how are these things done? Those pretty rays of super bright light behind an object. Been looking for tute but cant find something that can explain step by step.
I'm trying to make an object glow and I want to have small rays of light coming off it. The effect I want is something much like a tirquoid glowing aura surrounding objects of complex shape, similar to the blue glow around characters from Star Wars when they die and come back in ghost form (like Obe-one). I can get the glow effect by selecting the brush tool, setting the size to about 9, setting opacity to 50%, and tracing over the object. What I'd like to do on top of that is create rays of light coming off the object. I don't want them coming off exactly straight or from a central point, but more scattered and random, and not very long either, such that the end effect looks more like fuzz rather than streaks of light. How can I do this?
I have been messign with CC Lightrays in After Effects 5.5 and im using it by adding keyframes to lower and up the intensity back and fourth to make it look like the light is moving. My question is though, How can i get it so that the source of the rays is off screen yet fills the screen with its rays? Because the more you drag the source light off screen, the more it makes a cone chape of light. Also, i wanted to know how i can make the rays coming at me when im facing the camera. I have a shot where im looking at the camera and i want it to look like i'm looking into the light rays and i'm also surrounded by it.
To be precise, I mean light rays coming from dj player and if you notice there is blue foggy impression on t shirt , How these things can be made in Corel Draw X4?
I'm trying to assign a motion path to the light rays effect on one of my layers but i can't seem to find a way to do it and google has turned up nothing. the problem is the effect needs to be on a certain layer in order to make the effect look right but i don't want the layer to move i only want to affect the centre point of the effect. i can assign key frames and animate it to move in straight lines but i need it to move in a curve and there seems to be no way to alter the motion path or assign it to one on a null layer.
I'm trying to create a "blue glow/light rays" around an image of the planet Earth and I can't just seem to make it look realistic like this image here:
How to do this technique? You can find a planet earth image by searching for NASA BLUE MARBLE and it's free.
I dont have it in my custom shapes and was wondering if i would be able to download it from some where.... anybody know where? need the radial blur like in this background.
I am attempting to build a facsimilie enigma machine, I would like to know how best to create an effect so that when a key is pressed a corresponding letter appears to light up. Btw I am not looking for an animated image, I can take care of the transitions between on and off, I just need to create the two image states.
I appear to be missing Light Effects plugin. It wold be in Filter-Render-Light Effects. I have Photoshop CS5 ver.12.0.0 64 bit. where can I get this plugin?
The closer I got to the same look was to create a brush with the size of 1 pixel and 500% spacing, but it's still a bit slow to get even a small area looking like it's been sprayed. Plus, in the end my pattern looks too regular, not very natural. Here is part of the image whose look I'm trying to recreate (400% and 100%).
How to compare two similar solid model and found where its differetiate is, and how to compare two similar drawing let say rev.1 to rev.2 and found where its differentiate is?
I'm need a Gradient Map tool. If you're in Photoshop Elements 9, click on Filter - Adjustments - Gradient Map.
That's the tool I'm looking for. I downloaded a few plugins for Paint but one was too old and didn't work and the other one just did an overlay.
I use this tool a lot and really can't make the switch without it. Is there an updated plugin that I couldn't find? Is it built in and I'm not seeing it?
A vector editor/maker similar to the UI of PDN? I always liked the simplicity that PDN offers while being able to create stunning works, but I'm working on some flash movies and have been told vector images are the way to go.
I have an awesome photo .......except that there was a spotlight pointing in my direction as I took it. The result is a glare. Otherwise the pic is a classic chiaroscuro cityscape.
I know it cannot be totally removed, but is there a way its effect can be reduced almost unnoticeably. I tried -Adjustments: brightness/contrast- but reducing either just created a grey blot with a distinct "border".
Is there another PAINT.NET trick of the trade similar to "redeye removal" that can disguise these glares please, because I am sure this comes up quite often?
Reference tutorial=> Remove Photo Backgrounds with the Background Eraser {URL]
a) I follow the tutorial above to remove backgrounds. However, the background has similar color than picture (in this case "white" - picture attached - FIG_2). So, when I use "background eraser" tool, it erase part of my picture as well. So, how to handle it properly?
b) The tutorial was usefull to other image that has different backgound color (FIG_3 attached). But using other software (Gimp) I could just take the transparency index (color=> color to alfa) with "one click" without the request of erase background manually. So, is there any similar way to do it easily in Paint Shop?
I need to remove a picture of a horse in the background and replace it with a picture of a fence similar to the rest of the picture. I know how to erase the image using the lasso tool and the magic wand. How do I clone part of the background to replace the erased image and then blend the two pictures together?
how do you light and blend with, are there any tutorials on lighting or blending? i know a little bit, but i'd like to watch a tutorial preferably using
I saw a very neat tutorial for spotlighting a photo in PS [URL]. I tried my darnedest to translate to PSP X4. I naturally went to the the menu bar in PSP, EFFECTS> ILLUMINATION >LIGHTS...
Basically, I can get the light everywhere but the actual area I want spotlighted.
I've got an image with two types of sand in it (light and dark), and I need to try and quantify the quantities of each for a project. Using the threshold tool seems to isolate the two (luminosity, black = 150), but I can't figure out how to tell how much of each color (white and black) there are.
I'm going through the list of plugins, but I'm not seeing anything (perhaps I don't know what to look for though).
Is it possible to create 'Light painting' or drawing, with PDN. Or is there perhaps a plugin that allows you to do that. Here are some examples of what Light Painting is [the images are too big so I just posted links]: [URL] .....
Since I'm from Photoshop and they have lighting effects, I'm wondering if I can make a light focus on one direct object, and the surrounding objects are blackened out a bit.
I have downloaded and extracted dpy's pack in order to use the perspective tool to correct converging verticals. When I click on Effects > Distort there is a 20+ list but none for perspective. I am a Newbie and have successfully downloaded and used Madjic's pack to create a grid. What have I done or not done?