As I was cropping this image from a black background (not layered), I forgot to crop a single column of black pixels. However, I almost missed it, because the canvas always has a small shadow, for the simple purpose of looks. Is there any way to turn this off?
Whenever I start Paint.NET, I always see a blank canvas ready for me to be drawn. I thought of changing the settings/preferences for Paint.NET to turn off the "Create canvas upon startup." I have failed to find a Settings/Preferences menu.
How do I turn off "Create a new canvas upon startup" for Paint.NET?
When I place a .psd picture in INDD 5.5 and do a drop shadow, the resulting pdf shows the outline of the canvas as a thin line. It doesn't show when the picture has no shadow. How can I get rid of the lines?
I often have the need to remove the drop shadow effect. Currently what I do is to "Break Drop Shadow Group Apart" then delete it from object manager. However with other effects such as Transparency, I can simply set the Effect to None. Can this be done with Drop Shadow?
When I turn on shadow or realistic mode in 3ds max my model disappears, but it will show in wireframe. How can I fix this? to see it in realistic I have to render it and it comes out fine.
So I have successfully used the drop shadow effect in PSE 6.
But I can't figure out how to disengage this effect. I started using the clone stamp tool after I was done with drop shadow, and now all of my clone stamps have drop shadows!
I don't want no more drop shadow. How do I get it to stop? I've looked and looked and don't see anything obvious.
I am trying to turn an icon into a transparent icon. The icon has a shadow layer in gray scale.
I can set the shadow layer to multiply and put a colored layer under it and have the shadow appear properly, but when I try to put it over a transparent background, Photoshop turns the white pixels in the shadow visible. How can I get it to treat the layer as a black layer with different degrees of transparency?
When I turn on shadow I just get a square under the part that I modeled. If I turn on ray tracing I get a detailed shadow but then I have to wait a minute or two every time i move the model. In the video tutorial it seems that the guy has a good shadow with no raytracing.
I cant find the drop shadow plugin download link. I also need downloading it. What is the download link for the drop shadow plugin, I need it for a project.
I'm trying to make a texture for a build in second life and the item came with a premade shadow map texture.. I want to merge it to a texture I will create in paint but I don't know how. I thought maybe there was a plug in for it but I cant find any information on the web.
I've been using PSP for a long time now (fisrtly PSP7 and now PSP9) and I wanted to buy the new version PSPX4. I downloaded the free-trial version and I saw that it is impossible to generate files bigger than 10'000x10'000 pixels. In the canvas size menu, it's impossible to give a higher number. The problem is that a made bigger files with PSP9 and I'd like to keep on working on it without resizing them.
So my question is : Is it only a limitation of the trial version or is it simply impossible to work with bigger images than 10k x 10k ? I hope there is a simple solution because PSP9 encounters some problems with Win7...
I like quite a bit more than Gimp. I do, however, like the Single Window Mode in Gimp, allowing me to tab my windows together, then lock the cluster to the side. It doesn't cover the image, either.
I was just wondering if there is a plug in that would emulate something similar for I can't stand constantly moving my windows around based on the size of my image. It drives me up a wall. Even something to restrict the size of the canvas, so it can't go under the windows would work.
If I paste an image which is larger than the canvas size, a part of the pasted image will be outside the canvas. How can I resize the canvas so it will reveal only the image outside the canvas but no extra white space is shown.
By using the built in "Resize canvas" function, there is a lot of trial and error involved.
I have pdn file that has multiple layers so when I go to the one I want to copy to another canvas entirely, I used the lasso selection tool and copy.
Well, it did but what it copied was a blank lasso with the nubs around it. I think (I was just trying any and everything to get it to copy the image not a blank.) I think! I made a duplicate layer and then it showed up.
Is that the way to transfer one layer's image into another canvas? Or is there a surer and easier way.
ONLY--now when I go to the layer I made the original changes on in Text, it refuses to let me type new ones. The little symbol shows up and the long line for text size and placement, but it will not take the text.
My mentor who is out of pocket right now--hey you know who you are!--said I should try using esc because I probably had a selection hanging around. So I did--and did--and did. Even used ctrl z a few times thrown in! No luck.
I did manage to "fool" pdn enough to copy and post one of the text pieces I need, but no more. It's on to me.
I don't want to post a scrnshot because I don't want this particular thing on a public site like Photobucket. With my mentor we've been able to use email and attachments.
why the text tool won't work beyond placement and flashing vertical line.
using Paint for a few months with great results, but i'm having problems trying to get font sizes to fit a page i.e.A4, i set the canvas size dpi etc, but can't get for example the the letter H in Stencil font to fit to the page without selecting it and stretching it manually which makes it not look correct, the font size won't go past 288.
This bug has always been in PSP. for as long as i can remember. but in previous versions it just sent it bananas. in this version it can cause a full crash and lock up.
If you have no layer below the one currently selected, for example you only have one raster layer (put something in this layer suitable for drop shadow,) and you select 3D effects -> drop shadow with 'shadow on new layer' selected every time you adjust one of the shadow parameters it creates a new layer. so you can end up with dozens of new layers. seems like part of the routine is to renew the process every time a parameter is adjusted but the logic that removes the layer doesn't work when the source is at the bottom.
new to X4 is that if my system is under high cpu utilization it just completely crashes. probably the method by which it allocates the new memory to new layers is timing out.
drop shadow plug-in?I know how to create drop shadow effects without the plug-in, but I'm trying to use the plug-in and am having no success.
1. I open 3.5.10 and click the NEW button, then click OK in the New dialog box.
2. I create some plain text. I am using Arial 26 font and solid black color. The Layers window has one layer named Background.
3. I open up the Drop Shadow plug-in and just mess around with it, but nothing happens.
I have a feeling I'm missing a step in between steps 2 and 3. Do I need to duplicate the layer, or add a new layer? If I do, what do I have to do once the second layer is created?
How do you use the drop shadow plugin on your images? I would like to make elements stand out, how do I make it to do so? Do I have to magic wand the image I want to stand out?