I have CS3 10.0.1, Vista Ultimate and 3Gb of ram. Until a week ago, CS3 was running fine - quick start up, quick file opening, quick filters. However, for reasons I can't fathom, it has started to take around 30 seconds on "Reading Preferences" during start up, and around 40 seconds to open a 22.8Mb file (with a "Progress/Reading Photoshop Format..." dialogue and progress box).
I have no network printer and have deleted and reset my "Preferences". Made no difference.
I have not installed any soft- or hard-ware which I can imagine conflicting with CS3 in some way.
I've been running the cloud version of CS6 for a few months, and in the last several weeks, Photoshop has become incredibly slow, and often gets stuck on the "reading preferences" at startup.
I went through all the suggested things, (got rid of bad fonts, downloaded brushes as they were INCREDIBLY slow, and reset some settings to enhance speed), but it's barely made a dent. I already contacted Apple support, and they said it's only an issue with the Adobe software. Also, it reallllllly doesn't like to open .ai documents in psd, which is a problem for me as I need to work in both every day.
I have windows 8 x64I uninstalled and re-installed from my Web Premium DVD's This started happening recently and was working fine for quite a while To fix it i tried:
ctrl+alt+shift to reste prefrences - still crashes, uninstalled and re-installed (just photoshop x64 & acrobat 9). Searching the forums but a lot of the links appear to be dead.
when I fire up PS the opening splash window only took about 15 - 20 seconds to cycle through and PS opens up. Since then it takes a very long time to open. The "Reading Preferences" takes nearly a minute or so then all the other race through and PS opens. Why would the "Reading Preferences" take no time at all one day then the next take over a minute? I haven't changed anything to my knowledge in the Preferences tabs to cause this.
I'm running CS4 in XP on a fast system with plenty of RAM. The last few weeks, loading up is taking a looong time. The start-up screen shows "reading preferences" for 2 - 3 minutes most times. I've re-set and trashed my preferences file with no change. I've also removed all plug-ins, also with no change. Once PS is up, it works normally. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I've rebooted a couple of times, and uninstalled/reinstalled via the CC Control Panel. Even more comical is when I try to retrieve information about my installation I get this error from the Adobe CC site: We're sorry, something seems to be wrong on our end. Please try again later.
Reinstalled PSE 5.0 on new computer running Windows 7. Downloaded the service pack for PSE 5.0.2. Read that I needed to adjust the compatibility to Windows XP (service pack 3) PSE opens, but only as far as "Reading Preferences," then never goes farther.
For about a week now i can't open (use) my CS2 because it always crashes when it is "Reading Prefferences" Now i think i have tried everything. i have completely un(re)installed several times but it stays the same problem. i have also tried to instal it on another hard disk but still no luck.
how to make my photshop application fast few days ago it was working good but now its performance is slow and my computers speed is also slow. How to fix it?
when you load up photoshop, there is a window that shows what it is loading. and everytime i load up Photoshop, it stops responding when it gets to "Reading Fonts..." i don't know what to do. I've deleted/reinstalled it and it didn't fix.
Can anyone recommend any good reading material for CS4? I'm not too keen on Scott Kelby (bit too cookbook like although he's a friendly type of guy :-)), nor Martin English (bit too much in depth for me personally).
When saving a .PNG file in Photoshop CS5 the only option that appears is Interlace (None / Interlaced). Is there any other preferences that could be set (e.g. the compression level)?
I have deleted CS2 and installed CS4.How can I use my preferences from CS2? I hate the thought of trying to reconstruct my actions, function keys, menu colors, etc.
I just purchased and installed PS Elements 11 and it seems to be unable to read the .CR2 raw files from my Canon 6D although according to the website this camera is supported.
I have an early 2008 Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard. It's been awhile since I've tried installing Photoshop Elements 6, but I am trying currently. Disc is good, no scratches, used for install plenty of times in the past. Every time I insert it into the laptop, it takes the disc and thinks on it, like it's going to load. But then just ends up spitting the cd back out.
I'm running PS5 on Mac OS Mountain Lion. I'm having to reset the preferences file a lot at the moment, as some of the presets are going missing from the drop down box.
This is happening in the Levels adjustment dialog box. So, when I reset the preferences file the drop down presets that come with PS5 then reappear. Does the preferences file keep getting corrupted? If so, why?
I've set the interface to the middle grey colour. Yet recently, PS opens to the dark grey interface. Some other strangeness like Open Recent list has been cleared. I'm on Windows7.
I am preparing to install a new hard drive in my computer and I don't want to lose all of my preferences. How can I save these to reload after the install? I am using Adobe CS4 Extended v. 11.0.2 on a WIN XP Pro sp3 machine.
Also, will my preferences carry over to Adobe CS6 Design & Web Premium?
P.S. My current hard drive has suffered two crashes already so I'm hoping to get the hard drive switched over as soon as it arrives (next day or 2).
Each time I open Photoshop, I load an image and use my scroll wheel to zoom and I have to go back and re-do my preferences. No preferences are ever saved.
I recently upgraded to CS6. I don't like the way Photoshop zooms now. I've looked around in the Help section, but I'm guessing I'm not using the correct terminology. Basically, I want the zoom to work as it did in CS4.
I want to draw a marquee selection, and when I release the mouse... that is the section it zooms in on. I've played with all the zoom preferences, and I can't get it to do this. How can I make this work?
So I've had this problem for awhile, and thinking that everything would be repaired upon switching to an SSD and clean installing Adobe, my dang preferences REFUSE to save. I set them, restart, check, nothing. I've gone in and deleted my photoshop preference files hoping it would just create a new com.adobe.blah, but no, my program has a mind of its own.
I haven't noticed this problem within any other CC app I use, just Photoshop.It annoys me so much because I hate the application frame with a passion. It's an OCD thing.
I recently installed Photoshop CS4 extended, and I'm having some problems with Preferences in the edit menu. When I attempt to go to either "performance" or "general" under preferences, it freezes, then I get an error report and it shuts down.
Everything else has been working fine so far, though, and it's a wonderful program. My computer is a little older, and is on xp.