Paint.NET :: Plugin That Can Invert Positive / Negative Space With Transparency
Jun 18, 2012
I need a plugin that can invert positive and negative space with transparency.
Example: I have a filled square in the middle of a transparent image. I use the plugin, and the square is now transparent, where as the originally transparent space is now filled.
Visual example:
Of course, I need this to do more complex shapes. Also notice the blur is accounted for.
I can scan and preview an b/w negative but it will not show up on the work screen after being scaned. I can scan a b/w neg and then reverse it to a positive for printing !!!!!!
I am photographing 2 1/4 negatives with a CANON 50D and macro lens. Then in Photoshop CS3 I was looking for the filter to convert the negative film file into a positive file so I can work on it with Adobe and then print in on my Canon printer.. I have tried to sample the orange base color and take that out and then invert and then increased the contrast curve.
I have just scanned a color negative into photoshop and lo and behold it comes up on screen as a color negative. How do i now convert it to a positive so that I can work with it.?
I have created a column graph with a large amount of data. I would like to apply two different colors to the positive and negative columns. Whenever I click on a column and go to object>graph> the column section is unavailable. I checked to see if the graph had become ungrouped, even though I never selected it. If I select the graph as a whole it does not say ungrouped. When I select a column the ungroup tab is greyed out. Does that mean my columns are ungrouped?
I want to image trace this photo to create logo. However the way the logo will be applied means that there can be no negative space less than .35mm or 1pt or the heat transfer will have them blend together.
How can I image trace while maintain all spaces (both positive and negative) are atleast 1pt sq?
I am analyzing a culvert in a tidal zone which has an outlet invert level below the normal tidal range. The invert level of the culvert outlet is -0.520m, however Hydra flow Express Culverts will not allow a negative invert elevation to be entered.
I have photographed some colour negatives in RAW. Any outline of a process as to how to convert these to positives using Lightroom v5. I have tried and failed!
Adding strokes to an object, often text (in this case outlined/expanded text), and there develops little unsightly "negative space shapes".
The white stroke has an Offset Path added to it.
How to dynamically rid an object of these? Tried drawing little paths over them, grouping them with the compound text path and using Pathfinder > Add effect . . . but nope.
The workarounds are obvious -
1) Expand everything, delete the unwanted bits. 2) Draw solid paths over the negative spaces that match the bg, like the pic below:
Like in a Circle I need to make the compound path the inner area or negative space of my objects. I have expanded letters and joined their paths so that there are negative space, I was wondering if it were possible to fill in the negative space with a clipping mask? (like one would with an object like a circle or rectangle) The letter that I am using is an A and I have connected two A's together like a diamond reflecting each other... Is it possible to create a clipping mask to cover the negative space of the inside of the letters...?
I can't see the transparency of my hatches in model space ... but they show up in print preview ... Is there a system setting somewhere that will let me see the transparency in model space too?
In the older versions adjusting the settings to negative numbers was as easy as highliting the text, clicking on the lead button and entering -0.075 Now, I can't adjust to negative line spacing.
I have a grid set up. say 10X10 each. I then fill in each square of the grid. I get rid of the grid, left with 10X 10 squares next to each other separated by 1 pixel then I do an outline to quickly get rid of the spaces between each square.
Now I I have 12 pixel wide line, now I would like to do an Inline (negative outline) to reduce the line back down to 10 pixel (or less ) wide line.
Since it is not exactly a straight line, but rather than a zig zaging line I can't exactly use the pixel selection tool.
I have downloaded and extracted dpy's pack in order to use the perspective tool to correct converging verticals. When I click on Effects > Distort there is a 20+ list but none for perspective. I am a Newbie and have successfully downloaded and used Madjic's pack to create a grid. What have I done or not done?
Is there a plugin that can take an image and kind of break it down if you will? Like when you see a "Dirty" font, it's like a regular font that has cracks and holes in it that gives it a broken down, grungy type of feel, is there a plugin or an effect for that, or even just a simple way of doing it?
I am currently texturing for a game called Morrowind, for my own personal use, but i noticed some of the texture which i need to acess are saved in a file called .DDS and I saw one plugin for it but I couldnt figure out how to install it.
OK, my friend has an iPhone and he has a photo program that let's you select a color (such as red) and take a photo. When it comes out, everything that is normally red will be red, but anything else will be gray (b&w)
Is there a plugin that will allow you to do a post-processing to a photo like this?
I try to install my NeatImage v6.1 Pro+ Plugin (32 bits version, the only available) on my Corel PSP X6 ultimate (64 bits), as I previously used an old Photoshop version.
So I have placed the "Neatimage.8BF" file into the C:program Files(x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X6PlugInsFRNeatimage directory, but when I start X6 64 bits, the Neatimage plugin does not appear in the "plugins / external Modules" menu list.
Of course the "Perfectly Clear" plugin, provided with X6, that is located in the "C:program Files(x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X6PlugInsFRPerfectlyClearforPSP" directory appears and is operationnel.
BUT I see the Neatimage plugins in the 32 bits version of PSP X6, so maybe the plugin is not installed in the apropriate directory ?
How I could get Neatimage working with X6-64 ? (I run W7 Pro-64bits).