Photoshop :: Application Errors When Printing To Zebra Card Printer
Jul 3, 2013
When printing from Photoshop CS3(Version 10.0.1) to a brand new Zebra ZXP Series 3 card printer in Windows 7 32 bit I am getting this: errors:
I went from an XP machine to Windows 7(with a video card plenty of memory) and still the same errors. I updated the Zebra printer drivers and firmware. I can test print from the PC just fine. I even tried CS4 with the same result. The user purchased a license for CS3 so I am troubleshooting with CS3 at this moment. My user is way behind in printing id badges for his Fireman and needs this resolved ASAP. I may have to go with Zebra's Card Studio Software if there is no resolution for this Photoshop issue.
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Jun 28, 2013
Recently upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 and upon reinstalling my Dell AIO printer, it cannot find already installed Photoshop 7 software. No problem with Vista.
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Sep 19, 2008
Any KB articles or help with printing errors when printing directly from Photoshop to an HP 3600n color laser printer? The one at work prints out pages with a "Kernel error" and the one at home simply doesn't print even though it say it's processing documents. I understand PS conversion is done in software with this printer so it may be an HP problem.
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Jul 13, 2005
I'm doing a business card for my friend in photoshop (can't use japanese in illustrator), and he uses this specific company color. I switched the image to greyscale and used tritones for the pantone spot colors. However, it seems these pantone colors don't cover every color in the spectrum. Can I just choose the color I want using the hex code? also, I added bleeds to my card. When I am done, what file should I send to the printer? .tif? or the photoshop file? and also, how will they know where the bleeds start and where it ends? should I draw lines on the picture to show them? Last thing, why is it when you save a file in cmyk, the color gets so distorted?
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Aug 8, 2008
Looking for contact pointer to a reliable outsource that offers boxed sets of greeting cards or note cards using images that the client provides.
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Mar 7, 2013
I need to create a BMP for printing on a Fox Jet Printer. The BMP needs to be 64 dpi vertically and 150 dpi horizontally.
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Feb 13, 2009
Ever since PS CS3 I've noticed that when I print a 300 dpi grayscale image to my laser printer directly from Photoshop, it comes out as if a 72dpi benday screen had been applied. Never happened in earlier versions. I used to get excellent black-and-white print quality through Photoshop, just using the default settings.
I have 300 or 600 dpi grayscale images, usually with a lot of clean black lines. But whether I set to "printer manages colors" or "Photoshop manages colors", and no matter what profile I select, I get the same halftone (awful) result on my HP Deskjet 3330. The printer's settings are fine. If I print the same image from any other application, such as Quark or MS Word, the print quality is fine.
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Jul 13, 2011
Just moving from Draw 12 to X5 - nice improvements.I've had this problem in 12 and also in X5. Could be a print driver issue.
Simply, when I try to print text with an outline the entire page gets filled with the outline color. Outline on objects print fine.I'm printing on my Xerox DC242 with the pcl driver.
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Nov 21, 2012
All of a sudden, my Epson R2400 stopped printing photoshop CS5 files. It prints files from other programs (apperture, mail, web) just fine. The cartridge goes back and forth and the paper advances, but no ink is applied.
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Sep 1, 2012
I recently replaced my hard drive and upgraded to Mountain Lion. Now Photoshop crashes every time I try to print to my HP Photosmart Premium printer.
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Oct 20, 2008
with Photoshop CS4 installed, printing text to my laser printer results in 'screened' text and lightly screened background. I have the print dialog box set to 'output', but now find the 'screen' button is grayed out as is the 'transfer' button. I need to know how to make the 'screen' button active to eliminate the screen affect I am getting.
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Mar 4, 2005
I just bought a new 4000 printer and the prints come out a little darker and with a little more magenta than what appears on my monitor.
The monitor has been calibrated using the spider software several times and each time it comes out the the same and I think that part of the process is good.
I have set my color workspace in Photoshop to US press defelts (Adobe 1998) and all seems well there.
The images have been scanned to 8000dpi using a High quality scanner from an outside source.
I open the image and convert to working space RGB, and do my correction to the image which includes more color saturation.
I go to print the image using Adobe1998 as source and the printer paper ICC as the output. I go to advanced options and make sure color correction are turned OFF and print.
The images on my printer always come out darker and with more magenta that what I see on the screen no matter what Icc profile I use for every kind of paper.
The softproof does not look that way.
When I print using same as source as the output with color correction sliders set to 0 the print will be much closer but still not quite like whats on the screen.
When I do it the correct way(the first way I discribed) why is my print comming out too dark and too much magenta?
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Dec 23, 2007
I have asked Epson and gotten no response so I though I would try somewhere else. I have an Epson RX595 printer that can print to DVD's and CD's my question is ...
Is there a way to print a DVD/CD directly from Adobe Photoshop.? Is there a template that I can download and open in photoshop and it will be configures properly to print to this printer?
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Mar 31, 2013
when attempting to print images from elements 11 from the organisor to my cannon 4900 printer the print dialogue failes to create a preview image and then automatically closes the application. seems to happen when i try and print an image that i have printed previously.
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Oct 8, 2012
I amprinting on an Epson Stylus Pro 4800 using Photoshop CS3. Although the printer will accommodate lengths up to 55 inches, when I try to print something longer than 30 inches, Photoshop crashes. Epson adives the purchase of RIP software. Is there a way in Photoshop to get around the length limitation?
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Sep 18, 2012
I am using Windows 7 and recently installed Photoshop Elements 10. If the Dell 3000cn is set as my default printer, as soon as I click on print, I receive the mssage I need to install a printer.
I have verified that I have the latest Dell driver. If another printer is the default, I can print one image to the Dell printer. If I try to print a second image or change certain prnter settings, such as setting a custom size, PS Elements just show the waitng icon and never moves on so it has stoped working and I receive the following dialog box from Windows.
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Oct 13, 2012
I am trying to print from Photoshop CS6 to an Epson PictureMate color printer and an Epson PictureMate 225 printer. In both cases I want to let Photoshop manage color. I am finding no color profile for Epson in the list of profiles provided by Photoshop. The best I can do is choose “display” as my profile. Still my color prints do not match what I see on my screen in Photoshop. They are flat and washed out. How can I obtain print profiles for my Epson Printers to be used with Photoshop 6?
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Apr 21, 2009
I need a way to take the black stripes off of a zebra, but without using the pattern clone tool.
P.S. on Adobe 7.0
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Dec 18, 2012
I am not able to print images in Photoshop cs6 accurately using my Epson r1900 printer. This seems to have become an issue only since installing cs6. The images look dark and murky. I am using osx 10.7
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Dec 31, 2012
So in CS5 we were able to print to the custom sizes we created in the print screen for our HP Z3200, but for some reason we haven't been able to use the custom sizes in CS6, you click on a custom size and when you say ok from the printer settings and it goes back into Photoshop print settings it binks back to 8.5x11. You can use the standard sizes that came with the HP print software, but not any custom sizes you create. Is there a setting somewhere in Photoshop that I need to change?
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Oct 27, 2012
Macosx 10.7.5
When I start up PSE11 and go to print I set up the paper size then select a Printer Profile. When print the image it is a mess and seem to be black and white it is as if I printed on the wrong side of the paper.
I then go and try to print it again. Now it all works as it should beutiful colours and spot on. all other print following this works.
Then I shut down PSE11. Start it up again. Guess what first print is a mess again. all others after are fine.
I uninstalled PSE11, deleted prefs. and reinstalled PSE11. Same thing.. first print a mess all others ok.
no problems with PSE10 or PSE9.
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Jun 27, 2012
We have a number of printers in our office, an A3, an A1 plotter and an A4 printer.
After printing off the same drawing to the A3 and the A4 yesterday, I realised the A4 printer is printing around 95% of the size it should be printing.
I don't even know where to start fixing this problem; the user manual for the HP Officejet Pro 8000 Enterprise [I know!] doesn't even reference scale at all. It could be an issue with CAD linking to the printer my computer linking to the printer the printer My colleagues are having the same issue, so it's not just my computer or settings.
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Jan 3, 2012
I want to print an A3 drawing on an A4 printer. I saved the drawing as .DWF and opened the "Autodesk Design Review 2012" to perform the "tiling" print. When in printing properties, I can't seam to understand why the drawing is split in 6 pages, when in reality one A3 sheet is 2x A4 sheets. You can see in the example, that so much space is wasted, is there a way to center the drawing, and am I doing everything right here?
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Apr 5, 2013
I have a new HP Laserjet M712 B&W printer to replace my aging HP 5000 printer. I'm using X3 & X5 and have installed the HP Universal Postscript driver. The printer is Postscript 3 emulation capable. I have all the settings in the print dialog of Corel the same as the settings from my HP5000 printer, but the new printer fails to print halftones or "dots". The halftone areas are still printing as a solid although I have my screen frequency at 45lpi. Is this a Corel issue or is it a Windows 7 problem, or some kind of user error.
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Jun 13, 2013
I have some very strange problems printing from Autocad. Some of the text is missing. The printer used is a HP9500. If I use a PDF driver to print to file, then print from the PDF file, it's ok, the text is showed, but printing directly from autocad has been resulting in this type of issue.
I checked the layers, and they are ok. The fonts are ok. It's not printing some text "near the viewport" borders. It was what I could conclude.
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Sep 28, 2013
To create a new template one has to go through the "Printer..." dialog to change the paper size. Unfortunately, the only way to actually SAVE the new settings is to click OK, which causes Lightroom to print the current image. In all other programs, the "Printer..." dialog is used only to adjust settings. In Lightroom it seems to serve as a "Print" dialog as well. On Windows this violates long-standing UI function guidelines embodied by pretty much all other software.
A concrete example:
I needed to create a new template to print on 8-1/2 x 11 paper. To do so, I created a new template while in an existing template for 8x10. This copies the settings to the new template, but one cannot adjust the cell size to anything larger than 8x10. So I went to the "Printer...:" dialog to change the paper size. However, when clicking OK on the "Printer..." dialog, to save the new paper size, Lightroom starts printing the current image.
What should happen is that the settings are saved and no printing starts. Printing should occur only when I click on "Print".
Unless I've missed something and there's a way to change paper size, color profile, paper type, etc. (all the things you can change on the printer driver's dialog) from within Lightroom without invoking "Printer..."?
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Feb 28, 2013
We are running Autocad 2012 on Windows 7 and printing to an HP5200 via server mapping in three different labs.
Had a similar problem before and changed the printer drivers from Universal back to PCL5. Since Christmas however this problem seems to have come back. We haven't changed anything. Wondering if maybe there were patches or something that affected this?? When we preview or send a print job Autocad just greys out and crashes. I do know that if we configure the computer to print via TCPIP it also works fine but this is not ideal with the number of computers and students we have.
Another thing we seemed to have noticed is that we don't have this problem with all printers but more oddly we noticed that when we change the default template some templates work and some don't.
By default we are set up to use the acadiso template as we are using the metric system - we can't get anything to plot using this. If we start with the standard acad template we do not have this problem. We have tried plotting a simple circle or a more complex drawing with the same result. The sample files plot fine but I'm guessing they were likely not done in metric...
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Dec 18, 2013
When I print to .pdf for A1 and plot, no worries, all lineweights print solid and perfectly. However, when I print to .pdf for A3 (scaling lineweights), whilst all the lineweights appear solid on the screen, when I plot the layers that are set to transparency are faded/rough/broken on paper.
Ticking the plot transparency box doesn't work and it happens to my printer at home and at work. I haven't used transparent layers before and have adopted this drawing created through someone else.
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Aug 9, 2012
I have problem printing tiff images with a picture in Windows 7, 64 bit only on a laser printers. The processing of even the simplest of drawings to the printer takes too long, more than half an hour after that or stop with the press or to print only part of the drawing.
This problem does not appear when we print only the tiff images on a laser printer or print the entire drawing to a plotter. Also print these drawings with the tiff images without any problems under the previous operating system (XP). Note that we use the latest drivers for all printers.
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Sep 27, 2013
My printer (actually, it's a laser engraver) is reading the entire artboard in addition to the actual image as needing to be run when set for "3D" (aka greyscale) images, as opposed to just going to the image on the artboard. It is running as though it sees the empty space as white and it is trying to "color" it. When it gets to where the image is placed on the artboard, it runs the image (black or greyscale) within/on it. It wastes A LOT of time. I guess, what I really want to know is how to make sure the artboard area is not being picked up and seen as a part of the image. I need it's dimentions to be read, but not any fill except for the actual image(s) on the artboard. I've never had this problem in the past with other machines (by the same manufacturer) using Illustrator. I was using CS5, not CC.
I ran this by the laser company's techs and they say it is an issue with my Illustrator/Adobe set up, not their driver.
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Oct 23, 2011
I have a problem printing bitmap images on CorelDRAW documents in my work computer (Windows Vista Home Premium 32 Bit). I have a HP 3535 inkjet printer, and It was prinitng normally for some time, but one day the printer suddenly stopped printing images from the CorelDRAW documents and only prints text and vector images. The same happens in Photo-Paint, it simply prints in blank.
I Tried to restore the program to default settings using the F8 command with no luck. This really annoying and I need to print bitmaps for my work. This happens in all my documents...
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