Photoshop :: CMYK Profile Cannot Be Loaded / Because It Is Not Valid
Apr 18, 2013
icc v4 cmyk profile created by colormunki can not be loaded in photoshop cs6 for windows 7. the answer is in german: "Der CMYK-Arbeitsfarbraum konnte nicht geladen werden, weil es sich bei dem Profil nicht um ein gültiges Profil für ein CMYK-Arbeitsfarbraum handelt", i use a german version of the program. it means the cmyk profile can not be loaded, because it is not a valid cmyk profile.
Each time I open a file in AI - CS3 I get the same message: "Missing Profile - The doc does not have an embedded CMYK profile". I looked in library>colorsync>profiles and sure enough they were gone? I downloaded new profiles from Adobe, installed them in library>colorsync>profiles - and still the same thing with each file I open. I dragged AI to the trash, re-installed AI from my disc repeated the process with the same results .
Recently, I have needed to convert my CR2 or DNG files to CMYK profile for a printer. It is my understanding that PS Elements (any version) does not support CMYK profiles. I am an avid amateur I think I need to change from Photoshop Elements to CC or PSCS. What would be the most cost effective way to accomplish this goal?
I have X5 SP1 and am trying to export in EPS. Regardless of what I choose in the export dialog (RGB or Grayscale) the resulting EPS file always has a CMYK profile embedded. As I need to submit it to a scietific journal for publishing that requires RGB or Grayscale
I already searched for any objects with CMYK fillings or contours - none. In File properties it only shows RGB and Grayscale objects.
I think I read X4 had a problem with EPS export, i. e. all vectors got converted to CMYK regardless of the export dialog choice. Is this still an issue in X5?
I am wanting to buy the photoshop cs6 and am currently running Microsoft but want to upgrade my laptop by the end of the year to a Mac..use the keycode once when you purchase it? Should I go and get the new computer now? On that note which Mac for photo editing I was thinking MacBook pro 15" or should I go the 17"?
I recently got a new laptop, and I want to transfer the CS2 activation from my old desktop to my new laptop. I deactivated CS2 on my old computer, but when I try to activate it on my new laptop, I'm told that the serial number isn't valid.I use Window's Vista.
We have a 5 user license for Photoshop CS4 extended, and the first machine I've tested on has returned a red cross indicating an invalid license key when this is entered. However, the same key has subsequently been accepted for 2 other Windows installs on very similar machines.
This is a full install license as it has successfully installed CS4 alongside CS3 on one of the clients.
I have tried uninstalling all Adobe Photoshop related products including Bridge, etc from the problematic machine (and also ensured the HKLMSofwateMicrosoftWindowsCurrenversionUninstall key is cleared of such products) restarted and attempted install again but it's still not accepted.
I'm suspecting this one workstation has something left over in the registry or perhaps a file/folder that is confusing the key check.
i recently tried to change the icons of photoshop using a program called "program icon changer". As i didnt know what i was doing, i accidentally replaced the icons with others of the wrong resolution without backing up the file first and now i get a "not valid win32 app" message. Could some one please tell me how to fix this or post their icons ( you would have to extract them form the photoshop.exe file)
problme with photoshop cs, i have used just some layers so many times but after reinstalling photoshop i faced to this message,"Could not complete your request because the layer is not a valid text layer"
I've set the interface to the middle grey colour. Yet recently, PS opens to the dark grey interface. Some other strangeness like Open Recent list has been cleared. I'm on Windows7.
I just upgraded from CS5 to CS6 and for the most part love it. I have run into a very serious problem when it comes to saving. I am on Mac 10.6.8 and have a server that I save all my files too. In CS6 anytime I try to save something to the server's HDD I get the error below,
"Could not save as “avi_horizontal_logo.jpg” because the file name was not valid"
Now, the file name is valid, obviously. I can load the file into cs6 but whenever I try to save over or as a copy I get this error. I still have CS5 installed and have gone back and verified that I can save files to my server via CS5 since coming across the error in CS6. Additionally I have no problems saving to my server via Illustrator or In design
This issue is not occurring on one version on only one workstation either. I have both Design Premium (on 2 computers) and Design Standard (on 1) and all three are replicating this issue but the issue is non-existent in CS5.
I am a high school art teacher and this happened to one of my students. He was working on a PSD file, vectoring an image when PS6 quit unexpectedy. Now when we try to open the file there is an error message "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document." It still has the .psd extension. We are using Mac OS10.8.2. I tried opening it in Illustrator, Preview and Graphic Coverter without success.
Since upgrading to PS CS6 I too frequently get the following message when yrying to open a document: "Could not complete you request because it is not a valid Photoshop document". This never happened in CS5 and this is the 3rd or 4th time in CS6. The documents are quite simple. Only a few layers - just slightly adjusted photo graphs.
I've photoshop CS5 and I've bought the upgrade to CS6...I'm trying to install it, but in the installation it says that I don't have a valid software installed, is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong?
I was trying to spare some room on my C: drive so when I went to save for web last time, I decided to save the images and html on D: drive instead of C:. Ever since then, when I go to save for web I get this error message: "Could not complete this operation. The directory name is not valid". I even uninstalled PS and reinstalled it to see if the factory default settings might override whatever I screwed up!
I've been trying to reproduce this color blind conditionfor a long time now and I still didn't figure out how I can do this. I've searched for cluts but didn't find any, only this, which has some previews of them, but no any files I can load into Photoshop's Color Lookup adjustment. I've looked into Pixel Bender plugin, but I'm using CC so that doesn't work either... I've also tried it with the Index Color mode, but that really messes up my image as it has a really low color range (256). I've even tried reproducing the same effect with adjustments, channels, etc, but didn't figure it out.
Since there's a way to perfectly color proof images with this condition, I'm guessing this has to be some kind of ICC profile or something similar. Is there a way I can use it as a color profile?
I have been getting this error in a pop-up box every time I start Photoshop CS6 - I acknowledge the error (click OK) and startup completes with no further problems I have looked for solution on the web to no avail (I've chased a few red herrings reinstalling ADMxxx fonts with no success).I have just now removed (moved to a safe location) the "ADM" folder from the Photoshop plug-ins list and error goes away. I understand ADM is Adobe Dialog Manager but can I live without it or should I attempt to fix it?
I have Photoshop CS4 Extended, and no matter what I do I can't open it without having the photo from the previous session loaded in the main window. Again, I just want to open PS without any images in memory. How do I do that?
why I suddenly lose all my loaded presets and also preferences (like zooming with the mouse wheel). I don't lose the presets altogether, but I have to go back and reload them again. This doesn't happen all the time, only occasionally and I can't fathom out why.
I just loaded the trial version of CS6 on my dell desktop. This computer was just reset to factory conditions and the operating system is vista. When I try to load an image to edit, the image looks plaid.
I have loaded NIK Silver Efex Pro onto CS6. The plug in shows up in PS CS6 as normal, however when I have an image up and go plug ins and click on Silver Effex Pro 2 i get a notice saying that this programme has crashed.
Using Photoshop CS 6, Windows 7.I downloaded a bunch of brushes, placed them in the brushes folder (in presets) and when I tell Photoshop to load brushes it won't see any at all.
When I double click on the files, it will tell me they are not compatible, but I have the latest version of Photoshop.
Normally I run the 64 bit version of Photoshop and I placed the burshes in both Program Files and Program Files (x86). I tried running both versions of my Photoshop (32 bit and 64 bit) still no luck.
I have used PSD since version 1 and lots have changed, except that there is always a new version around the bend.I just installed PSD 13 and updated it to 13.0.1. on my MacPro 3,1 with 16GB and 4TB. Along the way I received launch errors :
MMX cannot be loaded
Color settings cannot be synched
Multiple Processor can't work with this version of Photoshop
I also received errors when I tried to creat a 3D layer from a shape or text layer or open a readable .obj file as a 3D layer.I updated the nVidia GeForce 8800 GT with the new driver 304.00.05f02 posted 10/2/2012.The first few times restarting with the new drivers, there was no changes. Finally I was able to use the 3D portion of PSD 13.Even though I was able to use the 3D, I still got the error warning on launch of PSD 'that the multiple processors weren't compatible with this version of Photoshop.'
The Adobe site [URL] says that my GPU will work with PSD 13.I am also confused by the technospeak of open_gl and open_cl. Some places refor to the GeForce 8800GT as having both and some dont refer to those terms. I wish things were consistant. If it was found to work with PSD 13 as stated in the above reference are GL & CL active in the card I have?
Since update to 14.1 OpenGl module cannot be loaded. This tells me Photoshop with each new start of the app.I already deselected support for Graphics prozessor in the preferences, but this brought no change.I have an iMac 9,1 with ATi Radeon HD 4850 and before this update there was no problem.
Systeminfo: Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.1 (14.1 20130831.r.401 2013/08/31:23:00:00) x64 Betriebssystem: Mac OS 10.8.4