I have a file from a client that has a table with the color values recorded as CMYK. (e.g. 50, 0, 10, 0)
I'd like to display the colors but I can only figure out how to do it if it's in the 256 color format. Is there a way for me to convert CMYK color values to a 256 color value. I realize the hues/colors won't be perfect, and I'll be happy with colors close to what the original data was using. Maybe there's a way to go from CMYK to RGB, and then to 246?
I have a client who asked for a SPECIFIC shade of blue which happens to be 100,70,0,0. Now I know my screen will never show the exact color, always shows lighter. This part is ok. But I go and change the values on the color picker, and then 10 minutes later when I come back to it, the values changed to 95,65,1,0. Why would this happen, it KEEPS happening and not just one one color, on ALL OF THEM, it just changes the numbers slightly fromw hat I put in.
I have a photo of an object on a black background, and during the editing process the cmyk values of the black background are c=75 m=68 y=67 k=90. As this image is to be placed on a business card, if it is possible to change the values to 100% K or 40% C 100 %.
I have line drawings in a layout that I scanned in. I'd like them to be the same or close to the black cmyk value of the text in the document. I'm not sure how to accomplish this. I tried channel adjustment and replace color,
putting in the specific value I wanted (I read that c50 m40 y40 k100 was a good black for print), but nothing seems to work correctly. I would like to keep some kind of greyscale value (not make everything black), but I want the darkest shade to be that specific cmyk value. How do I do this?
I want a script that can convert RGB value to CMYK values.
I've seen this thread which explains a script to round up and down:
but is there a script that i can actually define lets say the colour is yellow and in RGB it looks ok because its in RGB mode so you change it to CMYK and you have 6% - 9% cyan and you only want yellow
is there a script out there that i can say
cyan = 6% yellow = 80% magenta = 0% black = 0%
then change to
cyan = 0% yellow = 80& mangenta = 0% black = 0%
I don't mind writting the code for each colour that needs to be converted as it would only need defining once but how would i make this script?
I'm working in Photoshop CS 5.5 on a Mac, and I want to apply a specific CMYK color to a selection in an image. I create the color with the values C=0, M=100, Y=100, K=10 and add it to my color swatches. Then I select the section of the image where I want to apply the new color and fill it with the paint bucket. The color fills the section just fine and life is good. But then when I roll over the section with the eyedropper to double-check the CMYK values in the Info window, it shows that they've inexplicably shifted to C=9, M=100, Y=100, K=1.
When placing a .psd file with a spot channel into illustrator, and then later copying this and pasting back into Photoshop the color shifts.
Original Photoshop spot color channel (0/100/81/16) Color after pasting back into Photoshop (13/99/88/4)
We are making renders of packaging, so the designs are from illustrator. We correct this by removing the Photoshop spot channel and recreating this as a CMYK layer, but looking to avoid this step as we do many many renders. Even with assign color profile set to none this happens.
Viewing Photoshop channels you can see a difference in values between the linked image and illustrator flat tint.
When I use a Pantone color in CS5 and then convert to process, I get certain values for CMYK. However, when I use that same Pantone color in CS6 and convert to process, I get different values for CMYK.
For example, Pantone 2685C converted to process in the both applications yields:
I am struggling to understand why Illustrator is changing the values inside the RGB and CMYK boxes. I am also not sure of the exact relationship between these vaues. Essentially, it appears that if you set the Document Color Mode to RGB, it leaves the RGB values that you type in alone. If you set the Document Color Mode to CMYK, it leaves the CMYK values alone.
But as soon as you change the Color Mode, it automatically modifies the values. So if you were in RGB mode and you set some RGB values, it changes those RGB values when you switch to CMYK mode. And vice versa.
I had thought that the CMYK palette was a subset of the RGB palette. It would make sense to me if it did this when I switched from RGB to CMYK mode, but it doesn't make sense to me why it does this when I switch from CMYK to RGB mode.
The other thing I am confused about is the relationship of the values in the RGB boxes to the values in the CMYK boxes. I would have thought that the relationship between them would be static. Actually, it is not. When I am in CMYK mode and I enter a CMYK value of 90 16 0 0, the RGB values become 0 158 222. But when I switch over to RGB mode, the RGB values of 0 158 222 result in CMYK values of 75 23 0 0.
I made a simple poster using photoshop to make the background and illustrator to make the fonts and some other stuff. In CMYK my black is just 100% K ( in photoshop)
When placing image in illustrator the 100% K (black) changes to different black with C M Y added. But then when I save it as PDF the preview shows black as a bit grey (which is something normal- in print it will be just black). So my question is .. should I change enything just to be able to see a 100% K in illustrator in order to match CMYK values of Photoshop? Or should I leave it this way? I guess if I am getting a "grey" in PDF preview is something good isn'it? because in photoshop when I set to 100%K in my screeen it looks like grey and not total black.
I've had this problem before, and it randomly popped up again today.
This time restarting Ai fixed the issue the first time. I just don't know if this was human-error/setting on my end, or a minor bug to report.
So I create a CMYK Ai doc. Create some black text and/or shapes. Then decide to change color to rich black by manually entering CMYK values (in this case, 60, 40, 40, 90), select ok. However, the colors revert back to original percentages (75, 68, 67, 90).
In past versions, it's happened once or twice, and restarting Ai didn't solve the first time.
I've made the text 'CMYK black' for a pdf that needs to get printed.But when I export to a PDF using PDF/X-1a: 2001 (ISO 15930-1) it converts the black to various CMYK values.How do I export a pdf so that the CMYK black stays black? URL...
how to produce a PDF with CMYK.I've got Xara Photo & Designer 9 which more than suits my needs for the work I do.That was until recently when I needed artwork to be exported as PDF with CMYK.
I've just been working with some building signage and business cards inside of Designer Pro 7 and seem to be having a really hard time with the CMYK Color selections. Regardless of what color i pick either in CMYK or a PMS EC it shows incorrectly in Xara.
Every Colors seems to contradict my PMS color wheel and the CMYK isn't even close.
Exporting the file into PS or Illustrator and the color is correct so there must be some way to adjust Xara to show to correct colors on screen otherwise selecting PMS or CMYK colors when working with Xara s pointless as you don't really know what color you have.
I'm exporting a design for the print shop, and have the following problem:
I have converted all colors to CMYK, and that's fine so far... however, I have imported a few PNGs with alpha channel into the design, and in the PDF output, these create a 'box' around them that seemingly has a flattened RGB version of whatever was behind it + the PNG image.
Same happens with any objects that have drop shadows.
We are doing Bars charts in Microsoft Excel and copy past (speical) them in Corel Draw to have an vector form.
When we export them as CMYK in .EPS format.
In priting we are getting RGB colour (the colours point towards lines in chart)
But the question is that when we group /select all the objects in coreldraw file and export them in CMYK in .eps format, why does every object does not convert into CMYK.
When I import some PDF-files to XDPX (8) (Windows XP SP 3) it shows with CMYK colours. That means that I can't use the material as all colours are "wrong".
Is there a way of importing PDF-files so that they show with RGB colours?
Could that be an option in forthcoming versions; that you can select to import either as CMYK or RGB?
I have X5 SP1 and am trying to export in EPS. Regardless of what I choose in the export dialog (RGB or Grayscale) the resulting EPS file always has a CMYK profile embedded. As I need to submit it to a scietific journal for publishing that requires RGB or Grayscale
I already searched for any objects with CMYK fillings or contours - none. In File properties it only shows RGB and Grayscale objects.
I think I read X4 had a problem with EPS export, i. e. all vectors got converted to CMYK regardless of the export dialog choice. Is this still an issue in X5?
I am using AI and PS CS5.I have an eps in AI that is set for RGB. The colors are how I want them.
When I open the same eps in PS, PS thinks the file is CMYK. Whether I open the file as CMYK and convert to RGB or open at RGB, the colors shift. If I leave the file as CMYK, the colors are shifted.
I can confirm that when I convert the file in AI from RGB to CMYK, I can see the color shift. If I leave the file as RGB in AI, it looks how I want.cannot get the file to show in PS as the same color as what I see in AI.I have confirmed that both AI and PS have color settings set to NA GP2.
Basically, the file with AI in RGB mode looks how I want. The file with AI in CMYK mode looks different.In PS, both RGB and CMYK color mode are the same as CMYK in AI. am not sure why PS does not show the RGB colors like AI does.PS CS5 and AI CS5 are synched:{URL]...
I've been creating book covers in paint shop pro 8. I create the covers from images that I get from my customers, and then send them off to a printer to be printed. On a couple of occasions, the printer people have came back and told me my cover is created in "rich" black. I think they mean the CMYK value is 100% for all 4 colors. They won't accept that. My question is, in photoshop, is there a way once I receive an image to check and see what the CMYK value of that image is, and if so, fix potential problems as described above? It doesn't appear I can in paint shop pro. I have been looking for a good reason to purchase photoshop anyway since I'm sure its a much better graphics program.
I have just started using Photoshop CS3 amending photos and adding text & graphic for printing. The photos start off in RGB but when I get them printed in CMYK they look dark and terrible! how to handle the transition of photos from RGB to CMYK and how to avoid making them darker/destroying the quality?
I was give an image in RGB to put onto my own image which is CMYK. Now that I have spent an hour color matching it, when I go to cut and paste it only one part of it at a time comes over and it looks awful.
I have set up 2 a2 architecxture presentation boards in photoshop in rgb, have come to print them and the colours are a lot more acidy and bright than on screen.