AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Set Current Imported Profile
Oct 17, 2012
I exported a .arg file in the menu :'Options>Profiles' and I imported the '.arg' file back after I reinstalled the Autocad 2013. Then I selected the profile which I imported , and clicked the button 'SET CURRENT'
BUT It didn't work after I reopen the ACAD 2013. The current profile isn't the imported one still. I have tried again and again. How to 'set current' the profile I imported??
The attached profile is a section from a solid. I would like to create a closed profile in order to extrude the shape into a solid. The polyline command and splinedit don't seem to do the trick.
I'd like to create a script that checks the current document's color profile and checks it against a string, for example "sRGB IEC61966-2.1". My studio has a script that performs various functions to make sure that all the layers are visible/unlocked, checks for stray points, etc., and we'd like to add a check to the color profile because we handle a large number of files and this setting is overlooked a lot.
It's alright if this value isn't writable through script (we can just pop up an alert letting the user know that they need to change it), but I can't find where to actually read this setting! We're currently working on Macs and with JavaScript, but any nudge in the right direction.
I installed LR5 from LR4 yesterday and each time I open an image in CS5 from my LR5, I get the following message:
The document "IMG_9082.CR2"has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space.
Embedded: Adobe RGB (1998)
Working sRGB IEC61966-2.1
What would you like to do?
-Use the embedded profiel (instead of the working space) -Convert documents's colors to the working space -Discard the embedded profile (don't color manage)
My camera's settings have it set with sRGB, LR4 and LR5 have sRGB and I have CS5 workspace as sRGB. This did not happen before.
Is it possible that when LR5 updated the LR4 catalogue, it changed the profile of all my photos? I don't know, maybe I've done something, but I can't see what as I don't remember changing anything.
I want to do something a little different in my math class unit on volume - I want to bring up AutoCAD 2014, and have a 3D solid on the screen. As I change/edit the object, I want the students to see the volume amount change, onscreen. Is there a way I can put in a field, preferably, that with a quick regen will show the volume of a 3D object?
Turn on/off layers in the current viewport only, I’m wondering if there is a command that can be plugged on the “quick access toolbar” by which one can turn on/off layers in the current viewport only.
The available command to do so is “Freeze and thaw in current viewport” (attached) and it sounds it can’t be plugged in the “quick access toolbar”!
Is there a way to plug the command “Freeze and thaw in current viewport” in the “quick access toolbar” (attached)?
In AutoCAD Architecture 2009, we had this awesome button that would basically "lock" the z-axis. This was very handy to move 3D objects around in the same plane.
Now in AutoCAD 2013, the button is no longer there! I found that you can make it a full-time change in the Options/Drafting tab, but we like to switch back and forth with this and that button was really handy.
I've also read that in older versions you could run the "AecProject.arx" file, but we don't have that in our AutoCAD 2013 folder (and I can't find it anywhere else on our hard drives.)
We do have AutoCAD Architecture 2013 but I was trying to only utilize what I needed rather than turn on Architecture every day.
Just upgraded a user to Autodesk Building Design Suite Premium 2013 but AutoCad 2013 and AutoCad MEP 2013 are not saving settings.
On first use the crosshair is large and angled, not standard. If I run "Rest values to default" then the settings are standard until I either restart AutoCAD or open a drawing then have the same strange cross hair.
Have tried creating a new profile, setting it as default startup profile by altering the shortcut but no matter what settings are not saved and revert to strange cross hair once AutoCAD is re-opened or a drawing is opening.If logon to computer as a user without a roaming profile all works fine.
We have loaded copies of AutoCAD Architecture 2013 on several workstations. We had tried brining over older profiles (from 2008)- which did not work, so made up new ones. ANYTIME we go into the profile settings to load a different profile beyond the default, AutoCAD Architecture (US Imperial), eventually while working the program will crash. We've wiped out installations of the program, registry and all, and re-installed without brining over any prior data. Same issue.
Even when using a seperate "default" profile us as (Global) or (Metric)- same issues. The problem with staying/modifying the workspace for the US Imperial is it will not load the complete menus with the MENULOAD command (only loads EXPRESS). If we work within the (US Imperial), no crashing, but again, the menus are not available within that profile for some reason, so that is not an acceptable solution.
I just noticed yesterday that when I have RAW (DNG) files in my LR5.2 library, I can select the correct lens profile to apply. When I take three of those files and merge them together in Photomatix Pro they come back as a single TIFF file. Now LR only has one lens profile available, and it is the wrong one.
This is happening with my Sony NEX-7 and Tamron 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 XR DI-III VC. With the RAW files, I have a list of Tamron lenses from which to choose, and the correct one is available. For the merged TIFF file, however, only a single Tamron lens is available for selection, and it is not the lens I used.
It works sporadically. The error is "There were no plotable sheets in the current operation." I did a window. Also tried saving the dwg to a previous version. I note in options, that a multi sheet file is chosen, but I only have one sheet. Can not seem to change multi sheet to one sheet. If I open the file in Inventor, I get the same error.
When I set a layer as current, every object or line I select in the drawing appear to be on that layer in the toolbar. Although in the properties toolbox, I see that the line I selected is still on the right layer.
I can't work in paperspace either, when I freeze a layer it freezes all objects. It seems like whenever I give a different layer to an object, it attributes to all object that same layer.
When I open the same drawing in acad 2008, everything is ok, the objects have the proper layers.
Is there a command for that or it's an acad 2013 problem?
I am familiar with the LAYMCUR command to select an object and make that layer current. I am hoping there is a command to select text or a dimension and make that style current. I can't fine such a command. I have to select a text, see what style shows up in the box at top, go to the text style box, find the style and make it current. It seems like unneeded steps. It's simple for layers, why not text and dimensions?
I've tried to import a dwg file that was created by someone else but I'm having a hard time editing it. I can scale it and move it and things like that, but if i wish to change the height. I tried scaling it, but it messes up the object. The object I am trying to shorten is a measuring rack on this site [URL].......
I can't change the objects height. Perhaps it's because it's a block reference or something. I've tried editing the block itself, but i have no luck in trying to edit the height. I cant splice it either.
I've attached the file im trying to change the height of.
I've imported a PDF file and I'm trying to do a quantity take-off by finding the area of certain areas (this is a landscape plan). However, I'm having trouble calibrating the scale so 10' on my plan is 10' according to AutoCAD as well.
Autocad 2013 Data Extraction works if I do not include attached xrefs and set it to "Select objects in current drawing". When I check "Extract objects from xrefs"; and go to next it processes for a bit then stays on page 2 of 8 on the Define Data Source page. Also have the same error if I choose " Drawings/Sheet set" with or without the xref objects included.
I tried creating a custom workspace and was able to do so (without any modifications) but when I was in that workspace, and loaded an old menu, it wiped out all the default workspaces. where / how these default workspaces are stored, or how to upload all my old menu stuff without going through a tedious cui mod?
I have encountered an error in 2013 MEP. Autocad will suddenly not load and it appears that it gets hung up looking for a profile that does not exist. "AutoCAD MEP (US Imperial)" If I am logged in as administrato,r it opens fine. In my own domain, however, it does not. I have repaired, uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail. Incidentally, all of the other Autodesk programs work. Any thoughts on where I can find that profile so that I can redirect to it?
Is there a macro/script/deisel that will automatically print a pdf (cute pdf autocad lt 2007) to current plot settings in current drawing directory and give it the current drawing view name and number? Disk space not a problem these days and would save time to have a pdf copy of all drawing tabs readily stored in the directory ready for issue.
Technique that can check the current plotter name for the current tab and assign it to a variable? i.e. can it be assigned to a variable to check if if equals "myplotter1". The next step - is there a technique to change the plotter name to "myplotter2.pc3".
I have partially done the latter part of this in the past using the -plot command line to ASSIGN a new plotter but I would really like to only run the routine if it really needs to.
I've created an object containing several shapes in Illustrator CS6 and exported it as a DWG, In Autocad 2014 I've exploded the block using XPlode command, now I want to extrude this shapes so I can create a geometry and start doing booleans and so one.
When I click in the Extrude option and select any of this shapes I get an error saying that objects of this type can not be extruded. I'm completely stuck I've been going back and forth from illustrator to Autocad 2014 and I can't find what's wrong.
P.S. The shapes in Illustrator have no stroke or filling so you will have to "Select All" to see the whole thing. The DWG and AI files are inside the attached zip. The DWG has been exported using "File > Export" w/ "Maximum edit-ability" from Illustrator.
I seem to have issues with this particular file from sketchup pro, Ive tried converting the .bak file without luck, on my mac the file briefly opens then closes.
I am using autocad 2013 student and also tried opening it on other computers with the same result.
So I have 25 years 3d CAD experience. Catia, Alias, Ford PDGS.I have spent 20 hours on Inventor 2013. Great program. Very intuitive. Have been banging out models easily.
My issue however is a Client has given me sone .stp's and Iges files to work with.They open fine as a .iam The issue is saving. I have the project folder setup, go to save.
I Get the "do you want to save changes to "XXXXXXXX.iam" and all its dependants.I select "yes to all".I get the "Yes" under the "Save" Column for all listed .ipt's...I hit OK.......Autodesk attempts to save.
...Then I get the dialogue box up with ! icons "The system cannot find the path specified" - The database in C:Users.........xxxx.ipt could not be saved