effects :: Adding Layer That Has Different Aspect Ratio Or Exporting Transparencies?

Aug 19, 2013

CS6 on Windows 8
I have a project that is currently in 720x534. I would like to add a layer behind it that has the same height, but is wider and I don't want to mess up all the layers that are done in 720x534.
If I try to change the composition settings, it stretches out my original work.
I've tried creating a new project with the wider composition setting and simply importing the original video to layer over top. That works, except that I lose the transparencies of the original.
How can I either add a layer to a project that has a different aspect ratio without affecting the other layers OR export a video with transparencies.

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Photoshop :: Exporting Layers To Files (numbering / Maintaining / Transparency And Cropping)

Dec 31, 2012

I'm trying to batch save a series of PNG animation files using the File => Scripts => Export Layers to Files action in Photoshop CS5. Each layer has a transparency and a shadow that have been converted from layer effects and "baked" into the image. I tried the batch save but it turned all of the transparencies solid with white backgrounds. Also the image size was not cropped to the dimensions of the object on each layer.
Lastly, is there a way to edit the numbering for each file? When the images were exported it created a lengthy set of numbers after each file name when all I need is a 00 padding.

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Photoshop Elements :: Exporting Photos From Album To Disk As JPEG Files?

Jan 21, 2013

I am using PSE 10 on a Mac and I would like to export photos from an album as jpeg files to the hard disk.  I would like to rename the files so that the first image in the album will have a the album name and index 1,  the second image will have the same name and index 2 etc. 

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3ds Max :: Exporting MOV Files

Feb 9, 2011

Just a quick question, I'm wondering if there is a fix in 3ds max (64) 2011 regarding exporting .mov files. We are in the FIRST Robotics competition and the Autodesk 3D Animation Contest requires the final movie to be in .mov format.

I can always export individual frames and composite the work in Premiere, perhaps a better process in the end; regardless I would love to hear of how the problem will be solved with Apple (just a guess) down the road

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