Photoshop :: CC - OS X Mavericks Glitches / Disappearing Text
Nov 1, 2013
Photoshop CC, on my MacBook Pro Retina (Iris Graphics). The text disappears, erases basically, whenever I change the font or size. Every single action with text I have to undo. Change font, disappears/erases, undo etc. Happens regardless what font or size.
Also the performance is very poor, doubting it's optimised for Mavericks.
My text keeps disappearing after i have entered the text. I know you have to click the tick at the top right of the screen but i want to be able to drag the text around to see what looks good. Also, When im typing the text in i cannot see the text. I am using Photoshop CC,
I've got this problem where my text is dissapearing when I export a .PDF from PS. Some of the text dissapears and some is white with a thin outline (although it should just be solid black). I've read other things online from people with this problem but none of the solutions work for me. If I rasterise the text it works - but i don't want it rasterised.
- I'm not using Faux Bold or other effects - I've tried with different fonts including Arial and Helvetica - Tried changing the colour slightly - Tried changing opacity slightly - opened a new document with only text and it still does it.
I think it is only happening when i use a text box (dragging the text tool to make box rather than a single click)I've got Creative Cloud and PS is up to date. Working on a rMBP OSX10.8.4
I use a lot the "Automate -> PDF Presentation", in Photoshop CS6 (english language) feature, but in the last months, something really weird is happening.When I export a file, some parts of the text disappears, like is being corrupted by something.
since i got an FX5700 card i'm getting annoying artifacts in my pictures - odd coloured pixels have been appearing when i scroll about, or show/hide palettes. latest one was dafter : zoomed to like 75%, nothing, 100% could see a random pixel, 110% nothing.
then i was looking at my pic, pressed tab to hide the palettes adn a green pixel appeared. tab again, it vanished.
it's doing my head in! >:-/
been using PS7, upgraded to CS2, since removed it cos i did an XP reinstall and anyway i'd put it in the same folder as PS7 which you ain't supposed to do apparently.
not sure if this is a card or a PShop problem. been playing Delta Force Black Hawk Down too - all the graphic stuff is there, but clicking a menu option hangs the game for about ten seconds. sometimes when a mission starts, same thing, a hang then it runs fine. other things seem fine tho. PS7 was working fine before, making me thing it's the card, but i'd expect more apps to crash/corrupt...?? i'm running v71 nvidiaa drivers - i tried the v78 pack, they failed to unzip, i tried the v77 and DFBHD menus were corrupted. current set up :- XP home 1.5gig Athlon 2300+ ASUS A7n8x-x mobo ASUS geforce FX5700 vid card PShop on a different partition to XP, main scratch is another separate 10 partition.
I was running CS4 before moving on to CC and never noticed any interface lag or uncommon issues. In Photoshop, I am encountering significant lag in using certain tools, e.g. the lasso tool. A common scenario: I select the lasso tool, begin to make a selection with my wacom pen and... nothing happens. Everything else is inaccessible for a few moments until a message box appears saying no pixels have been selected. From there, things may or may not work like normal. Today, the button tools in Photoshop were giving similar lag responses (even just using my trackpad, no wacom).
As far as small oddities go, the other day I was working in Illustrator and made a simple line stroke. When I moved a point with the direct select tool, it switched to a rounded corner on only that end point (not the other), though no rounded corners were selected in the stroke box. Toggling the rounded corner button turned on rounded corners, then returned to a single rounded corner. Moving the end point with the direct select tool again would make the rounded cap disappear.
I've checked my CPU usage while I work and it is very low, and I'm not working on large files (less than 10mb). Though I don't recall any more specifics at this time, the feeling I keep getting, misplaced or not, is that CC isn't stable.
I'm on the Retina Macbook Pro, 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Ram, version 10.8.4.
I have had Corel X6 on my computer for a few months and have been making signs just fine with no major problems. However, last week it started getting rid of my text completely if I click on the pick tool or off of the text itself. The text does not hi-lite like it usually does with a box around it, but there is a small black box on the bottom left corner. we cannot make any signs without this program. I even uninstalled and re installed the entire program and still have the same problem.
I was recording some actions for photoshop elements using paths and noticed something strange in photoshop cs6 13.01 on windows 8. . Recording an action of filling a path or making a selection from a path, didn't seem to record the settings.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Select the Rectangle Tool and set the option to paths in the tool options bar.
2. Draw out a rectangle.
3. Save the workpath in the paths panel by double clicking on the path thumbnail in the paths panel.
4. Make a new action and hit the record button.
5. Try using the Fill Path (from the flyout menu in the paths panel) with dialog and set to whatever option you want. (i used 50% Gray in my test)
6. Try using the Make Selection with dialog from the flyout menu in the paths panel.
Neither action seems to record the parameters (settings). Playing back the action uses whatever the last settings were.
I expected the settings to be recored as photoshop 7 does (second action in the screenshot below) Photoshop cs6 13.01 is the first action shown.
For some time now, i am experiencing graphics problems in Photoshop. When i import a smart object from illustrator and apply effects to it (stroke, bevel, shadow etc.) weird glitches seems to appear. I've uploaded an image to show the problem. The problem is also visible when i save my work as jpg. I've already tried turning off Open GL and deleting my old preference file.
it has a negative effect on my workflow, since i can't use smart objects anymore. I'm working on a macbook pro with snow leopard 10.8.6 installed. I've also updated my system and all adobe software.
I recently installed Elements 7 on my new Win 8 computer. I also downloaded a 7.03 patch from Adobe site. When the program is launched, and then sitting idle, the mouse pointer jumps around on the screen, and the "working" blue circle appears also. This happens constantly and consistently about every second. I do not have this happen with any other program.
I was having similar issues with Elements and Win 7, and XP, and Win 98 for that matter.
Regarding Gimp version 2.8.2, I'm posting text to a picture, the trouble is when I highlight and try to resize the text it disappears. The text layer is still on top and the eye is still visable, so the text should be visable.. I have tried different fonts and colors and sizes with no success, things I can check to make this work again?
I did just reinstall this version today ( a couple of times ) and that is when the trouble started.
Regarding Gimp version 2.8.2, I'm posting text to a picture, the trouble is when I highlight and try to resize the text it disappears. The text layer is still on top and the eye is still visable, so the text should be visable.. I have tried different fonts and colors and sizes with no success.
I am using Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2 and I'm experiencing an issue with the crop tool. Whenever I use the crop tool, move the frame around and then zoom in on the image, the image becomes noisy, pixelated or has other 'graphic glitches'. I changed the PS preferences to not use the GPU and then rebooted the computer. Still the same issue without the GPU.
Running on Mac OS 10.8.3, iMac 2011 with AMD Radeon HD 6970M.
I'm using AutoCAD 2013. I need to explode text so that it will appear as line work, otherwise my surveying instrument won't display it.
When i use the express tools explode text command, the text disappears, this message is shown in the command bar
"The line objects have been placed on layer 0."
However, there is nothing on layer zero. Might this have something to do with missing shape files, or can AutoCAD only explode certain simple forms of text?
At times when dimensioning or creating views in 2D, items will disappear. These items are dimensions or even complete views. They return as soon as hit the scroll wheel on the mouse or my 3D connexion mouse.
Moving a text box or section label and it disappears then zoom extents and everything disappears. save the file close reopen and everything back to normal.
I have tried exporting to a different AutoCad year (2010) but the same issue is still occurring.
I have CS6 and I can not see the names, eyeball icons, lock icons and arrow icons in the Layers Palette. I see that the layers are there and when I hover my mouse over the layers the names and icon show up but they disappear once I click off the layers palette.
I am running into some trouble with user parameters that have been inserted into a dimension's "text box". I sometimes hide the dimension itself and insert these parameters so that iLogic can manipulate the upper & lower tolerance limits for a dimension.
The problem seems to arrise anytime one of the dimension's arrows becomes detached from the drawing (and perhaps for other reasons, too, although this is the only clear cause so far). I can reattach the arrow and the dimension seems healthy again, but if I go into the text editor, I notice that the link to any parameters that I've inserted has been lost. They appear as they were last set, but will not update if the parameters themselves change.
Is there a better workaround for this, or can we expect a solution in IV2013? I've invested close to a year's worth of work expecting this method to perform properly, and it will be a letdown if there's no solution.
In AutoCAD 2013, when I try to select a dimension object for moving, erasing, &c, the text disappears. How to get it to stay displayed? Seems to just be when using AutoCAD 2013.
when doing the "distance" command, typically as you go from point to point, the distance will be listed on the page next to my cursor as I go. Then if you left click, right click, it will list the final distance down in the command window. The machine in question no longer displays the distance on the page as you go. This is a very useful feature for us, and although we can distance things, using the text readout in the command window takes much longer.
First, some glitches (short freeze frame) at video transitions. Usually at the end of the transition. I could upload some samples... The problem persist in both : hardware or software accelerated mode.
Also, when i want to create a video file and i use the "same as first video clip" even the project is a HDV 1440x1080 format, the video is created as DVD 720x576 4:3 aspect.
On some clips in my project, when I play them in project mode, the original sound recorded by the camera is gone, and replaced with a weird slow pinging/tapping sound. Weirdly, when I play these same clips in clip mode, they're fine - the original sound is there - it's only in project mode that the problem occurs. Even more weirdly, it's not every clip in my project that's affected - just a few, and in no pattern I can detect. I have not seperated the sound from the clip. And additional sound tracks - such as narration and added music play fine.
I even tried creating a whole new test project, in case I had unknowingly changed some setting in my first project, but same problem - sound is fine in clip mode, missing and replaced with weird pulsing ping in project mode.
The only variable that's changed is that I downloaded the upgrades Corel offered a couple of days ago - the DVD authoring software, and upgrades to VideoPro. Didn't have the problems pre-upgrade. Have them now.
Long story short: audio problems when using keyframes or fades (Constant Power). Annoying glitchy noise occurs instead of fade.The problem still happened when the green audio track's gain was set to 0db and one of the two constant powers was deleted.
My colleague says that she can avoid the problem by using Export directly within Premiere, instead of using AME. So this may be an AME issue.It's wasting a lot of company time and I'd like to see this problem solved ASAP!I wasn't able to find any other theads upon searching.
I have been using smoke for about 2 weeks now and I keep having audio glitching and skipping on my timeline as well as when I try to export my project to proresHQ. I am working with proresHQ media and a mp3 music track. Sometimes I can restart smoke and it will go away for a while but it always seems to come back and at random places and always shows up when I export. I am unable to export any projects do to this
System smac2013ext1 osx 10.8.5 32GB RAM nvidia quadroFX4800 nvidia Geforce 8800 GT 512MB onboard sound used AJA KONA 3G(Installed but not used in Smoke2013, no monitors hooked up) Internal 6TB RAID0
I am having issues with the color warper in Autodesk Smoke Prerelease 6. As soon as you change any values (ie changing the saturation to 99.9%) in the color warper the image glitches out and you see weird inverted colours and other artifacts. It is completely unusable.
The workstation I am currently using is a 12 Core Mac Pro 5,1, 16GB Ram, GTX285.
I do not have the issue with the latest version Smoke 2012.
It does it every 4-6 times which is really really often since you brush about 10 times every 3 seconds or so when digital painting especially when shading, lighting, blending, etc with brushing.
Why does it do this? I cant recall when it started doing this but I think it was either when I updated from CS4 to CS6 or maybe it just randomly kicked in. I already updated my drivers and re-installed my tablet.
I have an English version of Photoshop CS3. Since I upgraded to Mavericks it will not work. It opens, a blank window for the Adobe updater opens and that's it. I can only close them by force closing. Everything is inactive. I can't even access the deactivate or activate menu. I have updated the Jave, repaired, uninstalled, reinstalled, all to no avail.
It's about two days I am experiencing lag problems with Zoom Tool on Photoshop CC. The strange thing is that the problem appears only two days ago, when instead I've installed OSX Mavericks on my machine about two weeks (the day of the Public Release)
You can notice that from the moment I finished drawing the "zoom square" and the real zoom lapse about 1,5s (same thing for the Scrubby Zoom).
I've tried to uninstall and reinstall Photoshop, disable plugins and reset tool preferences but unfortunately with no success.
Here are my specs: Macbook Air Mid 2012 with i5, 8GB Ram, 128GB SSD Photoshop CC 14.0
I don't own Creative Cloud but use OS X 10.6.8 on the i Mac (2011 model) working with previous versions of Adobe CS products ( Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.) for my creative work.
Will these software applications work with the latest OS X Mavericks without any hiccups, even if my system doesn't have any Retina display resolution? I've been considering upgrading to Mavericks but wanted to make sure.