Paint.NET :: Website Screenshot / Screenprint Only Saves As Word Doc
May 26, 2012
I have just joined and installed earlier this week.
Well my title is what it says, I got a picture from a website via Screenshot/Screenprint and it will not save in your picture app feature, it keeps saving as a word app which I had first printed the Screenshot/Screenprint to.
Would I be better Screenshot/Screenprinting direct from the webpage, I wouldn't want to lose this perfect picture.
(As i did i saved the PSD to DDS) so what will i do. SO this is the one i made I don't know why it look like that but the original picture is like this [URL]...........
I have taken a screenshot of a dialog in Windows and I want to manipulate it so that one of the controls on the dialog is highlighted. One effect that I have seen other screenshots take is to darken most of the screenshot, leaving the control to which the viewer's attention should be drawn in its original color. The image at [URL] .... is close to the effect I want to achieve -- darken some areas of the screenshot and leave other areas in their original color, thereby bringing attention to the undarkened areas.
How might I acheive this effect in Paint.NET? I am new to the app, so feel free to point me to tutorials if I need to learn about layers or some other aspects of the app.
I wish to make a convincing screenprint effect, with the look of various inks overprinting one another.
I am importing vector shapes into photoshop, changing the hues, and then setting each layer on "multiply".
As they are, these shapes are too clean edged, and of even colour consistency, to look like a convincing screenprint.
How might I be able to increase the realism of the effect I am trying to acheive? (apart from actually screenprinting the design!) By what means can I mimic the various imperfections of a screenprinting process?
I created my first project that consists of 4 layers and saved it! However, when I tried to paste it into a Word doc only the background layer (a photo) shows up without the other 3 layers containing writing.
While using a word, is there a way to write text using different colors within the same word ? When I attempt to change the color, it changes the color of the whole text.
I use Paint.Net a lot to create images for Word. So I save in .jpg org .png. And everytime I save my work (which contains layers), Paint.Net asks if I want to flatten it.
Add an "Remeber my selection" check-box, or auto-flatten the image. I think, after seeing that dialog-box for 100x times, you know that there will be no layers afterwards.
Alternatively, you could add a command "Save As Copy..." which doesn't ask for flattening, and will not change the currently active image. (This solution would not require you internally keep track of the user choices.)
it's possible to copy and paste form Word and keep the formatting. I've tired using the text tool but the formatting is lost and I've tried direct pasting but it results in a huge size. Resizing the result leaves the print blurry.
I'm trying to add formatted text to an image size of 490 x 680.
I have a number of textures of marble, stone, rock... much of which I use in construction projects within Second Life where I am a Builder.
I have a small project in the works to produce a stone structure; that has some text engraved into the stone. I have the text typed up in MS Word. But when I copy/paste that into; there is no left/right/center alignment; and the text has no 'word wrap'... it just pastes it all as one single reeealllllly long single spaced line... like there is no bounding box to contain it. Further more, I am not sure how I could make it appear as though it were 'engraved' ...
Now I do know how to make/add Layers... I use often to manipulate many of my existing Second Life textures that I buy from within Second Life, and upload onto my computer to 'tweak' them. Sometimes I'll add an alpha transparency layer of Spanish Moss to a Stone Wall, for example, then re-upload that back into SL.. and I now have a building with stone walls, and spanish moss hanging over the walls to give it more unique look.
I know I can create a "layer" of Text, that can then be added over a stone or marble texture image...But I can't figure out how to get that text to wrap or center, or appear engraved
How would I acquire these features, is there a plugin that does all this for text?
I want to make a "favicon" for my web site, and was wondering if Paint.Net does anything along that line, such as converting an image to .ico format.
Favicon stands for Favorites Icon. If you look in your Bookmarks or Favorites section of your web browser, you will see a customized icon next to the listing for a site. That's a Favicon.
I find that this works well when incorporating the image into another picture on Paint.Net, but when I try to post the image on another website, such as a blog, the background is no longer invisible but white again.
How to export the .dwg file to Microsoft WORD as a base/background for further word processing on top? Is there any direct way to convert the file that can use in WORD?
Recently, had to stop using Corel PhotoImpact, since Corel stopped supporting it. Switched to PaintShop Pro X4
Running Win 7 64 bit, Office 2007
I have to repeatedly copy and paste from PaintShop Pro X4 into Word 2007.
When I choose the default paste, the pictures are fuzzy in Word
1) this is not a problem with other programs, such as Irfranview, as the source, instead of PaintShop Pro X4.
2) if choose "Paste Special" in Word-->bitmap, pictures are sharp. It is the default paste that is the problem.
3) I do not want to have to use "Paste Special" all the time
This is rather odd, to say the least. Why should the same image captured by the Windows clipboard from PaintShop Pro X4 vs Irfranview behave differently when pasted into Word 2007?
I'm using Paintshop Pro X4 to create images. As these Images are for printing, I need JPG and CMYK. Therefore I use a Internet page called
But as I upload my files, the dpi is set up from 300 to soething unbelivable high. The Pixel stay the same and so the image gets verry small. If I save them with the old Paintshop Pro 8 I do still have on my Computer, it works perfectly.
So I think, the new Paintshopversion does save a watermark or anything similar on the file and the website can't work with that. How can I fix that??
I'm trying to center a logo for a website header. Unfortunately, the website builder I'm using won't let me center my image (or I can't figure it out).
The jpeg I want to center is 331x250. I need to center it in a 1000 pixel horizontal space and 331 vertical. I thought I could put the image on top of a white background/image at 1000x331px and center it.
Seems like Layers is what I need, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've watched the tutorial on Layers and am still lost.
how to blur the images for a client website..What I have done is to take 2 images and put them alongside each other, but I need to blur the area where they join to make the join look less severe.Also, I need to blur the complete outer edge of the whole image as well.
I have this videofile, it opens in Windows Media Player. What I want to do is get a screenshot, but somehow something weird happens. When I press Print Screen, open a new file in CS 2, and then paste, it all seems to work fine. But then when I move the image around on my desktop, the screenshot does not move with it. When I save it as a .jpg and then re-open it, the peripherals of the screenshot, like my toolbar and the Windows Media Player frame, are preserved, but the actual screenshot is not visible.
I've had this problem a while. At first, I thought it was Windows, but the problem only happens in Photoshop.
I get a screenshot of a dialog box using alt+PrtScr. This gets just the dialog box and not the surrounding images.
Next, I go into Photoshop and create a new document (ctrl-n). This brings up the dialog and sets the preset to Clipboard and the dimensions are properly set, so I go ahead and create the empty document.
Next, I paste (ctrl-v) the image into the document. The left part of the image (not sure how many pixels) should actually be on the right. I can cut them off one end and paste it on the other, but this eats up a lot of time when you need to create several images.
This does not happen in MS Word or Adobe Illustrator. Only Photoshop. I would like to get this fixed because it is much more efficient in Photoshop (if it works correctly) than in Illustrator.
Environment: Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit), Photoshop CC
I've tried to show you the difference in color with this screenshot, but saving the screenshot changed the color too, so if you input the hex code you'll see that the colors you get are different than what was actually in the screenshot. Point is, Photoshop is tinting my images greener than I want. It does it when I use Save As and Save For Web.
I have Google Earth screen shot saved as a .jpg. I would like to set the scale. I know it will be crude. I have a tractor trailer that is 8.6 ft wide in the image. I'm trying to get a rough scale to add in a turf area to show folks what it will look like.
I'm starting to get pretty good at Action Scripts... the tough part I find is making it full-proof. Unselecting and re selecting layers to make sure everything works smoothly.
Here's an action script I did recently, Putting whatever image or screenshot you want onto a pair of iPhone 5s. Complete with glare and everything. Let me know what you think of the script! you can download it here:
I used these commands years ago and cant remember what they are. I am designing furniture in 3D and want to view the object at SE Isometric, then rotate an additional 18 degrees, then take a screenshot that will basically give me a block that is a line drawing of the object with lines hidden. This is a question with two parts:
#1: How do I rotate from SE Isometric 18 degrees to get the view angle I want?
#2: How do I take a screenshot of the object that will produce a block with hidden lines?
There are two seperate commands for each of these, I just can't remember what they are.
Attached is a picture of the final product I'm looking for.
I just took a screenshot of this movie playing in WMP. Then I pasted it into Photoshop. Now.. when I move it around, it only moves the top part: WMP, my desktop etc.. But the movie part stays in the same spot. The samething happens when I zoom in, it doesn't get any bigger. I can't get the part with the movie though. I saved it as bmp and jpg but it doesn't show up..