AutoCAD 2013 :: MEP 2013 Not Saving Profile Nor Workspace Settings
Aug 15, 2013
Just upgraded a user to Autodesk Building Design Suite Premium 2013 but AutoCad 2013 and AutoCad MEP 2013 are not saving settings.
On first use the crosshair is large and angled, not standard. If I run "Rest values to default" then the settings are standard until I either restart AutoCAD or open a drawing then have the same strange cross hair.
Have tried creating a new profile, setting it as default startup profile by altering the shortcut but no matter what settings are not saved and revert to strange cross hair once AutoCAD is re-opened or a drawing is opening.If logon to computer as a user without a roaming profile all works fine.
I just downloaded 2013 Autocad for MAC and I can't manage to see my drawing toolbars and also don't know where to find workspace settings to change my workspace to autocad classic.
I jumped from 2010 to 2013 when switching jobs.I have to load my profile every time I start AutoCAD, it will not save as default. Also within my profile I created, some setting I have to reclick as they are not saving within the profile. I change the setting, hit apply, the save profile as currrent.I do also have an issure with the settings changing within different drawings. I will go to options and have to re check some boxes, and I havent closed AutoCAD yet.
So we have an HP T1100 plotter and we want all the .pc3 files on the server. I go to the plotter in my devices and printers from the start menu and I add in all my custom paper sizes. Then I create a .pc3 file that points to a system printer on my machine for that plotter. I then move the .pc3 file to the server. Next thing I do is go to .pc3 file on the server and filter out all the unneeded papers sizes (arch, jis, iso, etc.) so all that shows up in the plot dialog box are the custom sizes I created. I then re-path autocad to the server in my options. All is fine so far, everything plots fine.
Now I go to another machine and point autocad to use the folders on the server for the plotters. I go to plot and the .pc3 files are there but when I pick the paper size drop down selection, all the arch, jis, iso sheets, etc... that I filtered out are now there. Well, I can go into the .pc3 file on his machine, re-filter out all those unneeded paper sizes and all is well, but then I come over to my machine and all the unneeded paper sizes are there again. It goes back and forth. I save on one machine and then the other one is messed up.
I cannot get the unfiltered papersizes to stay that way on the .pc3 file thats on the server. Why is this? I know I have the .pc3 file pointed to a system printer on my machine but we have the same printer on each machine with the same drivers. We could just put the plotter on the server so there is no system printer but that is not an option right now.
I am working with a client who upgraded to 2013 and their profile settings have disappeared. They also are not able to open hatch patterns that have been copied to the default folder, which is added to the support files search path.
I am not a CAD user or expert with the application, but am required to provide IT support for a client that uses the product.
Steps to recover the old profile settings and save the hatch patterns so they are available each time the application is opened?
I am installing AutoCAD for the first time in a lab at a high school. We have roaming profiles for each user. When I launch AutoCAD for the first time as a user, the program goes through it's first time configuration, check the "Privacy Statement" and uncheck the "Show at Start up" on the welcome box. After I log off and log back in and launch the program again, it goes through the setup again and I don't have the setting I had changed on the previous launching of the program. I think it has something to do with the roaming profiles because when I login as myself (I don't have roaming profiles) it works fine.
I've made some customisation in the ribbon of a 2013LT version.
Now some customisation functions are only available on the Full, so I download and install it but I can't find a way to import all those custom settings grom LT to Full...
Seems it works only from LT to LT or Full to Full..
Happens every year. Upgrade and spend half a day or more trying to get everything back to the way I had it. All I have is a couple small toolbars for commands that are several clicks deep in the ribbons and I want them "right there" all the time.
I thought Autodesk 360 might be a good tool for this. All it did was DOWNLOAD some old settings and destroy one of the toolbars I'd created. They really need an override in there to specify upload, download, overwrite or don't.
I'm trying to migrate (I guess that's the technical term) my settings from 2013 Mechanical to 2014 Mechanical. It's probably too late already, after 360 did its deal, but I really want to get this down so we don't go through it every year anymore.
I maintain that PTC had this part of it down Pro/ENGINEER. You had a config file that was editable plain text.
Infrastructure DSP '14 / Product DSP '14 / Vault Professional 2014 Dell Precision T1650 Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit Intel E3-1270 V2 3.5GHz / 32G RAM Nvidia Quadro 2000, Driver 331.82 Space Navigator, Driver Version 6.17.7
We have loaded copies of AutoCAD Architecture 2013 on several workstations. We had tried brining over older profiles (from 2008)- which did not work, so made up new ones. ANYTIME we go into the profile settings to load a different profile beyond the default, AutoCAD Architecture (US Imperial), eventually while working the program will crash. We've wiped out installations of the program, registry and all, and re-installed without brining over any prior data. Same issue.
Even when using a seperate "default" profile us as (Global) or (Metric)- same issues. The problem with staying/modifying the workspace for the US Imperial is it will not load the complete menus with the MENULOAD command (only loads EXPRESS). If we work within the (US Imperial), no crashing, but again, the menus are not available within that profile for some reason, so that is not an acceptable solution.
using acad 2010, when trying to save a profile , i set all the desired setting , and expect to have a "save profile" button , but all buttons refer to the selected profile, how can i save a new profile?
I have encountered an error in 2013 MEP. Autocad will suddenly not load and it appears that it gets hung up looking for a profile that does not exist. "AutoCAD MEP (US Imperial)" If I am logged in as administrato,r it opens fine. In my own domain, however, it does not. I have repaired, uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail. Incidentally, all of the other Autodesk programs work. Any thoughts on where I can find that profile so that I can redirect to it?
looking to do shop drawings for electric showing pipe runs, i saw a video and a guy had "electric" and "plumbing" workspaces down along the bottom, my autocad doesn't have.
The attached profile is a section from a solid. I would like to create a closed profile in order to extrude the shape into a solid. The polyline command and splinedit don't seem to do the trick.
i set up the w key in my pgp file for a shortcut for wblocking (i only have 1 pgp file on my work station) it saved fine however, when i press the W key i get the workspace dialog box not a wblock dialog box any clue as to why the pgp file shortcut isnt working loading and how can i disable or change the workspace dialog from the W key
I have installed AutoCAD 2013 and Inventor and here is my problem. This versions of AutoCAD crashes a lot, usually related to making pdf's, but that, while problematic in itself, is a secondary issue and not the reason for my email. When it crashes, it rests all my custom work place settings, even after I have saved and locked them. Restarting AutoCAD takes a few minutes, but this is VERY annoying and time consuming to reset everything everytime this crashes. I have never encountered this problem with previous versions of CAD.
i having a fully working ribbon in ACAD2013. it is a registered dll that is originally coded in
unfortunatley the functionality is only visible at the drafting & annotation workspace but is desperatly needed in classic workspace mode.
for hours i am trying to find a way to make my functionality working in classic workspace too.
is it possible to extend the classic workspace in acad2013 with my functions? if so, how, or where can i get more detailed information to solve my task.
I tried creating a custom workspace and was able to do so (without any modifications) but when I was in that workspace, and loaded an old menu, it wiped out all the default workspaces. where / how these default workspaces are stored, or how to upload all my old menu stuff without going through a tedious cui mod?
The model space orientation is different than the paper space orientation (I have my viewport rotated) but whenever I am working in paper space and double-click inside model space to activate the viewport, it resets/reorients the view to match the orientation in model space. It also changes the scale. If I lock the viewport and then double-click inside to activate model space it does not change.
I don't want to always have my viewports locked to work on them in paper space.
I want to print out several layouts as a batch. when i do this to a printer to obtain paper copies it works out ok, however when i do it to a PDF format it chops the top of the drawing off which is most annoying as i often end up having to do each drawing individually to a pdf.
I'm using 2014 with 360 syncing on.Several times now, I've setup all my toolbars, snaps, etc the way I want them. I then save out an .arg and they also supposodly sync with 360. Then everything works fine for awhile and then in seemingly random change, they all go hinky, like they've been reset.
Also, my delete key has stopped working, and I can't redefine it in the CUI, and reloading my saved arg doesn't restore it.Also, I can't initiat a command of any kind with items selected. ie. select line then offset command. Reloading arg doesn't fix it.
In AutoCAD 2010, the UCS Icon settings dialogue window has a 'Cone' setting for displaying coned arrows at the end point of each axis. This 'cone' setting has been removed from 2011-2014. What logical reason why this was removed and is it possible there is a hidden setting to bring it back in 2014?
I hate having to setup one pc to all the autocad setting that we need and then having to go do 27 more. I want to take my exact setup, menu, system variables, colors, file locations...everything and apply it to 27 more computers. We have tried using profiles but it only coppies over a few things and some are still missing. Is there are way to copy everything?
We keep things like fonts, plot styles, templates, custom menu on one of our network drives. I have noticed that we are losing these paths (in our options) quite frequently. I have checked profiles and workspaces and all seem to be correct. Is this a network issue? If our network drops connection, will these paths just go away?
When I go into CUI & try to customize the double click for say line & set it to bring up the properties box it works, but it changes all double click actions to do that unless there is already a default double click for a particular command. When I set the double click in the hatch command to edit the hatch (hatch box pops up) it works but it will change the line double click to do the same thing. I don't remember having this problem in 2009. I'm saving in the CUI every time I try this.
Since I have decided to use the 'sync settings online' however now when I try to open 13 or 14 stall on opening the only way I can get round it is by opening windows task manager and ending the 'acSettingSync.exe' and the 'acCloudManager.exe'. This doesn't work everytime but 75% of the time.
I exported a .arg file in the menu :'Options>Profiles' and I imported the '.arg' file back after I reinstalled the Autocad 2013. Then I selected the profile which I imported , and clicked the button 'SET CURRENT'
BUT It didn't work after I reopen the ACAD 2013. The current profile isn't the imported one still. I have tried again and again. How to 'set current' the profile I imported??