I have successfully downloaded my Paintshop Pro 9 into my new computer with Windows 8 operating system. I am now trying to upload my Paint Shop Pro X2 upgrade but am getting error "The system cannot read from specified device"
How to stop X6 downloading the help file and the User Guide PDF from the internet every time that I want to view these from inside X6?
All these files are installed on my PC so why does X6 insist on conecting to the internet for them? I know that if I disconect from the internet (but why should I Corel?) the help files load off my hard drive but if I click on Help/User Guide (PDF) I get "File not found".
I am trying to download logins. On some of them I get the pop up that says windows has stopped the download because of a potential threat. I am running vista. I went into the security suite, and basically turned off all security, as I am not connected to the internet at this moment. But I have the same issues. This does not happen on all of them though.
I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.
I recently installed the Developer Preview of Windows 8. I already had PSP x4 installed in Windows 7 and it worked fine. Once I tried launching it after the upgrade if failed to load. I completely uninstalled PSP x4 and reinstalled. Still will not launch.
I need to reformat Windows 7. I Up Graded from PSP X4 to X5 with a down load. I do not have a X5 disk. When I reformat I will loose the program ( I Think) if I do, will I be able to down load X5 again with out being charged?
I just installed PaintShop Pro X4 trial version on windows 8 consumer preview. The installation went fine, however, I cannot start the program. I don't get any error, but it just doesn't start. How can I start using this program on windows 8. I tried it on windows 7, and it works without any issue. but I really like to use it on windows 8.
I've used PSP for many years and used the screen capture many a time. But I can't get it working fully on Windows 7 x64. I usually have it configured to use F10 to start the capture of an area. It was working a bit (but never with IE8) about 30 minutes ago but just isn't working at all now.
I have turned off tabbed windows in the Window menu and can now open my images in their own automatically sized windows as before. The problem is that if for any reason I double click on an open image, all images switch back to tabbed mode. To revert to non-tabbed mode I then have to use the Window menu again but it then cascades the images in identically sized windows and to get back to my original layout I have to click each one in turn and select "Fit to Image" from the Window menu.
Why would I double click an image in the first place? Well normally I wouldn't but it is surprising how easily it can be done by accident. If at that time I have 20-30 images open, which is often the case, it is very time consuming to reset them all.
I have been having problems with my PSP X2 releasing memory and had time today to reinstall. When I purchased my program it said it was compatible with windows 7, 64bit. Now I see on their web site that PSP X2 doesn’t support Windows 7. So if I uninstall and have problems reinstalling will I be SOL?
What happens if I uninstall and can’t reinstall? Also can’t I just go into Control Panel and tell it to uninstall?
I was working in Corel PaintShop Pro x4 when I noticed that there was an additional tab that was named the same as the file that I was currently working on but they were numbered 1 and 2. As I work on one file the other updates at the same time. I tried selecting "duplicate" under Windows but this duplicates the window as "Image #" and does not update when I change the original file.
I store all my photos in the directories under the public pictures folder, (C:Users Public Pictures) rather than in my pictures folder in my documents. I do this so that all the users on the system can get to the pictures.
I'm having problems getting Paint Shop Pro to recognize the folder correctly. I have added the c:users public pictures folder to the organizer using the Browse More Folders action and it shows up. However, the Smart Collections don't see any of the files in the folders under this dir.
My overall goal here is to be able to use the timeline feature on all my photos at once, so I want to get all of the photos into the All Pictures smart collection.
Using external tools to automate PaintShop Pro operations? Such as AutoHotkey, AutoIt, Macro Express Pro, etc? To do stuff that scripts can't?
Mine is an old version, PSP 8, but this issue probably applies to more recent ones.
None of these programs seem able to access PSP's image windows. They don't appear in the list of windows when using AutoIt v3 Window Info, for example, or AHK Window Info 1.7. If there's some way to work with these 'child' windows.
This is a strange thing : I have PSP X5 under my computer for about one year, and this morning it does not start when I click on PSP icon. When I look at the process monitoring, the exe appears and disappears 3 seconds later. I tried the restore database, nothing changed. I tried to rename the database file, no more success.
I upgraded to PaintShop Pro X4 from PSP v9.0 and I noticed images are not opened in their own separate windows anymore? I need the ability to open an image in its own window and drag it around the workspace ...how to enable this in PSPX4 ??
How to view psp images in Windows Explorer (I have Windows 7 - 64 bit)? When I am in PSP X3 I open my files by going to "file" then "open". I get the standard psp icon instead of the actual pic view. PSD and PNG files show up, PSP images do not.
I do not like using the pic display at the bottom of my screen. I want the largest workspace possible.
When I pull up the levels windows both are black. If I reduce the image in the windows, I get a small black square. I have used this feature on various versions for years.
I have been trying to download CS6 on my Windows 7 laptop, but I keep getting the same error message. "(Error 101) Check for available disk space on your system and try downloading the product again."
So, ultimately my question is, how much space is needed to download CS6?
According to URL....I should be able to sample a color from the desktop. This doesn't work when I try to capture a color from a web page displayed in IE 10 (desktop mode).
It does work with Chrome, and I suspect other browsers as well (haven't the time to try them all).
The title just about says it all. I usually edit in Full Editor mode, but normally there is an Explorer-like ribbon running across the bottom, much like the one in Express Lab. I opened PSP ProX3 today and it was gone. I'm guessing it disappeared when i did some editing for my daughter in a non-standard (for me) mode.
How do I get it back? I swear I have hunted and even RTFM'd.
I just downloaded the windows 8 preview and I’m trying to download AutoCAD 2012 put I keep getting an error during the instillation so it’s not downloading.
I would like to have a more broad font selection on Paint.Net, and after doing a little research here, I've come to understand that I need to download the font, and then unzip it. How to do that.
note, my computer has Windows 8. I'm sure that doesn't change much, but the translation might be a little funky.
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?
I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.
Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?
Search bar is returning zero results, and google did me no better..I am having trouble with images saved in 8-bit bmp format from paint.net not rendering properly with software that requires a 'windows format bmp' file.