AutoCAD Map 3D :: Severity Rating Reverts To 3 When Hit Submit?

Jan 28, 2011

severity rating reverts to 3 when hit submit?

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AutoCad :: Submit Metric Drawing For Proposed Borehole

Aug 30, 2011

I am very new to Autocad. Last time I used it was around 1996 and it is a whole new beast today. I am using Autocad 2012 at the moment.

I need to submit a metric drawing for a proposed borehole amongst utilities that I have been forwarded in .dwg format. The scale needs to be 1:250. I have copied and pasted the utilities information into a new drawing, where I've added my borehole with dimensions, company title block, and some additional notation.

In a system where scaling seems to be varied by zooming, plotting, and drawing - how do I achieve 1:250 scale for submission of this plan?

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Photoshop :: Submit Images To The Contest?

Sep 21, 2002

I have been working on a T-shirt image and am nearly done, but I can't seem to find where to submit my entry.

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Photoshop :: Submit Files In JPEG For Printing?

Sep 26, 2013

I need to submit files in JPEG for printing. I started with a 105 MB TIFF file in PS and when I save as JPEG on quality 12 I end up with a 5 MB JPEG. Does this sound right - I am wanting an A3 print.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Submit Animation Project To Someone

Jan 30, 2013

How to submit an animation project to a remote co-worker, or to a client?

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AutoCad :: New Set Up Reverts Tool Palette Location

Sep 20, 2013

It seems unlike previous PC's, when i sart up AutoCAD my new set up reverts the location of the tool palletes to open center to my screen 1 even after i have positioned it on screen two.

I understand the tool palette should hold its location in the position i last placed it.. in screen two. as do you toolbars....

Why does the tool palette keep reverting back the center location on my screen, not where it was placed

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AutoCad :: DIMSTYLE Reverts To Some Unknown Setting

Jul 17, 2013

I have a set of dimensions, which for the purposes of the 1/2"=1'-0" viewport, are set to a scale of 24x. If I go to adjust some, not all, just some of the dimensions, it kicks it to 576x; this happens if I adjust the placement/grips of the dimension, or even change the precision from 1/32" to 1/8". In the DIMSTYLE dialogue box, I have everything set to the precision and scale I need; I UPDATE all dim's in the layout, and some, not all, still stay at 576x and 1/32".

One "workaround" is to just get all the dim's in place and MATCH them all to the one dimension that is and stays at 24x & 1/8" prec; however, this is a hassle given how many dim's are on this struc. sheet. This is made a little easier using LAYISO, but I want it done correctly as I move forward and not have to keep double-checking every d*** dim before plotting or sending the file to someone else.

Is there some setting, presumably that keeps overriding all of my overrides and settings adjustments? I don't understand how I can create a new dim, and it follows my settings like normal, but I go to adjust it, and it's 576x|1/32", which I cannot track to any setting within DIMSTYLE.

ACAD '10

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Paint Shop Pro :: Corel Survey Keeps Popping Up But May Never Submit?

Jan 11, 2012

Twice now using PSP X4 I have got a message encouraging me to complete a 5 minute survey. I take the survey, press submit at the end, and get an annoying window to a Corel X4 ad page with no browser controls. The please take a survey message window is still there underneath. When I close the Corel X4 ad window, is asks if I really want to cancel?

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Lightroom :: Convert Images To CMYK To Submit For Article

Jan 10, 2013

I need to convert images to CMYK to submit photos for an article. I know Photoshop will convert, but don't know which software. If Lightroom does not convert to CMYK, which would I need to get?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Xloadpath - Location Reverts To Default

Feb 21, 2013

We are having an issue with the xloadpath variable.  We currently have a bunch of .ac$ files in the project folders on the network.  We are trying to set the temp xref file location to the same folder as the temp drawing files (located on each user's hard drive). 

After specifying a location for these temp files, the location is blank once the drawing is closed and opened again (which means they are in the folders on the network).

Why is this folder location resetting to default (no location given) when the drawing is closed and opened up again?  Shouldn't this be the same as selecting the folder for the temp drawing files?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Drawing Reverts To Wireframe Every Time Close It?

Nov 23, 2011

After doing a few renders, my drawing now reverts to wireframe every time I close it, save it, regen. how to stop this from happening? It will basically not stay in 2D wireframe and the dwg has become very sluggish.

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Edge Animate CC :: Change Text On Submit Button In EdgeHero Forms?

Jan 8, 2014

How to customize the Submit button in EdgeHero forms? I would like the button to say something other than "Submit". I tried embedding text into the rectangle, but when the page is rendered in a browser, it throws the text outside of the submit button box and it still says "Submit" on the button.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating Labels - Text Reverts Back To Layer 0

May 15, 2013

When I am trying to label an object, surface slope, elevation or lot line distance my text reverts back to layer 0.  I have checked the Label style composser and have everything that I see set to the layer I want it on.  When creating the label I am even physically on the proper layer but when I make the label it still goes to 0.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Iproperty Reverts Back To Original Value After File Is Saved

Apr 11, 2012

In the attached file there are two custom iProperties that cannot be perminantly updated nor deleted. The iProperties are "size" and "purch_qty". These iProperties were created and set using a custom macro but they are of course accessable via the standard iProperties dialog. I can change the values for these particular iProperties but as soon as I save the file they revert back to their original values. Same goes for trying to delete them. All other iProperties, custom and otherwise, seem to behave normally.

The sketch in this file originated with a 2D DXF file for a vendor supplied aluminum extrusion quite a few years back. The original file has been copied (save-as...) to about 20 different files over the years. The iProperties in question were added years after most of the files were created, Each file is exibiting the same problem. These files are used in a LOT of assemblies. The thought of recreating all these files from scratch and updating the assemblies is not very inviting.

No other IPT files seem to be having this issue.

Inventor 2012 SP-1
Acad 2012 SP-1
Vault 2012 Update 1 Hotfix DL18480860
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP-1
Quad core Xeon 2.26GHz 12 GB
Quadro 4000, 7936 Mb, driver (265.70), Dual Monitors
SpacePilot Pro, driver

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Orifice Rating Curve Calculated Incorrectly In SSA

Sep 14, 2012

I noticed today that the orifice rating curve for orifices is being calculated incorrectly in SSA.  The head is being calculated to the orifice invert instead of to the orifice centerline.  This probably has a minor (or no) effect if tailwater conditions are present

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Lightroom :: Upgrade It To 4.2 / Develop Section Reverts To 3

Nov 28, 2012

When a photo comes into develop section, initially the Basic sliders are shown in the new 4.2 choices with the sliders centered.  As soon as the photo is ready to edit, the Basic section reverts to the Lightroom 3 choices.

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Photoshop :: Dragging Window Reverts To Original Position

Apr 15, 2013

I drop multiple photos into Photoshop then drag one at a time away from the tab bar in order to place these photos onto one layered image. I can do this but the photo I have dragged down remains positioned where i dragged it to and cant be freely moved to another part of the screen. It springs back like its on a rubber band. This is a problem when I wish to close the floating window and don't have the top right close button visible.

I have to return it to the tab top bar in order to open it then close the window. I previous versions of PS this was not a problem and now requires all these extra steps to solve. Its very frustrating when I have to work like this all day. I have PS CS6 on MS WIN7. Is there a preference selection I can make. I want to make photoshop windows behave like MS windows and remain where I drag them to.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Workspace On Startup Reverts Back To Default

Jul 28, 2013

I've created my own workspace and saved it. When I shut down coreldraw and it reverts back to default and I have to manually set it back to use the one I saved.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 SP1 Reverts To Tabbed Documents On MDI Restore

Dec 5, 2011

PSP x4 SP1, EDIT view. I disabled tabbed documents. If I minimize a pic or pics and then restore, the pic or pics restore into tabs. When I subsequently go to Window >Tabbed Document and click, all of the pics cascade (ignoring my preference to have the MDI windows fit the pictures). The Window > Tabbed Documents command is never unchecked throughout all of this. I can't make it be unchecked - it remains checked.

Palettes that I don't use open seemingly at random on my custom workspace after restarting the software, even though I have the NEVER automatically show palettes option set in preferences

I had given up on x4, but I thought I'd try the service pack. Corel did fix the copy/paste offset error. But, after a few hours of configuring (again) and playing with SP1, I still think that x4 is not ready for prime time. I feel that it is a waste of upgrade money and a regrettable waste of my time.

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Photoshop :: Brightness/ Contrast Doesn't Work, Reverts To Eyedropper

Oct 23, 2005

Having trouble with my Photoshop 7. When I want to use the Brightness/Contrast adjustment within the Image/Adjustment section the scroll bars for brightness/contrast do not come up. An eyedropper tool appears. When this happens I can only click on the image and change the color squares on the left in the tools area. I can't even close the image or close the program. I have to Alt/ctrl/delete to close the program. I've also uninstalled the program & reloaded but this problem continues.

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Illustrator :: Can't Finish Previewing File And Reverts To Outline Mode

Feb 13, 2013

I have Illustrator CS6 running on a 2011 iMac, 4GB RAM. Error message states it cannot finish previewing file and reverts to outline mode. I've read that this issue should have been fixed with the 64 bit upgrade in CS6. How can I improve the performance? More RAM?

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AutoCAD LT :: Modify Border Offset Factor From Default Of 1.5 / Factor Reverts Back To 1.0

Feb 6, 2006

When using mtext and a background mask and try to modify the border offset factor from the default of 1.5 , the factor reverts back to 1.0. If I type in 1.25 or 1.75, it will not save it and revert to 1.0. If I put in a larger number like 2.0 or 3.0, that factor will be retained.

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InDesign :: Submit Form Button Doesn't Work In Interactive Form Opened In Reader Created In 6

Oct 8, 2012

One of the features I was really looking forward to  in CS6 was creating fillable forms with ONE application. I created a form following the step by step instructions in classroom in  a book for CS6.  When I opened the exported form in Reader X, I get a "This operation is not permitted" error. I opened the completed "end" document in the lesson to make sure  I didn't commit an error, and I got the same message when exporting. I have looked for places in menus to modify security restrictions and I can't find any. I installed the updates and that didn't solve the issue.
I saw one solution posted which is to open the document in Acrobat, then do a "save as" option.   Is there anything we can do that doesn't involve buying additional software? If this is not the case, then Adobe seriously needs to change its training and advertising about this functionality.

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Photoshop :: Rating And Labelling Images

Aug 13, 2007

rating and labelling images. When I go to do so, I get a message that says "Labels and Ratings are stored in XMP metadata. If a file does not have a method to store XMP they will be stored in cache only." ?

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Lightroom :: Keep Star Rating After Export?

Feb 13, 2014

I can't seem to keep my star ratings on my files after I export them to JPG. My export settings are set to keep "All" metadata, but this doesn't seem to change it.

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Lightroom :: Showing One Rating At A Time?

Apr 15, 2012

I notice that when viewing by rating (1, 2, 3, stars...) the program defaults to viewing the rating you choose and above.  So, say I want to just see four star photos, it's showing me four and five star photos.  Is there any way to set the rating function to only show those star rated photos I want to see?

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Lightroom :: Conflict With Rating Image

Jul 12, 2013

I'm working on image in a collection that I created. I give image 4 stars and a color when I'm done working on them in the Development module.After opening the Preset and using some of them, as soon as I was giving a star rating to an image, I was automatically brought to the next image - which is not the normal behavior of Lightroom.So, I close the Presets "module" and re-clicked my Collection and then it stopped. It's hard to re-create a problem like this. But this is the only thing I've done differently and I've been retouching over 500 images without encountering this problem before.I'm working with the latest Lightroom 5 version.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Dimension Style Reverts To Different Style

May 7, 2012

I am working with a template, that doesn't allow me to change the dimension style. In the project the Use Style Library is set to Read/Write. I have created my dimension style, at this point just a copy of the ANSI standard with a text size difference. I went to my template and set that syle as my default, and saved it. Now the fact that it doesn't automatically update the drawing I had alreadycreated is a nuisance, however if I creat a new drawing, the style has reverted to a different standard, that is not even the ANSI default. If I right click a dimension and change the dimstyle to what I saved it does update, but if I try to change the style again it defaults to a random dimstyle, AND changes the style even if I hit cancel. So... the question is how to make the changes stick?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Resampling Then Saving JPG But It Reverts To Previous Size?

Sep 26, 2010

This happens only occasionally. I have a file open in PP5. I resample the image -- reduce the physical size from, in this case, 53 inches to 8 inches high, and increase resolution from 72 to 300 dpi, with the resulting file size smaller than the original. I save the file, then import into my layout in Coreldraw. The imported file is back to 72 dpi and the physical size is huge. I reopen the file in PP, resample again, and resave under a new file name. Same problem occurs when I import into Draw. Of course, I can physically shrink the file to 3 inches high and the resulting dpi will be 300.

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Illustrator :: Paintbrush Tool Reverts To Color / Fill None - Cannot Draw / Trace Anything

Jan 14, 2014

I am fairly new to Illustrator. I am trying to trace an image using the brush tool. I can get some lines in and for some reason the brush tool begins to revert to fill none effectively just making invisible lines. I have the parent image on its separate layer and the line art on another layer. Layers are unlocked. When I use the brush it will look as if it is deleting/erasing what is shown on both layers. The brush tool is effectively erasing what is there already instead of drawing.
I tried searching for a couple days now and the best I could find is this: [URL] ...
I tried everything mentioned in the thread and it still isn't working. In fact I think the OP in that thread never really solved his issue too. I can barely even get my line art down.

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Photoshop Elements :: 12 Organizer - Zoom Feature Reverts After Instant Fix Application

Nov 19, 2013

In PSE12, Organizer, when I zoom in to see a photo, and apply Smart Fix or Rotate left or right. when the program finishes, I see the save icon, then the screen zooms out to the page with the first file in the folder.  Quite annoying when I'm trying to see the effects of the Smart Fix.  I have to refind the photo and zoom in again.  I'd like to stay where i was until i get a chance to look at the corrections.  How do I stop that?

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