Photoshop :: Actions Ignoring Modal Control For Layer Renaming / CS6?

May 29, 2012

I often run actions that have modal control for certain steps turned on, in particular, when I want to give a layer a custom name. Prior to CS6, I'd run my action, the window would open allowing me to rename my layer, and then it finishes my action. However, in CS6, it seems to ignore the modal control button selected, puts in whatever the default info is and continues on.

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AutoCad 3D :: Extruding Ignoring The Actual Active Layer

Aug 23, 2011

There is a method for extruding ignoring the actual active layer, so the extrussion result is the same as 2D base object...(and is not created in active layer) i forgot how coul i do this, is really useful

After Googling a lot i didn't get any result

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Edge Animate CC :: Firefox 18 Ignoring Layer Order?

Feb 8, 2013

Edge animation working fine in IE and Chrome is not displaying layers in correct order in Firefox 18.
Card 1 and 4 are both behind the blue number machine in the layer order but card 1 appears in front of it in Firefox 18.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Section Line Ignoring Layer Linetype

Oct 7, 2013

The linetype set in the active standard for section line is totally ignored when creating a section view. We have our line type set to 'Long Dash Dot' as per the BS8888 standard but it changes it to a 'Long Dash Short Dash' line. We use the same linetype on the centerline layer with no problem. Why does this not work??

Inventor 2012 SP2

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Photoshop :: Missing Actions Palette Control Button...

May 1, 2009

I seem to be missing all of the control button icons in my Actions Palette. Can anyone tell me how to restore them?

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Photoshop :: Renaming A Layer Without Touching Mouse

Jun 28, 2012

When exporting files from Illustrator, I get a ton of layers named <path> and <group>. I want to quickly rename these layers in Photoshop.
I'm using Alt-[ & -] to move up and down my Layer palette, but I haven't figured how to change a layer name other than double-clicking on the name (which takes a hand off the keyboard). Is there any way to rename a layer by using the keyboard only?

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Photoshop :: Layer Colors Removed When Renaming A Folder

Jun 20, 2012

CS6, Win7x64Pro?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Reworking Photoshop Layer Renaming Script

Oct 16, 2012

The Photoshop scripting guru Paul R over at RetouchPro has created a really cool script to batch rename and number selected Photoshop layers. I haven't found anything similar on the Illustrator side.
some Illustrator scripting genius could come up with a similar script for Illustrator. Would it be terribly difficult to convert this into something Illustrator could use? URL....

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AutoCAD .NET :: Renaming Xref Changing Layer Display

Jan 2, 2013

I am trying to rename all the xref's on the drawing with suffix "_renamed" With the code shown below , I am able to do this. But the problem I am facing is once the code renamed and reloaded the xref, the Xref-dependent layer properties are changing to Xref source layer properties.

Also the VISRETAIN variable is 1. Please find the code below. 

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Control Number Of Side Actions When Designing Multi Impression Tools

Dec 3, 2013

I have a question for all the mold designers out there! How do you control the number of side actions when designing multi impression tools?

I recently completed a job for a customer where the requirement was to have a 2 impression tool with one side action to control both of the impressions. I found that if you pattern a part within the mold design environment and then apply a side action, the side actions would be copied to each of the patterned parts. I have created a test part to try and illustrate this (which is way out of size and proportion!):- Even if I combine the inserts, I still get the same effect.

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AutoCad :: Layer Control On Layer Properties Bar

Nov 12, 2011

when I go to use the Layer Control on the Layer Properties it only lists the layer I'm working on. I then have to use the Layer Manager to change layers. why it would stop listing all the layers?

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Photoshop :: CS4 / Setting Layer Style In Actions?

Aug 19, 2013

I'm using PS CS4 and I've been using actions for years now.  However, about a year or two ago they started acting oddly.  All my custom actions follow a similar flow: open file, size file, make transparent, add layer style, export to PNG, and, finally, close the file.
Once upon a time, the last time I recall it working flawlessly was in CS 2, I had to do nothing other than start the action on a directory of files.  Now I have to click OK when the Layer Styles window pops up.  Here is the exported action file.  After clicking on a directory that may contain up to a 1,000 files; it gets tiresome and finger sore.

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Photoshop :: Actions Don't Work To Rename Layer In CS6

Jun 26, 2013

Can't seem to get "Layer > Rename layer ..." to activate with Actions, whether I try "Insert Menu Item" or "Record Action".I have created and used many actions over the years in Photoshop, and almost all of them seem to work fine in Photoshop CS6, except this one.In CS5.x the command was listed as "Layer Properties...", which brought up the DIALOG.
In CS 6.x that command has been removed from the LAYER PALETTE MENU. Instead, the COMMAND has been renamed "Rename Layer..." in the MAIN MENU, and it no longer brings up a DIALOG. Editing is now done directly in the LAYER NAME TEXT FIELD and it was clear that the old ACTION can't work as-is.
SO, I deleted it and rebuilt it as folllows:
I created a NEW ACTION From the ACTION PALETTE's MENU I selectedThe ALERT POPUP came upFrom the MAIN MENU I selectedThe ALERT POPUP updated to show "Layer:Rename Layer".I clicked OK, but nothing showed up under the new ACTION in the ACTIONS PALETTE ...I thought perhaps there was a bug with the command in CS6, so I tried the RECORD ACTION process instead.
with the ART LAYER visible and selected I clicked RECORD I selected and again.This time the ART LAYER activated properly .I changed the LAYER NAME and hit RETURN.In the ACTIONS PALETTE, the SET CURRENT LAYER ACTION was automatically added.I know I don't want "123" to be the LAYER NAME, but I thought I could manually edit the ACTION by adding a DIALOG BOX control.I clicked STOP to try out the KEY COMMANDI manually changed the LAYER NAME back to and hit RETURN to set it.I ran the ACTION by typing CMD-SHFT-F9As expected it dutifully edited the LAYER NAME Now I wanted to intercept the renaming step, so I ticked the DIALOG BOX option in the ACTION thinking it would give me some method of keying in a name during PLAYBACK.The first few times I ran the ACTION SCRIPT, it brought up the LAYER STYLE dialog. What?I thought something might be amiss with my FUNCTION KEYS, so I checked my KEYBOARD settings in SYSTEM PREFERENCES.This option was originally I UNCHECKED it OFF and closed SYSTEM PREFS.Back in PS it didn't seem to make a difference, so I thought maybe I needed to RESTART to activate this level of SYSTEM PREFERENCE.I RESTARTED, double-checked that the FUNCTION KEY OPTION was UNCHECKED, and tried the ACTION again.Now the ACTION didn't run at all, so I knew the FUNCTION KEY OPTION was supposed to remain CHECKED.I RECHECKED it, RESTARTED, and returned to PHOTOSHOP.When I ran the ACTION this time, the LAYER STYLE dialog DID NOT come up. The LAYER was simply renamed "123" with no way to edit it during PLAYBACK. What? 
In the end, I played with inserting a STOP or CONDITIONAL, I tried PLAYBACK OPTIONS, I inserted other random COMMANDS and played with reordering them. Everything works perfectly, but I simply can't seem to gain control over editing the LAYER NAME itself with an ACTION. I assume the root of the problem is that there is no longer a DIALOG BOX that controls the LAYER NAME, and therefore there's no moment in PLAYBACK that can give me DIALOG BOX control over the name.

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Photoshop :: Batch Layer Actions (like Images)

Dec 3, 2008

Is there a way I can perform an action to similar images?

For example, lets say I have one big circle, and another circle that's smaller. Is there a way I can resize the two circles so they scale together?

Goes the same with colors. Is there a way I can apply the same color effect to multiple layer images at once? Or do I have to go manually one by one if I want to change something?

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Photoshop :: Modal Error

Dec 21, 2007

I'm developing an automation project using Photoshop

The project will open several files, do some resizing and change of formats, save the new files and presto.

The trouble is that sometimes Photoshop has problems opening the source files (i.e. the original images). When this happens the Photoshop opens a modal error dialog and gets stuck there.

This program runs unattended and I NEED to be able to detect (or even prevents) this dialog to display in order to not halt the program.

This program needs to handle 1000+ images daily and every time one image gets stuck is a royal pain in the butt...

is there any way to avoid this?

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Photoshop :: CC Not Play Layer Adjustment Actions Correctly?

Oct 25, 2013

My computer has PhotoShop CC installed on a brand new Dell Windows 7 computer. Previously I used CS4 and it worked great, but now I'm having issues with CC playing back any Action that has layer adjusments. I'll record an action consisting of an edited layer adjustment such as curves, levels, brightness/conrast, etc., and then when I play it back the layer adjustment applied is the default 0. For instance, here I clicked "Create New Action" and labeled it "Curves Layer TEST":
add a new curves layer adjustment and label it "Brighten":Then I add a few points to the curve (overly brightened to demonstrate my issue):

then I hit the Stop Recording button. But when I look at the curve values in the Actions box of the very curve layer I just recorded, it says the Preset Kind is Default. Why doesn't it say Custom??? The Properties box read "Custom" as I was editing the curve!

and nothing happens to the image. it now has a curves layer on top, but it's the Default straight line. What happened to the curve I edited and recorded!!??
What's the deal? This is the same process I used in CS4, CS2 and every other PhotoShop incarnation and it worked fine, until CC. Is this a bug? Or is there a new process to creating layer adjustment actions???

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Photoshop :: Layer Control And EPS File Size

Jun 12, 2012

I have a black/white linedrawing, TIFF, where I needed to replace som texts. I saved it as PSD, lassoed the texts, erased them and inserted the new texts in about 20 different places.

The text size is only about 6 pt., and the whole drawing isn´t more than about 14 by 14 centimeters. In the PSD file all the changes now appear in separate layers (with the background drawing at the bottom, see inserted .png) one for each erased bit of text, whereas I thought it would be convenient to have all in one layer.

How does this influence the filesize, and how do I combine all new texts in one layer, if that takes up less space? Layer 3-5 doesn´t seem to serve any purpose, how does one see what´s actually in a layer? I also need to save the file as EPS, and doing so the filesize goes from 3,4Mb in PSD to 45Mb in EPS. What are the possibilities of minimizing this EPS-file?   

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Photoshop :: CS6 Recording Actions / Graduation Layer / Settings Not Saved

Feb 7, 2013

I want to record an action which creates an graduation layer and uses the "auto" function  layer in the layer settings. But this adjustment will not be saved  in the action (up to CS 5.5 this was no problem).Is this possible in CS6, too?

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Photoshop :: How To Get Control M To Create Curves Adjustment Layer

Mar 24, 2012

After doing everything i can find to optimize my hardware/software for doing 3D animation in Ps Ext CS6. I still cannot render an animation to video using the Ray Traced Final setting. (Ray Traced Draft, no problem.) The last time I tried (after repairing disk permissions), at least Ps did not crash and give me the same old crash report (Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000007a0020000). This time I just got an error msg that my request could not be completed. (Progress?) Checking Activity Monitor, I could see that my available RAM, which was 13 GB when I started the render was now less than 1 GB (761 MB).
So, I have come to the conclusion that my 16 GB of RAM and 300 GB available for virtual memory on my HD is not enough for rendering the type of 3D animation I am trying to do. Would you agree? Also, I have read it is not good to use the same HD your program is installed on for a scratch disk, so I am considering getting an external solid state drive to use as a scratch disk.

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Photoshop :: Modal Dialogs Opening Behind Palettes CS6

Jul 26, 2012

Is there a fix for modal dialogs open behind palettes in Photoshop cs6 13.0 (creative cloud update) + OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard on MacBook Pro?  ( I am using 2 monitors where the second monitor is set to be the menu display.  cs4 does not exhibit this bug. )
Toggling the Application Frame off improves the hiding 'feature' but this does not include the desired continuous floating in front of palettes in all circumstances.
An example is Blending Options, then chose Stroke, then chose the Color Picker.  After clicking OK, the Blending Options dialog now sits behind the palettes.  One trick is to click on another app, then back to cs6 to force a window redraw.

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Photoshop :: Actions Created In CS5 Not Working In CS6 Due To Shape Layer Naming Change

Jul 18, 2012

In Photoshop CS5 I created a long action list which include lots of Shapes. I saved these action sets and loaded them into CS6. and they kept failing saying they couldn't find layer "Shape 1" "Shape 2" etc . this is because in CS6 the layers are now called "Rectangle 1" "Elipse 1" etc .   How can I get this to revert back to the "Shape 1, 2, 3, 4 etc etc".

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Photoshop :: CS6 Ignoring Paper Size?

Jul 13, 2012

I'm trying to print a 24 x 34 print to an HP Z3100.Everything sets fine in the HP driver, but when it comes back to the Photoshop print dialog box, PS still thinks it's printing to an 8 1/2  x 11 sheet.
How do I get Photoshop to 'listen' to what the printer is supposed to be doing?

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Photoshop :: Import PNG Sequence / Ignoring Transparency?

Jun 28, 2013

I've been able to ignore the transparency in PNG images when needed by using "Layer>Layer mask>From Transparency" and then deleting the mask created.

However, importing an image sequence as a Timeline, this option is not available. What should I do instead? (Other than using After Effects to re-output my image sequence without transparency)

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Photoshop :: Contour Editor - Control Tones Under All Opaque Areas Of Layer

Sep 1, 2013

I think that we can control tones under all the opaque areas of a layer with the contour editor for shaping layer effect ... and after that with the choke and size sliders, we can control the extend of its appearance. But, I think that, in fact, I could not soundly understand how it is functioning.

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Photoshop :: Batch Action In CS6 Ignoring Destination Folder?

Apr 13, 2013

I have an action I have been using once every year for several years in a batch automation process in Photoshop. Its purpose is to resize all the images in a specified folder and save the new versions (using the same filename) in another folder. Both folders are specified in the Batch dialogue, which is also set to override any Action 'Save As' commands. This procedure worked without any difficulties using CS4. Today, I tried running it for the first time under CS6 and it failed on the very first image.
The problem is that it is triggering a request for my permission to save the image as a copy. The reason is that it is trying to save the modified file in the source folder and ignoring my specified (different) destination folder.

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Photoshop :: How To Control Stack Order Of Shape Layer With Path Arrangement Option

Aug 30, 2013

How can I control the stack order of a shape layer with the path arrangement option on the shape tool options menu? It seems to me that this control does not do anything with shape layers ... does not control anything. How can I use this option?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Layer Control Drop Down

Sep 6, 2013

I'm working on Civil 3d 2012 and when it's set on Autocrad classic profile I can select my layers right in the drop down list by typing the first letter of the layer and it goes to it. But when my profile is set on Civil 3d, I can do the same in the layer drop down. Is there a way to set it like autocad classic?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Does Zero Layer Control The Drawing

Jul 11, 2012

we have a drawing where we were un-able to use snaps (end, per, quad, etc.) on any blocks.

It seems like this particular drawing has issues not seen elsewhere.(besides the fact it was badly drawn) After some time playing with all the settings. We turned on the zero layer and then all the nodes were available as usual.

i've been using AutoCad for 20 years and never seen this. Is this some kind of new feature?Can you control the snaps with a layer? WHY?

Windows 7 64 bit
Inventor 2012 Professional
Dell T1600 CPU E31245 @ 3.30GHz

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layer Control Not Working?

Sep 30, 2009

The layer control dropdown in the layer toolbar is just showing the state of the selected object or layer 0 if nothing is selected. Same for the ribbon combo. But it's working in the Quick properties dialog.

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AutoCAD LT :: Layer Control Palette Will Not Display

Apr 17, 2013

Out of the blue, my Layer Control will not work.  When I click on the icon, the top two lines on the screen go gray and the whole thing locks up.  The layer palette does not appear.  If I try to choose anything on the screen, it beeps.  It unlocks if I hit escape.  If I type in "layer" at the command line, the same thing happens.  At this point, I am unable to change lineweights & colors within my layers settings.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layer Control Scrolling

Mar 8, 2013

When I click in my layer control and type in a "letter" to quickly scroll to that part of the alphabet, it changes my current layer to the first laser alphabetically with that certain letter. Is there a way to turn this off? If i am just looking at layers, I don't want autocad to change my current layer.

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