I have this videofile, it opens in Windows Media Player. What I want to do is get a screenshot, but somehow something weird happens. When I press Print Screen, open a new file in CS 2, and then paste, it all seems to work fine. But then when I move the image around on my desktop, the screenshot does not move with it. When I save it as a .jpg and then re-open it, the peripherals of the screenshot, like my toolbar and the Windows Media Player frame, are preserved, but the actual screenshot is not visible.
I've had this problem a while. At first, I thought it was Windows, but the problem only happens in Photoshop.
I get a screenshot of a dialog box using alt+PrtScr. This gets just the dialog box and not the surrounding images.
Next, I go into Photoshop and create a new document (ctrl-n). This brings up the dialog and sets the preset to Clipboard and the dimensions are properly set, so I go ahead and create the empty document.
Next, I paste (ctrl-v) the image into the document. The left part of the image (not sure how many pixels) should actually be on the right. I can cut them off one end and paste it on the other, but this eats up a lot of time when you need to create several images.
This does not happen in MS Word or Adobe Illustrator. Only Photoshop. I would like to get this fixed because it is much more efficient in Photoshop (if it works correctly) than in Illustrator.
Environment: Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit), Photoshop CC
I've tried to show you the difference in color with this screenshot, but saving the screenshot changed the color too, so if you input the hex code you'll see that the colors you get are different than what was actually in the screenshot. Point is, Photoshop is tinting my images greener than I want. It does it when I use Save As and Save For Web.
I have Google Earth screen shot saved as a .jpg. I would like to set the scale. I know it will be crude. I have a tractor trailer that is 8.6 ft wide in the image. I'm trying to get a rough scale to add in a turf area to show folks what it will look like.
I'm starting to get pretty good at Action Scripts... the tough part I find is making it full-proof. Unselecting and re selecting layers to make sure everything works smoothly.
Here's an action script I did recently, Putting whatever image or screenshot you want onto a pair of iPhone 5s. Complete with glare and everything. Let me know what you think of the script! you can download it here:
I just took a screenshot of this movie playing in WMP. Then I pasted it into Photoshop. Now.. when I move it around, it only moves the top part: WMP, my desktop etc.. But the movie part stays in the same spot. The samething happens when I zoom in, it doesn't get any bigger. I can't get the part with the movie though. I saved it as bmp and jpg but it doesn't show up..
I noticed that the history brush screenshot taken from the fly-out menu (instead of from the camera icon at the bottom of palette) doesn't work. History brush only works if you use the camera icon at the bottom of the history pallette and then select "current layer" for your snapshot from the drop down menu which shows up after you press the camera icon.
(As i did i saved the PSD to DDS) so what will i do. SO this is the one i made I don't know why it look like that but the original picture is like this [URL]...........
I have taken a screenshot of a dialog in Windows and I want to manipulate it so that one of the controls on the dialog is highlighted. One effect that I have seen other screenshots take is to darken most of the screenshot, leaving the control to which the viewer's attention should be drawn in its original color. The image at [URL] .... is close to the effect I want to achieve -- darken some areas of the screenshot and leave other areas in their original color, thereby bringing attention to the undarkened areas.
How might I acheive this effect in Paint.NET? I am new to the app, so feel free to point me to tutorials if I need to learn about layers or some other aspects of the app.
I used these commands years ago and cant remember what they are. I am designing furniture in 3D and want to view the object at SE Isometric, then rotate an additional 18 degrees, then take a screenshot that will basically give me a block that is a line drawing of the object with lines hidden. This is a question with two parts:
#1: How do I rotate from SE Isometric 18 degrees to get the view angle I want?
#2: How do I take a screenshot of the object that will produce a block with hidden lines?
There are two seperate commands for each of these, I just can't remember what they are.
Attached is a picture of the final product I'm looking for.
A copy whichever version of Xtreme was the last one before the flyout buttons, copy of the default toolbars?
I've used Xtreme Pro v6 since it was released with just the pointless 3D and Live Effect buttons removed from the toolbar, and always mean to get round to putting the other buttons back as they were but always seem to be too busy. I particularly dislike the gallery flyout buttons and can never find the bitmap and name gallery without spending 10 seconds or so looking for it.
Installing Xtreme Pro v7 is the prompt I needed to get the toolbars sorted out once and for all. I'm sure I can work more quickly if the buttons are where I'm used to, but just as with the keyboard I can type very quickly so instinctively know where the keys are, but couldn't write the keys in order if my life depended on it!
I am trying to draw on a screen shot from Google Earth. The image has a scale legend that has a measure line that is "80ft". I try to do a scale>reference to make my line equal 80 ft but instead the line I create is "2.75 inches". So I am trying to create a scale that equals what my screen shot is.
I have just joined and installed Paint.net earlier this week.
Well my title is what it says, I got a picture from a website via Screenshot/Screenprint and it will not save in your picture app feature, it keeps saving as a word app which I had first printed the Screenshot/Screenprint to.
Would I be better Screenshot/Screenprinting direct from the webpage, I wouldn't want to lose this perfect picture.
If I use 2 monitors to display 1 image with the image extending from one monitor into and across the second monitor, can I make a screen shot of the entire image without any break in the middle where it crosses from one monitor to the other? Will it be one continuous screenshot of the entire image, even though the image is displayed on 2 monitors?
I started to get this strange error with my Photoshop when making a new document in Photoshop and got the following error: "cannot initiate Photoshop because Photoshop cannot create any more windows".
I thought the easiest thing to do would be to reinstall (Photoshop needs reinstalling extremely often unfortunately), but now when I try and open the program it just give an alert beep and closes back up. Even though I rarely use ImageReady, I opened that up to check and it does the same behavior.
Can anyone tell me what color settings I need to set in photoshop in order to avoid this from happening? It only happens once in a while and I don't know what I've done to fix it or screw it up. What happens is that when I'm in photoshop and I do a "save for web" my document jumps to image ready and when viewing '2 up' for optimization purposes and comparison, I realize that the original view is actually duller in color and does not look like the original in photoshop. The blacks are definitely not as black.
when I got my first Macintosh IICX and all of my MacPaint clip art. I don't want to get rid of the clip art because since I'm still using a black ink printer and not upgrading to a color one, the clip art looks nice in newsletters and the like.
Up until this time I had been using SuperPaint which had the New Superbits editing plug-in to refine the pictures so they had the smoother and cleaner lines instead of looking jagged. With my new computer and printer, I'm also getting Photoshop CS packaged with Adobe Creative Suite Premium, which I have never used before. Since I have not received my order yet, I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether Photoshop has the capability of improving the older MacPaint clip art like SuperPaint did with the New SuperBits editing plug-in. Over the past two days, I have been trying like crazy to back-up my pictures with SuperPaint and then re-saving them with Graphic Converter. It's been so incredibly slow that I thought I would go ahead and ask you, the experts, if Photoshop can also improve the quality of my older MacPaint clip art or if I should continue to back-up my clip art like I have been doing.
I have just got back from the Elbow gig and pulled the images off the card. They load up in Bridge but don't have actual picture thumbnails. They are named correctly, ie: IMG_3483.CR2 but they won't open!? Error message says 'Could not complete your request because Photoshop does not recognise this type of file'
I could see them on the back of the camera.
mac users... i did a software update the other day and I noticed that there was an update for ACR. Could it have been something to do with that? And why can't I find ACR in my Applications?
I use Photoshop Elements 11. I am trying to upload photos to a website and the browse only goes to Windows/Pictures. How do I navigate to photoshop to upload pictures there?
of Adobe Photoshop v6.0.1 (quite old, I know, but it do all I want and on my old HW I did not plan/want to use any more recent version, because they are HUGE and with just a little preferences trick, I did not need to reinstall my PS - ever ), yet as Czech user, I need my software to type some special characters as well. These are looking like this:
Now the only problem is, that some of them PS just refuse to type. Seven small and seven caps are just wrong. See the line "for PS:"...
I battled the problem even by editing the fonts itsels, because that seems to work with Adobe Illustrator, yet this also cause the edited fonts to be useless in another programs. So I looked deeply and in the Adobe settings in directory Fonts / Reqrd are directory CMaps and perhaps editing the character map used will be better and usable solution? how to do it or even determine with file from the 96 files in the CMaps directory are right now used by Adobe Photoshop?
Everytime I open my CS6, it always show " Could not initialize Photoshop because the preferences file was invalid (it has been deleted)" I reinstalled it but it is still popping out.
when I try to save a tagra file with a alpha channel in photoshop 7 the box for the alpha channel is greyed out, with an warning sign next to it, and the line below stating "file must be saved as a copy with this selection" When I examine the saved file the alpha channel is not there!
Has anybody got any idea why?
My old version of photoshop 6, allows you to save alpha channels!
the soft edge feature of the eraser and the brush no longer work. I can go into the pallet and choose a soft edge eraser or brush, but it comes up hard edge. When I try to use the marquee box with a feather to get a soft edge, I again get a hard edge. I've used this technique a lot, so I think I'm doing the method properly. I have removed the preference files a number of times and have trashed the old Photoshop and reinstalled Photoshop 3 or 4 times,
I am working on someone elses computer and the Software settings are different. The old owner does not use this computer anymore. The swatches are set and I would like it to function how it usually does, etc. I mean, even the transparent swatch on the tool bar is not there anymore, so when I use the pen path tool, I get these white and black fills which makes it difficult for me to see the path I am meant to be following.
How do I reset Photoshop so that I can customise it the way I want it? Reinstalling the softwares is not an option.
I would like to reset Illustrator, Indesign, Dreamweaver, etc.
I'm having trouble with my zoom tool. If I have multiple Photoshop windows open, when I go to either zoom in or out of the top window... ALL the other windows mirror what's happening to the top window.
I am having in Photoshop CS2. I have had CS2 for over 2 years and have never had this problem. I am not able to open Photoshop CS2. I am getting a message that reads "Could not initialize Photoshop because a required resources text file is missing. It goes through a series of " could not load default contours, styles, custom shaphes because the file could not be found" before getting to the "initialize" window.
I scanned a picture on Microtek scanner and was tranfering it to photoshop when I saw photoshop embeded profile mismatch that has use the emdeed profile or covert document's color in the working space or discard the emdeed profile. which embeded profile do you use for the photos? I attached the shot of the embeed profile from photoshop.
After scanning and opening a paper doc in Photoshop the image is distorted- ie its because i usually scan photographs for manipulation, i know this is due to scanner settings but i don't know how to change them there.