Photoshop :: CS4 - Saving Videos (MP4) And Settings
Jul 3, 2012
I loaded an MP4 into Photoshop CS4 and edited some frames. (I'm on a Mac OSX)
Now I need to save the video file. I tried to save the video file as an MP4 and AVI leaving default settings alone. However no matter how I saved the video it looks all pixalated, or save as a much smaller video size and still all pixelated. How do I save an exact copy of my video with the edits I made?
i'll open photoshop to find all my settings have been erased, such as which scratch disk to use, how many files in the history, and what palettes are open. Is there a way to save settings in a file, so i can load them, and be happy again?
sometimes you just have to reformat the hard drive and reinstall the OS. Is there a way to save off Photoshop (CS5) settings and preferences for restore later after OS and PS are reinstalled?
Perhaps keps in some xml file somewhere? Or a registry key?
I am using LR4 and Photoshop CS6. What has recently started happening is when I send an image from LR to CS6 and then save the image I reopen the image in LR and find that all of the basic settings have been changed.
I am referring to the Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Whites, Blacks. Even if I send the image to CS6 and make no changes, only chosing to save the image before closing, when I reopen it in LR it appears blown out because of the changes in these settings. I there a setting in preferences or somewhere that could have somehow been changed and causing this? Have updated both programs so am using the most recent versions.
It seems that when I open the image back up in LR it is way overexposed, however if I send it back to Photoshop the image is appears to be exposed properly like when I saved it.
I recently started having a problem saving my UI settings in Max 2012. I launch my scripts and set up the buttons for them and save the UI so they’ll reload but when I restart Max, the buttons are loaded but the scripts to support them aren’t. So I have to go through and start them all again so they’ll work. Everything’s fine after that, till I restart Max, and the process starts over.
I just started using max 2013 after upgrading from 2011. I read about how you can't import your old UI settings so I started to customize some new ones, saved them to the MaxStart file and the next time I loaded max its gone back to the defaults. The same thing is happening for my preferences. I changed my undo levels to 200 yesterday and today they're back at 20.
I've created a resume in Photoshop CS5 for OS X - I know, I should've used InDesign but I'm more comfortable working in Photoshop.
The PSD is currently 2550x3300 px (8.5x11 in) at 300 dpi. I'd like to save the resume as a PDF flie so I can submit it online. I have no intentions of printing this particular document. Most websites will only accept a file size of under 1MB. What are the ideal settings for saving a PDF in the smallest file size without sacrificing on image quality? I should also note that I do not have Acrobat Pro.
I'm having a problem where my settings are not being saved.
I like to have the font be Arial, 12 Point and centered. When I upgraded to SP3, I had to start Corel X5 while holding the F8 key because it would keep crashing. After this, I set everything up the way I like it, but it's not keeping my setting for font, size and alignment. It keeps reverting back to Arial, 24 point, Left every time I restart Corel X5.
The way I try to save the settings is in a blank document, I change the font to 12 and X artistic and paragraph text, then I change the alignment to center and X artistic and paragraph text. Then I click CTRL-J, Document - check Save options... then click ok. Previously this always worked. Under SP3 it doesn't.
Is there anyway to save dimensioning settings, like origin offset, point size, arrow type? When I dimension an object, I have to reset all of these items each time I create a new dimension. I realize that this isn't a CAD program, but why give us this nice tool if you can't save the settings from one dimension to the next?
I am having an issue with my Sheet Sets keeping the settings I have entered after closing them out.
For example, I create a new Sheet Set (from Existing Drawings) add my layouts to it, organize them, then I right-click on the Sheet Set name and select Publish > Sheet Set Publish Options
In the dialogue box that opens I change four things:
1. Location: I point it to the network location where I want the DWFs stored. 2. File Format: change from DWFx to DWF (this is due to a limitation with our printing equipment) 3. Type: changed to Single-sheet file 4. Merge Control: changed to Lines Merge
It seems to maintain all of these setting until I close the sheet set out (change drawings, close C3D, etc.) Then when I reopen the Sheet Set later, it will revert the File Format back to DWFx and the Merge Control back to Lines Overwrite.
The reply given did not answer the issue but was mistaken for use with the plot dialogue box, which this is not about. The issue we are having is the sam as above with the "lines merge" ALWAYS reverts back to "lines overwrite" after the sheet set is closed and re-opened. I have seen a thread suggesting that If the PC3 files are read only this may be the problem, but as a cad manager in even the smallest of firms, having the pc3 files read only is just about a must to keep from accidental changes from occuring. Is this the reason? I dont see what conection the pc3 files would have with the settings in the sheet set manager. (all of our pc3 plotter setting are set to "lines merge" in each of the printer settings as well) so, where and why it keeps reverting back to "lines overwrite".
Noticed that after the last update many profile settings like snap aperatures, OSNAPS, and data shortcut working files aren't being remembered? It has only happened to a couple people, but they are having the exact same issues.
I wish it was simple as the shortcut being reset or pathed to the wrong profile, but it's not the case.
using acad 2010, when trying to save a profile , i set all the desired setting , and expect to have a "save profile" button , but all buttons refer to the selected profile, how can i save a new profile?
I have been doing some night time photography and occasionally have images in which I apply some heavy noise reduction and sharpening. I am looking for a way to recall all of the settings in the Detail tab.
I don't want to apply this set of adjustments on all of my images as I import them—just a few specific images after importing.
I have recently changed computers, I am apart of a Flexi license system. Now my problem is when i go into Application options and change where to open my templates from it does not save when i quit Inventor. I have also notcied small things like the reverse cusor button i always click but everytime i get out of Inventor it defaults.
(Pictures: One is the custom templates i would like to use. I am selecting them in Application Options/ Templates than applying and closing. Then when i am fnished with Inventor for the day and shut down and the next day when i come back it defaults back to the default templates)
So we have an HP T1100 plotter and we want all the .pc3 files on the server. I go to the plotter in my devices and printers from the start menu and I add in all my custom paper sizes. Then I create a .pc3 file that points to a system printer on my machine for that plotter. I then move the .pc3 file to the server. Next thing I do is go to .pc3 file on the server and filter out all the unneeded papers sizes (arch, jis, iso, etc.) so all that shows up in the plot dialog box are the custom sizes I created. I then re-path autocad to the server in my options. All is fine so far, everything plots fine.
Now I go to another machine and point autocad to use the folders on the server for the plotters. I go to plot and the .pc3 files are there but when I pick the paper size drop down selection, all the arch, jis, iso sheets, etc... that I filtered out are now there. Well, I can go into the .pc3 file on his machine, re-filter out all those unneeded paper sizes and all is well, but then I come over to my machine and all the unneeded paper sizes are there again. It goes back and forth. I save on one machine and then the other one is messed up.
I cannot get the unfiltered papersizes to stay that way on the .pc3 file thats on the server. Why is this? I know I have the .pc3 file pointed to a system printer on my machine but we have the same printer on each machine with the same drivers. We could just put the plotter on the server so there is no system printer but that is not an option right now.
I am trying to save and load plugin's settings, ex. dialog setting values and strings. OS platform is windows XP. First I programmed the way of using *.ini file. But that not appropriate for Macintosh. So, I like to know common way by using SDK's APIs.
How do I go about saving the settings on the open dialog box? It keeps moving to different locations and it keeps changing the Name / Date modified / Type / Size columns very narrow where it only shows the name and nothing else.
I do have the dialog box very large across so it can accommodate what I want including the preview.
I am installing AutoCAD for the first time in a lab at a high school. We have roaming profiles for each user. When I launch AutoCAD for the first time as a user, the program goes through it's first time configuration, check the "Privacy Statement" and uncheck the "Show at Start up" on the welcome box. After I log off and log back in and launch the program again, it goes through the setup again and I don't have the setting I had changed on the previous launching of the program. I think it has something to do with the roaming profiles because when I login as myself (I don't have roaming profiles) it works fine.
Why is it that when in Draw save the tone curve settings it saves in a totally different directory? Then if I want to open that settings file it takes me somewhere else showing default styles/settings (*.crv)?
Just upgraded a user to Autodesk Building Design Suite Premium 2013 but AutoCad 2013 and AutoCad MEP 2013 are not saving settings.
On first use the crosshair is large and angled, not standard. If I run "Rest values to default" then the settings are standard until I either restart AutoCAD or open a drawing then have the same strange cross hair.
Have tried creating a new profile, setting it as default startup profile by altering the shortcut but no matter what settings are not saved and revert to strange cross hair once AutoCAD is re-opened or a drawing is opening.If logon to computer as a user without a roaming profile all works fine.
Photoshop CS5 v12.1. Mac OS 10.6. I'm printing to an Epson R1800 printer.
Print. Choose Color Management. Choose Document. Choose "Photoshop manages color". Choose the correct printer profile that matches the paper I'm using. Choose Relative Colorimetric.
THEN, I click Print Settings...under the 4th drop downu I choose "Print setting..." again. Under "Basic" "color" and "Color settings" are grayed out as are some of the "Media Type" options.
Is this normal? The problem is my black and white prints are printing really badly. They have color tones. I've cleaned the nozzles on my Epson printer, done everything the print utility suggests. All the test prints look fine.
i recieved a prom pic from my daughter and i was going to print it and frame it, but 2 things happend.
The first one was that when i tried to print it it said it was tooooooo big 40inx60in so i resized it to 8.5x11 and it got very blurry, after about an hour i figured out how to get it sharp again (by accident) and forgot how i did it DOH!!! It was some kind of compairson with 4 of the same photo and resizeing the file from 9.5M to about 400kb and actualy adding some blur.
The next problem is when i printed it, it was so washed out it looked like an old 70's poloroid but on screen it looks great. Now I've read the color settings section but i think i might have set some settings wrong [U]and i don't think i fully understand what i'm reading . I know there are settings to either let photoshop take care of the printing or let the printer.Personaly i think i would like to let photoshop do it that way any email's or photo's i shoot will have a common baseline. The printer i'm using is an hp psc 2410 and the camera is a minolta dimage7i, is this a good camera / printer. I'm in adobe rgb(1998) mode and i think i saw somwhere in the printer software to choose between adobe rgb or the hp printer.Do these have to match.
Put simply how can i print it the way i see it on screen
I know ....long winded but i try to give all the info i can
I have started editing photos using the Photo Fix Options in Instant Fix. I have then switched to Photo Editor to fine tune my edited picture. When I use save or save as, to save the edited picture both the edited and original appear in the files. If I start in in Photo Editor and save there is an option to uncheck that reads "Save in version set with Original" However I am more comfortable with beginning in Instant Fix and then switching to photo editor. For some reason when I go to save after switching from Instant fix to Photo editor the uncheck feature is no longer available. step by step instructions to save revised photo afterusing Instant Fix first then Photo Editor.
If I create a file in Photoshop without coming from Lightroom or duplicate a file in Photoshop that I opened from Lightroom, is there a way to save the new file from Photoshop to the desired directory on my local hard drive and simultaneously have it added to my Lightroom catalog? Or do I need to save the file then import the file into the catalog? I'm working with CS6.
I’m a long time Photoshop user but recently picked up LR4 to try to fine tune my workflow. I’ve noticed that after importing new files (RAW, I haven’t tried with jpg) into my library as I scroll through them (1-up, not in grid) the preview comes up and then after a second or so the WB changes to a much colder image.
Does LR4 initially preview at specific settings and then change to the individual image settings? Even if so, the final images seem very cool and I feel like I have to up the temp more than I should have to. My previous workflow was to sort in Bridge and then use ACR to import to Photoshop. I feel like I did much less tweaking of my WB this way. I feel like I’m starting from square one with LR4.
why I can't open a video in Photoshop CS3? It's an MOV file, filmed with a digital camera. I try to do file>import>video frame to layers, and I get an error that says I need Quick time 7.1.
Can't find anything on-line that explains it properly.