Paint Shop Pro :: Where Is NO COLOR In X4 Materials Pallet
Sep 1, 2012
Coming from Pspx2 into Pspx4 this week. Applied a text title to a border on an image yesterday. Accustomed to having just a background colour for plain text. Went to click off the foreground colour and could not find a choice for NO COLOUR in the foreground Also No text box.....what happened to the text box?
What is the procedure for plain text with a single colour now in Pspx4
I scanned a document into PSP X5 and I am trying to use the materials palette to highlight (in red) certain spots on the document. The palette defaults to grey shades only. I reset the workspace to factory defaults and even tried the SHIFT-START - without luck. However, if I open any color images, the palette shows full color options. if this is a problem with how I scanned the document into PSP X5?
I have placed the History pallet on the right side to join Layers and Materials several times. I have saved Workplaces to include that History pallet.It does not stick.Reopen Psp and no history pallet.
Replace History and it will hide and stay there for that session.Is there a trick for getting the History palette to stay?
The first comment is when starting X4, viewing MANAGE tab and mousing over INFO pallet which is in auto-rollup mode on the upper right margin, Info opens to the General tab. It would be best for me to see the EXIF data as default. Maybe X4 could remember what Info tab is/was displayed?
Secondly, my Canon PowerShot SX230 has GPS tagging capability, and I'm not seeing GPS coordinates in ANY of the Info tabs. I think this info is necessary and is one of the reasons I bought the camera. Corel could include HYPERLINK capabilities in the Info space someday. See attached view of Canon Map Utility. How about an EXPORT to Google Earth function with mapping data and photo attachment?
I do not use most of the default presets in the crop pallet. I use my own and when I go to the Corel X4 presets dir. Mine are there but the default set are not listed (hidden files?). How can I delete the ones I do not want from the default set so that the ones I have created stay on top?
What is made in an exact moment (2:50) of the tutorial bellow, in which "history" pallet is used together selection to extract object. It seems to bring a better result than using "object extractor" tool.
So, my question is related to handling the "history" pallet as showed in 2:50 tutorial. It seems the "undo" is applied to the first "selection" action, but I couldn't make as in the tutorial. My PSP version is X4 and the tutorial version is X2. I don't know if something has changed and I am unable to make it in PSPX4.
Whenever PSP X4 is restarted, the Materials Palette reverts to factory defaults. All the saved colours I have used are lost, and the background/foreground are both black.
Is there an option that can override this so it remembers the last settings? My workspace has been customized and properly saved in every aspect except the Materials Palette. It always reverts back to default settings.
Have lost my materials palette from the working window.I go view-palettes and Material is checked.Ditto when I go Palettes-Material.F6 does not do anything.
When modifying bitmap all of a sudden my colors in my standard pallet change to just a few colors. When I try to open another pallet (standard RGB or something else) it won't give me back the colors. I have to save my work and start PP again. Then I can go on.
I have been happily using PSP X4 & previous versions back to 6. Suddenly my materials pallette is all black & white, & nothing I do will bring up the colour picker . When printing the thumbnail is also blacked out, although the print is OK. First noticed it using the Border tool -it only shows black even though it is printing a white border !
I just started using PSP X4, but I have used previous versions of PSP in the past to do the following:
1. First, I use a different program (AutoCAD) that exports a .bmp. This bitmap has more than sixteen colors. 2. I open the .bmp in PSP. Then I load a 16 color palette (.pal file) by going to Image | Palette | Load Palette. This converts the .bmp to sixteen colors (just the colors that are included in the .pal file). 3. At this point, in previous versions of PSP, I am pretty sure that the Materials Palette would only display the colors from the .pal file that I had just loaded. Now with the new X4 version, it seems that the swatches shown in the Materials Palette have nothing to do with the .pal file I just loaded.
Is there a way I can force the Materials Palette to show the colors from my .pal file (and only the colors from my .pal file?
I am having trouble getting colors in Ink 'n Paint materials to render as specified. They appear washed out - brighter and in low saturation. It happens with both default and mental ray renderers, with or without exposure control on. It also happens if I create an all new scene with nothing but a single box and the default Ink 'n Paint material, using default render settings, not touching anything else - the blue is wrong in the render.
Maybe I am misunderstanding the material itself somehow or missing something else, but I imagined one of the points of the material is to force colors to render exactly as specified.
I'm exporting Tiff Prophoto files from Lightroom into PSPX4 for further processing. The images are 1 to 2 stops under exposed when compared to Lightroom's image.I have selected PSPX4 color profile to match LR export color space.
I have tried exporting the Tiffs as sRGB and adode1998 and still the images are under exposed. I have little knowledge about color management and have searched around the web for possible answers, but no luck.
For family history purposes, wish to improve the legibility of some hand written 1930 telegrams; the ink has faded with time so I want to change its colour to black. The form printing has not faded.
The user guide draws attention to the fact that the color selected for replacement must be in the image. Using the Dropper tool with sample size 1 pixel I position the dropper where I want it, see the color in the preview window, then right-click and the selected color appears in the background window on the Materials panel. So far, so good. I then place the Dropper tool over black in the swatch on the Materials panel, click and black appears in the Foreground window of the Materials panel. I think I'm set.
When I select the Color Replacer tool the background window immediately reverts to another color, usually white.Incidentally, the user guide suggests you read up on selecting colors with the Dropper; when you do this you learn that its OK to pick colors from the Materials panel.
I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.
Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?
I want to take HDR photo. I have 3 pictures JPG in AdobeRGB1998. When I giving HDR/MERGE EXPOSURE program automatically changing color profile of my pictures from AdobeRGB for sRGB. Why does it happen?
Just updated from X3 to X4. Spent an hour looking for the workspace color so I could get rid of the huge graphite box. Updated to SP1, found this forum, saw how to change the color in the files menu, and was very disappointed that the menu backgrounds changed, but not the BIG GRAPHITE BOX IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN!!
X3 gave us control of the colors. X4 is a big disappointment.what about the big graphite elephant in the room, the workspace?
When I try to print, the print placement dialogue box shows the image in greyscale, and when I click the options tab, the options to print color and CMYK separations are greyed out. Going ahead to print gives me a B&W print. The same file prints perfectly in color in PSP X3. What setting I need to tweak?
I understand many of the aspects of color management: gamut, color space, profiles, calibration, and most of the accompanying pieces. The problem is that I don't understand the inter-relationships of the various steps between taking a photo and printing it.
My equipment is not wonderful. If I were serious, I would have spent 10x what I did; but I'm not a pro. I'll settle for the best I can squeeze out of it. My goal, at this point, is to get my prints to look like what's on the screen.
For software I am using PSP X6 and Windows 8.1.
The photos I get come from various sources. As I understand it, those images (primarily JPEG if they come from a camera, presumably RAW if I scan directly into PSP) should have the profile of the capturing device embedded in them. Is that correct?
In the past I've been told that I should always use the color management in my editing application, rather than whatever Windows makes available. Is that still true? So far as I can tell, there is no way to turn off Windows Color Management (WCS).
You can turn off color management in PSP. There is a checkbox for it.I've been reading that I should set my PSP color working space to sRGB. Is that turned on and off by the color management checkbox? Assuming I have a profile for my capture device (camera or scanner), should I use that profile instead?
I have factory supplied profiles for both my monitor and my printer. Supposedly the printer will automatically select one of its various profiles based upon the paper I use, but that's a setting in WCS. (I can force a particular profile if I want.) In PSP's color management, I have to pick the profile manually.
Should I turn off color management in PSP, and set everything up in WCS? WCS has a setting for viewing conditions. The default is "WCS profile for sRGB viewing conditions", the alternative is "WCS profile for ICC viewing conditions". Does that mean that I could (or should) get an ICC profile based upon my work area's lighting, etc.
In the X3 version there was a menue setting for the color of the work space where you could change it and not have to use the Graphite color. In the X4 version there is nowhere to select non default color. There should be as not everyone wants to be forced into having it the default"graphite or whatever"color.
I am having a rather strange problem with PSP X14. I will describe my general workflow and where the problem occurs.
I do some editing to my photo and save it as a full size image. Next I resize it to a much smaller version for use online. I have no problems at all with these two steps. Next, I cancel the resized dimensions and resize it again to a file closer to the original size, after I sometimes sharpen it and add a canvas. Many of the thumbnails for this last step have horizontal color bars across the bottom of the thumbnail, ranging roughly from 1/16 to 1/3 of the image size. When I hit on it and open the file, the bar is not there. I tried opening this thumbnail in another photo editing program and when I have access to the thumbnails for opening, that bar is there on select images, and when I open the file, it's gone. Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to try printing it yet.
I've been following this basic formula for preparing and editing photos for a very long time and haven't had this problem until recently. And it's random, as not all images have this problem. I tried changing this process and reopening the full size file that has been edited and resize that one, but am getting the same random results. I have no problems with the thumbnails for the full size and the first reduced size images.
I have been a long time user of PSP...since v.7 and upgrade versions regularly. I'm running Windows 7 premium, 64-bit on a laptop with an Intel i-7 processor.
I downloaded the trial of PSPx4 and sadly enough the trial does not include Nik's Color Efex Pro 3 (CEP3). What I would like to see, is if the CEP3 window actually fills the screen, or if it is smaller and the user unable to "maximize" it.
I'm testing the trial of X4, and it opens in an unpleasant window which has a dark gray background - is it possible to change the color of this background?
I downloaded a trial version of PSP X4. When i export an image from ASP in ProPhoto RGB color profile, PSP insist to convert it to sRGB. I wonder what is the color profile that been used by PSP as the working space?
Any way to simply remove a color by replacing it with a transparency? More specifically, the background of my image is solid black but the object itself is a little too intricate to cut out via the selection tool.