Paint Shop Pro :: X4 SP1 Reverts To Tabbed Documents On MDI Restore

Dec 5, 2011

PSP x4 SP1, EDIT view. I disabled tabbed documents. If I minimize a pic or pics and then restore, the pic or pics restore into tabs. When I subsequently go to Window >Tabbed Document and click, all of the pics cascade (ignoring my preference to have the MDI windows fit the pictures). The Window > Tabbed Documents command is never unchecked throughout all of this. I can't make it be unchecked - it remains checked.

Palettes that I don't use open seemingly at random on my custom workspace after restarting the software, even though I have the NEVER automatically show palettes option set in preferences

I had given up on x4, but I thought I'd try the service pack. Corel did fix the copy/paste offset error. But, after a few hours of configuring (again) and playing with SP1, I still think that x4 is not ready for prime time. I feel that it is a waste of upgrade money and a regrettable waste of my time.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Tabbed Windows Turn Off

Feb 6, 2012

I have turned off tabbed windows in the Window menu and can now open my images in their own automatically sized windows as before. The problem is that if for any reason I double click on an open image, all images switch back to tabbed mode. To revert to non-tabbed mode I then have to use the Window menu again but it then cascades the images in identically sized windows and to get back to my original layout I have to click each one in turn and select "Fit to Image" from the Window menu.

Why would I double click an image in the first place? Well normally I wouldn't but it is surprising how easily it can be done by accident. If at that time I have 20-30 images open, which is often the case, it is very time consuming to reset them all.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Undo Default Tabbed View?

Dec 7, 2011

how to undo the default tabbed view? I prefer to see all images, especially when using the clone brush.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Can't Get Scanner To Stop Scanning Documents

Jan 4, 2012

I can't seem to get my scanner to stop scanning documents in PS Pro...I have a letter I wanted to scan and email but it gets attached to the email as a Jpeg and opens only with PS. Not good for the reciever. How do I set up PS so it is not the default for scanned items?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Unable To Open EPS Documents From Illustrator 13

Sep 6, 2010

I'm trying to open some AMD partner logos, and they're in EPS format. I tried opening them in PSPX2 originally, and it gave the error that "This PostScript file is either not valid or contains unsupported features" so I tried PSPX3 and the same thing is happening. I tried opening them in Notepad to see if there was anything in there to identify the program that was used to create them and it appears to be Illustrator 13. I don't have Illustrator 13, so how do I resolve this issue with PSPX3?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Move Work Files / Folders Out Of My Documents

Aug 21, 2013

Since My Documents is where I put all my *useful* files/folders, I like to keep it clean and organized. I don't want it cluttered up with folders that programs are using to store "work" files, as is the case with PSP. I went to preferences and laboriously changed ALL File Locations to the user/my-name/appdata/...etc. area. But when I saved, exited and reloaded PSP, those folders were created again. Checking the File Locations in preferences again showed that the appdata ones I had put in were still the top (primary) folder option, but the ones directing the files to "documents" had been created again as the third entry in each category.

How can I keep these folders/files OUT of My Documents?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Can Restore X6 User Preferences After A Reinstall

Dec 29, 2013

I lost my Windows 7 system disk, and reinstalled on a new disk. I have reinstalled PSP X6, but I really want to restore all those favorite user preferences/settings.

Corel does not let us bring settings over from version to version, but surely I can restore my X6 settings to this reinstall?

I have a backup of almost! everything that was on my drive, and have restored my user files, and my profiles for many applications. But where are the PSP settings stored?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Lost Corel X5 During System Restore Now Cannot Reinstall It

Dec 21, 2012

I went through a system restore yesterday. Im not sure how maybe somebody scheduled it without me knowing. Anyway I have tried and tried to reinstall Paint Shop Pro X5 but something pops up saying "Your system has not been modified. To complete istallation another time, please run setup again."

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Resampling Then Saving JPG But It Reverts To Previous Size?

Sep 26, 2010

This happens only occasionally. I have a file open in PP5. I resample the image -- reduce the physical size from, in this case, 53 inches to 8 inches high, and increase resolution from 72 to 300 dpi, with the resulting file size smaller than the original. I save the file, then import into my layout in Coreldraw. The imported file is back to 72 dpi and the physical size is huge. I reopen the file in PP, resample again, and resave under a new file name. Same problem occurs when I import into Draw. Of course, I can physically shrink the file to 3 inches high and the resulting dpi will be 300.

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Paint.NET :: How To Restore Layers

Sep 15, 2012

When I saved my file, I saved it as a jpeg because I hadn't saved it until done with it. But since I saved it as a JPEG, I closed out and it notified me about the flattening process, which I am familiar with, so I ignored it because it said something about being able to undo the process.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Set Order In Which Documents Are Sent To Printer

Jun 18, 2012

I want to print multiple documents with a duplex printer, so I need to set the order in which the documents are sent to the printer. In the Print dialog box, when I select "Documents" in the "Print range", I can select the documents to print, but I cannot set the order in which they're printed. I appears that the order is in reverse alphabetical (how logical!). As far as I can tell, the only way to determine the order is to rename the files (using Save As). Interestingly, if I "Save As" a pdf or "Publish to PDF", the documents are in the order in which they were loaded or created.

If you're going to offer the ability to print or export multiple documents as a single file, it seems that there should be some way to order the documents first.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: How To Restore Link To Paint

Oct 18, 2013

Draw froze yesterday and I had to force close it. When I started working today, I noticed that the 'Edit bitmap' link in the tool bar and drop down menu is grayed out. I've tried F8 and all that did was delete all my darn preferences.  Beyond F8, are there any other options?

PC - Windows XP - DRAW X6  Update

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Paint.NET :: Restore Start Screen To Be In Full Width

Nov 9, 2012

How can I restore my start screen to be it's full width.

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Paint.NET :: How To Restore Default Canvas Size Settings

Apr 6, 2012

I'm new to Paint.NET and i just made a picture and adjusted the canvas size. I want to know how to restore default canvas size settings.

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Paint.NET :: Minimize / Restore Buttons For Tool Windows

May 3, 2011

I'm always having to move my tool windows around, out of the way, or close them entirely when trying to see and work with my images.

Wouldn't it be great if we could simply minimize one or more of the tool windows to the bottom of the application screen? Then the tools remain INSIDE the current dimensions of the app, and can be restored to normal size with a keystroke or a click. Shouldn't be too hard to implement.

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 Will Not Restore Catalogs From Ext Hard Dive After Full System Restore?

Aug 27, 2012

catalogs, I got error message about getting current drivers for hard drive. My hard drive is Western Digital which is supported by Windows 7.

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Photoshop Elements :: Couldn't Restore File In Restore Catalog

Oct 8, 2012

I have a new computer and want to move the databse catalog over. I backed up in PSE 9 to an external hard drive. I connected to HD to the new computer and tried a resotre catalog. I chose "New Location" since I was going from XP to Windows 7 and was unsure if there would be a conflict with file locations. I also chose "Restore Original Floder Strucure". Very quickly I recieve an error message "Could not restor file .xml". I have run Restore Catalog several times and each time a DIFFERENT FILE receives the error message. I then disabled Norton Anti Virus Auto-Protect. I then disabled several programs running in the background. Same problem. I then copied the Backup Catalog to the new computer and tried to Restore it from there. Same Problem. I have now run a Repair Catalog on the original file. PSE states there is no error. I want to purchas PSE 11, but wanted to install/restore the database with the same version 9 first.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Exporting Frames From Animation Shop

Dec 24, 2011

Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:

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Photoshop :: CS4 Tabbed Image Mode?

Oct 25, 2008

How does one drag a layer from one image to another in tabbed mode?

I'm forcing myself to work with the tabbed image interface as I assume someone thought this new feature was a good idea.

I often drag or shift+drag layers from one image to another, whether it be adjustments or image elements that need to be placed (in register) as a layer in another open image.

But when I use the tabbed interface mode any attempt to drag a layer from one tab to another does not work.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Script A Tabbed UI

May 26, 2012

Is it possible to script a tabbed ui like this, i can't seem to get it to work,
My script for now:
#target illustrator
function tabbed_ui(){


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Illustrator Scripting :: How Tabbed Panels Work

Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying to set up a simple dialog just to understand how tabbed panels work, here's my code:
]var ADAPTwinResource =
"dialog {

This gives me an error of:"Bad Argument: Invalid Resource Format"...I'm at a loss to find the error.  I'm a simple SIMPLE dialog at this point.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Will Animation Shop Run On Windows 7 Next To X4?

Oct 28, 2011

I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.

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Photoshop :: Tabbed Windows Float In Space / Can They Lock In Place

Jun 7, 2012

In CS5, you could have mulitple images open in tabs, and there would be no additioanal padding around the canvas area; the image would lock in place to the upper left.
Now in tabs in CS6, the canvas floats in space. Any way to have tabs and get rid of the space/padding?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Print Layout Similar To That In Paint Shop Pro?

Sep 25, 2012

Is there a Print Layout in X5 similar to that in Paint Shop Pro? 

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Paint Shop Pro :: Paint Brush And Eraser Stopped Working

Apr 9, 2011

My program worked just great, then all of a sudden the paint brush and eraser will not do a thing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Measuring Between Tabbed Parts And Lost Dimensions With Replace Model Reference

Aug 27, 2012

Two different problems (questions). These are IV2012 files but the problems are the same in 2013.

Open the two attached ipt's. Launch the Measure Distance tool and measure between the blue an red face on the DimTest. It should read 1 inch.

Change to DimTest Derive using the tabs on the status line. Measure still gives 1 in. Change precision to All Decimals. The mouse pointer changes to calipers and the distance now measure 1.004 (which is correct)

Switch back to DimTest again using the tabs.

Measure again and notice the mouse pointer still shows the calipers which imply that it is going to return all decimals but the dimension given is still just 1 inch. Either the mouse pointer should change back or all decimals should stick.

OpenDimTest.dwg. Manage> Modify> Replace Model Reference and pick DimTestDerive.

ALL dims disappear and the origin indicator goes sick.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Create Paint Drips In Design

Aug 20, 2011

if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Change Color Of Paint Brush In X3?

May 15, 2012

I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.

Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?

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AutoCad :: New Set Up Reverts Tool Palette Location

Sep 20, 2013

It seems unlike previous PC's, when i sart up AutoCAD my new set up reverts the location of the tool palletes to open center to my screen 1 even after i have positioned it on screen two.

I understand the tool palette should hold its location in the position i last placed it.. in screen two. as do you toolbars....

Why does the tool palette keep reverting back the center location on my screen, not where it was placed

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AutoCad :: DIMSTYLE Reverts To Some Unknown Setting

Jul 17, 2013

I have a set of dimensions, which for the purposes of the 1/2"=1'-0" viewport, are set to a scale of 24x. If I go to adjust some, not all, just some of the dimensions, it kicks it to 576x; this happens if I adjust the placement/grips of the dimension, or even change the precision from 1/32" to 1/8". In the DIMSTYLE dialogue box, I have everything set to the precision and scale I need; I UPDATE all dim's in the layout, and some, not all, still stay at 576x and 1/32".

One "workaround" is to just get all the dim's in place and MATCH them all to the one dimension that is and stays at 24x & 1/8" prec; however, this is a hassle given how many dim's are on this struc. sheet. This is made a little easier using LAYISO, but I want it done correctly as I move forward and not have to keep double-checking every d*** dim before plotting or sending the file to someone else.

Is there some setting, presumably that keeps overriding all of my overrides and settings adjustments? I don't understand how I can create a new dim, and it follows my settings like normal, but I go to adjust it, and it's 576x|1/32", which I cannot track to any setting within DIMSTYLE.

ACAD '10

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Severity Rating Reverts To 3 When Hit Submit?

Jan 28, 2011

severity rating reverts to 3 when hit submit?

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