using a airbrush softbrush 100 which I only have a 50? But more importantly using it to delete a section of a layer so you getthe layer behind it shining through but it's like an airbrush so no hardlines:
I'm using a Wacom Intuos2 tablet with GIMP 2.6.12, and it works fine except as the subject says, the eraser works like a brush. In Photoshop, I don't recall exactly what it does, but I believe switching to the eraser (meaning flipping the pen over to the "eraser" side" switches from the foreground color to the background color, so that it effectively works like an eraser.
How can I do that, or something similar, in GIMP? I've searched everywhere and most of the posts have to do with getting the tablet recognized (check) and implementing pressure (check).
I have been trying to use a downloaded action that makes text glow like neon. Everytime I play the actions, it tell me that airbrush is not available. I have the text selected, the brush choosen, and airbrush turned on before I hit play.
airbrush banding, as well as gradient banding? I have my brush set to transfer, pen pressure and smoothing. It seems when I try to lay down a smooth gradient with the airbrush I get this banding effect. If I brush over the same stroke there's a dark spot that forms like a bullet eye that gets bigger and bigger. It's the same with gradients.
Im using PS CS3 with a wacom tablet on an 20 inch alum iMac (the display is CRAP). Im having banding issues when using the airbrush on a dark background. Maybe someone can help me out with this.
Can someone tell me how to change the direction of the pen tilt so that it sprays the right direction? I have an airbrush from Wacom, and the spray goes in the opposite direction from the tilt. It does the same thing if I use the Wacom brushes as well.
I have: Windows XP Cintiq 12wx Airbrush & Grip Pen Photoshop CS3
Ive heard great things about the airbrush.. It's one of the most popular tools for shading and highlighting images, and is used in nice background wallpapers located at ..... Im wondering how do you use the airbrush to make effective highlights..? What is the key to mastering it? I know practicing and playing around is one way, but Ive spent 20 hours and I cant do anything close to the beautiful images I see
I do a lot of montage work in PSCS and have recently been using my Wacom tablet and boy do I love it, but have a question for those of you who use tablets.
When I'm doing a montage I use very soft brushes to merge the edges. With my Intuos pen, even though I use a large soft brush setting (same as the one I use with a mouse) I get very pen like lines, so I always end up switching to the mouse. Do I need to do something with either the pen settings or the way I use it, or should I be getting an "airbrush" for this kind of work.
If u have ever seen those spray painted galls , plz post a tutorial on how to do that. I mean any mag out there has some form of softening or spray painting going on, especially womens health mags... Are there tools u have to buy? Im more interested in finding out how to do it from scratch.
User guide states: "Customize Brush Tip Shape options like Granularity, Spatter, Hardness, and Distortion controls. With a stylus, alter the spread of sprayed strokes by changing pen pressure."
I see the settings for controlling ganularity, distortion, spatter, etc., and the stylus tilt angle seems to control "distortion". Â The cursor "spray" outline seems to change shape as when the stylus hovers over the tablet. But there appears to be less control when stylus contacts tablet. Â I used traditional airbrushes for years. There are some interesting emulations here, but a better description
i design and print t-shirts and use photoshop for all my designs. a customer recently asked me to print a photo of her son on a shirt..but she wanted the image to look like it was airbrushed onto the shirt. ive looked around but havent had any luck finding tutorial on the subject.
There GIMP airbrush has a problem that is gradient segment . How to set airbrush for more smooth and soft stroke without any blur effect . There i used "smooth stroke" option but it's not smooth . Gradient segments always there .
I am a long time gimp user and also a long time intuos user and I just recently got the airbrush pen for my intuos. I am running windows 7 and gimp 2.8. I am trying to figure out how to get the wheel on the airbrush pen to do something like adjust occupancy for example but I cant get any wheel settings to work. I am not sure if gimp recognizes that its a different pen. Any airbrush pen or a pen with a wheel in gimp
Does Xara support this pen or others, and if so, how does it stack up in terms of what types of pens and or tablets some of you are currently using? Secondly, does Xara support video frame rotoscoping at all like Painter does?
Using Debian testing - Gimp 2.6.11 and when I create a graphic I try to use airbrush, brush or pencil and I can't get them onto the graphic. The colour tester does get onto the graphic and works.
for the others the cursor vanishes and only the arrows on the ruler top and side move about. The cursor is behind the graphic? Moves out from under when I move off the graphic.
there's a way to setup a keyboard shortcut to adjust pressure and rate for airbrush and smudge tools? I swear I've been up and down the whole shortcuts list... and perhaps I'm just missing something...
however the eraser tool and other methods of getting to transaperency are not working. Perhaps it is a problem with locked background colours or something, however my eraser tool is defaulted to erase to white not transparent - see picture. Â have tried ctrl+shift+alt at start up to restore to factory settings, and even uninstalled and reinstalled the program, but no luck.also when i go to refine edge after a quick selection, there's no transparent option
Eraser and background eraser won't work when I'm in the midst of editing in Photoshop, but if I save the image as a jpg then I can use eraser. Is there something wrong with my Photoshop settings or something I'm not doing right? I have version CS 5 Extended 12.1 x64.Â
having an issue with photoshop's eraser: the outline is not showing (the little line-circle-thing that shows the area to be erased). This happens for both the paintbrush and pencil selections of the eraser, but not for the block version
I tried changing the dimensions and such, in case it was too small, etc, and I had her restart photoshop to see if that fixed it -
eraser cursor…. When it circle’s size is small, it the whole outline shows up. But as I zoom in, or expand the cursor size part of it disappears and gets to the point where only about 25% of it is left visible.
I have a strange eraser problem. Whenever I try and use the eraser tool it just paints the secondary color instead. In other words, instead of erasing anything it just acts like a brush.
I have tried installing the latest drivers for my wacom (prolly not the problem since it occurs with the mouse too). Just reinstalled photoshop [the entire installed] and it STILL happens!!!Please help me reconfigure this silly eraser.
I'm trying to figure out the Background Eraser tool. I understand that I am supposed to trace around the subject of interest without allowing the centre mark to touch the subject. I notice that it draws a puffy white border around the subject. Then what? What have I done? I don't see a new layer, new channel, or selection. I am able to "paste", which creates a new layer. This new layer shows my selection with the background painted white.