AutoCad 3D :: Extruding Ignoring The Actual Active Layer

Aug 23, 2011

There is a method for extruding ignoring the actual active layer, so the extrussion result is the same as 2D base object...(and is not created in active layer) i forgot how coul i do this, is really useful

After Googling a lot i didn't get any result

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Section Line Ignoring Layer Linetype

Oct 7, 2013

The linetype set in the active standard for section line is totally ignored when creating a section view. We have our line type set to 'Long Dash Dot' as per the BS8888 standard but it changes it to a 'Long Dash Short Dash' line. We use the same linetype on the centerline layer with no problem. Why does this not work??

Inventor 2012 SP2

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Edge Animate CC :: Firefox 18 Ignoring Layer Order?

Feb 8, 2013

Edge animation working fine in IE and Chrome is not displaying layers in correct order in Firefox 18.
Card 1 and 4 are both behind the blue number machine in the layer order but card 1 appears in front of it in Firefox 18.

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Photoshop :: Actions Ignoring Modal Control For Layer Renaming / CS6?

May 29, 2012

I often run actions that have modal control for certain steps turned on, in particular, when I want to give a layer a custom name. Prior to CS6, I'd run my action, the window would open allowing me to rename my layer, and then it finishes my action. However, in CS6, it seems to ignore the modal control button selected, puts in whatever the default info is and continues on.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Turning Off A Xref Layer / Active Layer

May 3, 2013

Is there a macro or lisp file that allows you to click on a element in the xref or active file and turn it off?

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Photoshop :: Extruding A 3D Layer?

Aug 2, 2009

how I would go about extruding a 3d layer in PS CS4 to look something like the spinning buzz saw in this pic.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Setting Active Layer Filter

Mar 23, 2009

I'm trying to set the active Layer filter. I tried myDB.LayerFilters.Root.Name = "Filter1" but it wouldn't work.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Select All Block Only On No Frozen And Active Layer

Jul 12, 2012

Dim editor As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()


the only prob is : I want selec all block but not the block on layer frozen, off or not visible...

I can check all layer stat on each block.. (i do that already for check each block (name) but i want a solution more easy.)

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AutoCAD .NET :: Event For Change Active Layer In Document

Aug 24, 2012

Is there event for change current (active) layer of document?

(it's not Database.ObjectModified - it's not raised).

I tried to do it with binding as:

public void Initialize()
var layerList = Application.UIBindings.Collections.Layers;
layerList.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(LayerList_PropertyChanged);

And -= in Terminate, but... Autocad 2012 chashed _sometimes_!!!

Impossible to understand when it happened. So I reject this way. Is there other way to handle this event?

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AutoCAD VB :: All Layers Locked Except Active Layer Chosen In Combobox?

Dec 21, 2012

I have a form with a combobox and a commandbutton.

 All layers in the layermanager must be locked except the active layer chosen in the combobox. I try it with this code but it’s not the right solution.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim layer As AcadLayer'check if all layers are lockedIf layer.Lock = False Thenlayer.Lock = True'make the layer selected in the combobox currentThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(ComboBox1.Text)End SubPrivate Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim layerColl As AcadLayers Dim layer As AcadLayer Dim LayList As String ' all layers locked For Each layer In ThisDrawing.Layers If layer.Lock = False Then layer.Lock = True End IfNext 'fill combobox Set layerColl = ThisDrawing.Layers For Each layer In layerColl ComboBox1.AddItem layer.Name Next End Sub

 2. When I choose the for next method to lock all layers (40 layers) it’s very slow.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - How To Deselect Any Active Layer

May 12, 2012

I feel really dumb right now but for some reason I'm having trouble deselecting. First off, I'm talking layers and vector objects here. I know Cmd D deselects selections. But how you do deselect any layer which might currently be active? I'm working in PS CS6 for the first real time and it's like I suddenly got dumb or something.

I know you can select a blank area of the Layers Panel to do it, but my Layers Panel is full right now, so I don't even see any dead space. This is especially troubling because I'm making a lot of shape layers and if I do that while a layer is selected then I wind up making masks.

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Photoshop :: Undo And Active Layer

Nov 11, 2008

If I am working on a layer, then select a new layer to work on, then paint on that layer, then undo: the brush stroke is undone, but also the previous layer I was working on re-becomes the active layer. I want it to stay on the new layer I selected. Is there an option for this?

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Paint.NET :: Get New Background On Active Layer?

Dec 6, 2011

New user: I erased the background (BG) on the image I have so it is transparent. Saved as PNG. Now how do I put the new BG? I know I have to get the new BG on an active layer. Then, do I copy the FG (Foreground) image and paste somewhere. IOW how to merge the two? Must they be same size etc?

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Photoshop :: Difference Between Actual Pixels And Actual Print Size

Feb 22, 2009

What is the difference between Actual Pixels and Actual Print Size?

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GIMP :: Rescale Layer Using Rescale Tool With Layer Mask Active?

Jun 15, 2013

When you try to rescale a layer using the Rescale Tool with a layer mask active, it scales of the mask, likewise if you select the layer it will scale the layer. Can I select both the layer and layer mask and scale the layer, thus it keeps the layer mask showing the desired masked area only. As the only way I can see currently is by applying the layer mask on the layer and then you can see the layer/s below to get the scaling that is desired. But I would like to keep the layer mask active for editing after scaling.

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Photoshop :: Convert Layer To (16-32bit) Not Active Document?

Sep 27, 2013

Is there a script to convert a layer or layer group to a 32-bit image rather then the entire active document at present that is the only option in Ps 5.x.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Change Active Layer Name Same As Document Name

Sep 30, 2013

I would like to make the active layer name the same as the document name.  I know very little about scripting.  I found this script:
var idoc = app.activeDocument;var ilayer = idoc.activeLayer;var filename =; = filename;
It does almost what I need it to do. except that it also copies the ".ai" in to the layer name.  Is there some way to modify this script to have it exclude or delete the file extension?

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Photoshop :: Crop Tool When Vector Mask Is Active On A Layer

Jun 21, 2013

Using Photoshop CC, if you have a vector mask on a layer and attempt to crop the image, the vector mask shifts incorrectly after the crop is completed.  The image is garbled.  If I rasterize the vector mask to a standard layer mask, the crop works successfully. 
I've checked to make sure that there are no numbers in the crop tool options.  Nothing appears to be set incorrectly. 

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GIMP :: Active Layer Highlight In Dark Or Light Blue?

Feb 2, 2014

What difference does it make if the active layer is highlight in dark blue or light blue?

I should know this by now!

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Illustrator Scripting :: Ungroup All Groups On Active Layer (JavaScript)?

Mar 5, 2013

How one would go about ungrouping all groups on an active layer with JavaScript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Change Color Of Text Frames On Active Layer?

Mar 3, 2013

Okay my script to change text frame color changes the color of all text frames hidden or not.

I need it to only change visible text frames.
if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
newCMYKColor = new CMYKColor(); = 0;
newCMYKColor.cyan = 0;
newCMYKColor.magenta = 0;
newCMYKColor.yellow = 0;
How to go about making it only change the color of text frames on the active layer? In the final script I will hide all other layers so if it could be done by a visible attribute more easily that would work just as well.

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Edge Animate CC :: Working With Polygon Shapes And Defining Active / Non-active Mouseover Areas?

Mar 7, 2014

Since Edge only has rectangles and ellipses built in as available shapes, how to I/we work with polygon shapes and active mouseover areas INSIDE of these shapes and non-active mouseover areas OUTSIDE of the shapes?
Problem/symptom: when I import a polygon, be it any file format from from Photoshop or SVG from Illustrator, a rectangular border/background (transparent) gets applied, leading to this rectangle defining the mouseover area of the shape - and not the shape itself (be it a star or whatever).
WHAT I WANT: the very shape defines the mouseover area. How do I achieve this?? See examle below:
WHAT I DON'T WANT: how is is now:

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Photoshop :: Reference Point Location Jumps To Cursor When Moving Active Transform Layer?

Aug 1, 2013

I have a layer I'm resizing and is currently in Transform.When I beging to drag the layer to position while it is in resize the center reference point will jump to my mouse causing me to move the reference point outside of the tranform layer. Normally I would have to click on the reference point and drag it intentionally or hold CTRL and click in the transformed layer to set a reference point, but it since CS6 is had still remainded in CC.
This happens when I transform the layer (Ctrl+T) and then grab the layer to move. I have to put the reference point back to center via mouse or by the reference point on the menu bar up top. Then I can go back and drag my later where I need it to finish my transform.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Extrude Cut Whilst Ignoring Certain Components?

Jun 9, 2012

I am attempting to extrude cut an object which passes through another but I wish for the cut to ignore the other geometry and only cut the other.  I have attached the model.  I do not wish the cut to cut throuh the curved surface and only through the vertical pieces seen.  Is there an option to cut and ignore certain solid bodies in the process?  This is not an assembly btw.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Corridor Surface Ignoring Vertical Link?

Nov 6, 2013

For some reason the surface created by my corridor is ignoring the vertical link on the edge of the subassembly.  How can I get it to include that?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Text Layer Names Not Updating To Show Actual Text

Sep 26, 2012

I've got some Text Layers in my CS6 document.
In CS5, if I had Text Layers and changed the text on the layer (by double-clicking the "T" icon of the specific Layer in the Layers palette), the name of the Layer would change to reflect the new text I entered.
For some reason this behavior is gone in CS6. So, for example:
• I have a Text Layer with the word "Email" on my canvas. The Text Layer name also reads "Email".
• I double-click the "T" icon of the Email Layer to edit the text on canvas.
• I enter new text, "Contact". The text on canvas updates to "Contact", but the Layer Name remains "Email".
So, for accurate Layer names, I find myself having to change the text twice: once on the canvas, and then manually updating the Layer name as well. Is there an option or preference somewhere that I'm missing that would re-enable the behavior from CS5?

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Maya Animation :: Hide Non-active Animation Layer F-curves In Graph

Apr 18, 2013

My current scene has 10 animation layers for a character, and seeing every f-curve from all layers, although grey and locked, when I only need to see the f-curves in layer I'm working on is really cluttering the graph editor. My current work around is selecting my active layer in the Layer Editor every time I select a rig control. Simple enough, but a pretty inefficient way of working. I can't seem to find a setting that allows me to just see ONLY the fcurves in the active layer. I imagine some of you out there may have hundreds of animations for a single game character.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Ignoring Paper Size?

Jul 13, 2012

I'm trying to print a 24 x 34 print to an HP Z3100.Everything sets fine in the HP driver, but when it comes back to the Photoshop print dialog box, PS still thinks it's printing to an 8 1/2  x 11 sheet.
How do I get Photoshop to 'listen' to what the printer is supposed to be doing?

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Illustrator :: Ignoring Dashed Lines In PDF?

Jan 3, 2014

I have exported a dashed line from some CAD software (KASEMAKE) as a PDF. When viewed in acrobat and zoomed in, you can clearly see the dashes. When opening in Illustrator it comes in as one solid line. Corel Draw opens it correctly too. I cannot find any import settings for bringing in a PDF in Illustrator. I have uploaded the PDF file to a dropbox so that people can see it. [URL].

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InDesign :: Ignoring Hyphenation Setting?

Mar 11, 2014

I included the user dictionary into my InDesign document. And I set the settings to break the hyphenation only after 3 letters, but InDesign is breaking the words even after 1 letter as per my user dictionary. whether InDesign will not consider my own settings for user dictionary terms?

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Photoshop :: Import PNG Sequence / Ignoring Transparency?

Jun 28, 2013

I've been able to ignore the transparency in PNG images when needed by using "Layer>Layer mask>From Transparency" and then deleting the mask created.

However, importing an image sequence as a Timeline, this option is not available. What should I do instead? (Other than using After Effects to re-output my image sequence without transparency)

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