Photoshop :: CC / Continuous (Sign-In Failed) Message
Nov 11, 2013
I am running PS CC on Win 7 Pro, 64-bit and am 4 months into a one-year subscription. Ever since I started usiing the CC version (was using CS4 Web Premium), I have intermittently gotten weird startup messages like "You have 0 days left on your trial (?) version", "You have only 65535 days left on your trial version", "You need to register/activate your trial version" and "This Adobe ID has already been used to activate the software on two other computers".
Earlier today, I ran the Abobe Cloud app on my PC and updated the software (Abobe Cloud only, not PS CC). Ever since then, I get a continuous "This Adobe ID..." message -- I can't get into PS CC at all. And, by the way, the "two other computers" part is completely bogus -- I have activated it on one computer only.
Note: I live in an extremely rural area, up in the mountains with not exactly the fastest internet service (total bandwidth for the entire community is 20 M-bit), which may be giving the Adobe software indigestion, I don't know...
I'm trying to build my first catalog and keep getting an Import Failed on certain files. These are .jpg images and can be opend outsid eof PSE 12 just fine. I've looked at the image properties and they look fine (just as fine as images that are able to be imported). Is there anything that can be done? I'm trying to move off of Picasa and these images have been imported just fine into Picasa.
I completed a video and when I went to 'Create a Video File' I would receive the following error message...
"Failed to open MPEG encoder"
I'm using Ulead VideoStudio 11+. The 'vsp' file is too long...One hour fourteen minutes. I made a 'Part 1' and cut the vsp to forty-five minutes and still received the same error message.
I cut the 'vsp' to one minute thirty seconds and it would "Create a Video File'. I've never had this problem before.
It seems with Ulead VideoStudio 11+ whenever I have a problem like this I can resolve it, by backing up all the files, then removing the program, thoroughly clean the hard drive and re-install 11+.
All of a sudden my ImageReady won't open and instead I get this "Could not fully start the application because an assertion has failed" message. I have tried reinstalling photoshop, but no luck. Can anyone help me with this?
I receive an "Import failed" message when trying to import my iPhoto library to my trial version of PE11. I am running Mac OS X 10.7.5 and using iPhoto 11. I have tried 4 or 5 times now with the same result.
I search a function to automate this process (look at the picture below for an example) :
- I have a picture with a lot of black pixels - I would like to group all black pixels which are separated by less than "X" pixels, to draw a continuous surface.
Is there a mode that allows the clone stamp to, in a sense clone itself? So if the target goes over an area that you just brushed with the clone stamp it will actually begin to clone from that, instead of the document state prior to cloning?
how to create a continuous image when placed with the left end next to the right or vice versa.
This is for a header on a webpage, where i would like the image repeated across the top, one next to the other. I would like the image to be seamless, so it just appears to go on and on.
I have several images selected that are close to being able to be adjusted so that they will work end to end,
I am using PS to create a bitmap for another tool (not PS) that requires shapes to be completely closed. I am drawing using paths and then stroking with the pencil. The problem is that a 45 degree line will be stroked like this with a 1px pencil: Code:
I need to make an image with the famous "HOLLYWOOD" sign, but change the words.. in this case to "HOMECOMING". It's for my school newspaper I have looked up tutorials and haven't been able to find any, except the font. Any ideas? I am extremely new to Photoshop.
This has been installed and working since just after CS6 released, now Photoshop won't launch it gives me this "sign in required" screen the only change to my OSX 10.7.5 system is I ran the recent Adobe updates
i bought CS6 directly from Adobe... i guess i could just click on some suspect mystery SignIn screen..
I have a picture that has a sign in it. I'm going to crop the sign. Because the sign is higher than my camera, the sign looks tilted. Is it possible to make the sign look flat and take out the glare spots.
I have somehow accidently hidden the close, minimize and expand circles in Photoshop CS6 on a mac and now every time I want to minimize photoshop I have to go into window > arrange > minimize instead of just clicking the circle.
I have tried the tab key, the 'F' key, view > screen mode and window > arrange and none of them have worked and I cant find anything online.
Photoshop cc started to ask me to sign in before starting the program, but, when i'm sure my email and password is correct and my internet connection is on, it can't seem to sign in, no matter how much i clicked 'sign in' it won't sign in. it's says that i need to connect to the internet, but i'm already connected. in the end photoshop won't start up.
why it is that I click on "create" to make a card or poster I get the sign in pop up that I fill out and it displays "Signing in..." and that is as far as it goes? This software is useless to me without the ability to create fun image files. In every attempt to sign in, this is what I get and it is not just slow. It just doesn't sign in.
For two days when I try to sign in within Elements 10, it freezes up showing the Signing In dialog. The only way out is using the Task Manager. I'm running Vista. I can sign in using my browser so my ID and pswd are OK.