Photoshop :: Adobe CC (Window-Application Frame) Settings?
Jul 12, 2013
I like the openness and ability to click my desktop behind the image I'm working on. I know how to turn it off, but how do I KEEP it off? Every time I close and reopen photoshop it's back on, and I saved my workspace to see if that would result in any changes but it didn't. Didn't ever run into this issue on CS6.
The Application Frame window opens up too tall on both my monitors. I cannot resize it nor access any of the tools at the bottom. Is there any other way to resize it except by grabbing it with the cursor and dragging the edge, since obviously I cannot do that when it sits offscreen?
i'm running cs6 under windows 7..yesterday i was watching a video tutorial about application frame feature but where is it? under window there is no mention to application frame , there is only options and tools..
I modified a Window Family file by adding a Window inset parameter. When I inserted the window into a wall, otherwise the window worked fine, but when I changed the window's Window Inset value, the frame depth changed instead of the frame's location. The frame was originally made by Sweep tool, but now when I made it by Extrusion tool, the window works fine. Anyway, for future purposes, I would like to know how to be able to use the Window Inset parameter with a frame made by Sweep tool. How do I lock the depth of the frame sweep?
i recieved a prom pic from my daughter and i was going to print it and frame it, but 2 things happend.
The first one was that when i tried to print it it said it was tooooooo big 40inx60in so i resized it to 8.5x11 and it got very blurry, after about an hour i figured out how to get it sharp again (by accident) and forgot how i did it DOH!!! It was some kind of compairson with 4 of the same photo and resizeing the file from 9.5M to about 400kb and actualy adding some blur.
The next problem is when i printed it, it was so washed out it looked like an old 70's poloroid but on screen it looks great. Now I've read the color settings section but i think i might have set some settings wrong [U]and i don't think i fully understand what i'm reading . I know there are settings to either let photoshop take care of the printing or let the printer.Personaly i think i would like to let photoshop do it that way any email's or photo's i shoot will have a common baseline. The printer i'm using is an hp psc 2410 and the camera is a minolta dimage7i, is this a good camera / printer. I'm in adobe rgb(1998) mode and i think i saw somwhere in the printer software to choose between adobe rgb or the hp printer.Do these have to match.
Put simply how can i print it the way i see it on screen
I know ....long winded but i try to give all the info i can
I use two monitors, one for my canvus and the other for all my palettes. Which means my palettes are outside the application frame. With this setup, my mouse is very "jerky" when rolling over the layers palette, or others (takes a few sconds to notice). But once I move the palettes within the application frame the mouse is very smooth.I am able to produce this on two Macs.
My setup is: MacBook Pro 10.8.2 16 GB of ram AMD Radeon HD 6750M 1024 MB graphics
I've recently started working in the Application Frame and find that I now prefer this way of working.Is there any way to have the Application Frame hide when in another application?I find it annoying that the big, full-frame gray window persists when I'm using other applications.
It obscures the desktop and any other application windows that I'm not using, and so I can't use the Finder as I've become accustomed to using it.If there was a way to have the Application Frame hide when not in Photoshop I'd be a happy camper.
Some weeks ago a new shortcut was displayed in my desktop. I did not create it nor did I install any new software. The shortcut is Adobe Application Manager.
What is exactly Adobe Application Manager? Is it necessary? Where did it came from? In the list of installed programs there is no Adobe Application Manager, so I cannot uninstall it. When I start it, it starts to install something.
I am working in Photoshop CS 6 - I like to use the application frame option but it makes the frame too large and does not allow me to resize.How can I reduce the size?
with CS5, if I single-clicked on, say, my desktop while I had Photoshop running (with no PSD files open), the whole app would just go away so I could get stuff done without having to look at the big old empty shell of the app.
maybe the app is somehow interpreting a previous "persist application frame" pref I ticked somewhere but can no longer access (although I don't remember ever ticking something like that). Either way, it seems that I now need to either option-click on the desktop (I have to do it on my other display), or key in the "Hide Photoshop" command to get the app out of my way so I can do other stuff (I frequently toggle between multiple apps). is there a way to make the application frame not persistent?
I'm trying to install CS6 via the application manager. It downloads a file and then hangs at waiting to install. I've tried everything I can think of disabling virus scanner. I have CS5 installed could that be conflicting with the new software?
I just signed up for Creative Cloud and I can't download it. Adobe Application Manager crashes. When I re-run it, all I get is the option to update my copy of CS6. I want Creative Cloud and Lightroom.
I have opened my Adobe Application Manager Twice, and it keeps on running I see a Blue Line going from left to the right,, Later the message came up that It had failed. I am trying to update the CC
I run a iMac os x version 10.7.5 This began suddenly yestetrday.When I click on my Photoshop icon, it does not bounce or anything. A window pops up that says: "The application Adobe Photoshop CS5 can't be opened. -1712"
I have successfully turned off the Application Frame on my Mac version of CS6 but can not find the same functionality in my Windows version. How to turn off this feature in the Windows version?
After connecting to a flat screen TV for a presentation yesterday, the Photoshop CS6 application frame I was working on suddenly had the bottom edge below the screen on my MacBook Pro.
I can uncheck Application Frame in Window to free up the project, but with it checked I cannot find a way to reach the bottom of the frame and the scale input control. Also cannot reach the lower layers in the layer menu.
I installed a clean, fresh version on my Mac. (No previous versions were ever installed). When I open Photoshop for the first time, everything runs fine: I can open files and edit as usual. As soon as I close it and re-open many things happen:
a) I can go to open a file, but with Window>Application Frame unchecked, I cannot see the open file. b) All other palletes go awry. I cannot change the open palletes and or edit anything. c) If I check Window>Application Frame, everything is back to normal. No problems here.
This problem began for me after installing the PSCS6 beta. I started getting a popup saying "Adobe Application Manager is missing or damaged" and advising me to download and reinstall AAM. I did that, with no result. The responses from Adobe ("you must have a bad installer"). I was able to leave the beta as it was and use PSCS5.
Fast forward: PSCS6 is released and I purchase and try to install the upgrade, which won't install with the beta present. The Beta uninstaller won't run because of the AAM error. I laboriously search and delete all files related to the beta.PSCS6 release version installs, but when it starts I get a popup witht the same message about AAM. I have spent over 12 hours in chat with Adobe support with only negative results. Not only have they not fixed the problem -- they have managed to propagate it to my PSCS5 installation -- which they subsequently deleted.
As part of attempting to diagnose I have tried the PSCS6 unistaller, which fails with the same error; used the CS cleaner tool and reinstalled -- same problem; verified permissions and file ssytem on my system drive; tried removing CS6 and reinstalling from a new, clean admin account -- same AAM error.
I am at my wits' end with this. I have NO working verion of photoshop (big problem for a photographer/designer), NO confidence in Adobe support (most of the 12 hours was watching them try the same things we had done several times before), and how to fix this short of stripping my Mac back to the metal and reinstalling everything.
I was advised to download photoshop via adobe application manager as I have an XP OS. I even downloaded the application manager but now it fails to install saying "remote server not properly placed.Try after a few minutes" Whenever I retry I get the same message. Even I am getting the same message in case of installing adobe flash player. The installer always says installation not complete.
I have CS installed on my laptop. running WinXPPro, and unfortunately a few weeks ago CS started to behave badly. The program appears to load fine but 1 or 2 seconds after finally loading the program disappears from both the Application list and the window. The Task manager continues to show the Photoshop.exe process but its doing nothing. I have deleted preferences, I have re-installed, I have removed FlashPlayer (a CS3 problem sounded similar) all to no avail. Oddly enough ImageReady CS performs fine - it just doesn't give me the features I need access to do my work.
Running Illustrator CC on a Mac. I'm missing the maximize, minimize, and close buttons in the top left corner. I have an "Ai" symbol in the top left, which I thought was only on the PC version? All my tools disappear when I turn on application frame. I deleted the preferences file, no luck. When I hold down command shift option during startup of Illustrator it says "error loading plugins"..
The installation of Adobe Extension Manager CS6 failed - while 2 others update for Photoshop CS6 did install. I was installing Adobe Reader X. That's why I discovered the notification from the application manager about updates for CS6 - and I just confirmed that as well.
Apparently the Reader installation blocked only the update installation of Adobe Extension Manager CS6 - saying another installation process was running ... such stuff happens sometimes.
However, it seems Adobes Application Manager update module does not track its failed installations? It does not automatically advertise that update has not been installed and notifying me again to install it. At least not immediately.. So how do I rerun the Adobe Application Manager update module to check for updates manually?
I used Adobe application manager to download a trial version of photoshop cs6, but I need to install it at another time. Adobe application manager instead installs photoshop immediately.
How Can I prevent Adobe application manager to install downloaded software automatically?