Photoshop :: Animating A Zoom Effect With Layers In...
Jun 28, 2009
I have a Panoramic that I put together of a Manhattan City Scape that consist of 2 rows of 32 images set at a Portriat format.What I want is to take the Panoramic that I have and fit the image centered on a canvas equalling that of my flat screen tv, that being 1920x1080 with black filler at the top and bottom of the image area.I then want to, or atleast was hoping to save "Layers" with each layer zooming in by a percentage of say 103% (for example)... Until eventually that final layer would consist of a fully zoomed in view of the center portion of the panoramic at full resolution. Ultimately I want to burn the final images to a DVD for playback on my Flatscreen showing the entire Pano Zooming in to its center...I was thinking that I could maybe assemble all the layers into an .AVI or something."
After months of saving GIFs just fine, Elements 11 has stopped working properly. I've tried uninstalling, resetting preferences, and reducing the file size, but when trying to save a GIF, all I get is a frozen screen that says "Export: Save for Web and Devices". The screen looks like it's trying to save, but never does. I've made much larger GIFs with no trouble at all, but I can't even make one with 5 frames now.
I have managed to make some animations to include them in Adobe DPS for Ipad. Right now I have a doubt and I don't know how to solve it.
This is a map of Europe with some countries. I want to start the preentation bringing them one by one to the forefront by enlarging them and then reducing them again. ("Here comes Germany, Now, France..." and son on).
No big trouble. But the rub is that, as each country is in its own layer, some of them enlarge all right but some others are partially hidden by their neighbours when enlarging, as they are under those, in a lower layer. All the countries has been arranged in Illustrator and imported as SVG into Animate layers.
The question is: Is there any command to force an element in a layer to act, move or go 'forward' even if it is under the other one?
How do you create a pan and zoom effect, like a video effect, on a picture? The technical term I believe is the Ken Burns effect from a still imagery. I know it can be done in Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro but I want to know if it is possible in Photoshop (CS6). It tried the options using the motion control but all I got was a fade out and fade in between two frames created from my image.Screen capture from Photoshop with the motion control window activated:
I have a smaller picture with a larger cutout of one object and I'm wanting to add some trails or something from the small one in the original to the cutout and I'm not sure how to do this. I've tried the shooting star trails tutorial I found but it just didn't work right for the motorcycle.
the zoom burst effect has stopped working in PSE 12! when I click the zoom burst function the photo distorts as designed but when i click the "add focus area" button on the photo it returns the whole photo to normal without focusing the part selected.I have uninstalled and reinstalled PSE 12 already with no effect.
I want to make one picture of two pictures from the organizer - but I don't manage to resize the picture in the top-layer. Always with the zoom-function the bottom-layer is also getting bigger or smaller - whatever I tried to entangle this layers!
I would like to create a certain zoom effect, but I can't get it done. I'm working with graffiti photo's. I want to show a wall with several different pieces on it. After a few seconds, a photo showing just one of those pieces appears in an overlay. It is placed at the same spot where its background-twin is located and its resized to match its appearance. That small overlay now has to grow in size so it eventually fits the entire screen. It is however important that, during this 'zoom effect', the background photo remains visible.
I have tried to work with the Picture-in-Picture effect from NewBlue, which sounded like the solution. I managed to get the entire thing done, except for making the background visible during the effect. The resized overlay picture is surrounded by a black screen that covers the background photo and I can't figure out how to make that black surface transparent. It ís possible to make the entire overlay transparent, but that also affects the black color in the photo, which obviously messes it up.
I have a screen splited to 4 and a shoot is played in each one. I would like to put a Filter of Effect that will take one of this pieces and zoom it in till it will fill the complete screen. Just today I noticed a similar video in the Corels site where the introduce the VS X5.
I am building a highlight video for my son who is a wrestler. I had the idea at the beginning to zoom in on one of his sr pics towards his eye. I want a the video to start in his eye but as zooming is complete it will end up full page video.
Problem zoom, when visionage and exporting my videos, they are zoomed while I put the original video settings. However when I put break in the previsualisage video, it returns to its normal size. How do I get it retains its original size and delete this zoom effect ?
I created a property ("PLAT") for Parcels and want to hyperlink it to a PDF. How do I make that happen?
Do I have the ability to limit my layers to my Zoom Factor? I see other GIS Maps that have layers limited per how far you are zoomed into the drawing.
Can i adjust my Map Feature 'hatch' to be more faded per our color table or even send it to the back and still have the abiltiy to list my features after i publish to DWF?
Layers with a layer style applied, mostly of the bevel or emboss variety, lose the effect when the layers are merged or the image flattened. Doesn't seem to happen with any other styles, like drop shadows or glows: those will stay, but the bevel will not. These are all Normal layers, nothing tricky going on. It's a program fault and I need to know if there's a workaround. I'm having to resort to saving the whole unflattened image as a jpeg so the client can proof the work, but sooner or later I'm going to need to flatten the image.
Using Mac PS CS5 Extended, abundance of RAM & Disk space.
I use Photoshop CS2 to create Designs for webpages. These designs have pixel-exact elements, e.g. a 1-pixel-line from top to bottom.
Now when I zoom in (>100, then I have sort of anti-alias, so that the 1-pixel-line isn't only one blue anymore, but it has different blue tones. I guess for photo manipulations etc. this anti-aliasing zoom is great, but for webdesign it sucks because I don't know if only the zoom make the line "corrupt" or if it really is corrupt.
I recently started working with and haven't figured out a way to achieve a layer with, for example, a "blur" effect that blurs the layers underneath it. The only way I've been able to achieve this is by flattening the image, copying it, then adding the blur to the new image. Adding multiple effects becomes impractical quickly if any changes are necessary. Is there a way to toggle an effect for all or some layers?
I'm trying to create a lower thirds that will include some motion, otherwise I might try Photoshop for this. But basically, I'm trying to create a gradient using ramp in AE so that the lower thrids I've created fades away on the sides. Similar to the image I've attached. I don't know how to make the layer that I put the ramp effect on affect the other layers.
I am working on getting some settings done, moving from 2008 to 2012. How do you set the Middle Mouse Button (wheel) to either Zoom All or Zoom Extents when you double click it? I thought it was set in the Main CUI file.
My keyboard has a zoom key with + and - selections. I use to use this key in drawings to zoom in and out when in the AutoCAD application when we had Windows XP. Now that I have Windows 7 I can't do this. I can't find out how to assign this key on the Microsoft Keyboard interactive software either. I have the other keys assigned as desired.
Can I still use my keyboard zoom key to zoom in and out in drawings? If so, how do I set this up in AutoCAD, or do I need to do this through a Microsoft keyboard application?
I am having problems with zoom, pan and rotate at high zoom level. The movements becoming jerky and delayed. But for whatever reason the problem exists in some assembly files and not in the others.
I'm adjusting a photographic image and am using both a filter effect and a layer style in the same layer on a Smart Object. I want to separate the two effects into two layers, so one layer has the filter effect (Nik) and one layer has the layer style (Color Overlay) (with the goal of merging/rasterizing the Nik filter effect with the Smart Object but keeping the layer style unmerged). I can make two layers and move one effect without problem, but the visual result of each effect on a separate layer is quite different from having both effects in the same layer. The Blend Mode for all my layers is Normal. Within the Color Overlay panel, the blend mode is Linear Burn.
Layer 1: a layer style and a filter effect, stacked
I have an image and I would like to animate it's transformation into a skewed and distorted shape, e.g.: I'd like to show the steps of a rectange being distorted into a non-isosceles trapezoid. Is this possible?
I'm trying to create an animated .gif, the tutorials make it sound easy, just one problem, I can't find "Animate" in any menu. I am using Win 7, PS CS6, not extended. Is this available only in the extended version?
i am animating film footage in Photoshop Cs6. i have used the paint brush tool to draw an image over my film, which works nicely. but i have to do this frame by frame--e.g. as i move to the next frame, what i draw is gone, and i have to reanimate every frame. is there a way to hold what i paint in one frame on to the next, so that i am producing a progressive image over the film?
I can't find in new max (2013) settings for zoom. I want to set Zoom about mouse pointer and adjust a bit zoom speed (now it is too much for one mouse wheel step).
I can't find zoom settings in 3ds max 2013. Where they are? I think that in previous max it was in Customize -> Viewports tab. But now it is not there.