I've been able to ignore the transparency in PNG images when needed by using "Layer>Layer mask>From Transparency" and then deleting the mask created.
However, importing an image sequence as a Timeline, this option is not available. What should I do instead? (Other than using After Effects to re-output my image sequence without transparency)
The problem: I am importing a PNG sequence into After Effects (CS 5.5), however AE refuses to see the Alpha channel contained within the sequence. Now before anyone jumps the gun and says, "But wait, PNG does not really support alpha, it just supports transparency!" Right, something I just learned, and still -- quite honestly -- baffles the heck out of me.
But anyway, another PNG sequence exported from the exact same program, imports into After Effects just fine with an "alpha channel" and all. I double-checked, and there is NOT an option in the program to export the PNG without transparency info.
Importing sample images from each sequence reveals the EXACT SAME THING ... both have transparency, but NEITHER have an alpha-channel per se.
1) why in the heck AE would interpret one's transparency, and not the other?2) Is there a way to FORCE AE to see the transparency of the one?3) IF not, is there something out there that will convert the PNG's with transparency to another format (TIF, TGA, PSD) with an alpha? I just don't want to have to re-render the sequences again.
Is there any way to get a sequence of frames into Photoshop and have the layer visibility set up to play straight away ?
What I mean is, I'm using Bridge to import ....Tools > Photoshop > Load Files into Photoshop layers, and was wondering if the frame visibility could be automatically set to play the animation.
Currently all the layers come in visible and I have to "Alt" click the layer visibility in each frame....can be a pita with large animations. It would be cool if I imported frames 1 to 50 and PS set them up to play in order as imported.
I have 280 extracted frames from a 12 sec. mp4 clip. I've cut-out the main object to get rid of the background and saved all the files as png. How can I bring this to a HTML5 Animation to place it on a page that will be showed on ipad-air (no animated gif and no flash)
I have a file on my computer that contains photos from two cameras that took photos over the same three week timespan. I have sorted them by date and time. When I import the file the photos from one camera show first followed by the photos from the other camera. How can I import or resort in LR3 to have photos in date/time sequence?
When I import images as a sequence in AE CC (v., I select an image, then check the 'JPEG Sequence'. Sometimes I have folders that contain missing files, in that I case I also check 'Force Alphabetical Order'.
However, it seems that this is not working correctly now. Some part of the sequence is correct, but there are also some images that appear at random places in the sequence. Is this a bug? What should I do to avoid this?
Though I am a long time CorelDraw user I've recently download VideoStudio Pro trial. The problem I am having is importing a sequence of animation images (360 total at 30frames/sec) The images where render and exported from Lightwave3D (jpg)
The only way I found to import the images was through the capture button and that worked fine. Once that was done imported VS editor and exported to several formats...
the problem is the sequence is choppy and not smooth it is a wee bit choppy the 30 frames/sec imports fine but the final play back is not smooth as it should be. If I export directly to video from Lightwave the playback is smooth. I'd render direct from LW but LW is is a wee bit wonky at time when writing direct to video format. LW prefers direct to image then you would composite in a 3rd party program
I tried VS video at 60 frames, 15 frames that made no difference at all the same unsmooth playback
How do I import a sequence of images at 30/sec so then export so that the playback is smooth.
I have a huge series of PNG images (name 1, name 2 ...) and I want to import them individually not as a sequence. I also like to set them to a specific length, if possible.
My assistant and I are working on 2 different computers tied to a server. We need to be able to pass sequences back and forth. Unfortunately, Premiere seems to be adding the associated media files with each sequence import. Our project has fast become a mess of duplicate media. Also, I noticed this "new feature" listed on the Adobe site: An option has been added to not consolidate duplicates on import.Will this fix this problem?
I wish to import a mixture of Images and videos taken in date sequence by my camera. img and avi.
They import into the library but sort automatically by name or by type (effectivly the same) But when I select sort by date (to get them into the sequence in which they were taken) nothing happens.How to do this? Or does the function not work?
The video I will produce needs to be in date/time order. Is it just that the "time" is not used in the sort and everything taken in one day will not be sorted in chronological order?
I am looking for a way to import a sequence of images that represent an object spinning. I'd like to be able to import these onto the timeline and have it play thru the images by turning them on/off at the correct time. I basically want to do the same way that you can do in Flash when importing an image sequence.
I'm trying to print a 24 x 34 print to an HP Z3100.Everything sets fine in the HP driver, but when it comes back to the Photoshop print dialog box, PS still thinks it's printing to an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet.
How do I get Photoshop to 'listen' to what the printer is supposed to be doing?
After selecting 2 (or more) files and right clicking and choosing Multi camera sequence from source, I drag the newly created sequence on to the time line but all I get is the two files on the time line stacked over one another. the sequence never gets created.
I have an action I have been using once every year for several years in a batch automation process in Photoshop. Its purpose is to resize all the images in a specified folder and save the new versions (using the same filename) in another folder. Both folders are specified in the Batch dialogue, which is also set to override any Action 'Save As' commands. This procedure worked without any difficulties using CS4. Today, I tried running it for the first time under CS6 and it failed on the very first image.
The problem is that it is triggering a request for my permission to save the image as a copy. The reason is that it is trying to save the modified file in the source folder and ignoring my specified (different) destination folder.
I often run actions that have modal control for certain steps turned on, in particular, when I want to give a layer a custom name. Prior to CS6, I'd run my action, the window would open allowing me to rename my layer, and then it finishes my action. However, in CS6, it seems to ignore the modal control button selected, puts in whatever the default info is and continues on.
I have followed this tutorial [URL] To delete the background which is white in this case. The area was selected with fuzzy tools, then transparency added. Deleted background. All worked well. Problem is, saving as a jpg will not include a white background, which I DO not want.
I want to import this image into Inkscape, and have the background on my business card to show up to the edge of the jpg image I have on the card.
So what can I save this image that had its background deleted into another format that does NOT add white as a background and imported into Inkscape?
I've received floorplans from a client in PDF format. When I import or open the PDF, all of the outlines are coming in with a transparency applied to them (see attached png). I can't work with the file like this because DRAW is just choking. There are thousands of these lines and I can't figure a way to remove the transparency from all the outlines.
I have exported a dashed line from some CAD software (KASEMAKE) as a PDF. When viewed in acrobat and zoomed in, you can clearly see the dashes. When opening in Illustrator it comes in as one solid line. Corel Draw opens it correctly too. I cannot find any import settings for bringing in a PDF in Illustrator. I have uploaded the PDF file to a dropbox so that people can see it. [URL].
I included the user dictionary into my InDesign document. And I set the settings to break the hyphenation only after 3 letters, but InDesign is breaking the words even after 1 letter as per my user dictionary. whether InDesign will not consider my own settings for user dictionary terms?
I am attempting to extrude cut an object which passes through another but I wish for the cut to ignore the other geometry and only cut the other. I have attached the model. I do not wish the cut to cut throuh the curved surface and only through the vertical pieces seen. Is there an option to cut and ignore certain solid bodies in the process? This is not an assembly btw.
There is a method for extruding ignoring the actual active layer, so the extrussion result is the same as 2D base object...(and is not created in active layer) i forgot how coul i do this, is really useful
Using CS6 on Windows 7 and Illustrator has decided not to acknowledge my Ctrl key, Shify key or space bar.
I have tried resetting Illustrator and even deleted the App data files but it didn't work. I found people with similar problems but never a solid solution. I even uninstalled evernote when some person said that worked for them.
At the moment if I try to undo I get the Zoom tool and I can no longer save with Ctrl + S, I can't bring up the hand tool with space or use any of the more common shorctcuts. This problem only affects Illustrator in all other programs the keys work fine, including other programs in CS6.
The linetype set in the active standard for section line is totally ignored when creating a section view. We have our line type set to 'Long Dash Dot' as per the BS8888 standard but it changes it to a 'Long Dash Short Dash' line. We use the same linetype on the centerline layer with no problem. Why does this not work??
I would like the two pictures to blend in the middle from left to right. The picture on the left will be sharpe on the left side but fade/transparent by the time it reaches the middle. The picture on the right will be sharpe on the right side but fade/transparent in the middle.
I would think I need a gradient transparency (you always have to use a color)
I see pictures like this all the time, but can not seem to find the correct feature or combinations of features.
Each time I batch process thumbnails in CS6 v13.1.2x64 I've noticed that the resulting thumbnails do not match the sequence of the original photos the thumbs are batched from.
Is this a fault with CS6 or a lack of communication between my Nikon, Mac and Adobe?
The original full sized photos are JPEG fresh out of the camera and havent been preprocessed. I will add that if I do apply batch filter to the full size photos, they too are pushed out of their original numerical sequence.