AutoCAD .NET :: Select All Block Only On No Frozen And Active Layer

Jul 12, 2012

Dim editor As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()


the only prob is : I want selec all block but not the block on layer frozen, off or not visible...

I can check all layer stat on each block.. (i do that already for check each block (name) but i want a solution more easy.)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Insert Block On Layer That Is Frozen

Feb 19, 2013

We are using autocad 2010 and I have written a routine that will insert several blocks on to several layers.  I thought it worked flawlessly, until I used it.  Our drawings use layer states.  When one state is in use, all the other layers are frozen.  We want to insert a block, at a specific point chosen by the user, and the lisp routine will insert a couple of other blocks at that same point, but on a layer that is frozen.  Three blocks installed in all, at the same point, on two layers. The routine works if all layers are thawed, but not if the layers are frozen.

(defun c:lP1 () ; this starts the routine
(setq temperr *error*) ; saves *error*
(setq *error* rerr) ; sets the new error variable
(command "_.Undo" "_mark") ; start of "undo" command

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Turning Off A Xref Layer / Active Layer

May 3, 2013

Is there a macro or lisp file that allows you to click on a element in the xref or active file and turn it off?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: New Layer VP Frozen In All Viewports

Apr 24, 2012

When hovering over this button in the layer manager the following is displayed.

"Creates a new layer and freezes it in all existing layout viewports. This button is accessible from the model tab or layout tabs".

Key words here being EXISTING and LAYOUT viewports.  So I've got an existing xref attached to an existing layout and per the displayed tip this means, to me, any new layer created within the xref that has this option enabled will be frozen in all existing layouts.

Since a layout is a viewport, I assume this means the layout itself, not a viewport object used for viewing modelspace content from a layout.

Even if this means a viewport object used for viewing modelspace content, that doesn't work either, so what exactly is the point of this feature?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Frozen Layer In Viewport Becoming Visible After Save

Mar 8, 2012

I have a viewport in paper space with most layers set to "VP Freeze".   When I save the drawing or when a auotsave occurs,  the frozen layers become visible again in the viewport even though they are still marked as frozen. The only way I can get the viewport to display correctly again is to close the drawing and re-open it. How I can stop this from happening?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Command / If Layer Is Frozen

Mar 29, 2012

I have a  Layer named "Arch - Niveau 1".I would like to enter in the command prompt  "a1"..It would read if the layer is frozen or thawed and if it is frozen, it will thaw it?

And if the layer is thawed, it would freeze it..What could be added is: To check up if the layer exists and if not, create it.Would do the same for 2 other layer named "Arch - Niveau 2" command "a2"   and  "Arch - Niveau 3" command "a3". Is it clear?Now the lisp I've found and modified is this:

(defun c:a1 (/ lay ldef flag) (setq layn "Arch - Niveau 1") (command "_.LAYER") (if (not (tblsearch "LAYER" layn)) (command "_Make" layn) (progn (setq ldef (tblsearch "LAYER" layn) flag (cdr (assoc 70 ldef))) (and (= (logand flag 1) 1) (command "_Thaw" layn)) )) (command ""))
 This lisp looks if it exists, if not, create it and only thaw the layer.

I'm not enough familiar with the "not", the "progn" the "flag", "and" and "logand"  (!!!!)

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AutoCAD VB :: Inserting Stored Block Into Active Drawing

Jan 7, 2014

I want to insert a stored block into a drawing (model space).  Below is the code I'm using and I get 

Runtime Error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument. 

Sub Dummy()
Dim COESTD_obj As AcadBlockReference, InsPtStd(0 To 2) As Long, COESTD As String
InsPtStd(0) = 0#: InsPtStd(1) = 0#: InsPtStd(2) = 0# 'Set insertion point as 0,0,0
Set COESTD_obj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(InsPtStd, COESTD, 1#, 1#, 1#, 0#)
End Sub

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Monitor Is Not Active Tab For Select DVI Output

Feb 2, 2013

in the preference Monitor is not active tab for select Dvi output ,is only Off is not detected the output DVI. I do not understand why the first project in the preferences screen brodcast is a choice DVI output, if you do other projects is no longer selectable, only OFF.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Setting Active Layer Filter

Mar 23, 2009

I'm trying to set the active Layer filter. I tried myDB.LayerFilters.Root.Name = "Filter1" but it wouldn't work.

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AutoCad :: Setup In Dynamic Type Block That Would Allow To Select The Block

Jun 22, 2012

I have a series of logos that we use. I would like to have them setup in a dynamic type block that would allow us to select the block and choose from a pull down that logo to use.

I have see it done before just don't know how to replicate it.

As you scrolled through the choices as each one was highlighted it would display that one on the screen.

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Photoshop :: How To Select Masks Table To Make Panel Active

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to complete an awsignment and I need to know how to select the Masks table to make the Masks panel active.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select All The Objects In Active Artboard Using JavaScript

Aug 7, 2013

i want to select all the objects in active artboard using javascript

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Pattern Objects In Active Document

Mar 16, 2014

We need a script that select all pattern objects in the active document in illustrator.

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Lightroom :: Select A Folder Of Files But Can't Import - Button Is Not Active

Jan 16, 2013

i select a folder of files to import but i cant import t hem, the button isnt active.
it says i already have these photos imported. if so how do i edit or see them.
i uninstalled and re-installed the software and it seeme dto start from scratch, in that when i import the folder the photos appear in the develop area to choose from.
however next time i open the application i cant see them and import doesnt work unless i uninstall again.
whats the trick with using this software?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Event For Change Active Layer In Document

Aug 24, 2012

Is there event for change current (active) layer of document?

(it's not Database.ObjectModified - it's not raised).

I tried to do it with binding as:

public void Initialize()
var layerList = Application.UIBindings.Collections.Layers;
layerList.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(LayerList_PropertyChanged);

And -= in Terminate, but... Autocad 2012 chashed _sometimes_!!!

Impossible to understand when it happened. So I reject this way. Is there other way to handle this event?

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AutoCad 3D :: Extruding Ignoring The Actual Active Layer

Aug 23, 2011

There is a method for extruding ignoring the actual active layer, so the extrussion result is the same as 2D base object...(and is not created in active layer) i forgot how coul i do this, is really useful

After Googling a lot i didn't get any result

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Scale In Title Block - No Prompted Entry / Keep Current Sheet Active

Apr 9, 2013

 First, it requires there to be a prompted entry text box in the title block named <SCALE>, is there any way to write to a textbox that is not prompted entry?  The prompt when a new drawing or sheet is created is misleading and makes users think they need to manually fill out the prompt.  Secondly, this code works on multi-sheet drawings but it concludes by making the last sheet active.  Since we are triggering this rule before save it's a nuisance to have the drawing switch sheets everytime you do a save.  Ideally, the current active sheet should remain active when the rule runs.  Here is the
For Each oSheet In ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Sheets
If oSheet.TitleBlock Is Nothing Or oSheet.DrawingViews.count=0 Then Exit Sub

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AutoCAD VB :: All Layers Locked Except Active Layer Chosen In Combobox?

Dec 21, 2012

I have a form with a combobox and a commandbutton.

 All layers in the layermanager must be locked except the active layer chosen in the combobox. I try it with this code but it’s not the right solution.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim layer As AcadLayer'check if all layers are lockedIf layer.Lock = False Thenlayer.Lock = True'make the layer selected in the combobox currentThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(ComboBox1.Text)End SubPrivate Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim layerColl As AcadLayers Dim layer As AcadLayer Dim LayList As String ' all layers locked For Each layer In ThisDrawing.Layers If layer.Lock = False Then layer.Lock = True End IfNext 'fill combobox Set layerColl = ThisDrawing.Layers For Each layer In layerColl ComboBox1.AddItem layer.Name Next End Sub

 2. When I choose the for next method to lock all layers (40 layers) it’s very slow.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - How To Deselect Any Active Layer

May 12, 2012

I feel really dumb right now but for some reason I'm having trouble deselecting. First off, I'm talking layers and vector objects here. I know Cmd D deselects selections. But how you do deselect any layer which might currently be active? I'm working in PS CS6 for the first real time and it's like I suddenly got dumb or something.

I know you can select a blank area of the Layers Panel to do it, but my Layers Panel is full right now, so I don't even see any dead space. This is especially troubling because I'm making a lot of shape layers and if I do that while a layer is selected then I wind up making masks.

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Photoshop :: Undo And Active Layer

Nov 11, 2008

If I am working on a layer, then select a new layer to work on, then paint on that layer, then undo: the brush stroke is undone, but also the previous layer I was working on re-becomes the active layer. I want it to stay on the new layer I selected. Is there an option for this?

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Paint.NET :: Get New Background On Active Layer?

Dec 6, 2011

New user: I erased the background (BG) on the image I have so it is transparent. Saved as PNG. Now how do I put the new BG? I know I have to get the new BG on an active layer. Then, do I copy the FG (Foreground) image and paste somewhere. IOW how to merge the two? Must they be same size etc?

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GIMP :: Rescale Layer Using Rescale Tool With Layer Mask Active?

Jun 15, 2013

When you try to rescale a layer using the Rescale Tool with a layer mask active, it scales of the mask, likewise if you select the layer it will scale the layer. Can I select both the layer and layer mask and scale the layer, thus it keeps the layer mask showing the desired masked area only. As the only way I can see currently is by applying the layer mask on the layer and then you can see the layer/s below to get the scaling that is desired. But I would like to keep the layer mask active for editing after scaling.

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Shortcuts: Select Layer, Select Scale

Nov 21, 2005

if there are keyboard shortcut keys to these two operations?

1. Selecting a different layer than the active layer w/ keyboard key and selecting an item on that layer on the canvas?

2. Shortcut key strokes to select > Transform > Scale?

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Photoshop :: Convert Layer To (16-32bit) Not Active Document?

Sep 27, 2013

Is there a script to convert a layer or layer group to a 32-bit image rather then the entire active document at present that is the only option in Ps 5.x.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Change Active Layer Name Same As Document Name

Sep 30, 2013

I would like to make the active layer name the same as the document name.  I know very little about scripting.  I found this script:
var idoc = app.activeDocument;var ilayer = idoc.activeLayer;var filename =; = filename;
It does almost what I need it to do. except that it also copies the ".ai" in to the layer name.  Is there some way to modify this script to have it exclude or delete the file extension?

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Photoshop :: Crop Tool When Vector Mask Is Active On A Layer

Jun 21, 2013

Using Photoshop CC, if you have a vector mask on a layer and attempt to crop the image, the vector mask shifts incorrectly after the crop is completed.  The image is garbled.  If I rasterize the vector mask to a standard layer mask, the crop works successfully. 
I've checked to make sure that there are no numbers in the crop tool options.  Nothing appears to be set incorrectly. 

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GIMP :: Active Layer Highlight In Dark Or Light Blue?

Feb 2, 2014

What difference does it make if the active layer is highlight in dark blue or light blue?

I should know this by now!

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Illustrator Scripting :: Ungroup All Groups On Active Layer (JavaScript)?

Mar 5, 2013

How one would go about ungrouping all groups on an active layer with JavaScript?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Lisp Can Change All Elements In Block To Layer 0 Except Layer Defpoint

Sep 3, 2013

I need a lisp can change all elements in block to layer 0 except layer defpoint but still keep linetype, color as it is.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Change Color Of Text Frames On Active Layer?

Mar 3, 2013

Okay my script to change text frame color changes the color of all text frames hidden or not.

I need it to only change visible text frames.
if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
newCMYKColor = new CMYKColor(); = 0;
newCMYKColor.cyan = 0;
newCMYKColor.magenta = 0;
newCMYKColor.yellow = 0;
How to go about making it only change the color of text frames on the active layer? In the final script I will hide all other layers so if it could be done by a visible attribute more easily that would work just as well.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Block Is Created On Layer 0 Versus A Regular Layer

Nov 14, 2013

what does it mean when someone says a block is created on layer 0 vs a regular layer?

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