eraser cursor…. When it circle’s size is small, it the whole outline shows up. But as I zoom in, or expand the cursor size part of it disappears and gets to the point where only about 25% of it is left visible.
I'm using Photoshop cc and cursor changes to and is stuck on eraser. I tried resetting prefrences and no change. I restarted computer and it switch back to normal for awhile, then it changed again. I wasn't really doing anything except placing one photograph on top of another. It just switched automatically.
I'm using a Wacom Intuos2 tablet with GIMP 2.6.12, and it works fine except as the subject says, the eraser works like a brush. In Photoshop, I don't recall exactly what it does, but I believe switching to the eraser (meaning flipping the pen over to the "eraser" side" switches from the foreground color to the background color, so that it effectively works like an eraser.
How can I do that, or something similar, in GIMP? I've searched everywhere and most of the posts have to do with getting the tablet recognized (check) and implementing pressure (check).
My cursor appears and disappears while in GIMP as I move the cursor over the canvas. I can make the cursor appear but only if there is no movement of the cursor. It makes no difference which tool I select, the size of the canvas, or the level of zoom.
Please note that this only occurs in Gimp, and none of my other applications. It started when I upgraded from openSUSE 12.1 to 12.2. I'm assuming that it has something to do with my input device configuration, but I could be totally wrong.
I have a total of 3 input devices - Core Pointer, Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse, and Virtual Core XTEST Pointer. Both the Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer are DISABLED. Core Pointer is the only one enabled. Enabling Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer give me other problems in Gimp and need to remain disabled.
For the Core Pointer, Mode is set to SCREEN, a message says that 'The axis X has no curve', and the following Axis Settings: X 1 Y 2 Pressure none xtilt none ytilt none wheel none
In Gimp Preferences->Input Controllers, there are three active controllers - Mouse Buttons, Main Mouse Wheel, and Main Keyboard.
In Xcode, we have to define cursor as: Â resource 'CURS' (16001) { Â Â Â $"00 00 00 00" Â Â Â $"18 00 3C 00" Â Â Â $"1E 00 0F 00" Â Â Â $"07 80 03 C8" Â Â Â $"01 E8 00 FC"
[Code]... Â In Windows we use .cur file, simpler. Â I want to convert .cur file to the mac format above, how?
however the eraser tool and other methods of getting to transaperency are not working. Perhaps it is a problem with locked background colours or something, however my eraser tool is defaulted to erase to white not transparent - see picture. Â have tried ctrl+shift+alt at start up to restore to factory settings, and even uninstalled and reinstalled the program, but no luck.also when i go to refine edge after a quick selection, there's no transparent option
Eraser and background eraser won't work when I'm in the midst of editing in Photoshop, but if I save the image as a jpg then I can use eraser. Is there something wrong with my Photoshop settings or something I'm not doing right? I have version CS 5 Extended 12.1 x64.Â
having an issue with photoshop's eraser: the outline is not showing (the little line-circle-thing that shows the area to be erased). This happens for both the paintbrush and pencil selections of the eraser, but not for the block version
I tried changing the dimensions and such, in case it was too small, etc, and I had her restart photoshop to see if that fixed it -
I have a strange eraser problem. Whenever I try and use the eraser tool it just paints the secondary color instead. In other words, instead of erasing anything it just acts like a brush.
I have tried installing the latest drivers for my wacom (prolly not the problem since it occurs with the mouse too). Just reinstalled photoshop [the entire installed] and it STILL happens!!!Please help me reconfigure this silly eraser.
I'm trying to figure out the Background Eraser tool. I understand that I am supposed to trace around the subject of interest without allowing the centre mark to touch the subject. I notice that it draws a puffy white border around the subject. Then what? What have I done? I don't see a new layer, new channel, or selection. I am able to "paste", which creates a new layer. This new layer shows my selection with the background painted white.
using a airbrush softbrush 100 which I only have a 50? But more importantly using it to delete a section of a layer so you getthe layer behind it shining through but it's like an airbrush so no hardlines:
I ahve been trying to use the eraser tool to remove the background from a photo. When i select the tool I get a black Mark instead of the erase pattern. Is Photoshop set up incorrectly?
I'm still somewhat a noob, but I'm following a tut and it says to make sure the eraser hardness is 0. Problem is.....I can't find where the 'hardness' setting is.
I have two layers, and one is a color version of a picture, and the other is black and white. I'm working on the top layer (black & white) and instead of using the eraser tool to selectively bring color portions to the front, I'd like to use the gradient tool and have it erase some of the black & white for me to have more of a faded look of black & white and color.
I think i did something, changed a setting or something. My eraser tool won't erase. It keeps making a black mark. I changed the color to white, restarted,
I've selected my image from the BG, and it looks ok, but there are some parts that have been taken out, "along the edges" that I'll like to have as part of my image? is there a way to restore the "lost specks" using any of the tools?
I am working on a floor plan in CS5 Photoshop. Just basically tracing over an original document and erasing what I trace over. I do this all the time and it has been working fine.
But now the eraser won't work at all. When i turn off all the layers except the background layer I can erase things, but then when I turn the layers back on, it doesn't show up erased. I've tried resetting the tool and that didn't work. I'm so confused as to why it just stopped working.
CS5: Â All the tools on my toolbar are working/acting as the eraser tool, ie. attempting to crop erases, using the type tool erases. I've reset the tools and tool presets but the issue still stands. I am not in quick mask, the issue starts immediately when I open Photoshop.Â
When I open Photoshop, no matter what tool I select, it seems to be stuck on the 'Eraser Tool'. For example, I can seemingly select the pointer or marquee tool ok, but when I tried to do something on the art board, it's as if the eraser tool is selected.  Deleting Preferences didn't work. Reinstalling Photoshop didn't work. Photoshop CS6 on Windows 7
I have run into an interesting little problem...I just got a new graphics tablet for christmas, and it's behaving very weirdly. I've got the driver installed, and it's positioned correctly, and when I choose the brush tool and use the mouse to draw, I get a perfectly working brush tool. When I use the pen to draw, however, even with the brush tool picked, the pen functions as the eraser tool. It's not one of those pens that has an eraser on the other side.
My eraser tool is acting strange.Whatever pattern I erase, the tool turns it into an entire rectangular area as soon as I take my finger off the mouse. For example, if I draw an 'S' shape, it measures from the farthest corners and just erases the entire area in a neat rectangulare shape [].Â
I recently downloaded the Photoshop CS4 Extended Trial and installed it on my computer...I am noticing some bugs and im not really sure if its just a bug in the trial version which will be fixed when i buy the program or if there was an error with the install... I dont have screenshots at the moment since im not on the computer having the issue but i can get them if needed... First lets start with the eraser tool...When i set the eraser tool as a size of say about 10px it works fine...However, if i zoom in on the image above its nautral size i start to lose the eraser...When i say lose the eraser i mean you can no longer seen the round area which will be erased..When you zoom in part of the circle disappears...It will still erase and area of the set size but its sort of hard to do erasing on detailed images when you cant see the whole eraser.... More bugs with the eraser....If i set the eraser to a larger size, say 30px or more, i right off the bat start seeing less of the eraser area....It will go from a whole circle down to something like a half moon with only half the circle being displayed... This may be a little hard to understand so if need be i will get some screenshots of what im talking about later.... I am also having a problem with the text...For starters, i cant scroll through the text...When i enter text and highlight it and highlight the fonts i would expect to be able to scroll through the fonts while watching the actual text change on thet screen....I am unable to do that, i highlight the text and the fonts and CS4 will let me scroll maybe 4-5 fonts and then it just stops and wont scroll anymore... Another issue im having with the font is the size....Whenever i enter text it is extremely small...Even if im working with a 200px x 200px image if i set my font at say 75px its tiny, tiny enough to where i cant even see it to highlight it....There appears to be something wrong with the sizing of the text...Just to get text to show up normally, at a readable size, i have to set the font size to 800px+ and this is on images which are only like 600px wide and 300px tall...Usually a font of 800px would fill up this image but when i do it the 800px font shows up like a 36px font... Like i said if this is all to hard to understand i can get some screen shots later on...I wanna make sure this is something which can be fixed before i go ahead and drop 700+ on the program...
I am confused about when trying to make a photorealistic composite. Say of a man face with real goat horns and reals cars compositited on his face.
I know I use layer masks but to blend the images into his face do I use the eraser tool on the mask or go to the mask layer where its red and use different shades of gray?